Homework Policy and Guidelines

You begin each six weeks period with a 100 for your homework average. The grade
will be affected by how well you complete your homework. Homework is due the
day after it is assigned, and will only be accepted up to one day late.
(no points added to or deducted from grade)
Grade > 70 (with corrections), problems neatly written in accordance
with Homework Guidelines
(three points deducted from homework grade)
Complete homework turned in one day late
(five points deducted from homework grade)
Homework not turned in at all OR incomplete and failing homework
turned in on time
Rewards for Timely Completion of Homework
Students who receive at least a  on all homework assignments for the six week
period will receive a homework pass.
Consequences for Incomplete/Late Homework
Any student who earns 4 “minus fives” in a three-week period will be place on
“Homework Alert”. Every subsequent “minus five” will result in one day of
detention. The detention is to be spent completing the missing homework in order
to avoid future detentions.
Use a complete heading.
Use standard-sized paper (8.5” x 11”), with no “fringe” or torn holes.
Staple your pages.
Clearly number your problems. Write a note to the grader about problems
worked out of order or work that is separated.
Write out the problem if it requires any computation at all.
Show your work (all major steps).
Box your answers.
Do your work NEATLY in pencil, with mistakes cleanly erased, not crossed
out or scratched out. If the grader can’t read your answer, it’s wrong.
Write neatly DOWN the page in columns (no more than 2 columns).
Keep work within the margins. Do not lap work over into the margins or
around the notebook holes.
Skip a line between problems.
Do “scratch work” on scratch paper.
For graphs and tables, use a ruler to draw the straight lines, and label axes
and keys.
Label your answers appropriately.
In general, write your homework as though you are trying to convince someone
that you know what you are talking about.