Name of Instructor: Mary Becker
Virtual Office Hours: Tuesday 9 -10 A.M. (email, text message or Blackboard chat)
College E-Mail / Phone Number: mbecker@rangercollege.edu / 940 300 6851
Course Number and Title: Art 1301 ART APPRECIATION
Credit Hours; 3 HRS Lab: 0
Online Course: Lecture/Lab Online: Internet course / Blackboard
Exploration Of Purposes And Processes In The Visual Arts Including Evaluation Of Selected Works.
3 Credit Hours
Students in this course will gain exposure to and experience in the visual arts. The course will allow
the student to develop an understanding of art to enhance the quality of their life intellectually,
emotionally, and spiritually. The student‘s understanding of art will be enhanced by studying the
elements of art and design, media of art, and the chronological progression of art through history from
a global perspective. Students will develop critical thinking skills by reading and writing to produce
authentic artifacts and utilize interactive media. Students will discover art through displays in art
institutions in which they will visit a local art museum and prepare a written art analysis.
Course content will contain examination of art works, which define the visual world that we live in, as
well as the techniques and mediums used to master the elements of art production. Works explored
will also place the arts in historical context by understanding the shifts in art making (i.e. from The
Ancient World to art from the 1900s up to the present.)
No requirement prior to taking this course. It does meet a 3 hour Fine Art Elective
V. TEXTBOOK: A WORLD OF ART, Henry M. Sayre, 2012, 7th ed. Pearson Higher Education
ISBN-13: 9780205898879
Discussion, Projects, videos, a virtual art gallery, a paper, and assessments.
The purpose of the Exemplary Educational Objectives is to expand students’ knowledge of the human
condition and human cultures, especially in relation to behaviors, ideas, and values expressed in
works of human imagination and thought. Through the study of visual arts, students will engage in
critical analysis, form aesthetic judgments, and develop an appreciation of the arts and humanities as
fundamental to the health and survival of any society. Humanities and Visual and Performing Arts (H)
H1. To demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities.
H2. To understand those works as expressions of individual and human values within an historical
and social context.
H3. To respond critically to works in the arts and humanities.
H4. To engage in the creative process and comprehend the physical and intellectual demands
required of the visual artist.
H5. To articulate an informed personal reaction to works in the arts and humanities.
H6. To develop an appreciation for the aesthetic principles that guide or govern the humanities
and arts.
H7. To demonstrate knowledge of the influence of literature, philosophy, and/or the arts on
intercultural experiences.
The Basic Intellectual Competencies listed below are essential to the learning process designed to
assist and prepare the students for becoming well-educated individuals who are intellectually flexible,
articulate, and have the capacity to become responsible and creative mentors of society. These
competencies are included in this course and they are noted by the following numbering system.
B1. READING: The ability to analyze and interpret a variety of printed materials -- books, articles,
and documents.
B2. WRITING: The ability to produce clear, correct, and coherent prose adapted to purpose,
occasion, and audience.
B3. SPEAKING: The ability to communicate orally in clear, coherent, and persuasive language
appropriate to purpose, occasion, and audience.
B4. LISTENING: The ability to analyze and interpret various forms of spoken communication.
B5. CRITICAL THINKING: The ability to embrace methods for applying both qualitative and
quantitative skills analytically and creatively to subject matter in order to evaluate
arguments and to construct alternative strategies.
B6. COMPUTER LITERACY: The ability to use computer-based technology in communicating,
solving problems, and acquiring information.
1. Recognize the various media used in art. (H1)(B1)
2. Visually identify works by major artists from the various movements of art. (H2)(B1)(B6)
3. Understand the development and context within various styles of art. (H3)(B1)(B2)
4. Become familiar with the formal techniques used within art-making. (H6)(B1)
5. Comprehend the influence of our visual world. (H7)(B1)(B4)
6. Develop an understanding of reading images through visual literacy. (H3)(B5)(B6)
7. Become knowledgeable of placing art into historical and cultural context. (H2)(H7)(B4)
8.Visit a local art museum and produce a written art analysis on their discovery. (H5)(B2)
9. Engage in hands-on projects that help students to comprehend the creative process. (H6)(B5)
10. Express personal views on current art practices or influences in our culture. (H5)(B2)
This schedule is tentative and subject to change depending upon the progress of the class
Week 1:
1st day of class
Read the Syllabus; Print calendar found under “To Succeed in this class”.
Write your paper introducing yourself to me and remember to include your
educational goals. Read Chapter 1 /watch videos;
Do the Black Board assignment that will help you find your way around the
Art Appreciation, Blackboard website.
Goals and Aspiration Paper Due
Read Chapters 1 & 3 / watch videos;
Do the discussion assignments.
Quiz for Chapter 1 and 3 DUE
Week 2:
Read Chapters 2 / watch videos
Do the discussion assignments.
Quiz for Chapter 2 is DUE
Read Chapters 4, & 5 / watch videos
Week 3
Quiz on Chapters 4, & 5, DUE
Do the discussion assignments.
Read Chapter 6 and watch videos
Do the discussion assignments.
Quiz on Chapter 6 DUE
Week 4
Read Chapter 7 & 8 and watch videos
Quiz for Chapters 7 & 8 DUE
Week 5
Exam 1 over Chapters 1 through 8 open book DUE
Read Chapter 9, 10 & 11 / watch videos;
Do the discussion assignment for chapter 10.
Quiz for Chapters 9, 10, & 11 DUE
Week 6
Read Chapter 12/ watch movie and videos
Do the discussion assignments.
Chapter 12 Quiz DUE
Start 2D art work remember to take photos
Week 7
2D Artwork DUE & Discussion about what you did and how it fits some of the elements
and principals: Include photographs.
Read Chapters 13 & 14/ watch videos;
Quiz for Chapter 13 & 14 DUE;
Week 8
Read Chapters 15 & 16/ watch videos
Quiz for Chapter 15 & 16 DUE
Week 9
Start the rough draft of your paper
and start your 3D art work remember to document with photos
Week 10
Mandatory: First draft of report due
3D Artwork DUE & Discussion about what you did and
how it fits some of the elements and principals: Include photographs.
Week 11
If less than an A on your Rough Draft you will want to start editing your
Artist Report for the Final Draft only the highest grade is kept
Exam 2 over Chapters 9 through 16 open book DUE
Read Chapter 17 / watch videos;
Week 12
Quiz on Chapter 17 Due
Read Chapters 18 & 19 / Watch Videos;
Week 13
Quiz for Chapter 18 & 19 DUE
Read Chapter 20 and 21 / Watch Videos;
Week 14
Exam 3 over Chapters 17 through 21 DUE
Final Draft of Report Due of the 2 only the highest grade is kept
Week 15
Any PREARRANGED make – up work is DUE
Week 16
FINAL EXAM - [no notes and no book] proctored on
Ranger Campus or your High School
Contact instructor if special arraignments need to be made
50 points for Personal Goals Paper
100 points for personal experience paper on a visit to museum or art show may substitute
artist report from books, magazines and web sites (not Wikipedia)
210 points for Quizzes
200 points for personal artwork
90 points for Discussions
400 points for Exams and Final
90 – 100%
80 – 89 %
70 – 79 %
60 – 69 %
< 60%
ADA Statement: Ranger College provides a variety of services for students with learning and/or physical
disabilities. The student is responsible for making the initial contact with the Ranger College Counselor. It is
advisable to make this contact before or immediately after the semester begins.
Admissions, employment, and program policies of Ranger College are non-discriminatory in regard to race,
creed, color, sex, age, disability, and national origin. All recruitment and admission material complies with
Section 504 of the ADA.
As an Internet course - attendance and course participation are gauged based on your ability to complete all class
assignments on time. Internet courses can be more extensive than regular face-to-face courses; you are required to
demonstrate your progress in practical ways, such as posting on Discussion Boards, Quizzes, Exams and
Essays. If you have not participated in the assignments for 3 weeks you may be dropped from the course. Please
keep me apprised if you have a scheduling conflict that we can work around.
As the instructor I reserve the right to make changes to the course to if necessary for the good of all.