30-Second Commercial

30-Second Commercial
The 30-second commercial, also known as the “Elevator
Speech,” can be used in any networking situation to present
oneself quickly and concisely and to make a really strong first
impression. It can also be used in a job interview when asked
the question; “Tell me more about yourself.” It is essentially an
overview of your experience, skills, strengths, accomplishments
and goals – all in 30 seconds!
You will use your 30-second commercial throughout your
professional life, including when introducing yourself to a
potential employer at a job fair, at an interview, in a cover letter
to highlight your background and key abilities, or at professional
networking events when you are asked to introduce yourself.
What should I include in my 30-second commercial? The structure of a 30-second
commercial generally follows this pattern:
Who you are, plus a credential.
A specific objective.
How you have demonstrated your interest.
Why you are qualified.
Ask a specific question about their organization/available position(s), based on your
What should I keep in mind about developing my 30-second commercial?
1. Your Delivery. Your 30-second commercial should be conversational and natural.
Although it should be prepared in advance, it should never sound memorized. You
want to appear confident, enthusiastic, poised, and professional.
2. Standing Out. Since you are competing with many other qualified candidates; your
commercial should make you stand out a bit from the crowd. Whether it is the
vocabulary you choose or a specific achievement you mention, you want to engage
the listener and give them an opportunity to see your personality.
3. Follow-Up Questions. Be prepared for follow-up questions. You may be asked for
more information or to elaborate on something you said which will keep the
conversation going. Vary your closing to fit the circumstances. At a job fair or
networking event you want to be proactive and may want to consider an action
question such as “May I have your business card and contact you…”
Questions to think about in developing your 30-second commercial:
What is your career goal? (usually in the form of doing something for someone)
What skill, strength, or experience do you have that would help you realize that goal?
What accomplishment proves you have that skill, strength, or experience?
What are you searching for in a job or internship?
How can you immediately benefit the organization?
Template for 30-second commercial:
“Hello, I am ____________________.”
[State Your Full Name]
“I am a ______________________________.”
[Job Title, Profession, or Major]
“I am planning on using my skills and experience as a _________________.”
[Career Goal]
“With extensive experience in __________________________________.”
[Types of Work Skills or Experience]
“My background includes [e.g. 3 years working as an executive assistant in a
prestigious law firm].”
“My unique qualities are ___________________.”
[Describe Qualities]
“I am interested in learning more about how my skills can be an asset to you and
your company.”
Career Services | (585) 395 2159 | career@brockport.edu | www.brockport.edu/career