Vocab Unit 6 Packet PDF

Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop, Level F: Unit VI (6)
NAME ___________________________________
1. _______________ (v.) to coax, persuade through flattery or artifice; to deceive with soothing thoughts or false
a. With a smile, a joke, and a second helping of pie, she would _______________ him into doing what
she wanted.
b. Synonyms: wheedle, inveigle, sot-soap, sweet-talk
c. Antonyms: coerce, force, strong-arm
2. _______________ (n.) a damaging or derogatory statement; the act of slandering or defaming
a. Think twice before casting _______________ on his honesty, for he might be telling the truth.
b. Synonyms: innuendo, calumny, denigration
c. Antonyms: endorsement, testimonial, praise
3. _______________ (n.) a chain or shackle placed on the feet (often used in plural); anything that confines or
restrains; (v.) to chain or shackle; to render helpless or impotent
a. The old phrase “chain gang” refers to prisoners made to work, each joined to the next by linked
It is said that good inventors do not _______________ themselves with conventional thinking.
b. Synonyms: (n.) bond, restraint; (v.) bind, hamper
c. Antonyms: (v.) free, liberate, emancipate
4. _______________ (n.) a leader who exploits popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain
a. Often show of angry concern conceals the self-serving tactics of a _______________.
b. Synonyms: rabble-rouser, firebrand
5. _______________ (adj.) performed, suffered, or otherwise experienced by one person in place of another
a. In search of _______________ excitement, we watched movies of action and adventure.
b. Synonyms: surrogate, substitute, imagined, secondhand
c. Antonyms: real, actual, firsthand
6. _______________ (n.) a delusion marked by a feeling of power, wealth, talent, etc., far in excess of reality
a. Sudden fame and admiration can make people feel unworthy – or it can bring on feelings of
b. Synonyms: delusions of grandeur
c. Antonyms: humility, modesty, self-abasement
7. _______________ (adj.) abnormal, irregular, departing from the usual
a. Feeling protective of my friend but knowing of his difficulties placed me in an _______________
b. Synonyms: exceptional, atypical, unusual, aberrant
c. Antonyms: normal, regular, customary, typical, ordinary
8. _______________ (adj.) abrupt, blunt, with no formalities
a. His request for a large loan for an indefinite amount of time was met with a _______________ refusal.
b. Synonyms: curt, tactless, ungracious, gruff, rough
c. Antonyms: gracious, tactful, courteous, diplomatic
9. _______________ (v.) to free from deception or error, set right in ideas or thinking
a. He thinks that all women adore him, but my sister will probably _______________ him of that idea.
b. Synonyms: undeceive, enlighten, set straight
c. Antonyms: deceive, delude, pull wool over one’s eyes
10. _______________ (adj.) not subject to change, constant
a. Scientists labored to discover a set of _______________ laws of the universe.
b. Synonyms: unchangeable, unalterable, fixed, invariable
c. Antonyms: changeable, inconstant, variable, fickle
Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop, Level F: Unit VI (6)
NAME ___________________________________
11. _______________ (n.) one who rebels against authority; (adj.) rising in revolt, refusing to accept authority;
surging or rushing in or on
a. George Washington and his contemporaries were _______________ against Britain.
The army was confident that they could crush the _______________ forces.
b. Synonyms: (adj.) revolutionary, rebellious, mutinous
c. Antonyms: (adj.) loyalist, loyal, faithful
12. _______________ (v.) to go beyond a limit or boundary; to sin, violate a law
a. The penitent citizens promised to never again _______________ the laws of the land.
b. Synonyms: overstep, exceed, trespass, err
c. Antonyms: obey, toe the line
13. _______________ (v.) to punish severely, to criticize severely
a. After he _______________ the unruly children, they settled down to study quietly.
b. Synonyms: chastise, rebuke, censure, upbraid
c. Antonyms: reward, honor, praise, laud
14. _______________ (n.) weariness and dissatisfaction from lack of occupation or interest, boredom
a. Some people seem to confuse sophistication with _______________.
b. Synonyms: languor, world-weariness, listlessness
c. Antonyms: enthusiasm, liveliness, excitement, intensity
15. _______________ (n.) a position requiring little or no work; an easy job
a. The office of the Vice President of the United States was once considered little more than a
b. Synonyms: “no show” job, cushy job, “plum”
16. _______________ (v.) to change from one nature, substance, or form to another
a. To _______________ distrust into friendship along that war-torn border will take more than wise
politicians and just laws.
b. Synonyms: transform, convert, translate, metamorphose
c. Antonyms: maintain unchanged, preserve
17. _______________ (adj.) extremely strange, unusual, atypical
a. Years from now I will look at this picture and wonder what sort of _______________ costume I was
b. Synonyms: grotesque, fantastic, outlandish
c. Antonyms: normal, typical, ordinary, expected
18. _______________ (v.) to plan with ingenuity, invent; to bring about as the result of a scheme or plan
a. She can _______________ wonderful excuses; but when she tries to offer them, her uneasiness gives
her away.
b. Synonyms: think up, devise, concoct, fabricate
19. _______________ (adj.) very wicked, offensive, hateful
a. A town so peaceful, quiet, and law-abiding was bound to be horrified by so _______________ a
b. Synonyms: evil, odious, abominable, outrageous
c. Antonyms: excellent, wonderful, splendid
20. _______________ (adj.) stealthy, secret, intended to escape observation; made or accomplished by fraud
a. The movie heroine blushed when she noticed the _______________ glances of her admirer.
b. Synonyms: furtive, covert, clandestine, concealed
c. Antonyms: open, frank, aboveboard, overt
Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop, Level F: Unit VI (6)
NAME ___________________________________
Word: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Part of Speech: ______________________________________________________________________________
Definition: _________________________________________________________________________________
Synonyms: _________________________________________________________________________________
Antonyms: _________________________________________________________________________________
Sentence: __________________________________________________________________________________
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