January 2016 Corsair Newsletter

January 4th, 2016
THEME OF THE MONTH: Being Responsible
Corsair Public School
2230 Corsair Road
Mississauga, Ontario
Phone: 905-279-1511
Fax: 905-279-8603
Scott Krueger
Tracey Lai Thom
Marilyn Henderson-Briehl
Office Manager
Anthony Edwards
Janet McDougall
Sue Lawton
Important Dates to Remember:
Jan 11th– Read-a-Thon Forms & Pledges due
Jan 18th—Report Card Writing Day PA Day—No School for Students
Jan 19th– School Council Meeting—7-8pm
Jan 29th- Last day of Grade 1 F.I. Online Registration
Feb 12th- Report Cards go home
We would like to wish all our families a prosperous
and healthy 2016!
Although we have had really warm weather so far this year, snow and
the cold weather is coming! During the winter months, we may need to
cancel buses or close schools because of inclement weather.
Information regarding cancellations or closures will be announced on
radio and TV stations and posted at www.peelschools.org and
www.stopr.ca. We will also post information on our Twitter account at
@corsairps. You can also call the school board at 905-890-1010 or 1800-668-1146.
A reminder to parents who are waiting at bus stops with students that
they should please ensure students are lined up in single file, well away
from snow banks and houses.
Many thanks to parents for all the
generous food donations made on
your behalf to the Salvation Army
Food Bank. The school raised
over 60 full boxes of
Candy Grams for Syrian
During December, Mlle. Bracovic and the Grade 5 Team
helped to raise money for
Unicef to assist Syrian Refugees by selling Candy
Grams. We raised a total of
$1641! Well done Corsair!
On December 18th, the Corsair Spirit Team led by our Music Department, led the Students through a wonderful
Sing-A-Long session where students sang seasonal songs. We were also treated to a few songs/dance/piano
presentations by some classes and our Spirit Team. Teachers also performed a special number on stage.
Many thanks to the teachers and students who worked so hard to make this event so special!
Maria and Isaiah
did a fabulous job
of being MCs!
Give what you can on United Way Giving Day – Feb. 9, 2016
At the Peel District School Board, our mission is to inspire success, confidence and hope
in each student – each and every day. Yet we know that there are many needs in our
community that we can’t address on our own, like providing food for families that may go
without or supporting communities after a crisis. That’s why we are holding a board-wide
giving day in support of United Way of Peel Region, a key partner and supporter of Peel
This year, the Peel board has declared Feb. 9 as United Way Giving Day to raise much
needed funds for United Way of Peel Region and the network of social service agencies it
supports. Whether it’s providing shelter for a mother and her children in Brampton, matching a child who is at risk with a mentor in Caledon, or funding a breakfast program in Mississauga for youth that would otherwise go hungry, United Way of Peel Region offers
hope and possibility to thousands in our community.
A donation of:
$2 may go towards a warm winter coat for a child.
$10 supports a child with interactive, recreational outings for one year, including healthy
snacks and transportation, to help them build their social skills and self-esteem.
$25 matches a teen with a caring adult mentor who will meet with him or her several
times each month for fun activities.
This is a completely voluntary campaign and any contributions are welcome. Whether
you send a loonie, toonie or cheque made out to your child’s school, your contribution
will make a difference. Pledges of $25 or more will automatically receive a tax receipt
from United Way of Peel Region. To receive a receipt, you must fill out the pledge form on
the back and send it to school with your donation by March 29, 2016.
Special technology offers for Peel board students, parents and
Does your child need a computer or tablet for school? Equity of access to technology is a
key priority for the Peel board. That's why we've worked with a number of technology
companies to offer discounted devices to Peel families and staff.
Renewed Computer Technology (RCT) offers low-cost, quality refurbished computers
to families with a low-income. Qualified applicants can purchase:
desktop for $60
laptop for $150
Prices include software, a two-year warranty and tax. For more information, contact RCT
directly, call 905-795-0627 or visit their website at www.rcto.ca.
Peel families now have access to the following exclusive offers from VIG Solutions:
Intel Dual Core, 2GB, 160GB computer with a 17-inch LCD monitor -- $110
10-inch netbook with 1GB ram, 160GB hard drive, Wi-Fi capability and Windows 7 -- $60.
Taxes and shipping will be applied to product costs, and all items come with a six-month
warranty. To purchase products, visit www.refurbitstock.ca/peel and enter peelregion before proceeding.
Microsoft offers reduced pricing on select products. For more information, visit
The Peel board’s initiatives are part of the ongoing effort to create greater equity of access to technology for Peel students, parents and staff and do not represent an endorsement of any company or product. For all BYOD information, visit www.peelschools.org/
Apply for French Immersion and/or Extended French
by Jan. 29, 2016
If your child will be starting grade 1 in September 2016, one of the important choices you will make
is whether you want to consider French Immersion (FI). To find out more about the program, visit
The application form for grade 1 FI for the 2016-17 school year is available online at
www.peelschools.org/French. The deadline to apply is Friday, Jan. 29, 2016 at 4 p.m. Applications received after the deadline will not be included in the random selection process and will be
placed on the school’s waitlist.
Enrolment cap and random selection process
As there is a grade 1 FI enrolment cap in place, there are a limited number of spots available for
students entering the program. The cap is set at 25 per cent of all Peel students enrolled in grade
Spots are not assigned on a first come, first served basis. A random selection process system is
used to identify students gaining entrance into the grade 1 FI program.
All students who apply by the deadline will be assigned a rank using a computerized random selection process. Once students have been assigned to all available spots, remaining students will be
placed, again in rank order, on the school's waitlist. Each school has its own waitlist.
If your child will be starting grade 7 in September 2016, one of the important choices you will
make is whether you want to consider Extended French (EF). To find out more about the program,
visit www.peelschools.org/French
The deadline to apply is Friday, Jan. 29, 2016 at 4 p.m. Applications received after the deadline will
be placed on the school’s waitlist.
The EF school for our area is Tomken Road Middle School. The phone number is 905 –277-0321.
How to get more information
Visit the Peel board website—www.peelschools.org/French.
Call [name of school] at [phone number].
Visit the Canadian Parents for French website at http://on.cpf.ca/.
Closing schools due to bad weather
During the winter months, we may need to cancel buses or close schools because of inclement weather.
Information regarding details of cancellations or closures will be announced on radio and television stations listed below and posted at www.peelschools.org and www.stopr.ca. Information will also be available
on Twitter @Peelschools, Facebook at www.facebook.com/peelschools or by calling 905-890-1010 or 1800-668-1146.
CFNY FM102.1/AM640
FM Z103.5
CHIN FM100.7/AM1540
FM Q107
One of the following messages will be announced (highlighted text only):
Peel District School Board buses are cancelled.
This means that schools remain open for students and staff, but buses are cancelled. Bus cancellations
could occur in all or parts of municipalities. Buses will remain cancelled all day. All activities that require
bussing will also be cancelled. Permits, night school classes, child care and other activities in schools will
operate as usual.
All Peel District School Board schools and board offices are closed.
This means that all schools and Board offices are closed to students and staff. All activities in schools and
board offices are also cancelled, including child care, night school and permits.
All evening programs and permits at the Peel District School Board are cancelled.
This means that all activities in schools and Board offices are cancelled, including continuing education
courses and events. The buildings will be closed.
All weekend programs and permits at the Peel District School Board are cancelled.
This means that all activities in schools and Board offices are cancelled, including continuing education
courses and events. The buildings will be closed.
Conference helps parents make a difference in numeracy and beyond
The Peel District School Board is hosting its annual parent conference on Saturday, April 2, 2016, at
Rick Hansen Secondary School in Mississauga. Once again, the conference will focus on numeracy—25 out of 60 workshops help with math. Parents will still have the opportunity to attend
workshops on other topics, including literacy, special education and science.
This free learning event is open to Peel parents of students at all grade levels.
Registration opens February 1, 2016
Stay up-to-date!
For more information, look out for the conference flyer at your child's school or visit
Help your family stay warm this winter
Canada Safety Council recommends the following tips for staying comfortable and preventing hypothermia when working or playing outdoors:
 Wear a warm hat—most body heat is lost through the head. Children should keep an extra hat
at school.
 Wear layered clothing. Layers allow warm air to stay trapped around the body.
 Protect your feet and hands. Wear loose waterproof boots. If the boots have liners, carry an
extra pair to replace damp ones or take an extra pair of socks. Mittens are warmer than gloves.
Carry an extra pair of mittens to school, on outings, etc.
 Prevent dehydration and exhaustion, which can lead to hypothermia. Drink plenty of fluids and
pace yourself when doing vigorous activities.
 Stay fit by exercising and eating well—people who are fit are less susceptible to hypothermia.
 If you stay indoors, avoid moving from a hot environment to a cold one. Excessive sweating
caused from an extreme change in temperature increases the risk of developing hypothermia.
 Eat high-energy food such as nuts and raisins.
If you are travelling (on the road or in the wilderness) carry emergency supplies.
Nutritious lunches help children learn
Use Canada’s Food Guide to help your child get nutrients and energy needed to
have a successful school day.
Try to give your child some choice about what to take for lunch. If possible, get your
child involved in preparing meals.
Give your child a variety of healthy choices. Keeping your child interested in lunch is
the first step to making sure it is eaten.
Make the food easy to eat. If it will take your child a few minutes to unwrap a sandwich, it may be skipped.
Resist the temptation to routinely send sweets, pop, chips and cookies in your child's lunch. Save treats for
special occasions.
Try to avoid fast food or pre-packaged, convenience lunches, which are often high in salt and fat.
Do your best to role model healthy eating behaviours for your family.
To speak to a registered dietitian about healthy food choices, call EatRight Ontario at 1877-510-5102.
For more information about the policy, visit http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/
healthyschools. If you have questions about how we are implementing the School
Food and Beverage Policy, please call the school.
Traffic safety in our community
Safety is a top priority at our school. Here is a list of traffic tips to keep students, staff and parents
safe while commuting to and from school.
Respect traffic signs and road markers around the school.
Drive slowly and with caution on and near school property. Adhere to the posted speed limits on any
surrounding streets used by students on their way to and from school.
Always yield to pedestrian traffic. Wait for students, staff members and parents to cross before
driving past them.
When dropping your child off at the school, use the Kiss
that is designed to keep students safe.
& Ride area. This is a supervised area