OSHA Training Requirements 1926 - Construction & 1910 - General Industry Training vs. Education How many specific training/education requirements does OSHA have in the 1926 – Construction Standards? 9 15 29 Answer: 29! Specific 1926 Requirements .35 - Emergency Action Plans .50 - Medical and First Aid .53 - Ionizing Radation .54 - Nonionizing Radation .55 - Gases, Vapors, Fumes, Dusts, and Mists .60 - Methylenedianiline .62 - Lead .64 - PSM .65 - HAZWOPER .101 - Hearing Protection .150 - Fire Protection .201 - Signaling .302 - Powder-Operated Tools .304 - Wood Working Machinery .350, .351, .352, and .354 Welding and Cutting .404 - Ground Fault Protection .416 - Safe Electrical Workpractices .454 - Scaffolding Specific 1926 Requirements .503 - Fall Protection .761 - Steel Erection .800 - Underground Construction .950 - Power Transmission and Distribution .1060 - Stairways and Ladders .1101 - Asbestos .1126 - Chromium VI .1127 - Cadmium How many specific training/education requirements does OSHA have in the 1910 – General Industry Standards? 20 46 73 Answer: 73! Specific 1910 Requirements .38 - Emergency Action Plans .39 - Fire Prevention Plans .67 - Powered Platforms .94 - Dip Tanks .95 - Hearing Protection .106 - Flammable and Combustible Liquids .109 - Explosives and Blasting Agents .110 & .111 - LP Gas .119 - Process Safety Management .120 - HAZWOPER .132 - PPE .134 - Respirators .139 - Tuberculosis .142 - Temp Labor Camps .145 - Accident Prevention Tags and Signs .146 - Permit Required Confined Spaces .147 - LOTO .151- Medical and First Aid .155 - Fire Protection Specific 1910 Requirements .156 - Fire Brigades .157 - Portable Fire Extinguishers .160 - Fire Extinguishing Systems .164 - Fire Detection Systems .165 - Employee Alarm Systems .177 - Single & Multi-Piece Rims .178 - PITs .179 & .180 Fire Extinguishers used with Cranes .217 - Mechanical Power Presses .218 - Forging Machines .252 & .255 - Welding and Cutting .261 - Pulp, Paper, Paperboard Mills .264 - Laundry Machinery and Operating Rules .265 - Sawmills .266 - Logging .268 - Telecommunications .269 - Electrical Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution .272 - Grain Handling .332 - Safe Electrical Workpractices .410 - Diving .1001 - Asbestos Specific 1910 Requirements .1003 - .1016 - Carcinogens .1028 - Benzene 4-Nitrobiphenyl .1029 - Coke Ovens alpha-Naphthylamine methyl chloromethyl ether .1030 - Bloodborne Pathogens 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine .1034 - Cotton Dust bis-Chloromethyl ether beta-Naphthylamine .1044 - 1,2-Dibromo-3Benzidine Chloropropane 4-Aminodiphenyl Ethyleneimine .1045 - Acrylonitrile beta-Propiolactone (Vinyl Cyanide) 2-Acetylaminofluorene 4-Dimethylaminoazo-benzene .1047 - Ethylene Oxide N-Nitrosodimethylamine .1048 - Formaldehyde .1017 - Vinyl Chloride .1052 - Methylene Chloride .1018 - Inorganic Arsenic .1096 - Ionizing Raditation .1025 - Lead .1200 - Hazard Communication .1027 - Cadmium How many specific training/education requirements does OSHA have in the 1910 - General Industry Standards that apply to Construction? 5 10 12 Answer: 10! Specific 1910 Requirements that apply to Construction .134 - Respirators .178 - PITs .410 - Diving .1018 - Inorganic Aresenic .1030 - Bloodborne Pathogens .1048 - Formaldehyde .1052 - Methylene Chloride .1096 - Ionizing Raditation .1200 - Hazard Communication .1003 - 13 Carcinogens 4-Nitrobiphenyl alpha-Naphthylamine methyl chloromethyl ether 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine (and its salts) bis-Chloromethyl ether beta-Naphthylamine Benzidine 4-Aminodiphenyl Ethyleneimine beta-Propiolactone 2-Acetylaminofluorene 4-Dimethylaminoazo-benzene N-Nitrosodimethylamine Does that cover all the hazards!?! 5(a)(1) for 1910 and 1926.21(b)(2) for Construction Can you rely on the training/education that an employee received from a prior employer to satisfy OSHA requirements? It Depends… Can employers rely on the Union hall to satisfy OSHA training/education requirements? It Depends… Can employers use computer- based training to satisfy OSHA requirements? See next slide… 11/22/1994 – Letter of Interpretation Question: What is OSHA's position on computer-based training programs for cognitive training? Answer: In OSHA's view, self-paced, interactive computerbased training can serve as a valuable training tool in the context of an overall training program. However, use of computer-based training by itself would not be sufficient to meet the intent of most of OSHA's training requirements, in particular those of HAZWOPER. Our position on this matter is essentially the same as our policy on the use of training videos, since the two approaches have similar shortcomings. OSHA urges employers to be wary of relying solely on generic, "packaged" training programs in meeting their training requirements. Do OSHA 10 or 30-hour cards expire? No. The student course completion cards do not have an expiration date. The form and content of additional training is left to the discretion of the student and/or employer. The Outreach Training Program is intended as an orientation to Occupational Safety and Health. Workers must receive additional training on specific hazards of their job. Taken from the OSHA Outreach Training Program website, FAQ section: http://www.osha.gov/fso/ote/training/outreach/training_prog ram.html#faqs OSHA Publication #2254 Training Requirements in OSHA Standards and Training Guidelines Contact info: koroll.kenneth@dol.gov (618) 632-8612