Kuta Software - Infinite Geometry Name___________________________________ Inverse Trigonometric Ratios Date________________ Period____ Find each angle measure to the nearest degree. 1) sin B = 0.4848 2) sin A = 0.5150 3) cos A = 0.7431 4) cos W = 0.6157 5) cos A = 0.5878 6) tan W = 19.0811 7) cos A = 0.4226 8) tan W = 0.5317 Find the measure of the indicated angle to the nearest degree. 9) 10) 9 27 ? ? 21 38 11) 12) 14 ? 42 29 40 ? 13) 14) 39 27 10 11 ? ©4 J2f0x1a0Z xKjuLtca3 lSvozfpttwwaGrzeK nLSLXC3.V g IA4l1lf treiLguh2ttsn grgeWsWearvvCenda.i l sMvagdZeD RwEiItih7 1IdnafjienviBtgek 6GRecommpejturKyX.O ? -1- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC 15) 16) 12 ? 20 13 ? 24 17) 18) 8 ? 5 6 ? 4 19) 20) 14 51 ? 68 85 48 50 ? 21) 22) 7 34 ? 16 ? 30 25 23) 24 24) 68 ? ? 56 51 70 85 42 Critical thinking questions: 25) Find an angle x where sin x = cos x. ©w 72w0L1w05 lKQuJtxau ASWoRfVt0wza4rpeT jLvLVCb.j X WAglXl1 CrmicgLhXtEsB WrQeGsieTrevoeUdM.9 S EMMaJdNeJ Xwqi2tEhW tIcnafJiJn8iPtnei NG2eGoqmleqtLrryk.4 26) Draw and label all three sides of a right triangle that has a 40° angle and a hypotenuse of 10 cm. -2- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Geometry Name___________________________________ Solving Right Triangles Date________________ Period____ Find the missing side. Round to the nearest tenth. 1) 2) x 6 72° 73° 6 x 3) 4) x x 24° 37° 12 12 5) 6) x 14 49° 14 51° x 7) 8) x 16 15° x 16 63° ©4 R230Y1m0N xKou7tNaP uS9o2fTtIwda5r5eP lLZL8C7.z Q aAJlRlB MrPiSgPhTtCs7 DrPefsIegrRvdezdR.U 7 mM9aNdQeE MwliYtphd wI9nefuion5iRtceX YGNeZoDmZevt8rIyc.w -1- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC 9) 10) 29 x x 21 68° 55° 11) 12) x 21° x 22 29 19° 13) 14) 29 35 33° 45° x x 15) 16) 47° 28 34 x 59° x Critical thinking question: 17) Write a new problem that is similar to the others on this worksheet. Solve the question you wrote. ©B J2U0U1b0I RKwuutnaz XSUoofwt7wGaKrheG sLVLYCH.F C eAKlOl8 Orzi9gRhGtKsE grMeusFeHrAvKeddu.T 5 wMUaNdned Xwqi5trhz aIqnZfhienkiOtse7 tGUeJohm5eQtYrLyd.b -2- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC 28° 15° 26° ? 38 35° ? ? 39 29 27 14 10 ©U K2d0J1m02 SKqu3tyae nStoDfjt3wEaSrrea SLpLbCm.d w hAylqlR LrdiOgAhHtDsG YrDeBseeFrJveevdL.K m EMFaJd1eY pweiwtYht sIFnYfVi3n2i7tpe3 FGJexoomReqt8rDy1.e 13) 11) 9) -1- 14) 12) 10) 24° 72° ? 42 23° ? ? 27 40 21 8) tan W = 0.5317 87° 6) tan W = 19.0811 52° 4) cos W = 0.6157 31° 2) sin A = 0.5150 11 9 Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Date________________ Period____ Name___________________________________ Find the measure of the indicated angle to the nearest degree. 65° 7) cos A = 0.4226 54° 5) cos A = 0.5878 42° 3) cos A = 0.7431 29° 1) sin B = 0.4848 Find each angle measure to the nearest degree. Inverse Trigonometric Ratios Kuta Software - Infinite Geometry ? 37° 51 74° 25 ? 7 16° 48 41° 6 ? 30° 12 ? 85 68 24 50 14 8 24 ? ©T v2G0C1505 OK4u1tead pSBoCfrtcwMaSr4er 0LFLgCU.P p 4AxldlI Dr5iggwhVtWs7 drteVsMenruvreGdy.Y I fMQa4dqey Bwtihtahi uIAndfli1njiPtxel ZGGeto3muejtfrKyz.X 45° 25) Find an angle x where sin x = cos x. Critical thinking questions: 23) 21) 19) 17) 15) 51 ? 37° 56 28° 16 53° 85 ? 37° 49° 20 34 70 13 ? 68 30 ? 42 4 5 ? -2- Sides are: 10 cm, 6.4 cm, and 7.7 cm. 26) Draw and label all three sides of a right triangle that has a 40° angle and a hypotenuse of 10 cm. 24) 22) 20) 18) 16) Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC 14 x 4) 18.0 63° x 12.2 x 49° 5.3 16 12 24° -1- 8) 6) 61.8 18.0 51° x 9.0 x 15° 12 37° x 1.8 6 73° 72° 19.4 6 2) 14 x 16 Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Date________________ Period____ Name___________________________________ x ©U z2f0M1B04 cKpu1tVag zSVo7fhtwwbaVrTeS NLXLsCo.l R SAplrlW rrZi9gJhJtgsb Dr8ezsxeUrwvbeOdr.Q r jMMaVdyel 1wSiMtahT qIPnZf0innziytSeG GGae8oum0eMtEreyX.V 7) 5) 3) 1) Find the missing side. Round to the nearest tenth. Solving Right Triangles Kuta Software - Infinite Geometry 19° 41.1 28 47° 15.8 x 9.4 29 x 20.3 29 x 29 33° 55° x ©6 U220V1U0x 3K8udt9at dSzoQfVtcwsa9r1ep kLeL8CG.f i bAqldle Wr7i6guhitMsO qrZeqs1eqrwvkende.x L mMJacdTef 4wMixtKhS iI3nzfSidnqi2tXem ZGjefotm1e1targyN.E Many answers. 17) Write a new problem that is similar to the others on this worksheet. Solve the question you wrote. Critical thinking question: 15) 13) 11) 9) -2- 16) 14) 12) 10) 66.0 49.5 45° 7.9 x 52.0 x x x 21° 34 59° 35 22 68° 21 Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC