MSM 6610
Theories of Organizational Behavior
Term III 2016
Dr. Debra Hunter
Associate Professor of Management.
Troy University-Global Campus
Office (770) 730-0033 ext. 5106 (by appointment)
NOTE: For course syllabus posted prior to the beginning of the term, the instructor reserves the
right to make minor changes prior to or during the term. The instructor will notify students, via
email or Blackboard announcement, when changes are made in the requirements and/or grading
of the course.
Organizational Behavior
> Author: Kreitner, Robert
> Edition: 10TH 13
> ISBN 13: 978-0-07-802936-3
> ISBN 10: 0-07-802936-8
> MBS Direct SKU #: 1087110
> Publisher: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.
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Students should have their text the first week of class. Not having your book will not be an
acceptable excuse for late work. Students who add this course late should refer to the “Late
Registration” section for further guidance.
The textbook provider for the eTROY of Troy University is MBS Direct. The web site for
textbook purchases is Web site for textbook purchases:
Through operations that span the State of Alabama, the United States, and the world, Sorrell
College of Business (SCOB) equips our students with the knowledge, skills, abilities and
competencies to become organizational and community leaders who make a difference in the
global village and global economy. Through this endeavor, we serve students, employers,
faculty, and Troy University at large as well as the local and global communities.
Sorrell College of Business will be the first choice for higher business education students in their
quest to succeed in a dynamic and global economy. Sorrell College of Business will create the
model for 21st century business education and community service.
The syllabus for this class includes the Chair contact information for Dr. Diane Bandow, Chair
of Management-Troy Global Campus (see below). This is provided in the event you cannot
resolve a situation with me, your instructor. PLEASE do not contact (email or phone) Dr.
Bandow with a question, problem, or concern, unless you have first contacted me and you have
not received a response from me within 24 to 48 hours, or if you do not agree with my response.
Troy University Global Campus Chair for Management & Healthcare Management:
Dr. Diane Bandow
Chair of Management
Troy University-Global Campus
1117 Perimeter Center West, Ste. N 101
Atlanta, GA 30338
Phone: (770) 730-0033 Ext. 5102
Fax: (770) 730-0596
Students who register during the first week of the term, during late registration, will already be
one week behind. Students who fall into this category are expected to catch up with all of Week
#1 and Week #2's work by the end of Week #2. No exceptions, since two weeks constitutes a
significant percentage of the term's lessons. Students who do not feel they can meet this deadline
should not enroll in the class. If they have registered, they should see their registrar, academic
adviser, CTAM/eArmyU representative, or Military Education officer to discuss their options.
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Also note that late registration may mean you do not receive your book in time to make up the
work you missed in Week #1. Not having your book on the first day of class is not an excuse for
late work after the deadlines in the Schedule.
The professor is available by email at any time. Email is the preferred contact method. If the
student has a problem that is irresolvable by email, the student can either call the professor
during office hours or schedule time for an appointment. My office hours are usually on
Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 8:00 am-1:00 pm EST. You can contact me by my office
phone at (770) 730-0033 ext. 5106 or by E-mail I'm also happy to meet
with you in the chat room in Blackboard if you set an appointment with me. You can also post
questions or request a chat session in the Course Questions and Answers section in the
discussion forum in Blackboard. I check that forum daily during the weekdays, but for more
immediate and personal assistance, you should contact me via phone or e-mail. You can also
provide a contact number to contact you directly. Troy instructors are required to respond to
student messages within 24 to 48 hours.
The student must possess the knowledge and skills of a baccalaureate level graduate of an
accredited college or university and the capability to perform graduate level work. Students
should have a sufficient proficiency in the use of computers in order to successfully use
Blackboard courseware, electronic research resources, as well as use of Microsoft Office
The student is expected to participate in the course via email exchanges (or other
communication) with the instructor, by reading the assigned readings, submitting comments to
the Class discussion forums , and submitting assignments in a timely fashion. Students are
expected to check their emails daily and the announcements at least every 48 hours.
The study of theories and concepts of individual and group behavior within organizations. The
course examines important behavioral processes, including learning, perception, attitudinal
structuring, values, motivation, communication, conflict, and social reinforcement. Emphasis is
placed on the relationship of these processes to individual and group performance and their
implications for managerial decision-making.
To provide an understanding of how interaction among individuals and groups affects the
performance of business organizations. This course covers the concepts, logic, methodology, and
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terms used by the technicians in the field of organizational behavior. It also presents the latest
developments in the field and addresses research patterns and trends in organizational behavior.
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
Explain the concept of an organization’s corporate culture, including its value system,
and its effects on the behavior of individuals and groups in organizations.
Describe major personality, power, attitude, and needs theories as they relate to
individual behavior within organizations.
Describe communication processes between individuals and within organizations.
Describe group/team processes and group dynamics within organizations.
Analyze sources of conflict and alternative approaches to conflict management.
Define and demonstrate how various leadership and motivational models may be used to
improve productivity, job satisfaction, and performance within organizations.
Apply ethical principles in evaluating alternatives in the process of organizational
Apply socially responsible principles in evaluating alternatives in the process of
organizational decision making.
Analyze how various change models (including the OD model, Appreciative Inquiry, and
Kotter’s 8-Step model), as discussed in the text and in class may best be used to implement an
organizational change program within an organization.
Utilize knowledge and tools from appropriate business disciplines in recommending
solutions related to global organizational issues and managing diversity in organizations.
Assessments required in this course.
See the External Links section in Blackboard.
All eTROY courses at Troy University utilize Blackboard Learning Management System. In
every eTROY course, students should read all information presented in the Blackboard course
site and should periodically check for updates—at least every 48 hours.
All Students
All students were required to obtain and use the TROY e-mail address that is automatically
assigned to them as TROY students. All official correspondence (including bills, statements, emails from instructors and grades, etc.) will be sent ONLY to the ( address.
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All students are responsible for ensuring that the correct e-mail address is listed in
Blackboard by the beginning of Week #1. E-mail is the only way the instructor can, at least
initially, communicate with you. It is your responsibility to make sure a valid e-mail address is
provided. Failure on your part to do so can result in your missing important information that
could affect your grade.
Your e-mail address is the same as your Web Express user ID following by
Students are responsible for the information that is sent to their TROY e-mail account. You can
get to your e-mail account by logging onto the course and clicking “E-mail Login”. You will be
able to forward your TROY e-mail to your eArmy e-mail account. You must first access your
TROY e-mail account through the TROY e-mail link found on the Web site. After you log in to
your TROY e-mail account, click on “options” on the left hand side of the page. Then click on
“forwarding.” This will enable you to set up the e-mail address to which you will forward your
Participation is mandatory. Students are required to read assigned book chapters, course
materials, articles, and posted notes and answer the individual weekly discussion questions,
cases, exercises, and provide posts on the weekly relevant discussion topics on the “Discussion
Board” section of the blackboard. Students should also visit the blackboard several times each
week—at least every 48 hours—to read posted announcements, participate in discussions, and
complete examinations and other requirements.
In addition to interaction via Blackboard and e-mail contact, students are required to contact the
instructor via e-mail or telephone by the first day of the term for an initial briefing. Although
physical class meetings are not part of this course, participation in all interactive, learning
activities is required.
Missing any part of this schedule may prevent completion of the course. If you foresee difficulty
of any type (i.e., an illness, employment change, etc.) which may prevent completion of this
course, notify the instructor as soon as possible. Failure to do so will result in failure for an
assignment and/or failure of the course. See “Attendance,” above.
If I have not heard from you by the deadline dates for assignments, exams, or forums, no makeup work will be allowed (unless extraordinary circumstances existed, such as hospitalization).
Requests for extensions must be made in advance and accompanied by appropriate written
documentation if the excuse is acceptable to the instructor. "Computer problems" are not an
acceptable excuse.
Missing any part of the Course Schedule may prevent completion of the course. If circumstances
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will prevent the student from completing the course by the end of the term, the student should
complete a request for an incomplete grade.
Note: A grade of incomplete or “INC” is not automatically assigned to students, but rather must
be requested by the student by submitting a Petition for and Work to Remove an Incomplete
Grade Form. Requests for an incomplete grade must be made on or before the date of the final
assignment or test of the term. The form will not be available after the last day of the term. A
grade of “INC” does not replace an “F” and will not be awarded for excessive absences. An
“INC” will only be awarded to student presenting a valid case for the inability to complete
coursework by the conclusion of the term. It is ultimately the instructor’s decision to grant or
deny a request for an incomplete grade, subject to the policy rules below.
Policy/Rules for granting an Incomplete (INC)
An incomplete cannot be issued without a request from the student.
To qualify for an incomplete, the student must:
Have completed over 50% of the course material and have a documented reason for
requesting the incomplete. (50% means all assignments/exams up to and including the mid-term
point, test, and/or assignments.)
Be passing the course at the time of their request.
If both of the above criteria are not met an incomplete cannot be granted.
An INC is not a substitute for an F. If a student has earned an “F” by not submitting all
the work or by receiving an overall F average, then the F stands.
This is an eTROY class. It is not a “correspondence course” in which students may work at his
or her own pace. The course material (i.e., slides, notes, articles) will be posted in the Course
Materials folder on Blackboard and in the Discussion Board forums on Blackboard. Each week
there will be assignments, on-line discussions, and/or exams with due dates. Refer to the
schedule at the end of this syllabus for more information.
Assessment and Assignments:
1-Weekly Individual Discussion Board Questions & Discussion Topics:
a) Weekly Individual Discussion Board Questions on Blackboard Class discussion forums :
Each week students will answer the weekly individual discussion questions found on the
Discussion Board assigned for that week and respond by clicking on “reply”. You must submit
your initial response to the discussion board assignment no later than 11: 59 p.m. on
Wednesdays. All peer responses are due by the Sunday of each week assigned 11:59 p.m.
b) Other Weekly Relevant Discussion Topics Posts (Participation) on Blackboard Class
discussion forums : From Week 1 to Week 8, students will also be required to respond post at
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least 2 substantive responses to specific posts by other students or the instructor in the Weekly
Individual Discussion Questions thread or in the Weekly Relevant General Topics Discussion
Forum Thread (i.e., Weekly Relevant General Topics-students can post any general comments
on content of relevant topics, research, news articles, applications, examples or experience
related to the course objectives or discussion question topics). These posts will be due by Sunday
11:59 p.m. CST before midnight of the following week, unless otherwise noted (for example,
your substantive posts related to Week 1 General topics or specific responses to other posts are
due by Week 1 Sunday 11:59 p.m. CST before midnight.)
Substantive comment means discussion having relevance, importance to the topic at hand, and
anchored by reference to authoritative sources such as journals or textbooks. Remember that
your assignment and dialogue responses are to demonstrate critical thought and are to focus on
understanding concepts and their application to real world scenarios. To that end, please strive
toward effectively using citations (from text OR other sources) to supplement your logical
analysis and give extra credibility to your positions. This also helps me evaluate your messages
in terms of (1) your familiarity with the assigned readings, (2) your understanding of the
concepts, and (3) your ability to apply the material in a dialogue with colleagues in relation to
discussion board threads. If you use any references, please cite them in APA 6th edition format.
2-Case Study Research Paper (Problem Study):
Each student will identify a problem experienced by an individual or team in organizational
behavior (i.e., teams, motivation, leadership, formal and informal groups, communication) and
will write an analysis of the problem for review. Examples of organizational problems can be
taken from a published article, textbook, the Internet, case study, or issue from the workplace.
Each student will write a 8-10 page paper along with a title page and reference page, which
evaluate the case study (double-spaced, APA 6th edition format for references, see the Troy
University Writing Center website at for
handouts on documentation formats & examples of APA 6th edition format).
The paper should include the following information and requirements:
Description of the organizational problem and conflicts from the case study
Description of the organizational culture, mission, value system, and group dynamics in
this organization.
Describe the impacts of the problem and conflicts and stakeholders affected by these
Describe the key management issues, organizational factors, leadership, ethical issues
from the case, and status of the industry and market. .
Describe the theory or models that may explain the behavior of the individuals involved
in the case, and explain why this theory or model is applicable to the case and any assumptions
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Describe the theory or models that could be used to resolve the organizational problem
and conflicts in the case, and explain why this theory or model is applicable to the case and any
assumptions used.
Provide recommendations and strategies on how managers could make changes in the
organization from the case study to resolve these problems and conflicts, and also describe the
advantages and disadvantages of each recommendation and how the recommendation will
impact the organization and its stakeholders.
Provide recommendations on how managers can prevent these problems and conflicts in
the future, and how to manage proposed changes to prevent these problems in the future.
Describe how managers can evaluate the success of the proposed changes (i.e., follow-up
survey, data, and measures), and add a conclusion.
Cite all references and the paper in APA 6th edition format. Students should use at least 5
reliable sources, such as trade journals, industry publications, or professional associations (not
Wikipedia).A brief description of your selected topic for your Case Study Research Paper is
due for approval by instructor by June 8th, 2014. Please post the problem in the discussion
Note: Before sending your paper to the Assignments Link on Blackboard, the student should
submit it to to make sure that the project is under 20% copied (the instructor will set
up the accounts and send an email and announcement when the
software is available).
***Please contact the instructor prior to the due dates, if you have any questions on these
assignments (email:
Team Assignments:
To maximize your awareness of contemporary organizational problems and solutions to manage
them, you will be placed in teams. Team assignments will be available in Week 2. Starting in
Week 2, you will submit a deliverable in your assigned team and collaborate among team
members. Collaboration should consists of constructive feedback including suggestions,
resources ideas, shared experiences and any other value-added comments to enhance the final
project deliverable. Deliverables and feedback participation within your assigned teams is
separate from the class discussion board assignment and worth 15 points per week.
Proctored Mid-term Exam:
This course requires one proctored exam (mid-term exam). The dates of this exam are
June 16th-June 22, 2014. You are responsible for choosing an acceptable proctor and
submitting the online proctor form to eTROY before this exam begins. Instructions for doing so
may be found at The proctor form will be available in Week
3 of the course. All questions about the proctor form or proctor options should be directed to
eTROY. Contact info is available at the posted link.
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5-Final Exam (not proctored): The final exam will be available in the Exams/Quizzes folder
on Blackboard between February 23rd to February 26th, 2014. It does not require proctoring .The
Final exam should be submitted via the Assignments Folder link for the Final Exam no
later than 11:59 p.m., CST, February 26, 2014.
Course Grades for the term will be based on the following criteria:
Four Exams (Including Proctored midterm)
Weekly Discussion Participation
Case Study Research Paper
Deliverable Assignments
700 Points
Formal letter grades will be calculated on the following basis:
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F <60%
Criteria for grading online posts-Expected Level of Performance for Discussion Board:
1. A minimum length of 100–250 words per response.
2. Discussion is substantive and relates to key principles.
3. Uses personal/professional examples demonstrating application of course principles.
4. Is submitted according to the deadlines in the course schedule.
5. Language is clear, concise and easy to understand.
6. Uses several sources of research (with appropriate citation of sources) to support points, uses
terminology appropriately, interpretation, and is logically organized
Postings: I post grades in Blackboard, in the Grade book. Additional feedback and comments
will be given via email. Announcements will be posted when your feedback is available.
FA: “FA” indicates the student failed due to attendance. This grade will be given to any student
who disappears from the course for three or more weeks. See the Attendance section of this
syllabus for additional information.
This course requires one proctored closed-book essay Mid-term exam. The exam will have a
time limit. The dates of this proctored exam are June 16th-June 22, 2014. You are responsible for
choosing an acceptable proctor and for scheduling a time/date for taking the exam, and
submitting the online proctor form to eTROY before this exam begins. Instructions for doing so
may be found at . The proctor form should be completed by
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Sunday of Week 3 of the course. All questions about the proctor form or proctor options should
be directed to eTROY. Contact info is available at the posted link. (Note: The final exam is
NOT proctored, see the course schedule for details on the final exam).
Students are expected to interact with the instructor in the following ways:
• Through the discussion board.
• Through Troy e-mail at
• Through telephone calls to my office at (770) 730-0033 ext. 5106. However, the
preferred method of contact is via email: or set an appointment.
• The student is expected to maintain regular weekly contact with the instructor via the
discussion board for relevant posts on the course topics.
• The student will participate in this course by following the guidelines of this syllabus and
any additional information provided by the instructor, the eTROY center at Troy
University, or Troy University itself.
• The instructor will respond to students e-mail within 24 hours Monday through Friday
and 48 hours on weekends.
• As instructor, I will communicate on the Announcement page and/ or
via e-mail.
• Student feedback and grades will be available through the gradebook on Blackboard and
email. An announcement will be posted on Blackboard when the grades are available.
Students must have:
• A TROY e-mail account that you can access on a regular basis (see "TROY email" above)
• E-mail software capable of sending and receiving attached files.
• Access to the Internet with a 56.9 kb modem or better.
• A personal computer capable of running Netscape Navigator 7.0 or above, Internet Explorer
6.0 or above, or current versions of Firefox or Mozilla. Students who use older browser
versions will have compatibility problems with Blackboard.
• Microsoft WORD software. (I cannot grade anything I cannot open! This means NO MSWorks, NO Wordpad, NO Wordperfect)
• Virus protection software, installed and active, to prevent the spread of viruses via the
Internet and email. It should be continually updated!
Internet Access:
 This is an on-line class. Students must have access to a working computer and access to the
internet. Students can use the TROY computer lab, a public library, etc., to insure they have
 “Not having a computer” or “computer crashes” are not acceptable excuses for late work.
If you experience technical problems, you should contact the Blackboard Online Support Center.
You can do this in two ways. First, if you can log onto the course, simply look at the tabs at the
top of the page. You will see one entitled, “Tech Support.” If you click on this tab, you will see
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the information below. You can click on the “Blackboard Support Center” link and receive
assistance. If you cannot log onto the course, simply contact the center by calling toll free the
number listed below. Assistance is available 24 hours a day/7 days per week.
Blackboard Online Support Center for Troy University provides Customer Care Technicians
who are available to support you 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
Troy University expects students to treat fellow students, their instructors, other TROY faculty,
and staff as adults and with respect. No form of “hostile environment” or “harassment” will be
tolerated by any student or employee.
Troy University recognizes the importance of equal access for all students. In accordance
with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
the University and its Adaptive Needs Program seeks to ensure that admission, academic
programs, support services, student activities, and campus facilities are accessible to and
usable by students who document a qualifying disability with the University. Reasonable
accommodations are available to students who:
are otherwise qualified for admission to the University
identify themselves to appropriate University personnel
provide acceptable and qualifying documentation to the University.
Each student must provide recent documentation of his or her disability in order to participate
in the Adaptive Needs Program. Please visit the Adaptive Needs Website @ to complete the necessary
procedure and forms. This should be accomplished before the beginning of class.
The awarding of a university degree attests that an individual has demonstrated mastery of a
significant body of knowledge and skills of substantive value to society. Any type of dishonesty
in securing those credentials therefore invites serious sanctions, up to and including suspension
and expulsion (see Standard of Conduct in each TROY Catalog). Examples of dishonesty
include actual or attempted cheating, plagiarism*, or knowingly furnishing false information to
any university employee.
*Plagiarism is defined as submitting anything for credit in one course that has already been
submitted for credit in another course, or copying any part of someone else’s intellectual work –
their ideas and/or words – published or unpublished, including that of other students, and
portraying it as one’s own. Proper quoting, using strict APA formatting, is required, as described
by the instructor. All students are required to read the material presented at:
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Students must properly cite any quoted material. No term paper, business plan, term project,
case analysis, or assignment may have more than 20% of its content quoted from another
source. Students who need assistance in learning to paraphrase should ask the instructor for
guidance and consult the links at the Troy Writing Center.
This university employs plagiarism-detection software, through which all written student
assignments are processed for comparison with material published in traditional sources
(books, journals, magazines), on the internet (to include essays for sale), and papers turned in
by students in the same and other classes in this and all previous terms. The penalty for
plagiarism may range from zero credit on the assignment, to zero in the course, to expulsion
from the university with appropriate notation in the student’s permanent file.
The Libraries of Troy University provide access to materials and services that support the
academic programs. The address of the Library Web site is This site
provides access to the resources of all Campus and Regional Libraries, as well as to resources
such as the Library’s Catalog and Databases. Additionally, the Library can also be accessed by
choosing the “Library” link from the University’s home page,, or through the
eLibrary tab within Blackboard.
In the eighth week of each term, students will be notified of the requirement to fill out a course
evaluation form. These evaluations are completely anonymous and are on-line. Further
information will be posted in the Announcements section in Blackboard.
Troy University eTROY is designed to serve any student, anywhere in the world, who has access
to the Internet. All eTROY courses are delivered through the Blackboard Learning System.
Blackboard helps to better simulate the traditional classroom experience with features such as
Virtual Chat, Discussion Boards, and other presentation and organizational forums.
In order to be successful, you should be organized and well motivated. You should make sure
you log in to our course on Blackboard several times each week. Check all “announcements”
that have been posted. Start early in the week to complete the weekly assignment. You should
also go to the Discussion Board early in the week and view the topic and question/s for the
individual or group discussion exercises. Make your “initial” posting and participate in the
discussion. Begin reviewing for the exams early in the term. Do not wait until the last minute
and “cram” for these exams. You should review the material frequently, so you will be prepared
to take the exams.
Whether you’re experienced at taking online courses or new to distance learning, we’re
here to help you succeed in your online education. If you have general questions about
eTROY programs, courses, policies, services or other university-wide topics, please visit
Page 12 of 20
the eTROY web site @; call 1-800-414-5756, or ASK
Tentative Class Schedule MGT6671XTIC Term 5 2014 Dr. Hunter
Week 1
Introduction to
Behavior: Chapters 1
& 2 in textbook
1-Review syllabus, chapters,
articles, links, and class materials
in Course Materials folder. Also see
Assignments folder.
2- Post Your Introduction.
-3-Participate in discussion topic
announced by instructor. Conduct
an individual scavenger hunt for
contemporary problems that plague
organizations today. Research a
current events article, recent news
scandal in an organization, your
local newspaper, or other sources.
Provide a description of the problem
in the title of your post. Then write a
250-500 word analysis of the
problem and why it is important to
study in organizations. Our goal is
to stimulate awareness of the
variety of problems that we
encounter in organizations today. Be
sure to include your sources or a link
to the article and/or news video.
Week 2
Chapters 3 & 4
1-Review chapters, articles, links,
and class materials in Course
Materials folder.
2. Deliverable assignmentProblem Selection: Select an
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organizational problem and provide
a synopsis of the problem, problem
background, and current situation,
and why the problem needs to be
addressed. Recognize any ethical
issues associated with the
problem. Note: This problem may or
may not be the same as the
problem you introduced in Week 1.
However, it must be a real issue
occurring within an organization
today. This should be between 1
and 1.5 pages in length with
appropriate references for the
problem background. For example,
if the problem is absenteeism, there
is plenty of background information
on this topic that can be included in
the synopsis..
3. Participate in the discussion
forum. ***Post at least 2 responses
to a peer synopsis in the class
discussion forum -*Due by Sunday
of Week 2.
4. Examination I (Chapters 1-4)
Week Three
Chapters 5 & 6
1-Review chapters, articles,
links, and class materials in
Course Materials folder.
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2-Complete the Proctor approval
form for the Mid-term exam- the
form link should be completed
for eTROY by Sunday of Week
Students should schedule a test
date/time with approved
proctor or approved proctor
3. Deliverable assignment:
Foundational Theory
Research one-two theories that
explain the phenomenon relative
to the organizational behavior
problem and explain the
relevance of the theory. The
selected theory should explain
the behavior and provide insight
on how to improve the behavior
in some fashion. Share the
results of your research on the
discussion forum.
4- Participate in the discussion
forum. Post at least 2 responses
to weekly participation topics
(Foundational theories) in the
class discussion forums.
Week Four
Exam will be
available from
Chp.7 & 8
– (Proctor approval
form link should
be completed for
eTROY by Sunday
1-Review chapters, articles,
links, and class materials in
Course Materials folder. Also
see Assignments folder.
Mid-term Exam covers topics
chapters 1-8 in textbook and
related topics.
Exams/Quizzes folder. Closed
book exam ***Mid-term
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of Week
3,Students should
schedule a test
date/time with
approved proctor
or approved
proctor software.
Late exams will
not be accepted.
Week 5
Chp 9 & 10
Note: No peer correspondence
necessary in forum this week.
1-Review chapters, articles, links,
and class materials in Course
Materials folder. Also see
Assignments folder and Class
discussion forums.
2 – Literature Review. Prepare a
2-5 page literature review of your
topic including the information
obtained in Week 3. You will
need to research 8-12 research
articles to prepare your review.
Submit your literature review as
an attachment in the discussion
3. Comment on the literature
reviews of at least two peer class
members no later than Sunday.
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1-Review chapters, articles, links,
and class materials in Course
Materials folder. Also see
Assignments folder and Class
discussion forums .
2- Deliverable assignment:
Deliverable assignment: Field
Develop an eight question
questionnaire that you will use to
ask your contact questions about
the problem associated with the
organization. Preferably, the
contact person will be a part of
the organization, but you may
also interview experts in the field
that may provide insight.
You are required to use at least
your textbook and other
academic references as source
material. All sources used,
including the textbook, must be
referenced; paraphrased and
quoted material must have
accompanying citations using
APA format. Your responses
should be spell and grammar
checked, and should be a
minimum of 500 words. Your
final paper should
include a(n):
1. Introduction: Write an
introductory paragraph providing
background information about
your interviewee, his/her
company (optional), job
description, and other pertinent
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2. Questionnaire: Include your
questionnaire and the
interviewee’s responses
regarding his/her
Experience related to the issue
you are studying.
3. Summary: Summarize your
interview and the information
that you have learned regarding
the interview and include your
own opinion about the issue.
4. Share the results of the
interview on the discussion
board. However, valuable
information from the interview
should be integrated into the
body of your final deliverable.
5. Review the interviews of 2
peers and make appropriate
comments on selected peer
Examination III (Chapters 9-12)
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Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Chp. 11 & 12
Chapters 13 & 14
Submit final project deliverable
Note: Include recommendations
Note: Include limitations of study
Participate in discussion forum
Chapter 15 & 16
Final Exam open
(not proctored),
open book, cite
sources in APA
format, is
available in
Comprehensive Final Exam (not
proctored), Ch 1-16.
Provide feedback on the structure
of the course. Peer
correspondence is not required.
Participate in a separate forum
created for this purpose.
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Week 9 Comprehensive Final Exam (not proctored), Chapter 1-16
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