acronyms you shouldnt use on pcr

here are the acronyms you shouldn't use on your PCR's: (Patient Care Report)
AMFYOYO Adios Mother F***er your on your own
BOHICA Bend Over Here It Comes Again ;)
BTFOM Beats The F* Outta Me
BTHFOM Beats The Hairy F* Outta Me
BTW Balls To the Wall
BWS Beached Whale Syndrome
CF Cluster F*ck
CCFCCP Coo Coo For CoaCoa Puffs
CHAOS Chief has Arrived on the scene
CMP-Certified Medical People
CPR Come Put-em-ta Rest
CRAFT Can't Remember A F___ing Thing
CRS Can't remember shit
CSCC c-spine clearing canines
CTD Circling The Drain (see: Close To Death)
CYA Cover your ass
DFO Done Fell Out (or Over)
DFO-SFJ Done Fell Out Screaming For Jeezus
DFU Done F**ked Up
DICCOMNAVAB Dictionary of Common Naval Abreviations (US Navy)
DIN Dispatcher Is (going) Nuts - too many alarms
DIRTBAG Dirty Indigent Requesting Transport Because Alchohol Gives him
DOASTW Dead On Arrival, and Stayed That Way
DRT Dead right there
DRTTTT Dead Right There, There, There, and There
(used after pedestrian/train altercations)
DSA Dying Spoata Act (Usually accomp. with tachyLORDYa)
DVR Darth Vader Respirations
DWO Driving While Oriental
DWPA died w/ paramedic assistance
EKGFLB EKGs funny little bumps
EMS earn money sleeping
EMT-B-Effortlessly Medicaly Trained-Brain Dead People
EMT early morning transporter
EMT Extra-ordinary Masochistic Tendencies
Every Menial Task
EMT-I-Effectively Medicaly Trained-Idiots
EMT-NP EMT Nasal Plumber
Every Menial Task PlusEMT-P-Efficently Medicaly Trained-People
FD fu**ing drunk
FDGB Fall Down... Go Boom
FIBD Found In Bed Dead
FLB funny little beats
FNG frigging new guy
FORD Found On Road Dead
FUBAR Fouled/Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition/Redemption
GDA gonna die anyway
GOMA Get out of My Ambulance
GOMER Get Out of My Emergency Room
GPH Goddamns Per Hour
GSH Giant Sweat Hog
HBD (or SBD) (S)he Be Dead
HIF Hysterical Italian Family (Can be interchangeable)
HMFIC Head Mother Fucker in Charge
IBM Incredible Barfing Man
IDM it don't matter
IJADAD I'm Just A Dumb Ambulance Driver
(Used in court after a bad call, "I was driving, I didn't even touch
the pt)
IUD (no, wait... wrong subject. oops!)
JAFO Just Another Freaking Observer
JFA Jive Funk Attack or Just F**king Around
LASGLH Lights and sirens go like hell
LOL Little old Lady
LOL FOF NAD Little old lady, found on floor, in no acute distress.
LOLINAD little old lady in no apparent distress
LTD-Lower Than Doctors
MAGGOT Medically Able, Go get Other Transportation
MDFO Multiple Done Fell Out
MFFLB multifocal funny little beats (see FLB)
MICN May I interrupt (your) Call Now
MMMMW My Mother Made Me a Wimp
MTF Metabolize To Freedom
NKDA Not Known, Didn't Ask
Noddy affectionate term for security guards (big ears, silly hats!) (UK)
OWO On the way out.
NTID Non Traumatic Injury, Dumbass!
PD Pretty Drunk
PGBFH ParaGoddess B*tch From Hell (do not assume a PGBFH is female)
PIA Pain In the ass
PID Paramedic Induced Death
PIM patient is mangled
PITA Pain In The ass
PST Positive Samsonite Tendencies, as in the pt. greets you at the door
with suitcase in hand
PUHA Pick up Haul ASS!
PVL Patient Very Large
SCENE Severe Coronary Event, Not Ending
SHPOS Sub-Human Piece of S--SID Spoata In Distress (Spoata's are those that think abusing EMS is
their God given right! - "You Spoata take take me to da hospitil")
SNAFU Situation Normal, All Fouled/Fucked Up
SOCMOB Standing On the Corner, Minding my Own Business
SOI Shit On It
SOL Shit Outta Luck
SOS,DD Same Old Shit, Different Day
Squirrel a zealous firefighter
SSDD same shit different day
SWAG Scientific Wild Ass Guess
TMB too many birthdays
TRO Time Ran Out.
WNL We Never Looked!
WWW Wimpy Wimpy Wimpy
SPODA stuff that ain't spoda be there