Grade 8 - The Contender

Samuel M. ,Ridgway
8th Grade Summer Reading Project
By: Robert Lipsyte
Name - - - - - - - - -
Directions while completing this packet:
2. Write dark.
3. Read all questions first so you know what to
look out for.
3. USE complete sentences - this is an eighth
grade LAL project - show us you know how to
write in sentences.
4. PROOFREAD - or have someone else proofread
your answers.
Chapters 1 - 4
Background info: The author uses the neighborhoods of New York City
to give clues to the' characters' dreams and despairs. HARLEM is an
inner city neighborhood in upper Manhattan. QUEENS is a middle class
section of the city; a place where people who made something of
themselves moved.
How does the setting of the story add as a character in the story?
Could this story take place in any other setting? (Edgewater Park
maybe?) Relate the setting to the actions of at least three characters
in the novel.
1. What important piece of information does Alfred let slip in front of
Hollis and Major?
2. What kinds of feelings does Major has towards white people? Why
does the name Major suit him?
3. What kind of impression does Mr. Donatelli make on Alfred?
4. How does Alfred feel about James? What is the bond betw~en
5. How does Aunt Dorothy's home differ from Aunt Pearl's home?
VOCABULARY Chapters 1-4
=a small outside porch with stairs, in front of a house
Stench = an offens"ive smell
=a dense growth of shrubs or bushes
polished; charming
=to move in haste
1. The entrance to the cave was hidden behind a large rock, in front of
which stood a/an
of bushes.
2. Alfred felt a rat
over his arm as he
hid behind the garbage can to avoid the police.
3. Alfred sat on the top step of the
as he waited for James.
4. The warm June air was moist and saturated with the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of decaying garbage.
5. Alfred thought about approaching the young woman in his most
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and charming manner.
On the back of this page, make a personal connection. "It's the
climbing that makes a man. Getting to the top is an extra reward." Mr.
Chapters 5-8
1. How do Jake and Ben Epstein treat Alfred after the attempted
2. Who is Dr. Cory and what does he do?
3. Why does Mr. Donatelli save a ticket for Alfred?
4. In what way is Spoon the person Alfred wants to be?
5. In Chapter 8, what does Alfred's response to Major's treats tell you
about Alfred's changing self-concept?
Vocabulary CHAPTERS 5-8:
=being quick to understand or react
=a harsh, throaty sound
=an air powered drill used to
break pavement
Clench = to close tightly
Scowl = to wrinkle one's brows in a threatening way
1. The boxer let out a
each time
he punched the heavy bag.
2. Willie Streeter began to
his taped
fists in anger as the doctor treated his eye.
3. The fat-faced man at the ticket window started to
_ _ _ _ _ _ when Alfred asked for the tickets that Donatelli
had I"eft for him.
4. To show his importance, a boxer named Red threw a punch with the
force of a
at Bud's head.
5. The wise Dr. Corey was most impressed by Alfred's
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ because he remembered the dentist's name from
the sign.
The conflict is the:problem in the story. Sometimes the problem is
between two people; sometimes between a person and himself and
other times an outside force ie: a town vs. a tornado
This story produced many conflicts. Giving evidence from the story
tell about a conflict Alfred has with another person.
Alfred vs.
Tell about a conflict Alfred has with himself:
Tell about a conflict Alfred has with an outside force.
Alfred Ys.
If you were Alfred what do you think is your toughest personal test?
How would you handle this situation?
Chapters 9-13
1. What does Alfred Dream of doing with his money if he becomes
2. Why do you think Spoon spends so much of his time helping Alfred?
3. What has changed in Alfred's relationship with James?
4. How does Major get the car? Why does Major try to persuade
Alfred to join his group?
5. What does it mean to be a contender? Why is being a contender
something that "You have to do yourself"?
Vocabulary chapters 9-13
Sprint= to race at full speed for a short distance
Sprawling = awkwardly spread out
Stride= to walk with long steps
Amateur = an athlete who does not yet compete for money
Vault = to leap; to jump
1. As he begged James not to take heroin, Alfred passed out and fell
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the floor
2. In the park in the morning, Alfred would jog along the dirt paths and
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ across the deserted roadways.
3. Alfred boxed as a(n)
because he was
not yet eligible to turn professional.
4. James's growing drug habit came to mind as he quickened his pace
past the clubhouse.
5. Alfred Brooks twisted his right ankle when he tried to
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ over the door of the stolen car.
On the back write how you would respond to Alfred regarding his
involvement with the neighborhood boys (Major, Hollis, James etc.)
Chapters 14 - 17
1. What do you learn about Mr. Donatelli from the fact that he no
longer manages Willie Streeter? And how about the way he speaks to
Jelly about food?
2. Why does Mr. Donatelli say, "That's not enough", after Alfred wins
the match with Rivera?
3. What important specific information about Aunt Pearl as a young
girl does Alfred learn?
4. What do Uncle Wilson and Cousin Jeff represent within the family?
Why does Jeff encourage Alfred to become active in a community self­
help programs?
5. On the back write a letter from Aunt Pearl to Alfred about
accomplishing his dreams. You will be graded as though it is a friendly
letter - do not forget to include the components of a friendly letter.
Include evidence from the story.
Vocabulary 14-17 find the definition and complete the sentences.
Finesse =
=person who advises a boxer between rounds.
1. The derelict that Alfred heard
money was none other than James.
2. Alfred awoke when he heard the sound of a car horn
- - - - - - - beneath his window.
3. Alfred felt a ball of ice grow in his stomach, and his legs began to
quiver and
4. Mr. Donatelli was Alfred's
in the boxing ring.
5. The crowd, he realized, wanted to see blood, not a demonstration of
in the ring.
Chapters 18 - 20
1. Why does Mr. Donatelli want Alfred to quiz boxing?
2. Why does Alfred continue to fight?
3. Why does Henry buy the robe for Alfred? (be specific)
4. What does Alfred realize after his match with Hubbard?
5. What does Alfred mean when he says, "Don't worry about that,
James, I got plenty of blood for you."?
1. Although Alfred's heart was not always behind every punch, he could
give an opponent a good strong
2. Each one of Elston Hubbard's punches felt like a(n)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ hitting Alfred's weakened body
3. Alfred's third opponent, Barnes, fought rough and dirty in a(n)
4. Donatelli smeared yellow paste on Alfred's eyebrow to keep the cut
from becoming
5. The decision of the judges was
had won the fight.
As you already know, THEME is the moral or message of a novel or
short story. What do you believe the THEME to be of THE
CONTENDER? How can you relate this theme to your life? How can
you relate this theme to your upcoming eighth grade year?