UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD THE VOLTAIRE FOUNDATION 99 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 6JX U.K. Fax +44 (0)1865 284610 Web Email Dear Author(s), Editor(s) The enclosed questionnaire is sent to all authors and editors. The information you provide here is essential in our efforts to promote and sell your forthcoming book as effectively as possible. We will use this questionnaire as our guide on: • • • • • creating publicity copy composing the back cover text posting listservs and website notices creating promotional flyers the key conferences for your book We will also use it to guide our decisions on journal review copies and other media promotional activity. This questionnaire may contain some questions that you cannot answer, but please complete it as fully as you can, then return it to me by email by XXXX. Thank you, Lyn Roberts Vf VOLTAIRE FOUNDATION • UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 1 I. PERSONAL INFORMATION 1. Full name: 2. Title of the book (provisional): 3. Home address: Academic affiliation / University: Department of Modern and Classical Languages, Georgia State University Academic address: Work telephone number: Home telephone number: Email: Mobile / Cell number: 4. Will you be away from your home and university for extensive periods during the next 12 months? If so, please give details (dates and alternative email / telephone details): 5. Edited books only. Please supply a list of the names, academic affiliations, postal addresses and email addresses of all contributors to your book. This list should be supplied by email as a separate Word document. Vf VOLTAIRE FOUNDATION • UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 2 II. PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION 1. Present position: 2. Academic associations of which you are member, or groups who would be interested in your book, for example CAA (College Art Association), or a less formal research group? 3. Books published: Title / Publisher / Date and place of publication 4. Biographical sketch (for back cover of book), 50 words max: (list your current position, main areas of research and key publications / works in progress) 5. Any other professional information relevant to your book’s promotion (e.g. awards gained, key past positions held): Vf VOLTAIRE FOUNDATION • UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 3 III. PROMOTIONAL INFORMATION The texts we ask you to provide here will form the basis of the book’s back cover text, and other promotional texts. Please consider the texts carefully, as they need to appeal to non-specialists (such as librarians) and specialists (other researchers working in the same field) alike. These texts should be supplied by email as a separate Word document. 1. Please list 4 key subject categories for the book (e.g. book history / women’s studies): 2. Please provide a description of the book (50 words max): this will be used for the Voltaire Foundation’s email bulletin and listserv postings. 3. Please provide a description of the book in 200 words max: this will be used as the basis for the back cover text. para 1: rationale for the book / why is the subject important? para 2: what are the key features of the book? what does your book ‘do’? what is it telling people? 4. The front covers of SVEC / Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment books contain a black /white illustration in landscape (horizontal) format. Illustrations are provided by authors / editors, and should be clear and relate to the subject matter of your book. Electronic versions of illustrations are preferred, as either JPEG or TIFF files, at a minimum of 300 dpi (dots per inch) but ideally 600 dpi when scanned at a size of 15 cm width by 10 cm length. Please contact us for further details if necessary. Vf VOLTAIRE FOUNDATION • UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 4 IV. PUBLICITY and ADVERTISING INFORMATION 1. The journals below will receive either a review copy or an invitation to review your book. Mark a cross [X] next to those journals that are relevant to your book, and add any other journals that you think are likely to review your book: Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies (formerly BJECS) Revue Dix-Huitième siècle Eighteenth-Century Studies French Studies Modern Langage Review Revue de synthèse Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine (RHMC) Revue d’histoire littéraire de la France Additional Journals: Studi Francesi Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies French Historical Studies Journal of Modern History English Historical Review French History Romanische Forschungen Eighteenth-Century Life 2. Does your book have any local interest? 3. Please provide us with the name and email address of the publicity information officer at your university. 4. Does your university library hold an annual subscription to SVEC ? Please also provide the name, address and email address of your subject librarian(s). 5. Print and broadcast media. Please list contact details of any media (newspaper columnists, editorial writers, radio commentators) who might review or comment on the book, or interview you. Please specify if you have any acquaintance with them. Vf VOLTAIRE FOUNDATION • UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 5 V. CONFERENCE INFORMATION and KEY UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS 1. Please list academic conferences where we can include promotional material for your book, or exhibit the book. Conference / Date / Location / Author attending? 2. Have you any future speaking engagements, readings, guest teachings, etc. that might tie in with the promotion of the book? 3. Is this book of interest to tutors of specific advanced undergraduate or postgraduate courses? Course name and Level / Tutor & Email 4. Please list the top 5 US, 5 UK and 5 other European university departments and the names of the relevant researchers within these departments who would welcome receiving publicity information on your book (e.g. Prof Joe Bloggs, Department of French, Stanford University): Vf VOLTAIRE FOUNDATION • UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 6 VI. INTERNET and ONLINE MARKETING INFORMATION 1. We post listserv notices to the H-France, SECFS and francofil listervs, and the FABULA website. Are there any other listervs, websites, bulletin boards or electronic journals we can explore? Please give details of the listserv and web address: 2. Do you have a personal website (see also section IV, Q. 6)? If so, would you like us to consider linking to it? 3. Social media. i) Do you or does your University have a Facebook page? If YES, please link to the Voltaire Foundation Facebook page. Once your book is available on our online catalogue, please also link to it. ii) Does your University offer podcasting facilities? If YES please consider recording a short talk or ‘Q and A’ about your work, linking it in to your book. iii) Do you have a blog or Twitter account? If YES please post a blog / tweet, to engage with your readers, ensuring that you cite and link to your book’s online catalogue page. Many thanks for completing this questionnaire. Vf VOLTAIRE FOUNDATION • UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 7