Management Science Major Honors Requirements

Management Science Major
Honors Requirements
FRESHMEN entering FA07 and later
TRANSFER students entering FA09 and later
To graduate with the phrase “with distinction” or “with highest distinction” in the Management Science major, in
addition to the major requirements, you must complete the following:
With Distinction
An upper-division GPA in your major greater than or equal to 3.5.
• Upper-division major GPA will only include grades for courses taken at universities in the UC system
and through EAP
With Highest Distinction
An upper-division GPA in your major greater than or equal to 3.5.
• Upper-division major GPA will only include grades for courses taken at universities in the UC system
and through EAP
The honors sections of at least two upper-division courses:
• ECON 100AH
• ECON 100BH
• ECON 100CH
• ECON 120AH
• ECON 120BH
• ECON 120CH
The Senior Essay Seminar (ECON 191A-B)
The major GPA in your honors sections and ECON 191A-B must be 3.5 or above.
Note on honors sections and Senior Essay Seminar: Admission to honors sections and ECON 191A-B is by special
permission; check with the undergraduate advisors in the Economics Undergraduate Student Services Office. Note that
we generally offer the ‘A’ honors sections in the fall, the ‘B’ honors sections in the winter, and the ‘C’ honors sections in
the Spring.