Volume 54, Issue 1 september/october 2015 PTSA PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE - KIM CUSICK O UPCOMING EVENTS No school - Labor day Sept 7 Red cross blood drive sept 11 Ptsa meeting (8:30am) sept 14 Counselor q&a sept 15 Tempo Goodwill drive sept 19 College fair/night sept 28 Homecoming dance oct 3 Ptsa meeting (9:15am) oct 5 Art reflection dead line oct 7 For full school calendar click here n behalf of Troy High School PTSA, I want to welcome all returning and new families to Troy! I am honored to be your new PTSA President. When a new president is inducted, the previous president hands over their gavel. When I received the gavel, I was amazed to notice the engraving which indicated that it was originally given to the first Troy PTSA President in 1964! This means that Troy has had an active PTSA for 51 years, wow!!! I would also like to take a minute to thank our previous PTSA President, Gloria Banuelos. I have some very big shoes to fill. This is my second year at Troy and my family and I could not be happier with our administrators, teachers and staff; we are very lucky to call ourselves Warriors!!! I am the proud mother of two wonderful children. My oldest, Jake, is a sophomore here at Troy and my daughter, Maddie is in 8th grade. I am amazed at how quickly time passes. That is why we must remember that this is a time of new beginnings for our students - new academic challenges and learning, new friendships, and maybe a new extra-curricular pursuit … the possibilities are endless at Troy. In addition, it is important to remember that during your student’s four years at Troy, your student will spend the majority of their days at school. If they are involved in a sport or other extracurricular activity, they will spend even more time at Troy, including late afternoons and weekends. This is exactly the reason to be involved in your child’s activities and school. Parents, one way to be involved in and enjoy your teenager’s high school experience is to become a part of his/her world here at Troy High School! You can do this by joining PTSA, coming to our meetings and/or becoming a Troy volunteer! Here’s how: join troy ptsa! When you join, you can add your voice to our Troy PTSA, and you will also become a member of the State and National PTSA. You have a voice at the local, state, and national level (the largest volunteer organization and most powerful children’s advocacy organization in the country). Both provide membership benefits and parent resources. Membership envelopes are available in the office or visit us online at http://troyptsa.wix.com/onestopshop, where you can find all of your Troy needs including PTSA Membership, “$20 for Troy”, and Warrior Wear. Also remember that your “$20 for Troy” donation and Membership Dues are tax-deductible. (Continued on page 2) I LOVE THE NEW ONE-STOP WEBSITE! EVERYTHING IN ONE PLACE! TROY PTSA ONE-STOP SHOP WEBSITE: http://troyptsa.wix.com/onestopshop WA R R IOR WEA R ▪ P TS A ME MB ER S HIP ▪ $ 2 0 FOR TR OY PTSA PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE CONTINUED (Continued from page 1) Our Troy PTSA team works hard all year to support and serve our students and teachers with programs, services, funds, donations, and volunteer participation. We connect parents to Troy via our newsletter, our PTSA link on the Troy website, and our monthly meetings, where you have an opportunity to meet our outstanding Troy staff members. Most importantly, Troy PTSA represents all students, not just one club, culture, or academic level - but Every Child, One Voice! attend our monthly ptsa meetings Our next meeting is Monday, September 14th at 8:30am in the Staff Lounge - come meet our Principal, Mr. William Mynster. At our monthly meetings, you will get information from our principal, staff members, and ASB President about current happenings at Troy. Have a seat at the table when important discussions or decisions take place that affect our students at Troy and in the Fullerton Joint Unified School District. You will be able to find the meeting schedule in our newsletter and on the PTSA link on the Troy website. become a troy volunteer! Coordinating volunteers for Troy’s programs and school events is a very important aspect of Troy PTSA. Signing up is easy! You can respond to the monthly emails listing volunteer opportunities, or you can fill out the volunteer form online on our PTSA link on Troy’s website. You can also email Kimberly Blanks at volunteer@troyptsa.com. Last year alone, we logged over 5,000 volunteer hours! Volunteering provides an opportunity to meet other parents and staff and to see what is going on at Troy first hand. Plus, it is a great excuse to be on campus! Thank you to all of our Orientation volunteers, MORP Dance volunteers, Parking Pass volunteers and our Welcome Back Staff Lunch volunteers!!! There will be more opportunities to volunteer in September. Stay tuned for volunteer emails…. no time to volunteer or attend meetings? Please support our one and only fundraiser, “$20 for Troy”. Donate just $20 for the entire year! No need to sell catalog items, cookies, or gift-wrap! All donations benefit and support student programs, projects, and activities. Financial support is also gifted to our school where needed. Please make your checks out to Troy High School PTSA and turn them in at the office or go online and pay by credit card at http://troyptsa.wix.com/onestopshop. Donations in excess of $20 are always appreciated! I know this will be a great 2015-16 school year! If you have any questions/comments, please feel free to email me at kimcusick@troyptsa.com Go Warriors!!! Kim Cusick PRINCIPAL - WILL MYNSTER TROY HIGH SCHOOL WARRIOR WEEKLY August 28, 2015 Another busy week in the books, with three weeks of the 2015-16 school year already in the books! Already some of our fall sports teams are into full swing with our Girls’ golf, tennis, and football already having competed! Next week, we have a calendar full of events, so as a student, faculty member, or parent, there is going to be something for everyone! As our students are all still adjusting to their classes, we are also ensuring that we have as much information about our students as possible. One such example is a reading test that we administer to all of our incoming 9th as well as returning 10th graders. Thank you to all of our English teachers, whom have administered this assessment. Over the a succession of four years, having the ability to know the reading level of all students at Troy High School is another measure that ensures all students are properly placed in the correct classes and also provides us the ability to provide the proper support for students that need a little extra help! To continue reading visit the WARRIOR WEEKLY http://www.troyhigh.com/apps/news/category/1328 $20 FOR TROY NO SELLING • • 1 Online at http:/ / troyptsa.w ix.com/ onestopshop 2 By US mail 3 Drop it off in the office If paying by mail, Detach & return bottom portion Checks payable to: TROY PTSA Parent Name ________________________________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________________ Student Name/ID #__________________________________________________________________________________ Student Grade_______ Count me in! My $20 donation is enclosed I would like to donate a little more! My donation of $ _______________ is enclosed. Please return this portion of the form with your donation to: Troy High School ▪ 2200 East Dorothy Lane ▪ Fullerton ▪ CA ▪ 92831 Attn: Susan Reese/PTSA COUNSELING CORNER W e l c o m e n e w a n d r e t u r n i n g Wa r r i o r f a m i l i e s ! I would like to take this opportunity to introduce the members of our department for the 2015-2016 school year: Mrs. Laura Rubio, Assistant Principal/Pupil Services; Mrs. Desiree Martinez, Registrar; Mrs. Susan Reese, Data Processor; Mr. Carlos Aldaco, Guidance Technician; Mrs. Jacqueline Morck, Counselor; Mrs. Sarah Saleen, Counselor; Mrs. Cindy Osborne, Counselor; Mrs. Dionne Evans, ROP Coordinator and Counselor, Mrs. Lisa Avila, Counselor and Miss Katy Hoehn, Counseling Consultant. Throughout the school year we hope that you will feel free to contact us via phone or email if you have questions or concerns. Counselor contact information can be found on the counseling section of the school website. This year’s average counselor to student ratio is 1:542. With a growing student population, we continue to provide a myriad of services to our students. The mainstay of our work is the Case Carrier Model where we meet with all of our students individually throughout the year. Parents of freshmen and junior students will be invited, along with their students, to a pre-scheduled meeting to discuss various topics of interest. Seniors will be seen during an elective course. Sophomores will be seen in groups during their physical education class. The timeline for the counseling appointments will be as follows: seniors, August – mid September; juniors, January – March; sophomores, December; and freshmen, mid-September – December/January. The Counseling Office continues to utilize our online educational software program called Naviance. Naviance is introduced during the individual freshmen counseling sessions and continued throughout the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades. The program includes a four-year high school plan, college search and match, resume building, personality tests, scholarships, career planning and many other benefits. The counseling department also emails students and families via their Naviance account. Be sure to add student and parent emails in the “profile” section located in the “about me” tab of your student’s Naviance account. NEW THIS YEAR! REVISED PSAT AND SAT REASONING TEST The College Board has revised the PSAT and SAT Reasoning Test. The redesigned PSAT will launch in October 2015. The PSAT will be administered on the Troy campus on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 and is open to all 9-11 graders. The exam costs $15 and students can pay in the Activities Office. The exam will be administered in the morning and students will test in classrooms. Following the exam will be a late start bell schedule day for all students. The first administration of the redesigned SAT Reasoning test will be in March 2016. To read about the redesigned SAT, go to The College Board’s website section https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat SENIOR REMINDERS The University of California application is available online now and the California State University application will be available online beginning October 1. Remember that the UC applications can be submitted November 1-30 and the CSU applications can be submitted October 1November 30. Students may access the UC website through PATHWAYS at www.ucop.edu/pathways. Students can begin the process in steps before submitting the application. Prospective CSU students may submit their application, take a campus tour, obtain preadmission, financial aid, and admission information for one or several CSU institutions online. Students may access this CSUMentor program at http:// www.csumentor.edu. Because students include an academic self-report on the UC and CSU applications, it is not necessary to send transcripts at this time. However, many campuses will notify the student if a seventh semester transcript is needed. In that case, students need to send an official transcript via the www.parchment.com website. If you apply to private colleges and universities in California and/or out-of-state, please remember that application deadlines vary by campus. Deadlines fall between November and February. Please check with us in the Counseling Office, online, or with the individual campus to obtain accurate information on deadlines. Remember also that some private schools have “rolling” deadlines -- the sooner you complete your application and mail it in, the sooner you will receive a reply. Many private institutions accept the Common Application which must be completed online as well. Private schools ask for completion of a Secondary School Report (Counselor Recommendation Form) and/or Teacher Recommendations. We will include a transcript and a Troy High School Profile when we compile the Secondary School Report for you. Please (Continued on page 5) COUNSELING CORNER CONTINUED (Continued from page 4) request letters of recommendation by October 2 for any December or January deadlines. Counselors need ample time to gather valuable information from teachers. Please understand that you do not have to wait until your application is complete before asking for a letter of recommendation. There is a mandatory senior meeting for requesting a Counselor Recommendation (i.e., Secondary School Report, Counselor Letter of Recommendation, and/or Counselor Recommendation Form). All seniors who will request a recommendation from their counselor must attend this meeting. Two sessions were held on the senior orientation day. If your senior did not attend one of those sessions, there is one make-up meeting on September 2 at lunch in the Lecture Hall. Doors close promptly at 12:30 p.m. so seniors must arrive on time. WESTERN UNDERGRADUATE EXCHANGE (WUE) If your senior is interested in attending a public university in the western U.S. region, take a look at the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE). More than 150 participating WUE institutions offer a reduced tuition rate. To see which colleges participate and what programs are available, go to www.wiche.edu/wue. FINANCIAL AID MATERIALS In order to be eligible for federal aid, a FAFSA form must be filed online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. The filing period is from January 1, 2016 – March 2, 2016. You can't apply before January 1. Before you begin this process, you will need to obtain a PIN code by visiting www.pin.ed.gov. Check with individual campuses to determine their priority deadlines. Some campuses will ask you to file the FAFSA before February. For public institutions in California, the FAFSA is the only form needed. For students to be included in the list of Cal Grant applicants, we must have social security numbers for each student. In December we will send all Cal Grant GPA verifications electronically. The CSS PROFILE form is being used once again by many private colleges and universities. The CSS PROFILE is more comprehensive than the FAFSA, and a fee must be included to transmit information to the colleges. Students may register electronically via College Board Online at www.student.collegeboard.org/css-financial-aid-profile. If your college is not listed, check with the Financial Aid Office at the school you plan to attend. Often, private institutions will ask you to complete their own institutional financial aid form in addition to the other forms previously mentioned. Because the financial aid process is so complex, please contact the Financial Aid Office on the specific campus of interest to determine what forms are required, the priority filing deadlines, and if any additional supporting documents will be required. Financial Aid resources are readily available on the internet. Link up to http://www.finaid.org for a very comprehensive student-oriented site with a large bibliography of resources and hundreds of links. Please refer to the Financial Aid links under the Counseling section at www.troyhigh.com for additional resources. For those parents and students needing assistance with the financial aid process, we will host a financial aid night presented by a Financial Aid Administrator from the University of Southern California. Please save Wednesday, January 20, 2016 for Troy’s Financial Aid Workshop. The presentation will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Lecture Hall. By working on your financial aid forms and tax documents in advance, you will be well prepared to have your specific questions answered that evening. SENIOR PARENT NIGHT Counselors are hosting a presentation for senior parents on the evening of Back of School Night. Senior families please join us Monday, August 31 at 6:00 p.m. in the Lecture Hall. We will discuss college application details, financial aid information, letters of recommendation, NCAA, and more. Following the presentation you will be able to attend Back to School Night and visit your student’s classes. COLLEGE NIGHT We hope all Troy juniors and seniors and their parents will join us for our annual College Night on Monday evening, September 28. The event will be held in the North Gym from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Over 125 college and university representatives will be present. We send a special thank you to Mr. Carlos Aldaco for organizing a successful college night event for our students. (Continued on page 6) COUNSELING CORNER CONTINUED (Continued from page 5) ACADEMIC & STUDY SKILL WORKSHOPS Counselors will continue to offer lunchtime workshops on various study skill, academic, and college planning topics. Workshop details will be posted on the Troy counseling webpage. Please encourage your student to attend. Many teachers give extra credit for attending these workshops and students can check with their teachers on possible extra credit. COUNSELOR Q & A SESSIONS The Counseling Department is continuing with our informal question and answer sessions. We invite all parents to join us. We will be meeting in the Troy Staff Lounge on the following Tuesdays: September 15th from 7:30- 8:30 a.m., November 17th from 2:00- 3:00 p.m., February 9th from 7:30 – 8:30 a.m., and April 12th from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. HAVE A GREAT FIRST SEMESTER!!! ROP We are excited to welcome Mrs. Taylor Swaney to Troy High school as our new ROP Medical instructor. She went to Pacifica High School, played 4 years of varsity soccer and competed in Division 1 Women’s soccer while at San Diego State University. Mrs. Swaney earned her Masters from Cal State Baptist University. Before coming to Troy, she taught at Diamond Bar High school and was an Athletic Trainer at Santiago High School. She is a newlywed to a Troy Graduate and is excited to be here. Courses she will be teaching here at Troy are part of the science/medical pathway including Medical Careers 1, Body Systems & Disorders, Sports Medicine & Therapy and Emergency Medical Responder. Welcome to the Troy Family Ms. Swaney, we are excited to have you! AVID The AVID program is now 150 students strong and the kids are already working hard. The program is led by Ms. Tiffany Robinson and is excited to welcome Mrs. Lisa Kuster and Mrs. Ana Link as new teachers for the 2015-2016 school year. The year will be an exciting one. The Freshman class is learning basic study habits to help them adapt and succeed in high school. The Sophomore students will enhance their writing skills and start prepping for SAT exams. The students will be visiting 3 colleges during the year to show them different options available when it comes to higher education. The first college will be UCSD and the students will be taking a day to go to San Diego to tour the campus and talk to faculty. The AVID program is looking forward to a great 2015-2106 year. PTSA MEMBERSHIP Each membership makes us stronger! What Troy's PTSA does for all students at Troy… Coordinates volunteers for events and activities all year round Sponsors and encourages school spirit with Warrior Logo Wear and shares important information with our PTSA newsletter Partners with ASB and TSO Annually funds Student Scholarships, Reflection Art Program, Health & Welfare programs, Annual Computer Programming Contest, Staff Appreciation, donations to student's programs and school gifts Recent gifts to Troy include: 45 Chrome Books New Library Furniture Tables for school wide use including Testing, Open House and Tech Fair Equipment & Supplies for School Emergency Bin "We invite every parent, teacher, student and neighbor to join Troy's PTSA, as we work to make Troy High School the best it can be for our students…our most precious resource." Naviance Renewal fees Locker painting and shade canopies Mr. Will Mynster Mrs. Kim Cusick Principal PTSA President Computers for Yearbook and Oracle What you can do for Troy High with your PTSA membership… Show your teen that school matters and that you are invested in their success. Demonstrate to your teen that success in school is the pathway to college, a career and a productive life! Partner with the principal, teachers and staff to make your teen's school safe, welcoming a hub of learning and a fun place to be. Share in campus events and experiences that make your teen's days at Troy more memorable! Connect with other parents and become part of California State and National PTA, the largest and most powerful children's advocacy organization in the country. Help ensure parents and family members voices are heard when important decisions that affect Troy High are made. Be part the tradition, join the organization that has supported Troy High for over 50 years! Emily Wallace, VP Membership Kim Cusick, President emcwallace@gmail.com kimcusick@TroyPTSA.com PLEASE JOIN TROY FOR ONLY $8.00 PER MEMBER! Membership envelopes are available in the office or visit us online at http://troyptsa.wix.com/onestopshop, where you can find all your Troy needs from PTSA Membership, $20 for Troy and Warrior Wear. Troy Support Organization TROY TECH This fall marks the 30th year of the Troy Tech Program. We are the oldest magnet program in Orange County! The Troy Tech Program had a busy summer with over 400 students completing the capstone 150 volunteer hour Troy Tech Senior Internship at over 250 Internship sites. The Advisor team that supervised the Senior Interns included Joe Coglianese, Dionne Evans, Jim Falletta, Rich Liem, Ana Link, Mike Reid, Dave St. Clair, and Mike Thomas who implemented Google classroom – electronically managing pictures of documents that interns submitted using their phones. The Mentor Breakfast will be held on Thursday, October 8, 2015 as a thank you to the Internship sites. Summer 2015 Parker Aerospace in Irvine - Our 11 Troy Tech Interns with their mentors including Troy Tech Alum Kyle Lobo Summer 2015 Troy Tech Senior Intern Nick Gossett at B & B Optometry in Yorba Linda Summer 2015 Troy Tech Senior Intern Tiffany Choi at Kraft Heinz in Fullerton New Troy Tech Logo - Note that the 1's and 0's spell Troy Tech in 8-Bit ASCII Binary. You might recognize this if you are in CS Principles. Implementation of Troy Tech's new year-long core course Computer Science (CS) Principles has begun with our current ninth grade class. This class will include content from our previous core courses Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Logic and Algorithms as well as new topics as outlined by College Board for this future Advanced Placement class; the first AP Computer Science Principles test is scheduled for May 2017. The CS Principles class will set a foundation for the curriculum depth and development in each Troy Tech Pathways including Media, Business, Computer Science, Engineering, and Leadership. We look forward to a great 30th year of Troy Tech! Laurie Downum, Troy Tech Coordinator IB Welcome Back to School Troy IB! First, I want to share that the 40 of 41 Diploma candidates last year met all the requirements of the IB program and passed their exams and received their full IB Diploma! Congratulations to the Class of 2015! We will be celebrating them and their success at the Freshman Honors at Entrance program prior to Back to School Night August 31 st. The International Baccalaureate (IB) program is off to a great start this year. The 59 Senior Diploma Candidates are getting their college applications prepared, finalizing their CAS projects and their Extended Essays for submission and many have already begun some of the internal assessments they will be doing this year to complete the courses for the Diploma. A meeting was held on August 25th to map out the last year for candidates and their parents. We will discuss the finalizing of the students IB diploma requirements and how to end this two year commitment. The 73 Junior Anticipated Candidates are preparing for their first year in the diploma program by starting CAS activities, and preparing for their Extended Essays. A meeting was held with students and parents on August 27th to define the parameters of the IB program and review the IB Policies and Procedures. We plan to have senior candidates join us and share their insight into the completion and the expectations of the IB program from a perspective of someone who has just finished their first year in the program. Registration for the May 2016 testing will begin on October 12 and continue through October 23. All Diploma and Anticipated Candidates will be pre-registered through the IB coordinator, but exam fees need to be paid during this time. These include a registration fee of $164 (everyone except diploma candidates) and fee of $113 per exam. All Checks need to be written to “Troy High School” and submitted to the Activities office before the deadline. A non-diploma student in an IB class may also register for an exam. They should check with me, to see if they qualify and to register for the exams with IB. All fees are required at the time of registration (including the registration fee and per exam fees). Any adjustment to a registration needs to be completed prior to November 1 or further fees will be incurred. You should also submit a free and reduced lunch form if you think you might qualify; it may decrease your fees for testing. If you have an interest in being more involved in the decision making process that is Troy IB; I am looking for parent and student volunteers for the IB Advisory Team. Please contact me if you are interested. You can refer to my webpage on Troyhigh.com for any further information or contact me directly if you have any questions. Let’s have a great year! Charlotte Kirkpatrick, IB Coordinator ckirkpatrick@fjuhsd.net 714-626-4425 GOINGS ON Founders Day Parade and Fair September 26, 2015 Parade: 10 am to 12 noon Fair: 10 am to 4 pm The Fullerton Founders Day Parade and Fair is a celebration and commemoration of our community and local heritage. The day’s festivities honor our founding families, volunteers and businesses that have helped shape Fullerton into a big city with a small town feel. About the Parade: Marching will begin on Harbor Boulevard south of Berkeley Avenue and end at Wilshire Avenue in downtown Fullerton. Invited parade participants include area high school marching bands, community groups, businesses and local dignitaries. Groups interested in participating must complete an application form here. About the Fair: Concurrent with the parade, an old-fashioned town fair will be held at the Fullerton Downtown Plaza. Entertainment will include contests, music, food and vendor booths, and an awards ceremony for the marching bands. Beer and wine will also be available for purchase at the Fullerton Museum Center Beer Garden. For more info & entry applications: http://www.cityoffullerton.com/gov/departments/parks_n_recreation/special_events/founders_day_parade/founders_day.asp GOODWIL L FOR GOOD MUS IC Saturday - September 19, 2015 9 AM - 2 PM Troy High School parking lot One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Troy Music program’s GOODWILL for GOOD MUSIC is a great way to support two non-profit organizations simultaneously! Divert the unwanted “junk” from landfills thus protecting the environment, and get rid of your unwanted things- all at the same time, without the hassle of holding a year sale? Too good to be true? Troy High School and Goodwill are holding a Community Youth Donation Drive (CYDD) This drive generates cash for the Troy music programs in return for donations given to Goodwill. Donation to the drive occurs three ways: on the scheduled day, scheduled early drop off, or scheduled pick up. Tax receipts are provided at the drive for donations received. CYDD drives do not accept furniture or large appliances, but do accept; small appliances ▪ electronics (working or not) ▪ clothing ▪ bedding ▪ DVDs ▪ toys ▪ sporting goods ▪ books ▪ housewares and more... TEMPO is the Troy Enthusiastic Music Parents Organization, a 501(c)3 organization and the music booster program. 100% of your donations to TEMPO are used to support the music programs. So please clean out your “junk” and donate to the GOODWILL FOR GOOD MUSIC drive! Your donations are truly a “treasure” for both the music programs and Goodwill! For drop-off or pick-up please contact: Beta Meyer, phone (714) 366-0046,email emeyer@mtsac.edu. MORE GOINGS ON Fullerton Police Department Presents Teen and Parent Conference Keynote Speaker Dr. Al Valdez DATE: Saturday October 17, 2015 8:00am – 1:00pm Dynamic Speaker and Author. Professor at UCI, Irvine. 28 Years in Law Enforcement Gang Expert LOCATION Fullerton Community Center 340 W. Commonwealth Center Register on-line lmaturino@fullertonpd.org Workshops Marijuana (It’s not your Grandma’s Marijuana) 10-17-15 Social Media Safety (Cyber Safety) Lucia Maturino Community Liaison 714-738-3147 Parent Project ® (Effective Tools for Parents) Energy Drinks/Vapes (What’s the Big Deal?) FREE: Workshops for Teens & Parents. Continental Breakfast & Lunch included. Dynamic Presenters and Local Resources Troy Central Tutoring Troy Central provides academic support for students seeking additional help in the core academic subjects via small collaborative study groups. Study groups are facilitated by a peer tutor under the direction of a faculty tutor. Students will fill out a Ticket in the Door, with their questions/areas of confusion in the subject area they are seeking help before they are assigned to a study group. For more info & schedule go to: http://www.troyhigh.com/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=85038&type=d PTSA WARRIOR WEAR SHOP The only place to get the “classic” Troy Hoodie ▪ troy pe clothes ▪ troy t-shirts ▪ THS decal ▪ duffel bag ▪ cinch sack ▪ sweatpants ...and so much more! Get all you gear at the Warrior Wear Shop or on the ONE-STOP SHOP website check website for current hours http://troyptsa.wix.com/onestopshop BLOOD DRIVE Troy Red Cross Club and the American Red Cross sponsored Blood Drives are coming! This year we have four dates scheduled: MARK YOUR CALENDAR! 9/11/15 ▪ 11/13/15 ▪ 1/15/16 ▪ 3/11/16 We hope you will encourage your 16-18 year son or daughter to donate and begin a life-long relationship with the Red Cross and to the donation process. Student donors must meet the following height and weight requirements to donate. Students age 16 must have parent permission to donate. 17-18 year olds do not require parent permission. You can download the form here or your student can get it from one of our student club members at sign-ups. 16 year old permission form: http://www.redcrossblood.org/sites/arc/files/regulated/bioarch_parental_consent_packet_english_no_cover_042913_0.pdf Height and weight requirements Additional height and weight requirements apply for donors who are 18-years-old and younger and all high school donors. Male donors who are 18-years-old and younger must weigh 110 pounds or more, depending on their height in the following chart: If you are 4'10" You must weigh at least 118 4'11" 114 5' or taller 110 Female donors who are 18-years-old and younger must weigh 110 pounds or more, depending on their height in the following chart: If you are 4'10" 4'11" 5' 5'1" 5'2" 5'3" 5'4" 5'5" 5'6" or taller You must weigh at least 146 142 138 133 129 124 120 115 110 In addition if you would like to donate we would love to see you join us and donate at one of our blood drives. As an adult donor you would be given priority for donation. Just make sure you check in at the office first to get a visitor pass. Remember, every time you donate you save 3 lives! Thank you for helping and encouraging your student to donate. Blood supplies are low and we can use all the blood we can get! INSIDER’S GUIDE troy’s PTSA presents an essential tool for freshmen Parents… Congratulations! By now, you’ve survived your first Troy traffic jam and will soon find yourself waking in the wee hours to make the daily trek to zero period with your teen sleeping in the seat beside you or perhaps furiously cramming for a Biology test. That’s Troy! We’re all in this together! Troy’s PTSA is here to support you and your student through the next four years at this fantastic school. We’re your source for parent information and activity on campus. We want you to join us whether you just have time to read our PTSA newsletter or would like to run for a seat on our Board. All parents are welcomed at Troy. Here, you’re family! So like any good family, we’re here to give you the inside scoop on navigating your first year at Troy. www.troyhigh.com is the best source for daily information at Troy. Here you’ll find events, deadlines, class information, game schedules, awards, college information, contacts and calendars. Check the site daily, especially the News and Announcements, Morning News, and Warrior Weekly Newsletter (under About Us tab). Be sure to read the Troy PTSA newsletter. Aeries is the online site that gives you and your student daily access to grading at Troy. Be sure to check this site weekly to make sure your student is on track. Attendance can also be seen here as well. Some of us check this site several times a day but this might require an intervention for Aeries rehab. Remember, Troy kids are bright and independent. They shouldn’t need us to constantly hover over their work or their grades. Support our Teams – Cheer our Warriors at a Friday night football game, catch some rays poolside while you watch water polo compete for CIF honors, or dress in Warrior gear to show our spirit at an away game. Did you know our girl’s basketball team hasn’t lost a league contest in 19 years? More than 1000 students at Troy compete in a sport. Show your Troy spirit by packing the stands. Our brain team, Troy's Science Olympiad students, conquered all the competition this year taking an impressive first place in the nation. Go Warriors! Support our Clubs -- Encourage your student to sign up for one of more than eighty clubs on campus promoting international charities, local volunteer organizations, academic endeavors and even Troy spirit. It’s a September tradition at Troy as we host Club Rush to attract new members. Most clubs ask for lunchtime involvement to help students balance academics and extra curricular activities. Parents can help support these groups with your time and resources. Purchase an ASB Card for your Student to give them discounts to Troy’s popular dances (students should buy their tickets early as many dances sell out quickly) and sporting events. Your student won’t get the most out of Troy if they spend every Saturday night hitting the books. (Continued on page 15) INSIDER’S GUIDE CONTINUED (Continued from page 14) We’re known as much for our extraordinary social atmosphere as we are for our national academic standing. Everyone is accepted at Troy. Join in! First up, MORP (Prom backwards) Troy’s jam-packed, crazy dressing first dance on Friday, August 14th. Purchase tickets at Orientation to get the best price. Plan for the Future -- Meet with your counselor and lay out your student’s four-year goals. Visit the counseling section of troyhigh.com (under Academics tab) to understand college testing, ensure your student is meeting A-G requirements for California universities and taking advantage of the wide array of tutoring opportunities Troy provides. Take advantage of Naviance, a college planning site and perk for Troy families. Your counselor will give you password access at your first meeting. Purchase Used Textbooks for Home Use -- Many students find it useful to have a set of classroom books at home (and keep the set the school provides in their locker) to avoid carrying a heavy backpack, a lunch and a snack along with an instrument or athletic bag. Consider buying textbooks for home for as little as a few dollars a book on chegg.com or amazon.com. Parking/Driving -- Troy tickets are expensive. Park only in spaces marked Visitor and be aware that you will be ticketed during school hours if you park in the gym parking lots or teacher lots. Obey traffic signs entering and exiting Troy as Fullerton Police patrol and ticket violators on our roads throughout the school year. Use caution as Troy and Cal State Fullerton students walk on Dorothy amidst our heavy traffic. In winter, it is often difficult to see these pedestrians when dropping off for zero period. ESSENTIALS FOR THE TROY PARENT: Two Ways to SUPPORT TROY 1. Join Troy’s PTSA! For just $8 membership, you’ll earn the following benefits: GET CONNECTED – There’s no better way to know what’s happening at Troy or to develop relationships with your student’s teachers and administrators. HAVE YOUR VOICE HEARD – Join us at our monthly meetings with our new principal, Mr. Will Mynster, a dynamic leader known for bringing parents and teachers together with shared, common goals. Take a seat at the table. ENJOY SAVINGS -- PTSA members enjoy exclusive member perks including discounts on school supplies, rental cars, wireless services and more. DONATE $20 FOR TROY- our one & only fundraiser to fund student services and programs and your donation is tax-deductible! VISIT PTSA’s ONE-STOP SHOP WEBSITE at http://troyptsa.wix.com/onestopshop - Warrior Wear, PTSA Membership and $20 for Troy can be found on this website. 2. Contribute to TSO, the Troy Support Organization, our school’s foundation. FUND A NEED – Make a fully tax-deductible donation today. Your dollars go directly to the classroom. TSO supports projects that maintain excellence at our school, improves our resources, upgrades our technology and encourages innovation. Your contribution will change your student’s experience for the better. PTA REFLECTIONS More information can be found on the links below. For Entry forms: For official rules and guideline for all categories including Special Artists: http://capta.org/resource/rules-and-guidelines/ For more general information about the Reflections program: http://capta.org/programs-events/reflections/ Entry forms will be available in the Troy Office, through the links above, and on our PTSA page of the Troy website. All entries are to be submitted to school office. As this is a national arts program, winning Troy High School entries have the opportunity to move up in the levels of competition all the way to the national level. PTSA MEETINGS PTSA Meeting Dates for 2014-15 School Year All meetings are held the first Monday of the month at 8:30am (except as noted below for Late Start Mondays) in the Troy Staff Lounge. Get connected to Troy by attending our meetings where you will receive information from our principal, staff members, and ASB President. Day Date Time Monday August 17, 2015 9:15 - 11:00 AM (late start) Monday September 14, 2015 8:30 - 10:00 AM Monday October 5, 2015 9:15 - 11:00 AM (late start) Monday November 2, 2015 9:15 - 11:00 AM (late start) Monday December No Meeting Monday January 11, 2016 9:15 - 11:00 AM (late start) Monday February 1, 2016 9:15 - 11:00 AM (late start) Monday March 7, 2016 8:30 - 10:00 AM Monday April 4, 2016 8:30 - 10:00 AM Monday May 2, 2016 8:30 - 10:00 AM Who’s Who: 2015-2016 Troy PTSA Officers and Chairpersons Executive Board President Executive VP 1st VP/Communications 2nd VP/Membership Membership Support Recording Secretary Historian Kim Cusick Dan Kuykendall Kim Messbarger Emily Wallace Lisa Lemus Anne Sinek Rosy Chan Committee Chairpersons Parent Brochure Fullerton Council Rep. Volunteer Coordinator Orientation Coordinator Warrior Wear Hospitality PTA Art Reflections Cecile Guerra Anne Sinek Kimberly Blanks Pam Jones Anna Weston Nimmi Richards Educator of the Year Susan Mathews Maria Cover Pathways to Hope Cammie Weiss Special Ed Liaison Marla Dorsey Grad Night Kathy Chestnut Senior Reflections Beth Castro In you are interested in volunteering please contact Kimberly Blanks: volunteer@troyptsa.com SPORTS Wa r r i o r F a n s Welcome Back To School! I am so excited for the 2015-16 school year! Last year 19 0f 21 sports advanced to CIF! We won 9 Freeway League Championships! We expect this season to be even better! All of our 21 sports will be using Blast Athletics to share live game coverage, current news, etc... Fans, Parents, Alumni & Students are encouraged to follow us! 1 Go to www.blastathletics.com 2 Click Sign Up 3 Click High School 4 Complete Registration Information 5 Choose a sport to follow If you are interested in becoming a Blast manager and provide live coverage for one of the sports at Troy High School, please contact Thomas Powell at 310-469-1011 (cell) Join the Troy Sports Network! http://www.blastathletics.com/troyinterns Troy Sports Network! - Troy wants to be the first school in the nation to have live coverage of every sport, every level and every athlete! blast Mangers provide this coverage! Sports Media Interns - Blast managers are interns who cover a sports team or program on Troy's Sports Network! Please contact chris@blastathletics.com if you are interested in becoming a Blast Manager. (Parents can also become a blast manger and provide coverage.). Your Main Role - Post coverage live from the games: videos, photos, score updates, and stats. All you need is a cell phone! Thank you Mike Silzer ▪ Athletic Director ▪ Troy High School NCAA Workshop September 28, 6:30 PM Troy High School Lecture Hall Presented By Troy High School DIVISION I AND II - Class of 2016 and after Topics to be discussed: Academic Eligibility and Core Course Requirements ▪ Testing Requirements ▪ Changes to the NCAA ▪ Timeline ▪ Recruiting ▪ Resources TROY HIGH SCHOOL GRAD NIGHT CELEBRATION Thursday May 26 - Friday May 27, 2016 Cla s s of 2 0 16 , you are doing great at reserving your spot at Troy Grad Nite! To encourage more of you to participate, we have extended the $125.00 price till September 30th. So get your permission forms completed and payment made before the price goes UP. Your class of 2016 may be the first entire senior class to attend. Yes, your friends have a spot reserved, check the list at activities office, so don’t miss out! Seniors, can you believe this is your last year at Troy! In just 8 months, you’ll be in Fullerton Stadium, walking up to the podium and proudly accepting your diplomas. Afterwards, after all the picture taking, through the smiles and yes, the tears, you’ll be celebrating with family and friends, rejoicing in your wonderful accomplishments. But wait! You’ll have one last chance to be with all your Troy friends, peers, and classmates before starting on all your new adventures. This night is going to be like one of those dreams you’ve had, when you wake up and say, “Oh, man I wish that could really happen.” Well, it WILL really happen if you attend Troy Grad Nite 2016. Yes, just one last chance exists for you all to be together, just for one last time. Why not spend this one last private event together at Dave and Buster’s, having a BLAST! This event is exclusive and includes more fun than you can imagine. Here’s what you can look forward to on Grad Night!! Free Buffet ALL Night Long including soda ▪ Free Chocolate Dessert Station with Hot Coffee and Tea ▪ Free game card ▪ Win tickets to shop in the WINNER STORE ▪ FREE play on ALL non-ticket games ▪ Free Spin Money Wheel for CASH ▪Free Spin Prize wheel for Gift cards, Rainbow sandals and more! ▪ Free Henna Tattoos ▪ Free Hypnotist shows ▪ Free Comedian/Magician Joseph Derry ▪ Free Crazy Hair, Lashes and Stashes plus glitter tattoos ▪ Free Mechanical Bull ▪ Free silhouette portraits ▪ Free balloon artists ▪ Free Face Painting ▪ Free Photo Booths-Take pictures with friends ▪ Free Music and Dancing ▪ Free Shuffle Board ▪ Free Pool/Billiard Tables Plus more surprises! Drop off check with permission slip at Troy Activities. Checks made to Grad Nite with signed permission slip, you can download on Troy web page. https://troygradniteinfo.wordpress.com/ Grad Nite 2016 Prices increases are as follows: Now till September 30, 2015 $125.00 October 1, 2015 - February 29,2016 $135.00 March 1, 2016 - May 20, 2016 $145.00 No Checks accepted after May 20th. May 26, 2016 - CASH ONLY at the Troy North Gym door with two permission slips $160.00 TROY PARENTS, WE NEED YOU! ALL GRADE PARENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO VOLUNTEER FOR THIS EVENT Remember, the Grad Nite event is NOT a school activity. The committee is made up of parent volunteers who are giving many hours of their time to make sure this event happens. Our goal is to have the entire Troy senior class attend this memorable event! Please do not hesitate to ask any questions THSGradnite@Gmail.com ▪ Donations for prizes are collected all year, just put attention Grad Nite and drop off at school office, mail or email to pick up: Monatary, Gift cards, Candy, Gift baskets, gas card, car washes, summer items, services, Dorm room items, college supplies and technology items! Do you know a business that is willing to support our event? ▪ Sponsor a student to attend. QUICK REFERENCE INFORMATION National Blue Ribbon School New American High School California Distinguished High School Calendar & Directory 2015-2016 PTSA Parent Brochure NOW AVAILABLE Click HERE to get your downloadable version NOW! 2200 E. Dorothy Lane Fullerton, CA 92831 (714) 626 - 4400 SCHOOL DIRECTORY CLEARING ABSENCES CALENDAR 2015-2016 DANCES LIBRARY INFORMATION BELL SCHEDULE PTSA DIRECTORY PTSA MEETINGS and more... All your Troy resources in one place. Print it out for quick reference! Troy High PTSA—Fullerton Council PTA Fourth District PTA—California State PTA Important Numbers Holidays/Important Dates Labor Day: 9/7/2015 College Night: 9/28/2015 Veterans’ Day: 11/11/2015 Thanksgiving: 11/23-11/27/2015 Records Day-No Students 12/18/2015 Activities Office: ASB Advisor: Cindy Lee 714-626-4429 Christina Owens 714-626-4112 Mike Silzer 714-626-4469 Athletic Director: Attendance Office: Barbara Lowry 714-626-4416 Counseling Office: 714-626-4426 Carlos Aldaco Front Office 714-626-4400 Winter Recess: 12/21/2015-1/1/2016 Registrar: Staff Dev Day-No Students 1/4/2016 Textbook Room: Caroline Garcia 714-626-4483 Troy Tech/IB Office: Laurie Downum 714-626-4520 Open House: 1/7/2016 Desiree Martinez 714-626-4426 MLK Day: 1/18/2016 Lincoln Day: 2/8/2016 Washington Day: 2/15/2016 late start dates Staff Dev Day-No Students 3/25/2016 Tuesday, September 1 Monday, January 11 Spring Recess: 3/28-4/1/2016 Monday, September 21 Monday, February 1 Last Day of School: 5/26/2016 Monday, October 5 Monday, February22 Monday, October 19 Monday, March 21 Monday, November 2 Monday, April 25 Monday, November 16 Monday, May 16 Bell Schedules http://www.troyhigh.com/apps/bell_schedules/ Monday, December 7