Application form for Individuals Submitted to Voltaire Bridging by Name Date Company Club Tel Fax Mobile E-mail A. Loan details Purpose of loan (required) Term of the loan Net amount required £ How will the loan be repaid? (required) B. Application details (please enter other applicants on additional sheet) Applicant 1 Title Applicant 2 (or Guarantor) Full name Title Full name Residential address Residential address Postcode Postcode Tel Tel Mobile Mobile E-mail E-mail Does the applicant own his/her own resident Value of residence Yes No Does the applicant own his/her own resident Outstanding Charge Value of residence Yes No Outstanding Charge Date of birth Date of birth Any adverse credit history Yes No Any adverse credit history Yes No C. Primary property being used as security for loan Full address of property Postcode Is the property Freehold or Leasehold ? If leasehold, how many years remain on the lease? Already owned - Date purchased: Being purchased Purchase price/price paid £ Estimated value £ years Owned by another Monthly rental income (if tenanted) £ Total amount currently owned on outstanding mortgage(s) (if already owned) £ Is the applicant offering a first charge or second charge on this property? Property description Bungalow House Flat Maisonette Commercial (describe) Other (describe) Floor no. No. of storeys No. of bedrooms Year built ex local authority non std construction Are there any intended works or improvements during the term of the loan? Current condition of property Who will live in the property What is their relationship to the Applicant(s)? Can the applicant(s) offer additional security Yes No D. Payment options Option 1 Option 1 Payment made by standing order monthly in arrears The Appliacant(s) would prefer to have interest payments rolled-up for the entire approved term of the loan Voltaire Bridging, 4th floor, 73 Brook Street, Mayfair, London W1K 4HX T. 0207 182 1740 F. 0207 016 1468 E. W. 1 Application form for Individuals E. Borrower residence and personal details Applicant 1 If you own your home, please complete this section Applicant 2 (or Guarantor) If you own your home, please complete this section Estimated value £ Estimated value £ Outstanding mortgage £ Outstanding mortgage £ Name of lender Name of lender Payment up to date? Yes No Payment up to date? Yes No If ‘No’, amount of arrears £ If ‘No’, amount of arrears £ Are there any further mortgage(s) on your home? Yes No Are there any further mortgage(s) on your home? If ‘Yes’, please advise details in Section M If ‘Yes’, please advise details in Section M Martial status Martial status Yes No F. Primary property being used as security for the loan Full address of property Postcode If the purchase price currently being paid is less than the value of the property, please explain the reason for the discount If the property is to be tenanted, please tick here and send us a copy of any existing or proposed lease. Details of any current of intended works and improvements during the term of the loan Name of mortgage lender Payment up to date? Yes No If ‘No’, amount of arrears £ Voltaire Bridging, 4th floor, 73 Brook Street, Mayfair, London W1K 4HX T. 0207 182 1740 F. 0207 016 1468 E. W. 2 Application form for Individuals G. Borrower solicitor’s details Applicant 1 Applicant 2 (or Guarantor) Name of firm Name of firm Address Address Postcode Postcode Contact Contact E-mail E-mail Tel Tel Fax Fax H. Employment details Applicant 1 Are you self-employed Applicant 2 (or Guarantor) employed not employed Are you self-employed employed Name of employer / business Name of employer / business Full address of employer / business Full address of employer / business Postcode not employed Postcode Tel Tel Website Website What is the nature of employer / your business What is the nature of employer / your business Position held Position held If employed, is this job permanent? Yes How long (years) have you been with your employer (if self-employed how long have you been in business)? No If employed, is this job permanent? Yes No How long (years) have you been with your employer (if self-employed how long have you been in business)? Voltaire Bridging, 4th floor, 73 Brook Street, Mayfair, London W1K 4HX T. 0207 182 1740 F. 0207 016 1468 E. W. 3 Application form for Individuals I. Bank and Accountant details Applicant 1 Applicant 2 (or Guarantor) Name of bank Name of bank Contact Contact Address of bank Address of bank Postcode Postcode Account no. Account no. Sort code Sort code Account name Account name Length of time with bank years Length of time with bank Name of Accountant Name of Accountant Address of Accountant Address of Accountant Postcode years Postcode Contact Contact Email Email Tel Tel Fax Fax J. Credit History Applicant 1 Applicant 2 (or Guarantor) Have you ever been refused a mortgage on the property to be mortgaged or, any other property? Yes No Yes No Have you ever had a judgment for debt recorded against you or, if self-employed / controlling director against your company? Yes No Yes No Have you ever been bankrupt or compounded with your creditors? Yes No Yes No Have you ever failed to keep up your payments under any present or previous mortgage, rental or loan agreements? Yes No Yes No Have you ever been convicted of or charged with any offence other than a driving offence? Yes No Yes No Have you ever made a claim to the DSS in the last 12 months? Yes No Yes No Voltaire Bridging, 4th floor, 73 Brook Street, Mayfair, London W1K 4HX T. 0207 182 1740 F. 0207 016 1468 E. W. 4 Application form for Individuals K. Income and expenditure details PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR FIRST GUARANTOR OR GUARANTOR COUPLE LIVING TOGETHER Applicants name(s) Person 1 Person 2 Budget Planner Your Annual Income 1st person’s Gross Annual Income (i.e. before tax, N.I. and pension deductions) £ 2nd person’s Gross Annual Income (i.e. before tax, N.I. and pension deductions) £ Monthly domestic and personal expenses Your monthly income Any mortgage £ (A) £ Council tax/water rates £ 1st person’s monthly income (take home pay) Electricity £ 2nd person’s monthly income (take home pay) (B) £ Gas £ Other monthly income* (C) £ Telephone £ Total monthly income Housekeeping (incl. food) £ Total monthly expenses Child care costs (incl. school fees) £ Surplus Other loans £ Insurance/endowment/pension premium £ Car expenses £ Season ticket/transport £ Credit/store cards £ Clothing £ Holidays £ Entertainment £ Other £ Total monthly expenses (A+B+C) £ (D) £ (A+B+C-D) £ (D) £ Are there like to be any significant changes in your income or expenditure during the term of the loan Yes No If ‘Yes’, please give details Has your annual net income over the previous financial year exceeded £150,000? Yes No Voltaire Bridging, 4th floor, 73 Brook Street, Mayfair, London W1K 4HX T. 0207 182 1740 F. 0207 016 1468 E. W. 5 Application form for Individuals L. Assets and liabilities PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR FIRST GUARANTOR OR GUARANTOR COUPLE LIVING TOGETHER Assets Liabilities Property - your home £ Mortgage - your home £ Property - other £ Mortgage - other £ Lender Address Property - other £ £ Mortgage - other £ Lender Address Value of business(es) owned £ Lender Address Property - other Mortgage - other £ Loans outstanding 1 £ Lender Name / nature of business(es) Loans outstanding 2 £ Lender Other shares £ Loans outstanding 3 Bank / Building Society deposits £ Lender £ Overdraft / credit / store card balances £ £ £ Other assets e.g. vehicles, significant jewellery Total assets £ £ £ Hire purchase £ Other liabilities £ Total liabilities £ Have your net assets over the previous financial year (excluding your main residence) exceeded £500,000? Yes No Voltaire Bridging, 4th floor, 73 Brook Street, Mayfair, London W1K 4HX T. 0207 182 1740 F. 0207 016 1468 E. W. 6 Application form for Individuals M. Additional information Please provide any additional information you believe will assist the application including any documents, e.g. existing valuations, mortgage offers etc. Number of additional information forms (if any) that have been added to this form Voltaire Bridging, 4th floor, 73 Brook Street, Mayfair, London W1K 4HX T. 0207 182 1740 F. 0207 016 1468 E. W. 7