Justin Baumann

Justin Baumann
School Address:
School of Earth Sciences
Ohio State University
125 South Oval Mall
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Permanent Address:
216 Lakeshore Drive West
Hebron, Ohio 43025
(513) 307-1516
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Degree Sought: PhD Marine Sciences
Department: Department of Marine Sciences
Advisor: Karl Castillo
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Degree Sought: Masters of Science
(2011-May 2013)
Department: School of Earth Sciences
Advisor: Andréa Grottoli
Thesis Title: The effects of elevated temperature stress on the acquisition and allocation of
carbon in Hawaiian coral lipids.
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Major(s): Biology (Bachelor of Science) Earth Sciences (Bachelor of Science)
Cum Laude
With Research Distinction in Geological Sciences
Cumulative GPA: 3.532
Graduated: June 2011
(2007- 2011)
GRE Scores: Verbal: 560 (78%), Quantitative: 750 (82%), Analytical: 4.5 (67%)
Lakota West High School, West Chester, Ohio
Honors Diploma
Research Experience
Research Interests:
 Impacts of temperature and ocean acidification on coral physiology, ecology, recovery,
and resilience
 Coral heterotrophy
 Lipid biogeochemistry
 Conservation, policy, and management
 Marine ecology
 Human impacts on marine environments
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Graduate Research Assistant
Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Lab
School of Earth Sciences
The Ohio State University
Dr. Andrea Grottoli
September 2011- present
Duties: Prepare coral lipid samples for stable isotope ratio analysis using wet chemistry,
coral tissue separations, lipid extractions, packing and weighing samples to run on the
Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (SIRMS). Running and maintaining the SIRMS.
Field Research: NSF-funded field study on the synergistic effects of temperature,
nutrients, and ocean acidification on the physiology and resilience of Pacific corals. Reef
Systems Coral Farm, New Albany, Ohio Summer 2012
 Helped design, build, and maintain tank systems and technical equipment
 Perform and record vital daily measurements
 Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) incubations
 Fed corals
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Lab
School of Earth Sciences
The Ohio State University
Dr. Andrea Grottoli
September 2009- August 2011
Duties: Coral fragment surface area measurements, grinding coral, data analysis,
assisting graduate students, cleaning glassware, preparing samples and glassware for
stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry, weighing samples (microbalance), and assisting
the lab technician and graduate students
 Worked on an NSF funded coral bleaching project (Senior Honors Thesis Title:
The effects of repeat bleaching on photosynthesis, metabolism, and feeding rates
in three species of Caribbean coral).
Field research: NSF-funded studying on the effects of repeat bleaching events on coral
and algal physiology. Puerto Morelos, Mexico, Summer 2010
 Daily tank maintenance
 experiment monitoring
 specimen collection, preparation, and preservation
 coral polyp dissection
Field research: NSF-funded field study on the synergistic effects of temperature,
nutrients, and ocean acidification on the physiology and resilience of Pacific corals. Reef
Systems Coral Farm, New Albany, Ohio, Summer 2011
 Assisted with construction of large scale manipulative tanks experiment
 Daily tank and system maintenance
 DOC incubations
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Technical Skills
Biological field sampling techniques: specimen collection: nets, seines, trawling,
measuring depth, wind speed, light penetration, manipulative field experiments
Basic knowledge of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry: NMR, Mass spec., UV-Vis,
chromatography (paper and gas)
Knowledge of, and experience running and maintaining SIRMS (Stable Isotope Raito
Mass Spectrometry)
Wet chemistry laboratory techniques: coral fragment surface area, lipid extractions,
organic separation
Experience running manipulative tank experiments: NSF-funded repeat bleaching
project in Puerto Morelos, Mexico, NSF-funded synergistic effects of temperature,
nutrients and ocean acidification project in New Albany, Ohio.
Presenter: International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, July 2012
Friends of Orton Hall Fund: To attend and present at the International Coral Reef
Symposium, Cairns, Australia, July 2012.
 Presenter: Denman Undergraduate Research Forum, Ohio State University, Spring
2010, Spring 2011
 Winner: Best Poster, Natural and Mathematical Sciences Undergraduate Research
Forum, Ohio State University, Spring 2011
 Presenter: ASLO Ocean Science Meeting poster session, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Winter
 Mayers Undergraduate and Graduate Travel Fellowship: to attend and present at
ASLO Ocean Science Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Winter 2011
 Featured in 2010 “Highlights of Undergraduate Research at The Ohio State
University”, a booklet published by the Undergraduate Research Office (URO).
 Shell Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) intern, School of Earth Sciences,
Ohio State University, Summer 2010
 Presenter: Biological, Math, and Physical Sciences Undergraduate Research Forum,
Ohio State University, Spring 2010
 Dean’s List (Fall ’08, Winter’09, Spring’09, Fall ’09, Spring ’10, Spring ’11)
 Eagle Scout (Summer 2007)
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Peer-Reviewed Publications:
 Schoepf et al. (2013) PLoS ONE
Non Peer-Reviewed Publications:
 Baumann, J. (2011) The effects of single and repeat bleaching on photosynthesis,
respiration, and feeding rates in three species of Caribbean coral. Ohio State University
Knowledge Bank. http://hdl.handle.net/1811/48894
Manuscripts in Prep:
 Baumann J, Grottoli AG, Hughes A, Pease T, Matsui Y (in prep) Acquisition and
allocation of carbon to lipids of bleached and non-bleached P. compressa and M.
Conferences and Presentations
Published Abstracts:
 Baumann J, Grottoli AG, Levas S, Matsui Y, Hughes A (2012), Acquisition and
Allocation of Carbon to Lipids of Bleached and Nonbleached Hawaiian Corals.
12th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS), Cairns, Australia.
Schoepf V, Grottoli AG, Warner ME, Cai WJ, Melman T, Baumann J, Matsui Y, Pettay
D, Hoadley K, Wang Y, Xu H, Li Q, Hu X (2012) Interactive effects of
elevated pCO2 and temperature on coral calcification and energy reserves.
12thInternational Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS), Cairns, Australia.
Levas S, Grottoli AG, Warner ME, Schoepf V, Baumann J, Aschaffenburg M, Matsui Y,
Bauer J (2012) DOC fluxes in healthy and bleached Montastraea faveolata, Porites
astreiodes, and Porites divaricata corals. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium
(ICRS), Cairns, Australia.
Hoadley K, Pettay DT, Warner ME, Grottoli AG, Melman T, Baumann J, Matsui Y, Cai
WJ, Hu X, Wang Y, Xu H, Li O (2012) The impact of elevated CO2 and temperature on
the photosynthetic physiology and symbiosis stability of four Pacific reef-building corals.
12thInternational Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS), Cairns, Australia.
Baumann J, Grottoli AG, Levas S, Schoepf V, Warner ME (2011) The effects of single
and repeat bleaching on photosynthesis and metabolism of three species of Caribbean
coral. 2011 Natural and Mathematical Science (NMS), and 2011 Denman Undergraduate
Research Forums, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Baumann J, Grottoli AG, Levas S, Schoepf V, Warner ME (2010) The effects of repeat
bleaching on P/R and feeding rates of three species of Caribbean coral. 2010 American
Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Ocean Science Meeting, San Juan,
Puerto Rico.
Baumann 4
Baumann J, Grottoli AG, Levas S (2010) The effects of bleaching on photosynthesis,
metabolism, and feeding rates of three species of Caribbean Coral. 2010 Biological,
Math, and Physical Science (BMAPS) and 2010 Denman Undergraduate Research
Forums, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Teaching Experience
Earth Science 100 laboratory instructor
Ohio State University, School of Earth Sciences
Fall 2011, Winter 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013 (converted from quarters to
semesters after Spring 2012).
 Teach introductory Earth Science labs to non-science majors
 Instruct labs, lead discussions, proctor exams, and grade assignments
Earth Science 622 lab (Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry)
Ohio State University, School of Earth Sciences
Spring 2012
 Instructed a lab section of 8-10 graduate students
 taught mixing models
 guided the class through isotopic analysis of their own fingernail and hair samples and
assisted them in designing a poster and presenting their findings.
Earth Science 100 lab coordinator
Ohio State University, School of Earth Sciences
Fall 2012-Spring 2013
 Teach introductory Earth Science labs to non-science majors
 Instruct labs, lead discussions, proctor exams, and grade assignments
 Organize and set-up labs
 Train other Teaching Assistants to teach labs
 Communicate with professors and deal with any scheduling issues
 Independently designed a lab on climate change and sustainability.
Employment History
Hamilton County Park District:
September 2006- December 2010
Seasonal Dock Attendant/ cashier, special events technician
Duties: Assisting customers with boats, cashier, customer service, special events
Newport Aquarium, Newport, KY:
June 2009- September 2009
Husbandry Intern
Duties: Cleaning exhibits, preparing food, animal care, maintenance, feeding, assisting
biologists (Rainforest department: Birds, Ohio River Exhibit, Alligators, Penguins)
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University Service and Activities
Biological Science Scholars “How to get into grad school” panel, Winter 2012
Biological Science Scholars lab tours: Winter 2011, Winter 2012
Peer Research Contact for the Undergraduate Research Office (URO): 2011
Presented at URO sponsored “Research Across Continents, OSU Undergrads in Latin
America” Winter 2011
Biological Science Scholars Program: Fall 2007- Spring 2011
OSU men’s ultimate disc team: Fall 2007- Spring 2012 (Treasurer Summer 2009- Spring
Undergraduate Research: Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Lab (September 2009-August
SURE (Shell Undergraduate Research Experience): June 2010-September 2010
Featured in URO publication “Highlights of Undergraduate Research” 2010
Related Coursework
General Biology 114 (with lab)
General Chemistry (with labs): 1 year
Mathematics: Precalculus through Calc. 3 (4
Physics (calculus based): 1 year
Organic Chemistry: 2 quarters of lecture, 2
quarters of labs
Molecular Genetics
Organismal Diversity (with lab)
Marine Biology and Ecology
Introduction to Oceanography*
Aquatic Biology*
Field Geology for Educators*
Introductory Earth Science and Historical
Environmental Geosciences
Introductory Hydrology and Water Issues
Earth science 851: volunteer lab credit
(Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry lab)
Earth Sciences H783: Senior Thesis research
Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry**
Biology and Ecology of Fishes**
Physical Oceanography**
Foundational Papers in Ecology Seminar**
* Courses taken at OSU Stone Laboratory, Gibraltor Island (Lake Erie)
**Graduate courses
International Society for Reef Studies (ISRS)
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)
Geological Society of America (GSA)
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Lab experience (biology, organismal diversity, chemistry (inorganic and organic), marine
biology, microbiology, physics)
Elementary German
Experience with Microsoft Excel, Sigma Plot 10, Vernier Logger Pro, SAS, Minitab,
Baumann 7