The Executive Branch

Article II of the US Constitution:
The Executive Branch
President Obama:
President of the US
44th President Obama
The Presidential Seal.
Executive Order 9646 President Truman made current
as of October 1945
True of False
• The President and Vice President run for election
on the same ballot ticket?
• The President must sign all bills that pass through
• The President can’t declare war against another
• The President must have graduated from a fouryear college?
• The President can serve as many terms as long as
he is reelected
Article II: The Executive Branch
• Powers of President/VP listed in Article II
of US Constitution
• Includes:
a. President
b. Vice President
c. Cabinet (advisors)
(Too difficult for one person)
Only THREE Qualifications to be
President or Vice President according
to Article II of the US Constitution
•1. At least 35 years old
•2. Naturally born in
the U.S.
•3. Resident of U.S. for
the last 14 years
Terms of President & Succession
• Limits the President to
2 Terms
four year long) or a maximum of 10
(each term is
• If the president dies , resigns , or is
impeached the Vice President becomes president.
After VP, Speaker of the House, President Pro Tempore,…
He can serve as much as 2 years of previous president’s
term and then be elected two terms (eight more
Franklin D. Roosevelt
• Elected in 1932
• FDR: The only FOUR - term
president in US History
• 1950s: 22nd Amendment;
TWO -term limits or
TEN years max
• Died in office last year of WWII
(1945): Polio. Vice President
Harry Truman took over
(25th Amendment)
Basic Salary & Benefits
$ 400,000 per year (annual salary)
$50,000 a year allowance
Lives in the White House : (132 rooms, 18.3 acres)
Bowling alley (old) / basketball court (new)
Air Force One .
Plus other benefits
Lifetime protection Secret Service .
Family Vacations
There are 7 Roles (or hats) that the
President Wears
Powers & Limitations
of the President
1. The ceremonial head of the U.S.
government & people
2. reigns and rules during occasions
3. “The Representative of all the AMERICAN
PEOPLE” Chief Citizen!
4. Presidents must have certain moral
obligations; they could make us look good
or bad around the world!
Powers & Limitations
of the President
1. Enforce/Carry out federal laws, treaties, court
decisions [use agencies (FBI, CIA)or military to
2. Executive Order : same force as law
3. Appoints cabinet members, department heads,
commissions, all federal judges
Senate Confirms or approves appointments (checks
& balances)
Powers & Limitations
of the President
ROLE: Chief Diplomat :
In charge of foreign policy
2. Appoints ambassadors,
Senate Confirms .
3. Executive Agreements with other nations
4. Negotiates Treaties .
5. Recognition of foreign governments
A. Senate must confirm appointments
B. Senate must approve treaties by 2/3rds vote
Powers & Limitations
of the President
ROLE: Commander in Chief:
1. Civilian authority over the military (1.4 million,
4th largest in world)
A. War Powers Resolution 1973
B. Only Congress can declare war! but the
president can place American troops into harm’s
way (conflict) up to 60 days and must notify
Congress within 48 hours after sending them
(money support)
Powers & Limitations
of the President
ROLE: Chief Legislator :
1. Sign bill , Veto bill , or Pocket Veto (10 days)
2. Propose MOST of legislation to Congress
(ex. The Federal Budget)
3. Call special sessions of Congress
A. 2/3rds Vote - both houses of Congress can override a
veto (checks & balances)
B. Congress is not obligated to pass the president’s
Powers & Limitations
of the President
ROLE: Head of Political Party :
1. Political patronage
A. Face of the party
B. Party tied to success or failure of the President
C. Leader of their Political Party:
President Obama is the leader of the Democrat
Party in America.
Governor Perdue is the leader of the Democrat
Party of the State of North Carolina.
Powers & Limitations
of the President
ROLE: Chief Jurist :
1. President can pardon a person
2. President can grant reprieves
3. President can grant amnesty towards a
group of people
4. President can enforce court decisions
5. President appoints federal judges