The Extended University E X T E N D OPPORTUNITIES C A L I F O R N I A S TAT E U N I V E R S I T Y E X T E N D E D E D U C AT I O N : P R O V I D I N G I N N O VAT I V E E D U C AT I O N A L S O LU T I O N S TO LO C A L E CO N O M I E S , CO M M U N I T I E S , A N D I N D I V I D UA L S Quick Facts • “Nontraditional” students are now in the majority. Over half of all • The California State University’s Extended University brings 24 / 7 education and training opportunities to people in local communities throughout the state — and around the world. to benefit from the CSU’s resources through such opportunities as degree programs, CSUB brought programs to the As of 2004, fewer than 30% of the certificates, non - credit courses, and custom - designed workforce development. Last year the US population age 25 and older CSU Extended University processed over 316,000 registrations, serving more than 168,000 had a college degree. Roughly 25% students. These CSUB programs . . . dramatically improve the ability of local residents to pursue upper- division and graduate education. ” capabilities, and the innovativeness of our continuing education units are critical to the California State University’s future.” The Extended University is the CSU’s “rapid - response team” meeting the education and training The CSU Extended University dates back to the mid -1800s when the Minns Evening Normal lege but had not earned a bache- School (later renamed San Jose State University) began offering evening classes to teachers in —Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook, providing leading edge teaching and learning opportunities to address emerging job markets, lor’s degree. For those adults, con- the area. In 1971, the state legislature passed the Continuing Education Revenue Fund (CERF) President / Superintendent, meeting the needs of local economies, or creating programs for public and community entities, Act that required each CSU campus to create an extended education unit to meet the emerging College of the Canyons the CSU’s Extended University designs, develops, and delivers high quality education and needs of a changing populace featuring academic flexibility and supplemental delivery CSU Bakersfield’s University Center training in a very short period of time. The CSU Extended University directly and indirectly needs of individuals and groups that might not otherwise be served by the CSU. Whether methods. Extended education units throughout the CSU responded to their local and regional contributes to California’s economy and improves the quality of life for individuals and groups Post- baccalaureate certificate communities with lifelong learning programs that utilize innovative formats and technologies. throughout the state and around the world. programs are addressing emerg- The tradition of the CSU extending its resources beyond campuses has continued without ing careers and are a frequent interruption to the present day. gateway for students to enter put 70 people through the “ We’ve program, fully paid for by Watson. I master’s degree programs. CSU extended education units operate on a self- support basis, without General Fund The type of education in which 25 allocations. As such, they are market- driven, responding rapidly to the changing demands of instructors are senior industry to 64 - year - olds most often partici- the diverse continuing education marketplace in California and beyond. They have the professionals who are extremely pate is work- related. flexibility and entrepreneurial motivation to invest in new academic programs. They conduct knowledgeable, talented and market surveys and create marketing strategies and programs to address and meet the needs active in their field. I attended the of continuing education students, frequently bringing together diverse disciplines to create program myself. Completing the More than 2.3 million people took an online course in fall 2004, an 18% increase over the nearly two innovative programs. Revenues are collected and used to pay operating expenses and million who did so in fall 2003. compensate instructors, many of whom also serve as faculty members for General Fund CSU More than 80% of the chief learning officers surveyed in a recent study indicated that online learning would play an increasing role or at least a similar one in their companies over the next two or three years. National data source: Lifelong Learning Trends ©2006 by the University Continuing Education Association operations. Surplus revenue from extended education is reinvested in new program development, technology, or infrastructure initiatives that expand the scope of CSU activity. “System -wide extended education really does extend the reach of the university, as the name implies,” explains Edward McAleer, State University Dean, Extended Education. “It provides the opportunity to serve customers who are often already in the workplace. A number of students come to us as mid - career professionals who need to finish their bachelor’s degree or upgrade their career prospects by obtaining a master’s degree. Other times, we work directly with employers, who need to upgrade their employees’ skills in order to remain competitive. The think that fact speaks for itself. The certificate helped us see the whole picture of the pharmaceutical industry, and how everything fits together. I think that’s one of the greatest benefits of the proedge upon which you can build your career. ” —Sterling Pounds, Manager of Quality Assurance, Watson Pharmaceuticals CSU Fullerton’s Pharmaceutical customers. There are no tax dollars required to either initiate new programs or sustain Engineering Program Graduate The self- support status of the CSU Extended University is especially important as more and more pressure is being put on the state budget. “At a time of constrained public resources, the Quick Facts CSU Extended University in 2004 - 2005 : Total Registrations (Duplicate Headcount Registrations) Registrations in Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Courses Total Student Credit Units (SCUs) 316,018 35,975 696,417 Registrations in Special Sessions Degree Programs Registrations in Non-Credit Contract Courses and Programs Total Annual Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) (Credit) 43,475 20,285 Registrations in Open University / Concurrent Enrollment Courses Total Course Offerings (Credit and Non-Credit) Total Number of Students Served Through Extended University 194,393 53,799 168,000 + Total Special Sessions Undergraduate Degree Programs Total Special Sessions Graduate Degree Programs Total Special Sessions Degree Programs gram — an infrastructure of knowl- great thing about extended education in the CSU is that it’s paid for directly by satisfied successful longer - running programs.” 1 area through the University Center. provide the very best in degree and post- degree education,” says Dr. Jolene Koester, President, million people), had been to col- baccalaureate studies. • more innovative ways, and in more places than ever before. In that light, the resources, the part - time. be the route to completing their • CSU Northridge. “We are being asked to do this for more constituencies, more frequently, in Through its 23 campus - based self- support units, the Extended University enables Californians was limited until recently when tinuing education programs will • California State University, like all of higher education in the United States, is being asked to higher education enrollments are of people that age (more than 47 • to a comprehensive “ Access array of programs in Santa Clarita 35 2,042 97 132 2 E X T E N D I N TO J O B M A R K E T S THE EXTENDED UNIVERSITY EXTENDS I N TO G R O W I N G J O B M A R K E TS that can assist in extending the reach of programs beyond local campuses. Satellite television, been following the growth of “ IthehadEnvironmental Technology me. I’m a single mom with five digital microwave TV, and videoconferencing services connect instructors with remote viewing Center at SSU and was really excit- kids, and I can’t always rearrange sites. Synchronous and asynchronous online courses, virtual classroom software, collaborative ed to see the green building online program actually “ The turned out to be very beneficial for my whole life to come to campus, so it was nice to be able to do the program when I had the time. Everything I learned I could apply immediately or discuss with my To keep pace with a changing society, extended education units stay abreast of the technologies learning environments, podcasts, and Internet web streaming provide delivery methods that transcend distance, time, and space. Many of these technologies, and the instructional approaches for effectively using them, were pioneered by extended education units in response to the need for increasing access in a cost- effective manner. These technologies, as well as supervisors and my peers at work. leading - edge instructional formats, enable the CSU Extended University to provide programs It was nice to be active and to be that meet the need of employees in new and growing job markets. learning at the same time. I think program culminating in a Bachelor of Arts in Family and Consumer Sciences, Option in Child Development and Family Studies. The curriculum includes interdisciplinary coursework focusing on several areas that influence the life and education of children and families. course. As a business development CSU Los Angeles’ certificate program in Legal Interpretation and Translation (English / Spanish - director for a large winery, the Spanish / English) helps meet the increasing need for qualified interpreters to assist the large course inspired me to apply green building practices to our business planning and capital improvements both short and long term. I believe Sonoma State’s Environmental Studies Green Building number of non - English speaking residents in California. The certificate program prepares students for county, state, and federal examinations required for employment as certified interpreters and translators. It also prepares students in California’s bilingual, bicultural world, for positions in which Spanish / English interpreters are hired by government agencies and private businesses, including positions as telephone interpreters with language line services. the CSU Northridge name is recog- CSU Long Beach, CSU Monterey Bay, and Sacramento State University are part of a consortium courses, offered through Extended CSU Stanislaus is also responding to this need through its 13 - week Introduction to nized everywhere you go. The that provides courses that introduce students to other languages and cultures through the use of Education, will be instrumental in Interpretation program. program is very convenient and it synchronous and asynchronous content delivery technologies, as well as web - based resources. the green building revolution ! fit my lifestyle very well. ” —Geriane Williford CSU Northridge’s Distance Learning Master’s Degree in Communication Disorders and Sciences Graduate Cutting - edge technology created a virtual collaborative learning environment that links these campuses and provides students throughout the state with online instruction in Chinese, French, and Japanese. This innovative use of technology has been an important component in meeting the need for basic foreign language training within the international trade and transportation industry. California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo’s Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree completion program leads the way for working adults who want customized education to meet ” —Natasha Granoff, Director of Business Development, Sonoma Wine Company Sonoma State University’s Green CSU Fullerton’s Computer Forensics Certificate is a cutting- edge program designed to address the increase in cyber crimes and the need for a program in computer security. The certificate enables students to develop an understanding of computer forensics and the techniques used in the evidentiary process. Guidance Software, the manufacturer of the leading forensic data and analysis program — EnCase — provides an educational version of the software to enable students to have hands - on experience using this important tool. Building Professional Certificate Program Graduate CSU Bakersfield, CSU Dominguez Hills, and CSU East Bay, are among those responding to new the needs of a specialized field of interest. Customization is achieved through two innovative legislation requiring certification for substance abuse counselors. These campuses provide program features: (1) the Advanced Investigation Seminar which facilitates study of a narrowly training necessary for professional certification by the California Certification Board of Alcohol defined issue of professional interest; and (2) the Capstone Project which allows the student the and Drug Counselors (CCAADAC) through a Certificate in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Counseling. opportunity to complete a project or a report that can be linked to the student’s professional Sonoma State University is meeting the needs of the rapidly emerging field of “green goals. construction” through its year - long Green Building Professional Certificate. Meeting once a Nurse Refresher Program “ The (NRP) was an excellent, life - chang- CSU East Bay partnered with the Work Force Investment Boards of Alameda, Oakland, Richmond, month each Saturday, architects, planners, engineers, and builders from around the North San and Contra Costa to develop a grant to meet technology industry training needs for incumbent Francisco Bay region learn holistic building techniques. In conjunction with its Environmental ing experience for me as an RN high - level Information Technology (IT) workers. The successful grant proposal resulted in training Technology Center (ETC), Sonoma State University teaches and demonstrates sustainable needing positive support, refresh- delivered to more than 500 IT employees at Clorox in topics ranging from online Microsoft building techniques and a wide range of design features that minimize energy use. ing skills, information, guidance and seeking employment in the current world of Registered Nursing. Thank you for providing this much needed program in our community. ” —Roberta S. Colvin, RN, RCP, AE - C CSU San Marcos’ Registered NRP Graduate certification to management skills such as project management. Humboldt State University is helping to meet the needs of the ecology - minded tourist — the fastest growing segment of the worldwide travel industry, increasing at an annual rate of 30%, CSU San Marcos is responding to California’s well - documented statewide nursing shortage through the development of its Registered Nurse Refresher Program that has refreshed the skills of over 120 inactive licensed nurses in California. This very important program specifically responds to the critical nursing shortage in acute care settings, as well as in hospice, public CSU Fullerton’s Computer Forensics Certificate health, home care, and clinical trial environments. CSU Long Beach’s Bachelor of Arts CSU Long Beach, in partnership with area community colleges, is responding to the move Option in Child Development and toward Universal Preschool and legislation requiring a bachelor’s degree for preschool teachers. Family Studies according to the Stanford Research Institute. Humboldt’s Ecotourism Planning and Management certificate program uses a combination of distance learning, directed readings, and a project to help students learn how to preserve the ecosystem while creating economic opportunities that make the conservation of natural resources beneficial to local people. in Family and Consumer Sciences, To meet the increasing demand for better - trained preschool teachers through an appropriate degree available at a time and place convenient to early childhood professionals, CSU Long Beach’s Department of Family and Consumer Sciences offers an accelerated degree completion 5 6 E X T E N D I N TO LO C A L E CO N O M I E S THE EXTENDED UNIVERSITY EXTENDS Clinical Trials Design and “ SFSU’s Management program provided Collectively, the 23 campuses span the length of the state, offering successful continuing education programs in an impressive variety of niche markets. I N TO LO C A L E CO N O M I E S partnership between Cal“ The trans and Sacramento State has my career with the foundation that assist with accelerating growth of early stage companies one success at a time. One of the companies in the incubator is BioMedix, Inc., a developer of food testing kits. Its close CSU Long Beach’s Center for International Trade and Transportation was formed in response program that is consistent with industry to biotechnology. With to the needs of the international trade and multimodal transportation industry at the Ports of the Governor’s vision of a state over 14 years experience in the IT Los Angeles and Long Beach. The center provides training, education, research, and outreach government that operates more industry, I decided to find a new in a neutral forum. It is widely known for two programs: first, the Global Logistics Specialist efficiently, without waste. . . . transferable skills to find entry - level opportunities in the biotechnology industry. I began SFSU’s certificate program to gain knowledge about clinical trials design and CSU Sacramento is now in its fifth year of partnership with the California Department of challenges and opportunities. Research Associate after I com- infrastructure. The extended education unit has created a three - day course that uses California Department of pleted my certificate in the Clinical technology to simulate a ship’s bridge, viewing the ocean through images projected on four Transportation Trials Design and Management screens. Performance monitoring, exercise replays and environmental sounds offer students CSU Sacramento’s Caltrans Lead- program. realistic ship navigation and responsibility. The Bridge Resource Management course enables ership, Management, and Project students to meet industry requirements, including recertification and upgrades, while also Management Program providing them the opportunity to immediately put into practice the exercises experienced in CHIRON the classroom. San Francisco State University’s San Francisco State University, in partnership with active industry professionals, is dedicated Clinical Trials Design and to meeting the training and development needs for one of California’s key centers for the Management Certificate Program Graduate ter of Public Health Degree for the US Navy Hospital dollars are often tight for state agencies, Sacramento State proposed a low - cost, high - results solution to meet CDCR’s specific succession and leadership needs. In a unique three - way collaboration, Sacramento State built a shared CDCR / Caltrans pilot program that brought employees from both agencies together in one classroom over a two- month period. Quick Facts • The state’s largest industry sector is trade, transportation, and utili- training in laboratory - based core biotechnologies from the College of Science with MBA - level ties, which encompasses every- business courses in management / marketing. This professional degree program graduates thing from major retail outlets to world and are ready to make immediate contributions to biotechnology companies. San Diego State University’s Mas- sought out Sacramento State, the source of Caltrans’ training success. Knowing that training California’s Economy is Diversified Master of Science in Biotechnology (MBT) degree program integrates advanced, hands - on highly qualified individuals who have had direct exposure to the biotechnology corporate Course Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) was facing a major reorganization crisis of its own and program to prepare professionals for clinical trials which must be conducted before applying San Jose State University is another CSU addressing the needs of the biotech industry. Its Bridge Resource Management management or leadership training programs. In 2005, the California Department of biotech industry. It offers a popular Clinical Trials Design and Management Certificate for approval to market products for prescription to the public. California Maritime Academy’s Transportation (Caltrans) and has trained more than 600 employees through its customized ” Director, —Alzata Haru Evans - Jones, government regulations affecting this industry. and learn about their mutual logistics in a global setting. Oncology Clinical Development, the need for food manufacturers and retail food handlers to understand the many work together, form networks, (MAGL), which combines the analytical skills of a traditional MBA with a strong emphasis on marine transportation system, which involves tugs, barges, container ships, and multi - modal ” hour Food Safety Certificate. This program, based on USDA and FDA requirements, addresses agers from state departments to providers of global supply chain services; and second, the Master of Arts in Global Logistics —Will Kempton I was promoted to Clinical relationship with the extended education unit has resulted in the joint development of a 56 - provides opportunities for man- (GLS ®), which is an industry- driven professional designation program for both users and California Maritime Academy serves the maritime industry through courses related to the management. In September 2005, Administration (EDA), as well as a host of public and private sources, AccelTech is able to resulted in a thriving training I needed to transition from the IT career path in 2004. I used my incubator known as AccelTech. Through funding from NASA and the Economic Development San Diego State University is responding to the needs of its neighbor, the US Navy, with a Master of Public Health degree for the US Navy Hospital. Designed in partnership with the US import- export businesses. Other major industries include professional and business services, educational and health services, and manufacturing. Navy and the university’s College of Health and Human Services, this program provides opportunities for students to complete their degrees at the US Navy Hospital in Balboa Park or while on deployment. SDSU is working with Apple Corporate headquarters to explore options for providing iPods to facilitate the delivery of classroom podcasts to students deployed overseas. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona is addressing the contributions that high - Source — chart data and facts: Employment Development Department, Labor Market Information Division, 2005 • The variety of programs offered by the CSU Extended University respond to the needs of the diverse industries that make up the California economy. Examples of programs that serve these industries are featured in this brochure. return, early - stage technology companies make to local economies by developing an 9 10 E X T E N D I N TO CO M M U N I T I E S THE EXTENDED UNIVERSITY EXTENDS number of our tribal members “ Aparticipated in the leadership program because it was an excit- Many extended education programs provide services to local and state governmental bodies. Local government, by nature, is complex and demanding, and challenges are intensified in an I N TO P U B L I C A N D CO M M U N I T Y E N T I T I E S most important thing that I “ The have learned is that it is never too environment of limited resources and high expectations from local citizens. ing learning opportunity for our San Diego State University’s eight different speed reading and reading skills summer courses years that I hadn’t finished my for kindergartners through adults are designed to turn poor readers into good readers and CSU Chico educates county, municipal, and tribal government representatives in its Local degree. I am eternally grateful, we found it to be an excellent Government Leadership Institute (LGLI), which was designed specifically for local government for the opportunity the BVE gave use of our time. We enjoyed the employees wanting to develop leadership skills and become more effective, proactive me to finish college, and the faculty and community leaders to discuss current government issues and new management techniques. ” ” college students to try online education and get a head - start in their future university studies through its Young Scholar Program. The students can, for a nominal fee, earn up to six units of CSUDH transcripted college credit which can then be transferred toward degree programs at other colleges and universities. helpful. percentage (49%) of workers eligible for retirement within the next few years through a —Gwynn Osborne CSU Extended education units offer a host of programs for seniors. Eighteen of these CSU Sacramento’s Bachelor of programs, funded by the Bernard Osher Foundation, are called Osher Lifelong Learning Vocational Education Graduate Institutes (OLLI). Serving adults 50 years of age and older, the largest segment of California’s succession management strategy in partnership with Los Angeles County. The program, known as the Los Angeles Learning Academy, has provided assessment tools for future skills, Human Resources Director, competency, and occupational needs, and created customized certificate programs designed to Redding Rancheria develop the next generation of leaders. ment Program Graduate of the program. They are all very good readers into great readers. CSU Dominguez Hills encourages high school and community CSU Northridge is helping address California’s challenge of having the nation’s highest —Don Benner CSU Chico’s Leadership Develop- kind, caring people that are part managers. to provide college preparation courses during the summer for children of migrant workers. late. It haunted me all of these team. While we are all very busy, chance to interact with university CSU Channel Islands has developed a summer program in conjunction with a local high school current population, OLLI programs provide opportunities to explore new topics through university - level courses — like Whistleblowing at CSU Bakersfield, Textile Conservation at Hearst Castle at California Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo, History of the Byzantine CSU San Bernardino’s Executive Master of Public Administration (MPA) program was Empire at CSU Fullerton, Essential Steinbeck at San Jose State University, or Oil, Islam, and developed in partnership with the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) through congressional Reform at Sonoma State University. OLLI online offered through CSU Dominguez Hills funding under the auspices of the Naval Sea System Command (NAVSEA). Through this provides a live televised series as well as website - based opportunities to chat, discuss topics, cooperation, members of the Department of Defense workforce gain the knowledge and skills or listen to lectures. needed for leadership positions at the federal, state, or municipal level. Because the degree is available completely online and asynchronously, working professionals can complete this The Extended University is the CSU for all Californians. Thanks to 23 campus - based extended accredited graduate degree without interrupting career or family obligations. education units, the Extended University continues to bring the CSU to the people of California creating a more educated populace and workforce, contributing positively toward the Humboldt State University’s extended education unit is addressing the needs of the American California economy and ultimately making California a better place in which to live and work. Indian community. Its American Indian Education Professional Development Certificate Program focuses on American Indian Education and Tribal Health and Human Services. Quick Facts The CSU Channel Islands’ Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) degree program is just one example of how CSU extended education units work collaboratively in a • enter their 50s, and continue developed in conjunction with a consortium of community colleges through funding from the to cause rapid growth of the National Science Foundation. The degree is designed to provide a pathway for community more applied, computer knowledge than one typically acquires through a Computer Science bachelor’s degree program. The CSU Extended University serves many local and state gov- Across the CSU, extended education units serve younger audiences within their communities. ernmental bodies. CSU Fullerton offers a Summer Art Camp with groups for children and teens. They also offer CSU Fresno’s Science Adventure online classes in American democracy and economics for local high school students to help Day Camp for K - 6th grade stu- them become comfortable taking classes online. Because these courses are housed on the dents university’s server, the extended education unit has created a customized “portal” for complete Population Change — 2004 through 2010 California’s average age is increasing, as baby boomers mutually beneficial manner with local community colleges. The BSIT degree program was college students with a technical associate degree to earn a bachelor’s degree with broader, California’s Age Mix is Changing as Baby Boomers Grow Older 45 - 64 age group. • The CSU Extended University is uniquely positioned to provide lifelong learning to this fastest growing and largest population in the state. * Average Annual Percentage 1.3% * of Population Increase accessibility. CSU Fresno offers a Science Adventure Day Camp for K- 6th grade students to Source — graph data and facts: improve science literacy with “hands - on” activities and projects. CSU Stanislaus offers The California Legislative Analyst’s Office summer science camps for children, including a Physics Grand Prix, and Gizmo’s Robot Factory. 13 14 California Extended University Office of the Chancellor California State University, Bakersfield California State University, Channel Islands California State University, Chico http://rce.csuchico. edu California State University, Dominguez Hills extendeded California State University, East Bay www.ce.csueastbay. edu California State University, Fresno ExtendedEd/ California State University, Fullerton www.csufextension. org Humboldt State University ~extended/ California State University, Long Beach California State University, Los Angeles exed California Maritime Academy California State University, Monterey Bay http://extended. California State University, Northridge California State Polytechnic University, Pomona www.ceu. California State University, Sacramento California State University, San Bernardino index-ie.html San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Jose State University California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo www.continuing - ed. California State University, San Marcos www.csusm - Sonoma State University exed/ California State University, Stanislaus ExtendedEd/ Brochure production: California State University, Long Beach — Univer sity College and Extension Services | Content preparation and editing: Anna Behar - Russell, Richard Schank, Carolyn Shadle; Design: Paula Suan | Photo credits: California Maritime Academy; San Diego State University, College of Extended Studies; CSU Fresno, The Division of Continuing and Global Education; Veer Photography Equal Access and Opportunity: In addition to meeting its obligations under federal and state law, the CSU is committed to creating a community in which a diverse population can learn, live, and work in an atmosphere of tolerance, civility, and respect for the rights and sensibilities of each individual without regard to economic status, ethnic background, political views, or other personal characteristics or beliefs. An Equal Opportunity Employer. | Not printed or distributed at taxpayers’ expense.