(And What About Indexing?)
,Philip J. Weiss, Walsh Amerlca/PMSI
the most part, older versions 01 SAS provided a
smaller collection 01 Statements for performing these
tasks than is now available. The basic DATA step
tool kit, if it can be so defined, consisted primarily 01
SET, MERGE, and UPDATE statements which are
used to combine SAS data sets in avariety 01 ways.
AbstractManipulating multiple data sets within the same
DATA step is a common programming task. The
latest irltroduction 01 new data manipulation
procedureS provides both increased flexibility and
improved efficiency. Although these techniques are
powerful arid eilective, their utility is weakened by
potential misuse. Because the new statements
process records using random and dynamic WHERE
processing methods, SAse programmers may shun
the, newer techniques and opt instead for more
familiar and proven methods.
Under earlier verSions of SAS, the SET statement
had basically three uses. One could a) concatenate
one or more data sets, b) interleave records from
one data set with records from another data set, and
c) Combine records from different data sets by
utilizing more than one SET statement in the same
DATA step. These capabilities still exist.
Consequently, tools are needed to assist in the
determination 01 better solutions. The objective 01
this, p<!per is to provide two essential tools. More
specifically, the paper 1) compares and contrasts the
new teclmiques with those' previously available; 2)
develops decision-making criteria for choosing an
appropriate data manipulation technique with
efficiency as.a guiding principle.,
The MERGE statement has not changed syntactically
from earlier to later SAS versions and is still used to
joinrecords from two or more SAS data sets into a
single observation. A MERGE statement is usually
accompanied by a' BY Statement to combine or
interleave records in a specific order.
The UPDATE statement replaces variable values on
a master (or primary) file with record values from
what is called atransactlon file. This occurs through
a comparison or merging 01 records based on
variables contained in the BY group (a BY statement
must be used). In addition, new records are capable
01 being added (i.e. appended). One constraint is
that the master data set cannot have duplicate
records in it by the variables contained in the BY
statement. A new SAS data set is always created as
IntrOductionSeve,ral new techniques are now available for
manipulating data in the DATA step with Version
6.07. They consist 01: 1) a new SET option, specifically the KEY = option on the SET statement, 2) the
MODIFY statement, and 3) the capability to create
indexes in the DATA step. The addition of these
techniques has introduced confusion as to which
technique is best suited for a specific application.,
, ,The increase in flexibility has ultimately brought with
it more complexity. The programmer now has to ask
a more involved series 01 questions before choosing
one 01 the available techniques over another. By not
taking advantage 01 the new capabilities, and by
performing data manipUlation in old ways, there is
the potential to degrade computer resource
effiCiency. It is also possible to misuse or misapply
the new ,techniques in situations where altemate
programming solutions are actually required.
Enhancements to Version 6.07New to Version 6.07 are several techniques that
significantly extend the capabilities of the DATA step.
They are the MODIFY statement, the KEY= option on
the SET statement, and the ability to create indexes
during the DATA step with the INDEX= option. All 01
these features take advantage of the latest ability to
read and modify records using random, or direct,
access to the data
Standard File Comparison Techniques-
The MODIFY statement is new to Version 6.07 and
can be used in a number 01 different ways. As with
the UPDATE statement, the general purpose of the
MODIFY statement is to update or replace variable
values in a master file with those in a transaction file
in the past, it was fairly easy to determine which data
manipulation technique to use when combining or
comparing records from two different data sets. For
data set have changed dramatically as new versions
of Base SAS have been introduced. From a
machine/CPU efficiency perspective, the process of
indexing a data set has become easier and more
cost effective. Base SAS Version 6.06 allowed batch
users to create indexes only through PROC
DATASETS or PROe SOL In addition to these
methods, SAS Version 6.07 allows the programmer
to index an Input (or external) file in the Data step
using the INDEX= data set option. Index creation is
accomplished by including INDEX= within
parentheses after the data set name.
examination of the INDEX= data set option indicates
that .either simple or complex indices can be created,
the nature of which is determined by the number of
variables that follow the INDEX= statement On
separate parentheses, see Example 1)..
in much the same way as is accomplished using the
UPDATE statement. Unlike the UPDATE statement,
however, the MODIFY statement 1) can be used
without a BY statement, 2) can have duplicate values
on the master data set, 3) does not require the data
sets to be in sorted order if a BY statement is used,
4) allows the programmer to delete and append new
observations to the master data set, and 5) replaces
the SAS data set instead of making another copy,
thus potentially saving on disk or work space.
Processing differences are also apparent between
the two statements. In the absence of an explicit
WHERE clause, the UPDATE statement matches
records based on specific variables contained in the
BY statement; both data sets must be in sorted
order. The MODIFY statement by contrast has
identical record matching functionality through the
inclusion of a BY statement; no preliminary sorting is
necessary. While this process can be CPU intensive,
the master data set can either be indexed or both
the master and the transaction file can be sorted to
reduce system processing overhead (see Beatrous
and Armstrong, 1991 for indexing guidelines).
Once an index t'las been successfully created, it . can
be used to provide non-sequential .!\CCeSS to
observations in the indexed data set Of greater
impqrtance, however, is the use of indexes. for
cOmparing or updating observations from one dala
set with matching observations of another. One new
technique for. data set comparison' is available by
using the KEY= options on either the SET or
MODIFY statements.
The increased processing flexibility prOVided by the
MODIFY statement (when compared to the UPDATE
statement) creates situations where there is a greater
chance for the programmer to produce erroneous
output. When two data sets are being compared
using the MODIFY statement,it is imperative that the
programmer have a thorough understanding of the
relationship between the two SAS files to avoid
potential problems. This includes knowing whether
or not the transaction data set contains duplicates or
.observations not contained in the master data set, or
whether . the master file contains duplicate
For bott'l the SET and MODIFY statements, data is
accessed randomly according to the value of the key
index variable for that observation. Syntactically,
either statement (SET or MODIFY) cOntaining a
KEY= option must be preceded by a SET statement.
If no index has been created, or an index exists on
a variable other than the' one listed in the KEY=
option, an error message is issued.
Even though the SET and the MODIFY statements
appear similar to each other when the KEY= option
is considered (see Example 1, following page),
several significant differences do exist. In the
MODIFY example on the left, data in the first SET
statement (A2) acts as the transaction data set which
will be used to perform operations on the master
data set (A1). In the SET example, the reverse is
true! In the latter example, the first SET statement
contains the data (A2, called the primary data set)
that will be modified and hence is somewhat
equivalent to the master data set in the previous
example. Data in the second SET statement (A 1,
called' the lookup data set) is used to add variables
to the output data set (A3) when a match is made.
The reason new variables are initialized to blanks
(after an observation in the primary data set has
been retrieved) is because lookup table values are
retained from the previous iteration if no match is
found with the primary data set.
Apart from some of the enhancements listed above,
what the MODIFY statement holds in common with
other Version 6.07 DATA step enhancements is the
ability to access data directly or randomly (i.e. not
sequentially). Either dynamic WHERE processing
can be used (with a BY statement) or record
processing can be handled via an index key (with
KEY=). The new capability of controlling how
records are processed brings with it the new
responsibility on the part of the programmer to know
when indexing is appropriate. Therefore, what
follows is a discussion of the new index creation
method available in the DATA step and the use of
indexes with the MODIFY and SET statements.
IndexingThe methods by which one is capable of indexing a
EXAMPLE 1 - KEY= options Used with MODIFY (left) and SET (right) statements
INPlIT @l MENUM $10.
@37 SPEC S3.
@42 OlDZlP $5.;
MENUM $10.
@42 NEWZIP 15.;
. @15
@15 NEWZIP $5.;
option) does not me<lningfullyextend its data
manipulation capabilities. Efficiency may, however,
be imprOl(ed. The SET statement, on the ot~r
hand, functions very differently •. when used In
combination with a KEY= option.
statement actually loses some of Its functionality
when used with the KEY= .option, while becoming
more efficient at processing records.
Processing ConsiderationsGiven that the SAS tool kit for comparing' and
updating data sets has expanded so dramatically,
the issue becomes one of determining. which
technique should be used for a particular
application. The question of which technique is
more appropriate really begins by asking the
question, 'What needs to be done with the files?'. In
the chart that follows (Chart 1), several generic tasks
are listed along with the tasks that are supported by
the particular technique. As with the rest of this
paper, this list is confined to techniques where two
SAS data sets are being compared. While the list is
not intended to be. exhaustive, it serves to illustrate
some meaningful differences and similarities between
the techniques shown in the chart.
The chart serves to highlight the fact that several
techniques can be used to perform essentially the
same function. This is where the confusion may
arise. For example, if the programmer wishes to add
new variables from one data set to another, then it is
unclear whether an UPDATE,.a MERGE, a SET, or a
SET with a KEY = option is mand.ated. Ukewise, if
one wishes to update or replace specific
observations on one data set with another, all the
listed techniques support that operation. This leads
to doubts about which methOd should be used.
Specifically, it shows that combining indexing with
the MODIFY statement (specilically with a KEY=
CHART 1 - Some SAS data set compsrlson techniques and their functionality
Add New
Modily w/
significantly larger (in terms of number of
observations) than the other. While size is not in
and of itseH a determinant of indexing efficiency,
there is a moderate degree of correspondence.
Large, when used in this context, can also mean that
one file has less than 50% of records in common
with the other based on one variable or a
combination of variables. H one of the files can be
judged to be larger than the other, then randomly
accessing the data may' avoid having to process a
signHicant number of the records contained in one or
more of the files. Still, there needs to be some kind
of CPU investment to create the index, but reuse of
t,he same file may diminish the initial cost.
Decision CrlterlaIn an effort to make the seleelion of an appropriate
technique easier, a flow diagram (fOllowing page) is
constructed based On specifiC, decision making
criteria. Reelangles are process or action steps,
while diamonds indicate depiSiQn branching
processes. The object of this methodology is to
begin with a collection of techniques and gradually
to refine that collection until a smaller subset (or one)
exists. The only rules to follow in using the diagram
are that once a technique is dropped from
consideration it should not be re-added to lower
stages of the decisiQn making process.
Unfortunately, the decision making process is not
"strictly hierarchical in nature, but is organizable in
terms of stages:' This specific Ordering has value in
the sense thanposescquestions that are critical to
',processing !itrategy' and statement seleCtion.
When processing data non-sequentially, the
Investment in computer resources occurs not at the
comparison stage (as in a sequential MERGE), but
c!uring the actual index creation for one of the files.
The saVings occ,urs in being able to index one of the
SAS data sets, save it as a SAS permanent data set,
and then to be able to reuse that indexed data set
aiter the initial invest(l1ent of constructing the index.
Success of this strategy is predicated on the fact
that the indexed file does not change very often.
BasicallY'there are three separate parts, or stages, to
the decision'making process: They are; "
1) Accurately determining the relationship(s)
'" betWeen the files. This invOlves'correctly
identifYing the task that rnust oCcur 6h the
master or primary datil set, as well 'as,
analyiing the relative size of the master versus
, the tranSaction <:lata Set. 'An example would be
deciding whether one is goihg to' update or
add r e t o r d s . ·
, Even though Stage 2 deals with potential resource
use, the questiOn of whether to index or not remains
, a central one. The key to quantifying resource use
is to ask oneseH, how manY times a data set may be
used to . update or modify records, especially
considering subsequent processing.
2)-' Determining the repetitive nature of the specific
, 'lip plication: The number of times a particular
, data Set will be used ih successive operations
is a good predictor of the kind and amount of
computer resources that may be required.
3) Assess potentiaLiO(;ongrulties betwElllO the file
and the'technique(s) under consideration.
This meahs asking questions about the file
parameters that may affect ,the uSeflilness or,
success Of a particular Statement. '
The first part of the decision tree (Stage 1) involves
selecting the primaryfunctio,n of the, programming
task, namely, to add records, change variable values,
etc. The previous chart prpvides a starting point for
identifying a set of manipulation techniques for
conSideration. One of the first questions should, be
whether or not the data set comparison process can
be done with the aid of indexing.
One method of'identifying whether indexing can be
used is to determine whether one of the two files is
Despite the fact that indexing can be done in the
, DATA stepwitho~ passing the data to a PROC, the
cost (or investment) required to index a data Set will
exceed the CPU necessary to process the data once
through sequential methods (including sorting).
l:h refore, H CPU is a concern, and file comparison
, ,'will not occur on arej:Jetitive basis, then sequential
proceSSing should be used. The MODIFY statement
when accompanied with a BY statement, by virtue of
the fact that it uses' dynamic WHERE processing (H
no index has been created), will use more CPU than
sequentiill processing methods. This is especially
true Ha large number of observations are involved in
the modification process. ,But, in those cases where
MODIFY has to select on a small(er) portion of the
overall data set (somewhere less than 50%), it can
actually be more efficient. If more than 50% of the
"observations are to be modHied, steps should be
taken to reduce the amount of overhead by sorting
the data sets prior to performing the merge, or by
indexing' the master data set. If disk space or
storage is restricted, then it is desirable to reduce
,the number of data sets being created in the
Decision Flow
Stage 1 •
SAS Data Set Comparison
Stage 2 •
-.. 1oouo7
IStage 3
peef•• a
refinements in one's understanding take place and
unique situations are not only encountered, but also
accounted for, the decision making process can be
expanded. It might even be the case that repetition
and/or experience ingrains these ideas so firmly
upon oneseH that diagrams and articles may never
again be consulted. In the meantime....
program. The MODIFY works well in the latter
scenario due to the fact that it modifies the data set
'in place'; MERGE and SET can also be modified to
write over one of the output data sets.
The final stage (Stage 3) of the decision making
process involves determining whether the proposed
task can be successfully processed using a
particular technique. Various questions need to be
posed regarding how that technique expects records
to relate to one another between the files. Also
important is how the proposed technique processes
the records.
SAS Institute Inc. (1990) SAS Language, Reference
Version 6, First Edition Cary, N.C.: SAS Institute
SAS Institute Inc. (1991) The SAS System under
MVS, Highlights of Release 6.07 Cary, N.C.: SAS
Institute Inc.
The MODIFY technique, for example, expects that
transaction records have master file counterparts
based on specific variable values. Transactions are
defined literally (and logically) as successor records.
Therefore, the SAS system treats transaction records
as though they have a parent assignment to a
master record. When two data sets are listed in a
MODIFY statement and one of which is not a subset
of the other, an error messages is issued regarding
the presumed inconsistency.
SAS Institute Inc. (1992) SAS Technical Report P222, Changes and Enhancements to Base SAS
Software, Release 6.07 Cary, N.C.: SAS Institute
Beatrous, Steve and Karen Armstrong, Effective
Use of Indexes in the SAS System Proceedings of
the Sixteenth Annual SAS Users Group International
Conference, 16, 605-614.
The issue of duplicates illustrates the last point.
Integral to using one technique over another is
understanding how that technique processes the
records from each of the two files. Regarding DATA
step file comparison, duplicates are treated
differently when sequential and non-sequential data
access methods are used. Depending on the
desired output and/or the processing that must
occur, certain techniques can give unwanted or
unanticipated results. The final step, examining the
remaining techniques, is left to programmer
SAS is a registered trademark or trademark of SAS
Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries.
-indicates USA registration.
ConcluslonsFrom the comparison between standard and new
techniques and from the decision making analysis
presented here, it is clear that the new collection of
file comparison techniques have their greatest utility
, in specific applications. From a programming point
'of view, it behooves the programmer to know what
those application scenarios are, as well as, what
constraints are imposed on certain techniques. By
structuring and formalizing the decision making
process the programmer is less apt to make simple
errors and spend less time trying to figure out
exactly which technique to use.
The previous analysis also gives the programmer a
platform through which more detailed investigations
into specific techniques can be launched. As