Contents 1. Noun Nouns ending in -o and in -a/ Nouns ending in -e Other nouns pag. 6 pag. 9 2. Article Definite article Indefinite article Definite and indefinite articles pag. 12 pag. 15 pag. 18 3. Essere and avere Essere and avere pag. 20 4. Adjective First group adjectives / Second group adjectives pag. 24 5. Present tense of regular verbs Present tense of regular verbs pag. 28 Progress Test Units 1-5 pag. 33 6. Present tense of irregular verbs Modal verbs and the verb sapere Other verbs irregular in the present tense pag. 36 pag. 38 7. Addressing people formally Addressing people formally pag. 42 8. The verb stare Present continuous (stare + gerundio) Stare per pag. 46 pag. 48 9. Possessive adjectives and pronouns Possessive adjectives and pronouns Possessive adjectives and pronouns with articles pag. 50 pag. 52 10. Reflexive and reciprocal verbs Reflexive and reciprocal verbs pag. 56 Progress Test Units 6-10 pag. 60 11. Impersonal construction Impersonal construction Impersonal construction of reflexive verbs pag. 64 pag. 66 12. Present perfect (Passato prossimo) Present perfect (Passato prossimo) Avere or essere? Some verbs with an irregular past participle pag. 68 pag. 70 pag. 73 13. Direct object pronouns Direct object pronouns Direct object pronouns with past participle pag. 76 pag. 80 3 14. Prepositions Prepositions with places Prepositions with time Other prepositions Compound prepositions pag. 82 pag. 85 pag. 87 pag. 88 15. Indirect object pronouns Indirect object pronouns pag. 92 Progress Test Units 11-15 pag. 96 16. Imperfect (Imperfetto) Conjugation of the imperfect Use of the imperfect Present perfect or imperfect of some verbs pag. 100 pag. 102 pag. 104 17. Double object pronouns Indirect object pronouns plus direct object pronouns Reflexive pronouns plus direct object pronouns pag. 106 pag. 109 18. Conditional Present Conditional Perfect Conditional pag. 112 pag. 116 19. Particles ci and ne Particle ci as an adverb of place Other meanings of ci Particle ci as an adverb of place plus direct object pronouns Particle ne as a partitive pronoun Other meanings of ne Particle ci plus particle ne Particle ne plus direct object pronouns and reflexive pronouns pag. 120 pag. 122 pag. 124 pag. 126 pag. 128 pag. 130 pag. 132 Progress Test Units 16-19 pag. 134 20. The future tense Future Simple (Futuro semplice) Future Perfect (Futuro anteriore) pag. 138 pag. 141 21. Comparatives and Superlatives Comparisons of inequality Relative superlative and absolute superlative Special comparatives and superlatives pag. 144 pag. 146 pag. 148 22. Relative pronouns che and cui Relative pronouns che and cui /Relative pronoun chi “Possessive” relative pronoun Relative pronoun il quale pag. 150 pag. 152 pag. 154 23. Past perfect (Trapassato prossimo) Past perfect (Trapassato prossimo) pag. 156 24. Informal imperative Informal imperative (tu - noi - voi) / Verbs with an irregular imperative / Negative informal imperative Informal imperative plus pronouns pag. 160 pag. 164 4 Progress Test Units 20-24 pag. 166 25. Subjunctive Conjugation of the present subjunctive/Conjugation of the past subjunctive Agreement of present and past subjunctive Conjugation of the imperfect subjunctive/ Conjugation of the past perfect subjunctive Agreement of imperfect and past perfect subjunctive Use of the subjunctive pag. 170 pag. 174 pag. 176 pag. 178 pag. 180 26. Polite imperative Polite imperative (addressing people formally) pag. 184 27. If clauses If clauses pag. 188 28. Passive voice Passive voice/ passive voice with the verb essere Passive voice with the verb venire Passive si Passive voice with the verb andare pag. 194 pag. 196 pag. 198 pag. 200 Progress Test Units 25 - 28 pag. 202 29. Historical past (Passato remoto) Historical past (Passato remoto) pag. 206 30. Past anterior (Trapassato remoto) Past anterior (Trapassato remoto) pag. 212 31. Sequence of tenses in the indicative Sequence of tenses in the indicative (1) Sequence of tenses in the indicative (2) pag. 214 pag. 215 32. Indefinites Indefinite adjectives / Indefinite pronouns / Indefinite adjectives, pronouns, adverbs pag. 216 33. Verb forms not related to time Present gerund and past gerund Past infinitive Past participle pag. 220 pag. 224 pag. 225 34. Indirect speech Indirect speech with main clause in the present tense Indirect speech with main clause in the past tense Indirect speech with the verbs chiedere and domandare pag. 226 pag. 230 pag. 233 Progress Test Units 29-34 pag. 235 Solutions pag. 239 Index pag. 252 5