Embracing our FuturE - Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai'i

summer 2013 | VOL. 19, no . 3
Honoring our heritage. Embracing our diversity. Sharing our future.
Legacies is a QUARTERLY publication of the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai`i, 2454 South Beretania Street, Honolulu, HI 96826
Embracing our Future
That’s the number of students who visited
the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i this
past school year, most of them without a single cost to
the student or their school.
For the past two years, the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i has
introduced Japanese history and cultural traditions to thousands of
Hawai‘i’s school children with the help of a number of foundations
and companies throughout the country.
Local companies such as Island Insurance, KTA Super Stores, and
Delta Construction Corporation are just a few that have contributed
to the center’s educational programs. Last year, JCCH’s cultural
education program caught the attention of Olympic Gold Medalist
Kristi Yamaguchi and her Always Dream Foundation. During her
visit to the center, Kristi contributed $10,000 to the program and
recently announced the foundation will continue its support with
a $10,000 contribution for a second year. The Northwest Society of
Plastic Surgeons also contributed and brought in more than 1,000
students to the center on sponsored field trips.
“Our students live in a community that is not able to afford much.
It is very difficult for the families to spend their money on field trips.
So with this sponsorship all my students were able to go! Thank you
for providing such a rich cultural experience for our students who
learned so many wonderful things about the Japanese culture,” said
a teacher from Kauluwela Elementary School.
Pacific Guardian Life is one of the center’s largest corporate sponsors
of the educational program, having funded field trips for more than
400 students from Title I schools on O‘ahu.
Olympic Gold Medalist Kristi Yamaguchi signs a $10,000 ceremonial check
from her Always Dream Foundation to benefit the JCCH educational program.
The Always Dream Foundation has announced it will continue its support for
the upcoming school year.
“In the business world it’s easy to be caught in a rut and not really
appreciate what else is going on in the community. Spending time
with the kids, seeing that they are excited about learning, I find it
very invigorating,” said Douglas Goto, Executive Vice President of
Pacific Guardian Life. “JCCH serves an important role in preserving
the history of our culture as well as serving as a community gathering
place. I feel it is important for everyone to donate and get involved and
help JCCH continue with this valuable service to the community.”
JCCH would also like to acknowledge American Carpet One,
The Edwin S.N. Wong Foundation, Geolabs Inc., Hosoi Garden
Mortuary Inc., K. Taniguchi Ltd., Monsanto, Occidental Underwriters
of Hawai‘i, Ltd., Oceanic Time Warner Cable, Sherman Shiraishi,
AAL, ALC, Central Pacific Bank, John Hara Associates Inc. Architects,
Honolulu Star-Advertiser, Servco
Foundation and Shimaya Shoten
Ltd. for their contributions in helping
JCCH educate Hawai‘i’s youth.
For more information on how you
could provide this opportunity for
Hawai‘i’s school children, contact
Denise Park at (808) 945-7633 Ext.
27 or email at park@jcch.com.
Pacific Guardian Life Executive
Vice President Douglas Goto speaking
to a group of students that made the trip
thanks to the company’s contributions.
The Untold Story Returns to
Maui and Kaua‘i!
Saturday, September 7
10:00 am
The Historic Iao Theater
68 North Market Street
General Admission $10
Purchase options:
Box office hours: M,W, F: 11:00 am–3:00 pm
Order by phone: Call (808) 242-6969
Online tickets purchase:
Sunday, September 22
2:00 pm
Kaua‘i Community College
Performing Arts Center
3-1901 Kaumualii Highway
General Admission $10
Tickets available beginning August 26
Times Supermarket, Lihue Store–Kaua‘i
All Big Save Markets–Kaua‘i
For more information, contact
Audrey Kaneko at muromoto@jcch.com
The Untold Story Going to California:
The Untold Story in San Jose with the
Japanese American Museum of San Jose
Saturday, October 5
1:00 pm
Wesley United Methodist Church
566 N 5th Street, San Jose
The Untold Story:
Internment of Japanese Americans in Hawai‘i
DVD Sales Opens to the Public on August 10
The Untold Story in San Francisco with the
Call the Gift Shop at (808) 945-7633 Ext. 43
Japanese Cultural and Community Center
to purchase your copy or for more information. of Northern California
Upcoming Screenings/DVD Sales
The Untold Story: Internment of Japanese
Americans in Hawai‘i returns to the neighbor
islands and several cities in California this fall.
Each screening will be followed by a panel
discussion with JCCH President and Executive
Director Carole Hayashino and staff associates
Jane Kurahara and Betsy Young. A limited
number of The Untold Story DVDs will be
available to purchase at each screening.
Sunday, October 6
2:00 pm
Japanese Cultural and Community Center
of Northern California
1840 Sutter Street, San Francisco
The Untold Story in Los Angeles with the
Japanese American National Museum
Saturday, October 26
2:00 pm
Japanese American National Museum
100 North Central Avenue, Los Angeles
Free with museum admission
2454 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, HI 96826
tel: (808) 945-7633
fax: (808) 944-1123
email: info@jcch.com
website: www.jcch.com
Follow us on Facebook,
Twitter and YouTube
8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Tuesday –Friday
10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
(or by appointment from
1:00–4:00 p.m.)
Mission Statement:
To be a vibrant resource,
strengthening our diverse community
by educating present and
future generations in the evolving
Japanese American experience
in Hawai‘i. We do this through
relevant programming, meaningful
community service and
innovative partnerships that
enhance the understanding and
celebration of our heritage,
culture and love of the land.
To guide us in this work we draw
from the values found in our
Japanese American traditions and
the spirit of Aloha.
As the summer edition of Legacies goes
to print, we’re preparing for the public
launch of the JCCH documentary film,
The Untold Story: Internment of Japanese
Americans in Hawai‘i.
Since its October 2012 premier, The Untold Story has generated
interest in the unique wartime experience of Japanese
Americans in Hawai‘i and brought increased attention to
the historical preservation and educational activities of the
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i. To date, over 3,500 people
have watched The Untold Story at community screenings held
on O‘ahu, Maui, Kaua‘i and Hawai‘i. Consolidated Theaters at
Pearlridge ran the documentary for eight weeks and Hawaiian
Airlines has the film available on its international flights
between Honolulu and Japan.
Many of you suggested we send the film to schools and
give copies to teachers for their classroom. I am pleased to
announce that grants from the State of Hawai‘i and Preserve
America will enable us to develop a teacher’s guide, duplicate
supplemental materials and distribute The Untold Story to
high school social studies teachers throughout the state.
Our educational activities, however, are not limited to
World War II. We continue to expand our educational
outreach to elementary school children through our
Cultural Discovery Box Program. Last year, we had a
record number of students tour the historical exhibition,
Okage Sama De, and we continue to develop strategies to
teach the immigrant experience, plantation life as well as
cultural classes for all ages and all audiences.
In the coming year, you’ll see our educational programs
increase in scope and audience. You’ll also continue to
see us around the community at the Okinawan Festival
in late August and Peace Day on September 21st. If you
have a moment, please visit us at the Japanese Cultural
Center of Hawai‘i, pick up a DVD at the Gift Shop,
meet sumo legend Jesse Kuhaulua (August 30) or learn
about Japanese American history through our historical
exhibit or Resource Center. Help us continue to meet
our mission to Honor our heritage, Embrace our diversity
and Share our future.
It has been a privilege serving on the Japanese
Cultural Center of Hawai‘i’s Board of
Governors and Board of Directors for the past
ten years. In this my final year, I am honored
to once again serve as your chair.
Your Cultural Center has been busy over the past few months
closing out our 25th Anniversary Celebration, hosting the gala
Sharing the Spirit of Aloha, convening our annual membership
meeting and participating in many community events.
As we closed out the celebration of our 25th Anniversary, we
proudly celebrated a renewed vitality, increased visibility and
greater interest in the JCCH. The JCCH film The Untold Story:
Internment of Japanese Americans in Hawai‘i was shown to sold out
audiences on O‘ahu, Maui, Kaua‘i, the Hawai‘i Island and on the
West Coast. Additionally, JCCH continues to gain recognition for
its leadership in the efforts to preserve Honouliuli so that it can
stand as a place to teach future generations of what can happen
if we are not vigilant. The Cultural Center has been successful in
garnering support from the State Legislature and the National Park
Service in these efforts.
We closed out the fiscal year with our gala Sharing the Spirit
of Aloha honoring Jennifer Goto Sabas, Kurt Osaki, Alvin
Okami and the Okami Family, John Okutani (Spirit of JCCH)
and Pacific Guardian Life. Thanking them all for not only
embodying the Spirit of Aloha but for their efforts to share that
spirit with the community locally and elsewhere. It was a truly
memorable event and made possible only due to the dedication
of many volunteers and the JCCH Staff.
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to outgoing board
members, Curt Otaguro, Gordon Kagawa, Lance Mizumoto,
and Dennis Esaki. We have been the beneficiaries of your
wisdom and support. The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
is better today thanks to your service.
It also gives me great pleasure to welcome new board members
Christine Kubota, Mitchell Nishimoto, and Lori Teranishi, all
successful business leaders who will bring a fresh prospective
and new energy to your Cultural Center.
Thank you, again, for allowing me the opportunity to lead
your Cultural Center. We have many exciting things planned
for the coming fiscal year. You can keep informed of our
activities through Legacies or by visiting our website at
www.jcch.com. If you enjoy our programs and events, please
help us spread the word and encourage your friends and
family to become members.
Dōmo Arigatō Gozaimasu,
Carole Hayashino
President and Executive Director
Tyler Tokioka
Chairman of the Board
Shippoyaki Workshop
Japanese Drumming: Yuu Ishizuka
Shippoyaki Workshop
Friday, August 16 • 1:00 pm–4:00 pm
Saturday, August 17 • 9:00 am–12:00 pm;
1:00 pm–4:00 pm (Two Classes)
JCCH Community Gallery
• $15 for JCCH members
• $20 for non-members
In addition to registration fees, students pay
$5 for materials to Inomata Sensei on the day
of the workshop.
Come and learn the exciting Japanese art of
enameling during the Shippoyaki Workshop
led by award-winning enamel and cloisonné
artist, Kazuko Inomata Sensei at the Cultural
Center. Inomata, who is from Osaka, Japan,
is a member of the Japan Cloisonné Artists
Association and has taught the art form for
more than 30 years throughout Japan and
in Hawai‘i. Students will learn how to make
their own one-of-a-kind ornamental pieces—
such as pendants, pill box covers, brooches
and purse hangers/hooks—in which various
colors of enamel are used to produce unique
designs on a base of metal or ceramic object.
For more information or to sign up, please
contact Derrick Iwata at 945-7633 Ext. 25
or visit our website at www.jcch.com to
download a registration form.
This event is presented by JCCH and Taiko
Arts Center and funded in part by the Mayor’s
Office on Culture and the Arts and Aqua
Resorts. The event is free and open to the
public. For more information, please contact
Audrey Kaneko at (808) 945-7633 Ext. 28.
JCCH Member Discount—
Friday, August 23 • 7:30 pm
Orvis Auditorium
University of Hawai‘i Campus
2411 Dole Street
A unique concert featuring Saburo Mochizuki,
kabuki musician and original member of
Sukeroku Taiko (one of the most influential
taiko groups world-wide); Yuu Ishizuka, one of
the top taiko soloists in Tokyo, shamisen, and
Kenny Endo Taiko Ensemble. Mochizuki is one
of Endo’s teachers. Not to be missed!
$25.00: General Admission
$20.00: Military, Seniors (65+), UH Faculty
and staff, and JCCH members
$15.00: Youth to age 17, UH students
Join us for a special demonstration featuring
classical Japanese drumming and other forms
of music by four artists. On Wednesday,
August 21, the Japanese Cultural Center of
Hawai‘i welcomes you to a special event to
experience and learn more about this genre
of music. Hear from professional kabuki
musician Saburo Mochizuki, contemporary
taiko solo artist Yuu Ishizuka, Nagauta
Shamisen player Akiko Miura and taiko artist
Kenny Endo.
Today’s Thought—Rev. Paul Osumi: the Man
and his Message, captures Rev. Osumi’s life
from immigration to his World War II arrest
and internment, to his post-war life as a
minister in churches across Hawai‘i. Norman
Osumi tells the story from a son’s perspective
and includes his father’s inspirational
messages, daily thoughts and sermons given
over his lifetime.
“It does not matter if you are young or old,
rich or poor, male or female, all races and
religions—my father’s inspirational sayings
were universal. If by reading this book, they
can gain some insight to live a better life,
I will be happy,” Osumi said.
Osumi will share his thoughts behind this
book and will be available for book signing
following the event. The book price is $17.95;
$15.00 for JCCH members. At this event,
every book purchase will include a copy of
Tickets: http://taikoarts.brownpapertickets.com Today’s Thought Volume I. JCCH members
who would like to order a copy of the book
For more information, call (808) 737-7236.
may contact the Gift Shop at (808) 945-7633
Ext. 43 or via email at takamune@jcch.com.
Author’s Day at JCCH—
Today’s Thought—Rev. Paul Osumi:
the Man and his Message by
Classical Japanese Drumming Lecture/ Norman Osumi
Saturday, August 24 • 1:00 pm–4:00 pm
Wednesday, August 21 • 6:00 pm
JCCH Community Gallery
Free admission
An Evening with
Jesse Kuhaulua
JCCH Community Gallery
Today’s Thought—Rev. Paul Osumi: the Man
and his Message is based on the life of
Rev. Paul Osumi, who also authored the
popular daily column, Today’s Thought,
in the Honolulu Advertiser for over 35 years.
“After my father passed away in 1996, many
people asked me about writing a book with his
inspirational sayings,” said Norman Osumi.
“Hopefully, this book will continue to help
people with their daily lives as it did years ago.”
The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i is
pleased to host this special presentation and
advance purchase event by Norman H. Osumi.
An Evening with Jesse Kuhaulua
Friday, August 30 • 5:00 pm
JCCH Community Gallery
4:30 pm: JCCH Members Only
5:00 pm: Doors Open to General Public
5:15 pm: Talk Story and autograph/
photo session
Sumo legend, Jesse Kuhaulua, makes a special
visit to JCCH on Friday, August 30. Come
talk story with Kuhaulua, a sumo wrestler and
the first foreign-born riskishi to win the top
division championship. Kuhaulua was given
the name Takamiyama (high lofty mountain).
After his retirement, he became the first
foreign-born wrestler to take charge of a sumo
training stable, the Azumazeki stable, in 1986.
At this event, Jesse will be available for
autographs and picture taking opportunities.
Okinawan Festival
Peace Day: Sadako Sasaki crane
There will also be a silent auction highlighting
Takamiyama vintage memorabilia. Proceeds
from this silent auction will benefit the
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i’s programs
and services. This event is free and open to
the public.
For more information, contact Christy
Takamune at (808) 945-7633 Ext. 39 or email
31st Annual Okinawan Festival
“Sharing Uchinanchu Aloha”
Saturday, August 31 • 9:00 am–6:00 pm
Kapiolani Park
Sunday, September 1 • 9:00 am–4:00 pm
Kapiolani Park
The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
is pleased to once again participate in
the upcoming Okinawan Festival held at
Kapiolani Park. Please visit our booth located
in the Cultural Tent and all JCCH members
will receive a special gift.
Attracting more than 50,000 visitors annually,
the Okinawan Festival has become the
premiere annual event of the Hawaii United
Okinawa Association (HUOA). Proceeds
from the festival support HUOA’s mission
of preserving, promoting and sharing the
Okinawan culture.
For more information on the festival,
please visit the festival website at
Sadako Sasaki Crane Dedication
Ceremonies on Peace Day
Shichi Go San
“The new exhibit will include a presentation
on the Occupation of Japan, the San Francisco
Peace Treaty ending the Pacific War and the
outcomes from the conflict,” said National
Park Service Superintendent Paul DePrey.
“This crane will symbolize the hope that
peace can grow amid destruction and that
combatants in war are not the only casualties.”
The family of Sadako Sasaki gifted one of her
paper cranes to the National Park Service to
be permanently displayed at the World War II
Valor in the Pacific Memorial at Pearl Harbor.
In accepting the gift, the National Park
Service and Pacific Historic Parks have made a
commitment to preserve and publicly display
Sadako’s delicate paper crane for visitors.
In addition to the custom-designed display
case, the exhibit will include information on
Sadako’s story, the significance of the origami
crane and her hope for peace.
The Sadako Crane Project in Hawai‘i was led by
the Hiroshima Hawai‘i Sister State Committee,
Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawai‘i and the
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i.
In addition to building the permanent exhibit,
the funds raised will also be used to produce
Japanese-English bilingual materials and
support travel for Sadako Sasaki’s brother and
nephew to attend the dedication ceremonies.
Contributions to support educational activities
of the Sadako Sasaki crane exhibit continue to
be accepted by JCCH or may be sent directly
to the Pacific Historic Parks, 94-1187 Ka Uka
Boulevard, Waipahu, HI 96797. Please note that
your donation is for the Sadako Crane Project.
Saturday, September 21 • 9:00 am
World War II Valor in the Pacific National
Monument at Pearl Harbor
Sunday, November 17 • 9:00 am–3:00 pm
Mānoa Ballroom
The World War II Valor in the Pacific National
Monument at Pearl Harbor, the Pacific Historic
Parks and representatives from the Japanese
community have announced the permanent
exhibition of one of Sadako Sasaki’s paper
cranes will be unveiled and dedicated on
Saturday, September 21.
Shichi Go San, literally translated as “seven,
five, three,” stems from the Meiji Era
(1868–1912) when parents brought their
kimono-clad children—girls, ages three
and seven; and boys, age three and five—
to Shintō shrines and prayed for their
children to have long and prosperous lives.
Shichi Go San: Keiki Kimono Dressing
New Year’s ‘Ohana Festival
Today, this coming-of-age custom has
evolved to encompass all children regardless
of their age.
Children can dress up in elegant kimono
and zōri (sandals) and capture the day
with a professional photograph at this
traditional event.
Kimono Dressing by Masako Formals
Photography by King Photo Service, Inc.
• $65 per JCCH Member*
• $80 per non-member
* Individual Members receive a 20% discount—
one $65 slot; Family Members receive
two $65 slots.
For more information or to register, please
contact Derrick Iwata at 945-7633 Ext. 25
or visit our website at www.jcch.com to
download a registration form.
21st Annual New Year’s ‘Ohana Festival
Sunday, January 19, 2014
10:00 am–4:00 pm
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i/
Mō‘ili‘ili Field
We are excited to announce the date of the
21st Annual New Year’s ‘Ohana Festival!
In 2014, we have moved the date of the
popular event back a week and hope all
of you will join us on Sunday, January 19,
2014 from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm.
This festival has become well-known in
the community as one of the iconic must-do
events of the year. Everything from cultural
performances and demonstrations to a
variety of food from around the world,
crafts, and activities for the entire family.
This event is not to be missed!
If you are interested in taking part in the
New Year’s ‘Ohana Festival, please contact
Timothy Ho at (808) 945-7633 Ext. 22
or email ho@jcch.com. For the most
updated information on the event, follow
us on Facebook or visit our website at
Meduim 3
September 14–October 18
Tuesday–Friday, 10:00 am–4:00 pm
Saturday, 9:00 am–4:00 pm
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
Community Gallery
Opening Reception for JCCH
Members and Invited Guests
Friday, September 13, 6:00 pm
Wari-ishi by Yukio Ozaki
Samurai by Seikichi “Chick” Takara
We invite you to experience MEDIUM 3, a showcase of
three Japanese American contemporary artists representing
three generations, creating pieces during different stages
in their careers, while honoring their devotion to the arts.
Painter Seikichi “Chick” Takara, ceramicist Yukio Ozaki,
and stone sculptor David Kiyabu, were selected for their
different choices in mediums, but all reflect a common love
of nature in their pieces.
Award-winning Japanese American artist, Seikichi “Chick”
Takara is best known for his seascapes and abstracts. Takara
creates an evolution of color and movement that defies
explanation, and once you share the experience of his work,
there is no need for words. Original paintings are seen in
private and public collections worldwide.
Red-Hook by David Kiyabu
David Kiyabu graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree
from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. He spent his
summers in Pietra Santo, Italy, learning the craft of marble
from the maestros. Aside from his art, Kiyabu works at the
Bishop Museum as a metal worker fabricating mounts for
the artifacts. Several of Kiyabu’s pieces are on display at the
Dove Tail gallery in Kona, the Fine Arts Associates gallery
and other various exhibitions.
The exhibition opens to the public on Saturday, September 14 and
runs through October 18. MEDIUM 3 is sponsored by the Toshiko
Takaezu Foundation. For more information, please call Christy Takamune
at (808) 945-7633 Ext. 39 or email takamune@jcch.com.
Yukio Ozaki, professor at Chaminade University since 1973,
established himself as an artist mainly in the medium of
ceramics and wood. His artworks have been exhibited in
museums and in prestigious art exhibitions in Hawai‘i as
well as on the national and international scene. Besides
numerous awards in the art field, he has also been awarded
five state-commissioned artworks for state buildings from
1978 through 2000 and 16 artworks purchased by the State
Foundation on Culture and the Arts from 1973 to 2004.
Ozaki was also named as a Living Treasure of Hawai‘i
by Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawai‘i in 1994.
(left to right): David Kiyabu, Seikichi “Chick” Takara, and Yukio Ozaki
board members
(left to right): Past Vice Chair Gordon Kagawa, Chairman
Tyler Tokioka, past Chairman Curt Otaguro, and President
and Executive Director Carole Hayashino
and was a generous contributor to the JCCH gala, annual
fund and fundraising initiatives.
Curt Otaguro also joined the Board of Directors in
2007 and was a member of the Facilities & Operations,
Budget & Finance, Fundraising, and Executive committees.
Curt served two years as Chairman of the Board of
Directors, chaired the search committee for the new
president and executive director, helped JCCH launch
The staff and Board of Directors bid farewell and mahalo its year-long 25th Anniversary celebration in 2012 and
to four outstanding board members for their years of
represented JCCH on the Hawaiian Airlines inaugural
service and many contributions to the Japanese Cultural flights to Haneda and Fukuoka.
Center of Hawai‘i!
We would also like to acknowledge Dennis Esaki
After six years on the Board of Directors, Gordon Kagawa
and Lance Mizumoto for their service to the center.
and Curt Otaguro have reached the maximum term
Dennis Esaki joined the JCCH Board of Directors in
allowed by the JCCH Bylaws. Gordon Kagawa joined
2011 as the representative for the island of Kaua‘i. During
the Board of Directors in 2007, chaired the Facilities
his term, Dennis served on the Facilities & Operations,
& Operations Committee and has served on the Budget
Fundraising, and Membership Development committees.
& Finance, Fundraising, and Executive committees during Esaki was recently appointed to the Commission of Land
his two terms. Gordon oversaw many major upgrades
and Natural Resources by Governor Neil Abercrombie
and renovations of the center’s facilities during his term
continued on page 11
Please join us in welcoming three
new members to the JCCH Board
of Directors!
Christine Kubota is
a local attorney and
Director at Damon Key
Leong Kupchak Hastert.
Born and raised in Japan,
she joined the firm in
1988 and immediately began building
a practice in corporate, commercial,
and real estate law, primarily with
Japanese-speaking clients. To address
the needs of her Japanese clients,
her practice also encompasses
immigration law, estate planning and
employment matters.
Christine graduated from Chaminade
University with a Bachelor of Arts
in International Relations and
Asian Studies and received her Juris
Doctorate from the University of the
Pacific, McGeorge School of Law.
Christine is a past director of Meritas,
a worldwide affiliation of commercial
law firms, which has members in over
270 cities. Damon Key is the exclusive
Hawai‘i affiliate of Meritas. She was
a past chair and still currently serves
as a board member for the Honolulu
Japanese Chamber of Commerce.
She is also the immediate pastpresident of the United Japanese
Society of Hawaii. She actively
volunteers with and is a member of a
number of community organizations
including the U.S.-Japan Council,
Japan-America Society of Hawai‘i,
Hiroshima Kenjinkai and Japanese
Women’s Society Foundation just to
name a few. Christine was a finalist
for the Pacific Business News Women
Who Mean Business in 2010 and was
named the Best Corporate Lawyer in
Hawai‘i for 2013.
along with wealth advisory, private
banking, and Japan personal banking
Mitchell Nishimoto is Senior Vice
President of First Hawaiian Bank and
supervises the Kapiolani Banking
Region. The Kapiolani Banking Center
is a multi-line, full service branch
within the First Hawaiian network and
houses a full complement of personal,
commercial and business banking,
He currently serves on the board of
Castle Medical Center. He formerly
held board positions with the Maui
Chamber of Commerce, Maui
Memorial Medical Center Foundation,
Maui Economic Development Board,
University of Hawai‘i Maui Campus —
Chancellor’s Advisory Council, Maui
Prior to this, Mitchell was the Maui
Region Supervisor of First Hawaiian
Bank, supervising the bank’s seven
branches on Maui and one on Lāna‘i
with over 100 employees. He formerly
held several other managerial positions
including managing
four branches within
the Maui region.
Mitchell is a graduate of
Punahou School and is
also an honors graduate
of both the University of Southern
California and the Pacific Coast
Banking School in Seattle.
continued on page 11
Photo by Ray Tabata
(left to right): JCCH President and Executive Director Carole Hayashino, Kurt Osaki of Osaki Creative Group, Jennifer Goto Sabas of the Daniel K. Inouye Legacy
Fund, Patricia Okami and Alvin Okami of KoAloha Ukulele, Doug Goto of Pacific Guardian Life, Kosuke Nick Nakajima of Pacific Guardian Life, John Okutani,
and JCCH Chairman of the Board Tyler Tokioka.
Sharing the Spirit of Aloha
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i Annual Gala
June 29, 2013
It was an evening of laughter, surprise, inspiration and aloha, as Jennifer Goto Sabas of the
Daniel K. Inouye Legacy Fund, Kurt Osaki of Osaki Creative Group, Alvin Okami and the
Okami Family of KoAloha Ukulele, Pacific Guardian Life and John Okutani were celebrated
for Sharing the Spirit of Aloha by the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i on June 29 at the
Hilton Hawaiian Village.
The evening was highlighted by performances by Ryusei Taiko, Walt Keale, and a surprise
performance by honoree Alvin Okami. Local personalities Steve Uyehara and Grace Lee from
Sunrise Hawaii News Now served as emcees for the evening.
JCCH thanks the many gala sponsors, donors and volunteers who helped to pay tribute to the
2013 honorees and make the event a huge success! Thank you all for Sharing the Spirit of Aloha!
Mahalo to our Sponsors!
Big Island Candies & aio
Irene Hirano Inouye
Island Insurance Company, Ltd.
Pacific Guardian Life Insurance
Co. Ltd.
Atlas Insurance Agency
Bank of Hawaii
Ben Franklin Crafts
First Hawaiian Bank
Lance Mizumoto
Monsanto Hawaii
The Pacific Bridge Companies
R.M. Towill Corporation
Dr. Genshitsu Sen/Urasenke
ABC Stores
Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.
Howard & Lynn Arimoto
Bowers + Kubota Consulting
Business Insurance Services, Inc.
Carlsmith Ball LLP
Central Pacific Bank
David & Dawn Dunbar
Enterprise Rent-A-Car/
Alamo Rent-A-Car
Esaki Surveying & Mapping Inc./
Project Design Inc.
Ed Murakami
Friends of JCCH
Goodsill Anderson Quinn & Stifel
Hawaiian Building Maintenance
Hawaiian Electric Company
Hawaiian Host
Hawaiian Properties, Ltd.
Hawaiian Telcom
Hawktree International, Inc.
Hoyt Zia & Leigh-Ann Miyasato
K. Taniguchi Ltd.
Kaimana Hila
Kamehameha Schools
KoAloha Ukulele
Kobayashi, Sugita & Goda
Manoa Grand Ballroom/
Marian’s Catering
Matsukawa Insurance Agency
Meadow Gold Dairies
Morioka ‘Ohana
Nippon Golden Network, Inc.
Occidental Underwriters of
Hawaii, Ltd.
Kip & Shannon Okinaka
John Okutani
Osaki Creative Group
Pacific Guardian Center
Ronald N.S. Ho & Associates, Inc.
Brian Sterling & Joel Comer at
Sandler O’Neill
Servco Foundation
Servco Insurance Services
SSFM International
Urasenke Foundation
Special mahalo to our
silent auction donors
for making this one
of the biggest silent
auctions in JCCH history:
A Little Bit of Everything
Akira Sato
Alan Wong’s Restaurants
Amy Young
Ann Asakura
Anne Namba Designs
Annette Masutani
Assaggio Ristorante Italiano
Barbara Edelstein—
Handwoven Jewelry Designs
BCBG Maxazria
Bead it! A Bead Gallery
Ben Franklin Crafts
Betty Totoki
Big City Diner: Kaimuki-KailuaWard Center-Waipio-Pearlridge
Bishop Museum
Bliss Online Boutique
Brennon Morioka
Brian Y. Sato
Butterfly Twists
California Hotel and Casino
Las Vegas
Carol Nagano
Carole Hayashino
Carole Tokioka
CAS Crafts & Collectibles
Catherine Iwami
Choco Le’a
Clifford & Naomi Clark
Cook Space Hawaii
Danette Maruyama/Mikinola
Danny Kagehiro
Dave & Busters
Deborah K. Nakagawa
Denise Park
Designs by Ai
Diamond Head Theater
DK Restaurants
Dole Plantation
Don Murphy
Don Sumada
Doraku Sushi
Doubletree by Hilton Alana Waikiki
Down to Earth
Duane K. Kurisu
Duckie Brown
Ed Murakami
Emme Tomimbang, EMME, Inc.
Enterprise Rent-A-Car &
Alamo Rent-A-Car
FCH Enterprises Inc.
Fiber Ballet
Fiftytwo Showroom/
Taylor Okata
First Class Flyer
Friends of JCCH
Gary Reed
Gilbert M. Horita
Glenn K. Inouye
Global Village
Go! Airlines
Grove Farm Company, Inc.
Hakuyosha International, Inc.
Hamilton Kobayashi “Kobayashi
Art Enterprise”
Hanafuda Hawaii, LLC
Hanayo Sasaki
HASR Wine Co.
Hawaii Nature Center
Hawaii Opera Theatre
Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki
Hawaiian Airlines
Hawaiian Chip Company
Hawaiian Host, Inc.
Hertz Rent-A-Car
HiLife Clothing Co.
Hilo Hattie
Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki
Beach Resort
Hilton San Diego Bay Front
Hilton San Francisco Union Square
Hiromi Peterson
Hoakalei Country Club
Honolulu Theatre for Youth
Honolulu Zoo Society
Hosoda & Morikone, LLC
Hotel Wailea Maui
Hula Moon Press
Ice Palace
in4mation / Ryan Arakaki
Iolani Sportswear
Island Snow Hawaii
JACL Honolulu Chapter
Jake Shimabukuro
Jason Hijirida
JCCH Gift Shop
JCCH Membership
John Koga
Joseph Molina
Keiko Hatano
KHON2 news
King Photo Service, Inc.
King’s Hawaiian
Kirin Restaurant, Inc.
Ko Olina Golf Club
KoAloha Ukulele
Kobayashi, Kanetoku, Doi, Lum,
Yasuda CPAs, LLC
Kreative Images
Kristie Fujiyama Kosmides
Kualoa Ranch Hawaii, Inc.
Kumu Kahua Theatre
Kurt Osaki
Kyo-ya Management Co., LLC
Lance Mizumoto
Larry Goeas/Stifel Nicholas
Leo Javar
Les Tomita
Lions Gate
Lisa Wiemken “PITACUS”
M. Miura Store, Inc.
Maggie Coulombe
Maile Way Products, Inc.
Manoa Grand Ballroom/
Marian’s Catering
Mary Kamiya
Maui Beach Hotel
Maui Divers
McDonald’s Restaurants
of Hawaii, Inc.
Meleana Handbags
Michael Furuya
Michel’s at the Colony Surf
Mountain Apple Company
Mr. & Mrs. Blaine Kimura
Mutual Publishing
Mystic Art
Neiman Marcus
New City Nissan
Nippon Golden Network, Inc.
Occidental Underwriters
of Hawaii, Ltd.
Pacific Gallery and Frames
Pacific Links Hawaii
Pacific Paradise Pottery
Parke and Ronen
Paul Brown
Pearl Arashiro
Perry Ellis Menswear
Primo Popcorn
Prince Resorts Hawaii/
Donn J. Takahashi
Pure Joy Day Spa
Rattana Soubandith
Roberts Hawaii
Robyn Buntin of Honolulu
Roger Dunn Golf Shop
Roy Sakuma Productions, Inc.
Royal Hawaiian Center
Ruth Ono
Sand People—Water Sports
Kauai, Inc.
Satoru Abe
Seattle Mariners
Seikichi Takara (Takara Art Studio)
Servco of Hawaii
Shane Victorino Foundation
Shannon Okinaka
Sheraton Hawaii Bowl
Side Order Pillows
Sky Amimoto
Sony Electronics, Inc.,
Sony Hawaii Company
Spanos Family—
San Diego Chargers
Stan Zisk
Star of Honolulu Cruises
and Events
Style West - Cia Maritima
Sumako Cohn
Susan Hiraoka
The Friends of Iolani Palace
The Joy of Sake
The News Showroom
The Oahu Club
The Paperie
The Royal Hawaiian,
A Luxury Collection Resort
The Sake Shop
The Willows Restaurant
Today’s Thought (Norman Osumi)
Todd Snyder
Tori Richard, Ltd.
Tsukazaki & Associates
Tyler Tokioka
Umbrellas Hawaii
University of Hawaii Manoa
University of Hawaii Office
of Intercollegiate Athletics
University of Hawaii Press
Ushijima Architects, Inc.
Vested Interest
Virgo USA
Vivienne Tam
Waikoloa Beach & Kings
Wailea Golf Club
Watanabe Floral, Inc.
Wayne Akizaki
Wet Okole Hawaii
Yvonne Toyoshima
Zippy’s Restaurants
Special Donors
Ben Franklin Crafts
Hawaiian Host
Obun Hawaii Inc.
Gala Donors
American Savings Bank
Armstrong Produce
Enviro Services & Training
Center LLC
First Insurance Co. of Hawaii, Ltd.
Grove Farm Company Inc.
Howard R. & Sheri Hanada
Gail Ann M. Honda
KAI Hawaii
Karen Kaisan
Brandon L. Kim
Robert N. Kinoshita
Gladys & Masao Kurosu
Lyon & Associates, Inc.
Shirley & Ray Miyamoto
Catherine Morishige
Sadaichi Murakami
Valerie Okihara
Shizuye Nishioka
John & Nancy Oshiro
Jane T. Sagawa
Michael & Akane Shimoko
T. Iida Contracting, Ltd.
Eric Teragawchi
Allen T. Yamashita
Mahalo to program
participants and
Roy Amemiya/Jonathan Wong
Olelo Community Media
Steven R. Crocker
Gyotaku Japanese Restaurants
Randy Higa, Heartland Systems
Island Manapua
Walt Keale
Grace Lee & Steve Uyehara,
Hawaii News Now
Nate Gyotoku/Brice Ueda,
Honolulu Japanese Junior
Chamber of Commerce
Bishop Eric Matsumoto,
Honpa Hongwanji
Hawaii Betsuin
Ryusei Taiko
Brandon Ando
Toi Baba
Arnold “A.J.” Bactista
Wendy Chang
Nina Daniels
Alex Fanale
Leah Fukuyama
Michael Gonhata
Nate Gyotoku
Liway Hattal
Ashley Higa
Lori Higashi
Sydette Higuchi
Susan Hiraoka
Jaymie Ho
Julie Ho
Stephany Ho
Lauren Honbo
Yong Huang
Debbie Ishii
Crystine Ito
Andrea Iwamoto
Kinsly Joseph
Derek Kamigaki
David Kaneko
Eryn Kawamoto
Taylor Kirihara
Brent Kitsu
Eric Kobayashi
Neil Kuioka
Shari Kunimura
Chalei Maduli
Misha Maletta
Russell Matsumura
Zhanna McAtec
Amber McClure
Leila Mitsunaga
Courtney Mizuno
Brad Motooka
Matthew Moy
Jon Murai
Dylan Murakami
Dane Nakagawa
Celise Nakakura
Jeff Nishihara
Bev Nomi
Nadine Ogata
Chase Ogoshi
Millie Okada Miura
Lori Okazaki
Robbie Omura
Darren Ota
Andrew Pang
Kari Sakuda
David Sanden
Kellene Sasano
Jennifer Seki
Lily Shao
Roshan Suehiro
Dina Suyemoto
Ray Tabata
Cheryl Tagawa
Yoshi Takahashi
George Takase
Yulie Tjahjadi
Eric Tsukamoto
Brice Ueda
Kent Walther
Brian Watase
Shasta Yamada
Charlene Yamamoto
Myles Yamamoto
Linda Yarashina
Staci Yoshihara
Gail Yuen
continued from page 9
Photos by Ray Tabata
[1] Ryusei Taiko opens the program with a heart-pounding performance to welcome guests. [2] Steve Uyehara and Grace Lee from Hawaii News Now
serve as the night’s emcees. [3] (left to right); Former board member Ron Ushijima, board member Glenn Inouye, and former board member Lance Mizumoto
[4] More than 280 items to bid on in the silent auction.
Ways to Give:
Donated Vehicles
Benefit JCCH
Did you know that you can donate your
car and designate the proceeds from
the sale to benefit the Japanese Cultural
Center of Hawai‘i?
Kokua in Kind accepts most cars, trucks, From September 1–30, customers are
vans, motorcycles or boats, running or
invited to make donations up to $249
not. Get rid of your old vehicle, get a
to participating Hawai‘i non-profit
tax-deduction and make a gift to JCCH.
For more information on donating a vehicle
to JCCH through Kokua in Kind, visit
www.kokuainkind.com, call (808) 834-6603
or contact JCCH at info@jcch.com.
Please Support JCCH
through Foodland’s
Give Aloha Program
Longtime JCCH member Victor Mori
did just that. He donated his vehicle to
Kokua in Kind and identified JCCH as the
beneficiary of the sale. Kokua in Kind took
possession of this vehicle, sold the car and September 1–30, 2013
sent a check to JCCH. Victor Mori said it
The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
was a quick and easy way to transfer his
(JCCH) is proud to once again participate
car and make a donation to JCCH.
in Foodland’s Give Aloha program.
organizations at checkout. Individuals
must use their own Maika‘i Card to make
a donation. Foodland and the Western
Union Foundation will match a portion of
each donation made with a Maika‘i Card.
Upon checkout, present your Maika‘i
Card and tell them you would like to
Welcome, Board Members!
continued from page 10
donate to JCCH organization code
77214. Donor names will not be released
to our organization. If you would like
us to know of your gift, please contact
us directly so that we may properly
acknowledge your generosity. Give
Aloha donations are tax-deductible to
the full extent of the law. Please save
your store receipt for tax purposes.
For more information on the Give Aloha
program or other ways to contribute to
the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i,
please contact Denise Park at (808) 9457633 Ext. 27 or email park@jcch.com.
Special JCCH
Member Offer from
the Hawaii Prince
The Hawaii Prince is extending,
for a limited time, a special offer
to JCCH members while dining
at the award-winning Prince Court
or planning a special event at the hotel.
Prince Court was voted one of Hawai‘i’s
Best Sunday Brunch and Best Buffet
by Star Advertiser’s 2013 People’s
Choice Award. Prince Court is also a
proud recipient of TripAdvisor’s 2013
Certificate of Excellence and winner of
Honolulu Magazine’s Hale ‘Aina Silver
Award for Best Brunch 2013.
From now until November 30, 2013,
JCCH members are entitled to a
continued from page 7
Buy 3, Get 1 Free offer for the dinner
buffet at Prince Court Monday through
Thursday. This offer is not valid or
cannot be combined with any other
discount or promotion including the
current JCCH member discount and
holidays with special menus. There is a
maximum of one JCCH card per table
and no separate checks. Blackout dates
apply. For more information, please
call (808) 944-4494 or email dining@
If you are
a special
event, you
may want to consider one of the private
venues at the Hawaii Prince Hotel. Join a
Hawaii Prince staff member to discuss a
new inquiry for a meeting, party or other
special event over a complimentary
breakfast or lunch for up to two persons
only Monday through Friday. Mention
the JCCH Ho‘okipa Special to receive
15% off a new banquet event booking
until November 30, 2013. For more
information, call (808) 952-4789 or
email hphw-c&cs@hiprince.com and
mention that you are a JCCH member.
Don’t forget to check out our website at
www.jcch.com for the most up-to-date
list of other JCCH member benefits from
the Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki and
Golf Club as well as other companies
throughout the state.
Mahalo, Board Members!
continued from page 7
and will voluntarily step down from his
position on the Board of Directors.
Lance Mizumoto has also chosen to step
down from the board but fortunately,
both Lance and Central Pacific Bank will
continue to support the Japanese Cultural
Center of Hawai‘i. Lance joined the
Board of Directors in 2009 and served on
the Budget & Finance, Fundraising, and
Facilities & Operations committees.
Thank you Gordon, Curt, Dennis and
Lance for your leadership and years of
support. We wish you well and look forward
to seeing you at future JCCH events.
Visitors Bureau, Maui United Way, Finance
Committee for the Montessori School of
Maui, Maui Food Bank, Big Brothers Big
Sisters of Maui, March of Dimes, Kiwanis
Club of Maui, Alii Community Care, Kula
Agricultural Park Committee, and the
Carden Academy of Maui.
Lori Teranishi is
Co-founder and Principal
of IQ PR, Inc., a boutique
communications firm
with offices in Honolulu,
San Francisco and New
York and has provided marketing and
PR counsel to emerging and Fortune 500
companies in a variety of industries.
Previously, Lori was Vice President of
Product Development with VISA U.S.A.,
where she led a team of 60 developers,
product managers and sales directors
to launch a national loyalty rewards
program for VISA credit and debit cards.
She held a variety of positions with VISA
including Chief of Staff to the Chief
Operating Officer.
Prior to joining VISA, Lori was an
Account Manager at Cunningham
Communications, where she managed
public relations programs for clients such
as Novell and Hewlett Packard. She was
also Director of Communications for
Quaker State Corporation and began
her career as Assistant Assignment Editor
for KPIX, an ABC News affiliate.
She has been awarded numerous industry
awards, including a PR Week Award
for Best Small Business campaign,
PR News Legal PR Award, a regional
Public Relations Society of America award
for crisis communications and several
Effie Awards from the American
Marketing Association.
Lori received an M.B.A. from the
University of San Francisco, a B.S. in Mass
Communications and a B.S. in Political
Science from the University of Utah.
She is a Girl Scout troop co-leader and has
served on a number of non-profit boards.
KanshaDonor List
Donations are from April 1, 2013–June 30, 2013
The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i extends its deepest appreciation and aloha to all our members and donors.
We are grateful for your generous support. The following acknowledges contributions received from April 1, 2013
through June 30, 2013. We make every attempt to be accurate and inclusive. If a name has inadvertently been omitted,
please contact us at lau@jcch.com or call (808) 945-7633 Ext. 47. Mahalo for your support.
Pacific Guardian Life Insurance
Company Ltd
Takeo and Gertrude Ogawa
Family Charitable Fund
Clarice K. Ching
Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki &
Golf Club
Shannon Okinaka
Wayne T. & Joy N. Ishihara
Gordon Kagawa
The Kahala Hotel & Resort
Kerry Kakazu & Ruby Takahashi
Jane Kurahara
Diane Murakami
Karen Shinno-Fortney
Ronald R. & Agnes C. Ushijima
Vaugh Vasconcellos
UP TO $499
Takeshi & Mary Abe
Wendy A. Abe
Thomas T. & Linda Agawa
David Akinaka
Taiken & Nobuko Akiyama
Richard Y. Akizaki
Edwin S. & Elaine A. Aoki
Ethel S. Aotani
Tom Apple
Helen T. Aragaki
Hiroko Arisumi
Roger S. & Masako Bellinger
Eileen Clarke
Debbie DeMello
Raymond & Violet Doue
Laurel S. Douglass
George & Yoko Durham
Judith N. & Crystal Egusa
Chisato N. Emmos
Calvin M. & Kayoko Endo
Wallace K. & Jean S. Endo
David B. & Tamae Erdman
Will Espero
Terry Ewart
Frank M., Carrie T. &
Nicholas S. Fuchise
Agnes H. Fujimoto
Berg H. & Grace E. Fujimoto
Betty L. Fujimoto
Henry T. & Beverly T. Fujita
Francis H. & Gracie S. Fujitani
Mildred H. & Keith S. Fujiyama
Jean K. Fukeda
Carol Ann Fukuda
Elmira Fukumoto
Carol Fukunaga
Rodney & Mari Fukuya
Kensaku M. Furuhashi
Yoshiko S. Furumizo
Florence Y. Furuno &
Faith K. Yokoyama
Henry & May R. Furuya
Toshio & Blanche Goya
Karen Korematsu & Donald Haigh
Sidney G. Hamada
Howard R. & Sheri Hanada
James S. & Irene K. Harada
Karen T. Harada
Osamu & Edith C. Harada
Harold S. & Yvonne S. Hashizume
The Hawaii Japanese School
Edwin Jr. & Grace Hawkins
Ronald Hayashi
Will J. Henderson
Warren Higa
Robert & June Hirano
Jerry M. Hirata
Jayne Honda
Nancy M. & Charles K. Honma
Frank A. & Nancy F. Hori
Thomas & Pauline Hughes
Ralph & Sandra Ichiyama
Philip K. Ige, Ph.D.
Dennis T. Ihara
George K. & Carole Ikeda
Kathryn K. Inkinen
Takeo & Judy E. Inokuchi
Elsie Ishida
Yaeko Ishida
James & Elaine Isobe
Lynn Iwamoto & Michael &
Kacie Lau
JTB Hawaii Inc.
Ian & Alma Kagimoto
Stanley & Sheri Kajioka
Haruyuki & Ethel Kamemoto
Thomas B. Kamikawa
Charles S. & Hatsue N. Kamimura
Keira Kamiya
David M. Kaneko
Kenneth K. & Mary S. Kaneshiro
Sekiko Karimoto
Ryan Kawamoto
Jean K. Kawamura
Kyoko Y. Kimura
Eric S. Kira
Everett & Elizabeth Kishimoto
Henry Kitagawa
Ian & Lianne S. Kitajima
Paul Kiyabu
Roy & Emmy Kiyabu
Lawrence J. Kobashigawa
Bertrand Kobayashi
Gale Kobayashi
Kenneth A. & Inez N. Koga
Walter & Mary Komeiji
Frances Komoda
Shosuke & Masae D. Konno
Tamikichi & Fumiko Kosuge
Tony Koura
Clarence & Mavis Kubo
Christine A. Kubota
Joseph Y. Kumasaki
Walter & Sharlene Kunitake
Gina E. Maeda & Addison Caluya
Sharon T. Masatsugu
Robert Y. & Alice S. Masuda
Yasuko Masuda
Richard T. Matsuda
Barbara R. Matsumoto
Keith Matsumoto
Stan F. & Mako Mayfield
John McNamara
Sherry Menor-McNamara
Esther K. Monma
Gary & Faye Morimoto
Melvin F. & Amy Morita
Mitsuo & Tsukimi Murashige
Carole Murobayashi
Renee Y. Nagahisa
Michael Naito
Lloyd T. Nakamura
George & Jenny Nakasone
Brian C. Nishida
Kenneth Y. & Myrna K. Nishihara
Richard & Jocelyn Nishihara
Linda S. Nishimura & Joy A. Awai
Margaret T. Nishimura
Hugh S. Noguchi
Atsuko N. Nonaka
Karen S. & Curtis Y. Ochiai
Edward & Jane Oda
Lois F. Ohta & Cynthia Iwashita
Clarence & Marie Okamura
Michael M. & Evelyn Okihiro
Betty Y. Okimura
Misao Okuda
Edith S. Ono
Kazuyoshi Oshiumi
Glenn S. Oura
Lorraine Minatoishi Palumbo,
Ph.D., AIA
Haruo & Edna Saifuku
Walter M. & Kathleen A. Saito
Donald T. & Jennie S. Sakai
Wilfred & Jane Sakai
Richard & Patsy Sakamoto
Katsuji & Dorothy Sakuma
Kenji & Nadine H. Sato
William & Irene Sato
Mike, Yumiko, Jackson &
Richard Sayama
Kurt & Lynn T. Sekiya
T. Raymond & Betsy Sekiya
Jane F. Serikaku
Diana M. Shibata
Myles S. & Michael Shibata
Roy A. & Nancy K. Shimamoto
Jane W. Shiraki
Jean & Ernest F Shoji
Tsugio & Amy Suzuki,
Kaitlyn Mukai & Jordan Shiroma
Richard & Tomiko Takaesu
Miriam Takaezu
Sadao Takahashi
James K. & Alice K. Takamoto
Clifford K. & Catherine M. Tamura
Walter M. & Alice Y. Tamura
Alma S. Tanaka
Miyome Tanaka
Frances T. Tango
Gail Tom
Sabra Y. Toma
Carol C. Tomioka
Gordon & May Tomita
Cheryl Toyama
Kenneth M. Tsuji
Donna Vuchinich
Akira & Emiko Watanabe
Terri Wong
Hank Wuh
Kiyoshi & Aileen F. Yada
Albert T. & Page E. Yamamoto
Elaine Yamamoto
Warren & Amy E. Yamamoto
Carol Yamamura &
Donna Lee Sato
Roy H. & Jane N. Yamashiroya
Kenneth K. & Imi Yamashita
Hatsue Yanagida
Ronald M. & Toshie Yoshida
Janet Youth
mahalo to our corporate members!
Inspired Food
Delta Construction Corporation
Charles A. & Helen K. Higa
Island Insurance Foundation
Curt Otaguro
In Honor of Brenda & Dennis
Teranishi–Daniel H. &
Jane Katayama (Donors)
In Memory of Kathleen Fumie
Tagomori a Legacy member…
one of the first…on her
birthday May 4th–Richard
N. Mato (Associates)
Honouliuli Preservation–
Mid-Pacific Exploratory
Program (Donors)
Neighbor Island Internment
Camp Research & Oral History
Collection – Rapozo Kama’aina
Fund of the Hawai’i
Community Foundation
In Memory of Paul Kurata–
Franklin & Suzanne Tokioka
Big Island Candies Inc. / aio
Irene Hirano Inouye
Island Insurance Company, Ltd.
Pacific Guardian Life Insurance
Co. Ltd.
ABC Stores
Alexander & Baldwin Inc.
Howard & Lynn Arimoto
Bowers + Kubota Consulting
Business Insurance Services Inc.
Carlsmith Ball LLP
Central Pacific Bank
David & Dawn Dunbar
Enterprise Rent-A-Car/Alamo Rent
A Car
Esaki Surveying and Mapping, Inc./
Project Design Inc.
Friends of JCCH
Goodsill Anderson Quinn & Stifel LLP
Hawaiian Building Maintenance
Hawaiian Electric Company Inc.
Hawaiian Host
Hawaiian Properties Ltd.
Hawaiian Telcom
HawkTree International
Hokulani Kigyo/K. Taniguchi Ltd.
Kaimana Hila
Kamehameha Schools
KoAloha Ukulele
Kobayashi, Sugita & Goda
Manoa Grand Ballroom/Marian’s
Matsukawa Insurance Agency
Meadow Gold Dairies
Hoyt Zia & Leigh-Ann Miyasato
Morioka `Ohana
Edward & Kim Murakami
Nippon Golden Network Inc.
Occidental Underwriters of
Hawaii Ltd.
Kip & Shannon Okinaka
John Okutani
Osaki Creative Group
Pacific Guardian Center
Ronald N.S. Ho & Associates Inc.
Brian Sterling & Joel Comer at
Sandler O’Neill
Servco Foundation
Servco Insurance Services
SSFM International Inc.
Urasenke Foundation
American Savings Bank
Armstrong Produce
First Insurance Company of Hawaii Ltd.
Grove Farm Company Inc.
Howard R. & Sheri Hanada
Gail Ann M. Honda
KAI Hawaii
Karen Kaisan
Brandon L. Kim
Robert N. Kinoshita
Gladys & Masao Kurosu
Shirley & Ray Miyamoto
Catherine S. Morishige
Sadaichi Murakami
Shizuye Nishioka
Valerie Okihara
John & Nancy Oshiro
Jane T. Sagawa
Michael & Akane Shimoko
T. Iida Contracting Ltd.
Eric Teragawachi
Allen T. Yamashita
Shirley Y. Iwatani
Noriko Kasahara
Yukio & Tsuyuko Kitagawa
Robert N. & Helen S. Kumasaka
James & Melba Kurashige
Janet N. Matsuoka
Ella Miyashiro
Kay & May A. Muranaka
Jennifer T. Murata
Yukio & Nora U. Nakahira and
Stacey Ikehara
Katsuko U. Nakamura
Dorothy S. & Ann R. Nakata
Jeffrey Nishihara
Stephen & Geraldine Ochikubo
Shirley Shiroma
Setsu Takashige
Sue & Harry Uyeoka
Ron & Masumi Watanabe
In Memory of Takashi Hasuike
442 Infantry–Wanda &
Stacey Ota
In Memory of Norma C. Yoshioka
–Constance F. Yoshioka
In Memory of Mother Misao
Togo, Brother Fredrick Togo,
and Daughter-In-Law
Paula Imamura–May Leiko
Imamura-Uruu (Donors)
May Leiko Imamura-Uruu
Atlas Insurance Agency
Bank of Hawaii
Ben Franklin Crafts
First Hawaiian Bank
Dr. Genshitsu Sen/Urasenke
Lance Mizumoto
The Pacific Bridge Companies
R.M. Towill Corporation
Spring 2013 Annual Fund
Jean E. Rolles
Shigeaki & Mary O. Fujitani
Florence Hanzawa
Helen T. Inazaki
Christine S. Jackson
Linda Jensen & Louis Marines
Hiroshi & Nellie Matsunami
Winifred F. Ogata
Elaine S. Okazaki
Ellen Okazaki
Dr. Paul & Roberta Sunahara
Kiyoshi & Tomoko O. Taira
Clinton K. & Jean Tashiro
Tyler M. Tokioka
Wayne Y. & Jovalene Yoshioka
In Memory of Yoshitami Jack Tasaka
–Gale Kobayashi
In Memory of Misae Masutani –
Alice M. Masutani
In Honor of Rachel Ushijima –
Ronald R. & Agnes C. Ushijima
Patsy O. Akagi
Richard Y. Akizaki
Paul & April H. Arakaki
Paul & Charlene Fukunaga
Gary Y. & Mildred Funasaki
and Tasha Hayashi
Dr. Dorothy O., Cathy, &
Kaitlin Hazama
James & Karen Hirai
May E. Hirano
Shigenobu & Jane T. Inouye
New in the Gift Shop!
Twice Heroes: America’s Nisei Veterans
of WWII and Korea
(Hardcover) $45.00
Meet the Nisei soldiers of the Purple Heart
Battalion, Go For Broke Regiment, and Top
Secret Military Intelligence Service. Declared
“enemy aliens” by their government and
mistrusted by their neighbors, a generation
of American citizens fought to prove their
loyalty, ultimately receiving their country’s
highest civilian honor, the Congressional Gold
Medal. Writer/photographer Tom Graves spent
over a decade collecting stories of this fast
disappearing generation of heroes.
Musubi and Shave Ice Pillows
Large $32.00, Small $22.00
Things Japanese Sale
November 2–December 21
Members Only Preview
November 2, 8:00 am–9:00 am
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
Community Gallery
Hello Kitty
Spam Musubi, Ume Musubi,
Maki Sushi, and Shave Ice pillows
are available in two sizes in the
Gift Shop. Shave Ice comes in
two color choices and is available
only in large.
Pink Globalization:
Hello Kitty’s Trek Across
the Pacific
(Paperback) $24.95
Hello Kitty DoubleWalled 15 oz. tumbler,
in two styles, and
BPA free. Special offer!
With a purchase of
$10 from the JCCH
Gift Shop, you can
purchase the tumbler
for just $8.00 while
supplies last.
Christine R. Yano examines the
creation and rise of Hello Kitty as a
part of Japanese Cute-Cool culture.
Through interviews, Yano shows
how consumers use this iconic
cat to negotiate gender,
nostalgia, and national identity.
Chibi Wear Aloha Shirts
Exclusive to the JCCH Gift Shop!
Aloha shirts featuring characters
from Stacey Hayashi’s graphic novel,
Journey of Heroes: The Story of the
100th Infantry Battalion and 442nd
Regimental Combat Team. The shirts
are available in three color choices
(blue, green, and white), in men’s
and women’s sizes.
Save the Date!
The popular Things Japanese Sale is set
for November 2–December 21. The sale will
once again be filled with bargains on unique
one-of-a-kind Japanese items. Don’t miss it!
Your donations are welcome!
The JCCH Gift Shop is always accepting
donations of Japanese-related items in good
condition. Items that we are looking for in
particular include furniture, dishes, vases,
decorative items, textiles, and clothing.
Your thoughtful donation to JCCH is
greatly appreciated and tax-deductible!
New Gallery and
Gift Shop Hours
As of August 1, the Gallery and
Gift Shop will be operating on a
new schedule.
10:00 am–4:00 pm
9:00 am–4:00 pm
Membership/Donation application
Membership questions? Please call (808) 945-7633 Ext. 47
or email info@jcch.com.
Summer 2013 (Membership benefits are for one year and non-transferable)
Yes, we/I want to be a
Ikebana 1
Ikenobo by Betty Takakawa
Sustaining Member
Legacy Member
Corporate Member
$ 15Student (with ID)
$ 35Individual
$ 50Family (2 adults, 2 children 17 yrs. and under)
sustaining membership
$100 Sustaining Individual
$250 Sustaining Family
(2 adults, 2 children 17 years and under)
$1,000Legacy (Individual Lifetime Membership)
$ 100Non-Profit
$ 250Supporting Business
$ 500Premier Corporate
$ 1,000Imperial Corporate
Ikebana 2
Sogetsu by
Karen Kaisan
If New or Renewing:
Membership # ___________________________________
Name __________________________________________
Address ________________________________________
City ____________________________________________
State ______________________ Zip _________________
Phone _________________________________________
Email __________________________________________
Ikebana 3
Ikenobo by Betsy Sekiya
FOR Gift Membership ONLY:
Name (Recipient) ________________________________
Address ________________________________________
City ___________________________________________
State ______________________ Zip _________________
Hm Ph _________________ Wk Ph _________________
Email __________________________________________
Ikebana 4
Ohara by
Irene Nakamoto
FOR FAMILY Membership
(Two adults, two children 17 years and under):
Please indicate the names of additional family members below:
_____________________ ________________________
In addition to my membership, enclosed is
my tax-deductible contribution of $ _______________
in support of JCCH programs and activities.
Ikebana 5
Sogetsu by
Lorna Kawahara
TOTAL: $ ____________________
Please send payment to
2454 South Beretania St., Honolulu, HI 96826
Check enclosed, payable to the JCCH
Charge to my:
Card # ____________________________ Exp. ___/____
Signature _______________________________________
U.S. Postage
Honolulu, HI
Permit No. 891
2454 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, HI 96826
a t a g l a nc e J a pa nese C u lt u r a l C en t er of H awa i‘i
(808) 945-7633 Ext. 23
(808) 945-7633 Ext. 34
(808) 945-7633 Ext. 22
(808) 945-7633 Ext. 25
Friday, August 16 · 1:00–4:00 pm
Saturday, August 17 · 9:00 am–12:00 pm
· 1:00–4:00 pm n Shippoyaki (Japanese
enameling) · Japanese Cultural Center of
Hawai‘i Community Gallery
(808) 945-7633 Ext. 28
Wednesday, August 21 n Classical and
Contemporary Japanese Drumming Lecture/
Discussion · 6:00 pm · Japanese Cultural
Center of Hawai‘i Community Gallery
(808) 945-7633 Ext. 39
Saturday, August 24 n Author’s Day at
JCCH Today’s Thought—Rev. Paul Osumi:
the Man and his Message by Norman Osumi
· 1:00–4:00 pm · Japanese Cultural Center
of Hawai‘i Community Gallery
(808) 945-7633 Ext. 33
(808) 945-7633 Ext. 27
(808) 945-7633 Ext. 30
(808) 945-7633 Ext. 29
(808) 945-7633 Ext. 47
jonathan lum
(808) 945-7633 Ext. 46
(808) 945-7633 Ext. 32
(808) 945-7633 Ext. 42
(808) 945-7633 Ext. 43
Friday, August 30 n An Evening with
Jesse Kuhaulua · 4:30 pm (JCCH Members-only)
5:00 pm (General Public) · Japanese Cultural
Center of Hawai‘i Community Gallery
Saturday, August 31 · 9:00 am–6:00 pm
Sunday, September 1 · 9:00 am–4:00 pm
Okinawan Festival · Kapiolani Park
Saturday, September 7 n The Untold Story:
Internment of Japanese Americans in Hawai‘i
Screening/DVD Launch · 10:00 am · The
Historic Iao Theater, Maui
September 14 – October 19 n Medium 3
Art Exhibition · Tuesday–Saturday
· 10:00 am–4:00 pm · Japanese Cultural
Center of Hawai‘i Community Gallery
· Opening Reception Friday, September 13
at 6:00 pm
Saturday, September 21 n Peace Day
· 9:00 am · World War II Valor in the Pacific
National Monument
Sunday, September 22 n The Untold Story:
Internment of Japanese Americans in Hawai‘i
Screening/DVD Launch · 2:00 pm · Lihue, Kaua‘i
· Kaua‘i Community College Performing
Arts Center
Saturday, October 5 n The Untold Story:
Internment of Japanese Americans in Hawai‘i
Screening/DVD Launch · 1:00 pm · San Jose,
California · Wesley United Methodist Church
Sunday, October 6 n The Untold Story:
Internment of Japanese Americans in Hawai‘i
Screening/DVD Launch · 2:00 pm
· San Francisco, California · Japanese Cultural
and Community Center of Northern California
Saturday, October 26 n The Untold Story:
Internment of Japanese Americans in Hawai‘i
Screening/DVD Launch · 2:00 pm
· Los Angeles, California · Japanese American
National Museum
Sunday, November 17 n Shichi Go San:
Keiki Kimono Dressing · 9:00 am–3:00 pm
· Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
Mānoa Ballroom
Sunday, January 19 n New Year’s ‘Ohana
Festival · 10:00 am–4:00 pm · Japanese
Cultural Center of Hawai‘i/Mō‘ili‘ili Field