STATE OF COLLEGE COMPUTING: Some of you might wonder what the Computing Services Department does for our college. To put it simply, we are here to serve you. Last year, a lot of you benefited from our services: DESKTOP SUPPORT TASKS BY DEPARTMENT 426 391 SUPPORT TASKS BY CATEGORY 254 246 203 177 84 67 Windows Devices, 850 Printers & Scanners 245 Supported and maintained college technical infrastructure and assets. These assets are serviced through six teams: web, servers, databases, desktop support, video, and design. Each of these teams is managed by one of four full-time employees and much of the work is performed by student employees. y ar n in w m no ng to n Se k og ol ci nk U fe or So Li W al So W as hi of ol ol ho Sc ho Sc ci e gy lo ily ho of Fa yc Ps m ry nc to ie is H Sc al ic g hy tin ap pu eo G om C SS gr s r ic te en om C on s ie ud St Fa m ily n’ FH es SS ic FH rv ce ffi O s Ec ic lin C Se ea D D es kt op ve si en S 22 20 r y te og en ol C d ed R eh s C om pr rle C C er hr en ic em er is ita te Monitors, 1200 H tC en Apple Devices, 250 m dv Websites, 134 A A O Databases, 57 ASSETS an eb n W ig es D s rs er ye Fl r al l te in st Po Pr or k st w ag et N im eR In e e e ov M ar dw ar ok lo ut H /E m ai l ar e er w So ft th O ar e eo yw id V Sp s/ iru V Department wide, we completed almost 5,000 support tasks Servers, 43 ge r 233 75 59 23 op 257 224 219 38 nt 51 ha 241 59 28 300 A 243 32 377 351 132 108 108 404 199 lit 738 Po 1111 Desktop support completed over 2,600 support tasks Provided support for teaching and learning throughout the college Extended Classrooms: These are classes that are taken online and off-campus. Students participate in class through video conferencing. Dr. Jenny Pulsipher has offered this approach for a semester abroad history class. Online Classes: Allow more students to take an online class that follows the semester class schedule (assignments, exams, etc.). American Heritage, Psychology, Sociology, and Social Work have all used this approach. Flipping classes: Students are expected to study materials outside of class and work on assignments during class (see teaching). Dr. Bruce Brown has used this approach in his classes. Support for the new BYU Learning Suite. Needless to say, we have been busy. More information about our services is located on our website at fhsscomputing.byu. edu. If you need a website, a database, data storage, hardware or software support, consulting services, design services, video services, or other technology needs, please call us at 422-7415. Thanks, Ken Millard Director, Computing Services Computer tip of the week: If your computer says “Printer out of Paper,” this problem cannot be solved by continuously clicking the OK button. DESKTOP SUPPORT UPDATES! Have you ever thought to yourself, “I wonder what in the world the Desktop Support guys/gals did during the summer when a lot of the students and faculty are gone”? Well you are in luck because I would like to briefly give you a heads up on a few things we worked on. This may interest you or it may just put you to sleep in which case you now have a good excuse when your boss finds you sleeping at your desk!! So here are a few items we did this summer: 1. Many of you have heard or seen Windows 8. This is Microsoft’s new operating system mainly build for tablet PC’s but will work with any windows computer. Windows 8 is very different from what you may be used to. We are currently testing and evaluating this new operating system to see how it would work with our environment and if all the software packages work properly. We are not ready to push this out to the college. My best guess would be that it won’t be pushed out anytime this year. If or when we move to this it will be slowly pushed out and individual training may have to be taken to help with the learning curve. 2. During the summer we were busy installing new computers. Both faculty/staff and lab computers need to get upgraded. This year we have about 8 labs that will be getting upgrades. There will be a total of 120 computers replaced in these various labs. We will have about 70-80 faculty and staff who are up for computer replacements. We started on these over the summer and will continue the process throughout the year. 3. The summer and fall periods are times when faculty, both new and old, need equipment moved from one room to another. We ask that you call us (2-7415 option 1) to have us move your computer equipment. When computers move we need to make a record of the move in our inventory and re-label the computers. 4. The last item you may want to know about is the physical inventory that needs to be done this year. It has been several years since my group has come around to all the offices and labs to verify equipment. It shouldn’t take too long to just come in and scan your computer equipment and verify that it is correctly in our system. This also gives us a chance to make any corrections and keep track of the enormous computer inventory this college has. As our customers, we are here to provide you the best service that we can. We may not know all the answers but we will do our best to help you get a computer related problem solved. - Gary Glade PURCHASING SITE: This fall, we will rollout a new computer request website. As you may know, the university generously allocates $1,300 for your computers. This system will help us track computer requests and stay within our budgets: Each Chair will review eligible candidates based on our four-year computer replacement cycle. Candidates who are approved to receive a new computer will receive an email asking them to select a new machine. Candidates will navigate to the website and select a computer. We are happy to help you choose the best machine for your needs. Some of these configurations cost more than $1,300 and will require justification. You will also have the opportunity to select when you want to receive your new computer. The department chair will review and approve or reject each request. If the approved system costs are greater than the department budget of $1,300/computer, we will ask for additional funding to cover the more expensive machines. There is no guarantee that we will receive that extra funding and adjustments may become necessary. After budget issues are resolved, Computing Services will contact candidates during their preferred timeframe and schedule the installation of the new computer. As always, please call Computing Services at 422-7415 if you have questions, issues, or suggestions! TEC PODIUMS OIT has recently changed the way that the TEC podiums work. They will no longer contain any software outside of what we call our Core Software, which includes Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Office, and a few other utilities. In order to meet the needs our faculty have for teaching specific software in the classrooms around campus, we have created a website that will allow you to run virtual versions of any software you need. If you run Internet Explorer (which I don’t usually recommend), and go to you will be able to log in and see a list of our virtual software, which currently includes the following titles: ArcMap 10.1 (SP1) Comprehensive Meta Analysis Mplus 7 SPSS 21 Amos 21 NVivo 10 Stata SE 13 Matlab R2012b Mathematica 9 We have been able to work with other areas on campus to make sure that our R drive maps in all of the TEC podiums, Open Access labs and Library labs, in addition to all FHSS computers. It is also available for use with these virtual versions of software. In fact, it is probably the easiest way to access any kind of data, including PowerPoint presentations for teaching and data sets for use in demonstration. This is available to all FHSS faculty immediately. When you run these programs on a TEC podium, it should look and feel just like it normally does, and any network drives that map in your office will be available as well. If you have any questions, concerns or additional software title you would need for your teaching, please contact Matt Kieffer at 801-422-4373. We can also demonstrate this for you if you would like to see how this works. -Mathew Kieffer REMOTE ACCESS: MOBILE SITES We do have the ability now in the college to provide remote access to files stored on our servers, namely your S and R drives. We are able to provide access through a web page (, as well as through SFTP and WebDAV. This would allow you to securely download, edit, and re-upload files from any location in the world. Right now, setup for this is a manual process for each user, so we would need individual requests for anyone who would like to access this service. Please call Matt Kieffer (801422-4373) if you have any questions. Did you know about our FHSS mobile site ( Mobile phones that browse to our FHSS home page ( and department web pages will be redirected their appropriate page in the mobile site. These pages contain basic contact information and a link back to the full site. Feel free to try it: take out your phone and navigate to You will be redirected to the economics mobile site. If you click on the banner at the top, you will be redirected to the College mobile page with tabs for other departments and other useful information. For suggestions and requests, please contact FHSS Computing Services at 422-7415. DATA & INFORMATION Did you know or even guess that in one minute YouTube users upload 48 hours of new videos. Email users send 204,166,667 messages in the time it takes your minute hand to make one full rotation on your watch, you probable feel that you received most of the emails.1 Everyone needs data or information, and there is more than enough for everyone. Having data is one thing; knowing how to manage it, and use it is another thing. The College and the University have excellent tools to help you with your data. From acquiring the data, storing, and analyzing it. Let us help you, please call 2-2833 Tools that we can help with: Qualtrics support for surveys data collections. Qualtrics is full of rich features in customizing the questions to the respondent answers, thinking and attitude. The user friendly programing interface makes it very easy for you to, skip unneeded questions, display the important questions and merge answers and questions to form the best question to secure the truth you are looking for. As of Dec 2013 BYU has 407,780 Responses, sent our 6,062 new surveys and has 8,459 users Data Base Design, create and upgrade. We have been able to reduce the number of databases in the college from 320 to just over 100, through the use of better tools to manage research, department or college information; using SharePoint, New Access, SQL Server, with Multidimensional Analysis, data warehousing, power view, Power pivot and reporting tools for the web. We have File maker. We can help get AIM and Alumni data. If we can help assist with your data or database please give us a call. BYU Super Computer lab offers a total of 12,100 CPU cores and 30 TB of memory across 896 computing nodes which is available for you and your research assistances tackling large computing problems.2 You will need an account on the system to run your programs. The super Computer currently has SAS 3.9 , R 2.15.2 Gaussian, MatLab3 and many others. click here to see the complete list Excel from Microsoft has several powerful new add-ons that you may find very useful for research and data analysis. If you are interested in learning more about the add-in please let me know. We will be featuring the add-in in our monthly tips and tricks. -Bruce Burgon BYU Super computer 3 1 2