Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name___________________________________ Combinations Date________________ Period____ List all possible combinations. 1) T, V, W, taken two at a time 2) A, B, C, D, taken two at a time 3) ☺, ☼, ♥, ▲, taken three at a time 4) 4, 5, 6, 7, taken four at a time Evaluate each expression. 5) C 6) C 7) C 8) C 9) C 10) C 12) C 11) C 13) C 14) C Critical thinking questions: 15) Explain why n C n C n 16) Write a combination that equals ©c h2I0F1t5r ]KJuQtFaB XScozfFtSwraerReh rLVLsCZ.m j hAIlZlo drZiJgYh\tCs^ vrieEsQeUrFvoe]dx.D J KMIaRdaer [wdiwtThk tImnafQi\nAistveX eAAlmgeenbMryaq K2a. Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name___________________________________ Combinations Date________________ Period____ List all possible combinations. 1) T, V, W, taken two at a time TV TW 2) A, B, C, D, taken two at a time VW 3) ☺, ☼, ♥, ▲, taken three at a time AB BC AC BD AD CD 4) 4, 5, 6, 7, taken four at a time ☺☼♥ ☼♥▲ ☺☼▲ ☺♥▲ 4567 Evaluate each expression. 5) C 6) 231 7) C 165 8) 495 9) C 127,296 13) C C 300 10) 42,504 11) C C C 19,448 12) C 4,846 14) C 11,622 1,938 Critical thinking questions: 15) Explain why n C n C n 16) Write a combination that equals Choosing n means two are being left behind. C You could think of it choosing those two. Create your own worksheets like this one with Infinite Algebra 2. Free trial available at KutaSoftware.com ©n U2[0h1X5d zKouJtKaB PSzonfYtWwLaerUed `LDLdC_.H R WAAlSlI srGiqgwhet[sH PrJeSsqekr^vKekdg.\ H EMcaAdoeY QwgiJtzhy _IAnifkiQnPiutue_ HArlugQexbIr^am J2I. Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC