)oJ ISOSTASY In Encyclopedia of Coastal Science, (M.L. Schwartz, Ed.), Springer, The Netherlands, 2005. ISOSTASY Numerous observations point to a complex and changìng rela-tionship between land and sea surfaces throughout geological time ln some localities elevatedcoral reefs, wave-cut rock platforms. and molluscs embedded in their original marine sediments attest to past sea levels having been higher thãn present. At other sites, drowned forests and submJrged siteõ of human occupation point to sea levelshaving been locally lower than present. These observations representa measureol iilative sea-levelchìnge which can involve a land-movement signal-as well as an ocean-volulmesignal. The indicators of submergedor elevated coastlines therefore póint to one of three occurrences:land has moved up or down, ocean volumes havechanged,or both haveoccurred sinrultaneously. Tectonic piocess operating within the earth have.caused uplift-and subsidencetirroughout the Eãrth's history, resulting in relativesealevel change on a widé range of spatial and temporal scales They'include uplifiand subsidencea-[conveigent plate margins where,therelativesealeiel change is usually episodic anã abrupt but cumulative over long periods of"time resultíngìn, for example, the^marinem.olluscbeds high in the Andes of South America thai were first described by Charles Danvin. The tectonic processesalso include slower and longer-duration eventssuch as the initiation of continental rifting and seafloor spreading rvith the concomitant changes in the displacement of water by the ãe"uelopingocean ridge syst.m.'Long-term thermal contraction of the .ãoiinê oi,., layers ãl áewl-v creatãd ocean crust at the ocean ridge resulrs-in sea-flóor subsidenóe. creating basins into which sediments u..urnulu,., thereby magnifying the subiidence' Larg€ volcanic edifices stressthe earth andcausè mórelocal subsidenceand deformation of the e a r t h ' ss u r f â c ei n t h e v i c i n i t y o f t h e l o a d At the same time that thi tectonics events shape the earth's surface and shift the relative positions of land and sea surfaces,oceanvolumes oito .ttong., largely becauseol climate-driven changesin the extent of g l a c i a t i o r i o i t h õ p i a n e t . D u r i n g e x t e n d e dc o l d p e r i o d sl a r g ei c e s h e e t s i b r m . e x t r a c t i n gù a t e r t i o n r t l i J o c e a n s a n d l o w e r i n g s e al e v e l sA s t h e climate rvarms úp sutEcientl-vto melt the ice sheetssea levelsagain-rise' Such glacial cycies have occirrred at intervals throughout much of the earth'; history but they have been most signiÊcant during recent ttmes' the Qu¿terna;y perioá. for which the recõrd has not yet been wholly overprinted by the subsequent tectonic and Iand-shapingevents' Tire combiied result oi the tectonics and glacial cyclesis a sea-level signal thar has varie<lsignificantly in time as wèll as being-seographically va-riable.The record of this variability is, however, far from complete, and to be able to model and predict the migration of coastlines,an understanding and separation'of the underlying causesof sea-level ctrange ls essãntial.Isóstatic processesare key elementsin this undeistanding and separation. t':;: :il:" :: a';5,': t::; :;. + t.r..i:. 'v, i I :;::"í ISOSTASY 566 by an elasticlayerover casesthe isostaticmodelsareusuallyrepresented halfspaceo¡ in the caseof globalproblems,by a viscousor viscoelastic of theearth'scrustand lithosphere-theupper, sphericalshellmodelsof an elasticlithosphereovera-viscoelastic manIsostasyis the tendency effectivily elasticlayerof the earth-to adjustits verticalposition when tie and fluid co¡e.Both lithosphereand mantle may be representedby loadedaf its surfaceby, for example,ice,water,volcanos,or sediments. somedegreeof layeringin physicalproperties(elasticmoduli- r'iscosity, to a goodapproximation and density).Formulaiion-ofthesesphericalresponse modelsare well For this purpose.theearthcanbe represented as a spheriiallys¡mmetricbody with a fluid core of about 3'400km developed-and solutionsfor the surfacedeformationunder complex radius.The upperlayeris calledthe lithosphereand includesthe crust. Its thicknessiJtt'picallybetween50 and 150km,varyingwith the tecb1'being tonic history of the region.The litliosphereis characterized Distance(km) loâd stresses whensubjected-to relativelycold and to behaveelastically 2000 lO00 belowa criticalfailurelimit. The nrantle,betweenthe lithosphereand core,is at a temperaturethat is relativelycloseto the melting point of I ¡ooo with characAs a resultthemantleflowsviscously, terrest¡ialmaterials. .ã¡ 2000 years, when to non-hydrosubject 104-105 times of relaxation teristic staticstress.It is this zonationof a "rigid" lithosphereover "r'iscous" I 1000 mantlethat givesvalidityto the isostaticmodels. 0 models of isostasyisby "local" response The simplistrepresentation -200 a load of heights/r.denB of Archin'redes'principle: whichareótatement of the undersitv o. placedon theearth'ssurfaceresultsin a subsidence lviiÅ sürfaceof ô = /iplpn,,wherep,n,the densityof themantle.exceeds 0 (seeFigure122(A)).This modelassumes the ãensityof thelithosphere (or has failed shear strength has no that the crust or the lithosphere ?, zoo underthe load)and ove¡liesa fluid mantle.This model,whileunrealisusefulfo¡ estimatingmagnitudes.of is nevertheless tic in many respects, crustaldehectionbeneathloads.For exanrple,under a 3km thick ice 400 : sheetthe crustis predictedto deflectby about I km. A morereasonable ''elastic" the both by supported the load is l¡-ri'hich is s¡g model 600 strengthof the crust-lithophereand by the buoyancyfo.rcesat the base of thé layer(FigureI22(B)).In this n'rodel,the mantlealsobehavesasa to^ descriptionof the earth's.response fluid and it providesa reasonable 800 loadswith time constantsthat are longerthan the relaxationtimesof the mantle. Thesemodelshavebeenextensivelyused to representthe 160 c loadsor to volcanicloads.They are of the earthto sedinrent response 120 models. isostatic regional to as referred usüally yearsanyload-generWhenthe loaddurationis of the order 103-105 â 8 0 that havepropagatedinto the mantlewill not haverelaxed ated stresses = 9 ¿ n and the viscositl'of the n'rantlemust be takeninto account.In these The isostaticprocess ; E -¿o !- -to .2 o -t2o -160 € eoo õ ã 400 5 200 õ ã. 0 1000 2000 Dist¡nce(km) Fisure123 (A) Radialcrosssectionof axisymmetricice sheet.(B) DËformation of the earth'ssurfaceunderthe ice that hasloadedthe earthfor 20,000years(curve12+). At 12,000yearsa8othe load-)is The initial responseis elastic(curve12 removedinstantaneouslv. creep,the surfacebeingjhown andthis is followedby úiscoelastic at 10,000vears(10), Ó,000yuatt, and 5,000yearsago. (C)The as the deflection attractionof thé ice load, represented eraviiationãl ðf the eeoid(i).and the chansein geiodfrom the changein the planetísraviwdue to the defórmationof earthunderthe load fi¡).rheiesulú areshownfor a periodbeforeunloadingstarts. (D)The relativesea-levelchangè,due to the combinationof crustal In (A) the Fieure122 Models(A) local isostasy(B)regionalisostasy. volume loãd is supportedby the buoyancyforceaithe baseofthe crustor lith- deiormation,chaneein sravitalionalattraction,and ocean chaneelone aftertle loãd hasbeen removed'The sealevel is osphere,whereasin (B)the load is alsosupportedby the elastic ñith respectto its presentposition.lf the a coastline the exorðssed createdin this layer.As the load diameterin (B)increases stresses folmednearthe cdnterof theiload soonafterthe ice melted,it would that of local at the óenterof the load approaches isostaticresponse now be at nearlv800 m elevation. isostasy. ì:.t+a :, :i v'¿ :: vþ; ;. -.?'t ISOSTASY exist.FigureI23 illustratesan exampleof sursurfaceload geometries face deformation where a large-diameteraxi-symmetricice sheethas beeninstantaneouslyremoved.The rheology(viscositystructure)of the planetis realistic(seeFigure 127,below)and theresultsindicatethat the crustalreadjustmentcontinuesfor thousandsof yearsafter the unloading is completed. In addition to the surfacedeformation,the gravityfield of the planet also changesunder the load: the shapeof the envelopecontainingthe massis modifledby the deformationand materialis redistributedwithin this envelope.At the sametime thereis a redistributionof the material on the surface:sedimentsare transportedfrom mountainsinto basins, or the meltwater from land-basedice sheetsflows into the oceans. Surlacesof constant gravitational potential-surfaces on which the perpendicular-therefore,changewith time gravityvectoris everyuvhere is the evolve.Onesuchequipotential astheloadand planetaryresponse geoid,the shapeof the ocean.(If theoceanis not an equipotential surface then the gravity vector has a component along the surfaceand oceancurrentsresult until an equilibrium stateis reached;thus in the absenceof winds and other perturbing forces,the oceanwill be an the surface.This is calledthegeoid.)Figure123illustrates equipotential changein the equipotential surfaceresulting from the unloading. It includesa contribution from the surlaceload itself-the ice "attracts" the oceanwâterand pulls the oceansurfaceup aroundit (curveli)-and a contributionfrom theeartht deformation(curvei). Theillustrationis for the period while the ice is intact and whenmeltingstartsboth curves will evolvewith time. The examplein Figure I23 illustratesthat relativesealevelchange The resultingfrom the removalof the icesheetcontainsseveralelements. crust is displacedradially, the oceansurfaceis deformedby the redistribution of surfaceand internal mass.and water is addedto the ocean. The reboundresulting lrom the melting (or growth) of the ice sheetis The water addedto (or withdrawnfrom) referredto as glacio-isostasy. the oceanshasits own isostaticeffectand is ¡eferredto ashydro-isostasy. processes a¡e of globalextent. The combinedglacio-hydro-isostatic The melting of an ice sheetin one location modiûessealevelglobally, of notjust by changingthe amountof waterin the oceanbut because the planet'sisostaticresponseto the changingsurfaceload of ice and suchas by sedimentsor volcanicloads, water.Other loading processes, Also, thesetectonic are usually more local in their consequences. processgenerallyoccur on longer time scalesso that the mantle responsecan usually be approximatedas a fluid, and the local or regionalisostaticmodelsaremostlyappropriate. Glacio-isostasy Ice sheetsrepresentsurface loads that reach radii in excessof l,000km and thickness approaching 3 km. These loads are lar-ee enough to deform the earth and to produce substantial changesin sealevel as illustrated in Figure I23. Glacio-isostasy is the major cause of sealevel change in areas of former glaciation. When a large ice sheetmelts the rebound of the crust is of lar-eer amplitude than the rise in sea level resulting from the addition of the meltwater to the oceans (typically 120-130 m. seeFigure I29 below) from all of the ice sheets.If  ( is the changein volume of ice on land and lo the areâ of the ocean, then this seconoslgnal ls - 11l-4-9lrr¡¿¡ P"J A o ( r )d t where p;, p,..are the densities of ice and water, respectively,and both lo andÅVi are functions of time. This contribution is referred to as the iceequivalent sea-levelchange. Becauseof the viscosity of the mantle, the crust continues to rise long after the ice has vanished and sea level appearsto have fallen since deglaciation.This is seenin the Gulf of Bothnia and northern shoresof the Baltic Sea, as well as in the Hudson Bay area of northern Canada. For theselocations near former centersof glaciation the rebound signal dominates and the observed sealevel curves are characteristic relaxation curves (although only the post-glacial part of the change is recorded) (Figure I24 (Angermanälven)). Near the ice margins the rebound is reduced in magnitude and may become comparable to the rise resultin-ef¡om the increasein ocean volume. Now the time dependence of the sea-levelchange becomesmore complex, with its character depending on the rel¿rtiveimportance of the two contributions. In Figure l24(Andøya), lor a site just within the ice-sheetmargin, the rebound initially dominates but later. becauseof the melting of other and distant ice sheets, the ocean volume increase becomes the dominant factor and sea level rises until a time when all ice sheetshave melted. The remaining signal is a late stage of the relaxation process and sea levels continue to fall up to the present. t; --,þ": , :r ?,:ÌÞt: )o/ The rate and magnitudeof the seaJevelchangeis a function of the earth'sviscosityand the ice history: of the duration of the ice load, of its areal extend,and of its thickness.The importanceof the rebound phenomenonis that it providesa meansof estimatingthe earth'srheology: if climate modelsand geomorphologicalobservationsconstrain the ice geometrythrough time, then observationsof seaJevelchange providea constrainton the mantle viscosity.If the ice modelsare not sufficientlywell-known then it becomespossibleto learn something about the ice sheetsas well. Figure I25 illust¡atesobservationalresults for sealevelchangeacrossScandinavia.Here, the ice sheetreachedits maximumat about20,000yearsago and most melting occuredbetween about 16,000and 10,000yearsago. As the ice retreated,coastlines descriptionof formed on the emergingland providing a comprehensive the ¡eboundacrossnorthern Europe.The rebounddid not ceaseat the time meltingceasedand coastlineshavecontinuedto retreatin formerly glaciatedregionsup to the present.This can be seenin tide gauge recordsacrossthe Baltic, with presentsea-levelfalling locally at rates approachingI cm/yr in the northern part of the Gulf of Bothina. Figure 126illustratesthe rate of crustalreboundand to obtain relative sealevelchangethesevaluesmust be increasedby about l-1.5 mm/yr. Coastlines herecontinueto retreatdespiteother factorsthat may contribute to an increasein global oceanvolume. the Glacio-isostasy doesnot ceaseat the ice sheetmargins.Because by the changingsurfaceload is constrainedwithin mantleflow generated undera growingload a deformableshell,whensomeareasaredepressed othersare uolifted.The latter areasform a broad zoneor swellaround on the sizeof the area of glaciationof amplitude that may,dependin-e the ice sheet,reacha few tens of mete¡s.When the ice sheetmelts this peripheralswellsubsidesand for islandor coastlineson it sealevelwill be seento be risingat a ratethat is overand abovethe ice-volumeequivalent relicice contribution(FigureI24(StoreBælt)).Beyondthe Scandinavian marginsthis occursin areasof the North Seaand as far awayas the westernand centralMediterraneanand here the sealevelcontinuesto rise evenwhen all melting has ceased.Beyondthe North Arnericanice sheetthis zoneof recentcrustalsubsidenceand marine floodingoccurs asfar awayas the southemUSA and Caribbean. Observationsof sealevel within and beyondthe former ice margins A typprovidethe principalsourceof informationon mantleviscosity. Europeis illust¡atedin FigureI27wherethe icalresultfor northwestern providesa goodconstrainton theviscosity of the reboundphenomenon uppermantle.Themain featuresof theviscosityprofileincludea lithosphereof thickness 65*75km, a relativelylow valuefor theviscosityof viscosity and increasing the mantleimmediately belowthe lithosphere, with depth,particularlyat a depth of about700km. Analysesfor differentregionsproducecomparableresultsalthoughactualvaluesfo¡ of thepossimay differbecause theviscosityand lithosphericthickness of such bility that the rheologyis laterallyvariable.The determination areasin glacio-isostasy. variabilityis oneof the importantresearch oneof thekey Whiletheglacio-isostatic modelsarewellunde¡stood. of the forknowled-ee limitationsof their applicationis the inadequate mer ìce sheets.The ice margins at the time of the Last Glacial by geomorMaxinrum,some20,000yearsago,areusuallywell-deflned phologicalmarkersbut the timing of their formation is not always known. This occursparticularly where the ice marginsstood offshore and left few databletracesof both the time of their formationand of their retreat.Also, the ice thicknesscannot usuallybe inferredfrom evidence aloneand is inferredinsteadfrom glaciological observational help can nevertheless and climatemodels.The sealevelobservations constrainthe icemodelsin importantways.Thus,the total icevolumes in the modelsfor all the major ice sheetsmust yield a globalsealevel curvethat is consistentwith the changesobservedfar from the icesheefs (seehydro-isostasy). Also, detailsin the ice modelscan alsobe derived from the sealeveldatafrom siteswithin and nearthe formericemargins. The shapeof the sea-levelcurye from a near-marginsite (Figu¡e I24) quiterapidlywìth distancefrom the formericemargin,with the changes signalevolvingfrom that for a central-loadsiteto that for a siteon the peripheralswell,and observations acrossthe margincanconstrainthe region.Oneof themore forme¡icedistributionwithin the ice-marginal is the useof this sea-level recentresearch di¡ectionsin glacio-isostasy durand c¡ustal-rebound evidenceto improvemodelsof the icesheets phase. ing the lastdeglaciation Hydro-isostasy As ice sheetsmelt, the additionalwater enteringthe world'soceans throughtheelasticlitharepropagated loadsthe seafloor,load stresses osphereinto the mantle, the newly stressedmantle material flows The shapeand towardunstressed regionsand the seafloor subsides. holding-capacity of the oceanbasinis therebymodifredand the ocean wateris redistributed. changinssealevel.This adiustmentof the earth ; rli ¡i; =.1; ISOSTASY 568 2 0 1 5 1 ûme 0 5 ã200 Eo 't g OuIu 1 F t ' i I¡ ¡ Ii-I r ¡ Ançrmmälven l Ir -t 1 ¡ lr .l , lli¡ o o þ n lr¡ t.r southwesternFinlmd f 80 6 åÌ ã60 e ¿ _ < o c 840 i ¿,lt-uî.å o 1) ,I i T ¡ I "10 I -10 [ o -"1 ""1 o -30I q ø g I q Þ -40I Southern North Sea II iT fl' n|l -s0[ ¡r¡ {ir I E -zo q flo -ro g -40 Ë -J{-| 1 0 8 variabilityintheresponse.Theicesheet changeforsitesinScandinaviaillustratingsomeofthespatial Fieurel24 Observedrelativesea-level and spreadonto ihe Cerman,Polish,and Russianplains.Retreatstartedat about 18,000yearsa8o.and the tinal all of Scandinavia co"vered to the radiocarbontime scalewhich of ice occurredai about i 0,000 yearsago.Thetime scaleusedin theseplotscorresponds disappearance - 1.1-l .15 calendaryear). d¡ffdrifrom a calendartime scaleby about1O-i5%foithis interval(1 Crayears ,:.,; i:!: ;:. n?i l:.; ;.y:, ;; 77r 569 ISOSTASY " 300 200 t00 0 -100 200 Fisure126 Presentratesof crustaluplift (in mm/yr)of Scandinavia on reboundmodelsand on observedratesfrom tide gauges ba"sed of acrossthe region(from Lambecket al., 1998;with permission BlackwellPuålishins). 150 r00 o a o o o r000 J 2000 l0le 1020 l02l rcn ß23 viscosity tisure 127 Profileof mantleviscosity(in unitsof Pas) inferredfrom data(C Kaufmann, sea-level glãcialreboundanalysis of European with permission). theadditionalload hasbeensufficientto modifythe shapeof theearth' This is a result of the long wavelengthnatureof the waterload Loads of dimensionslessthan the thicknessof the lithosphereare supported Time(x 1,000yr ar) mainly by the strength of the lithosphereand the resulting surface defo¡mationis small.But large-dimensionloadseffectivelyseethrough the glaciofrom change to sea-level contributions Figure125 Schematic the lithosphereand are supportedby the much more ductile mantle from in oceanvolume drivencrustalreboundand increase isõstatically which flows evenunder smali changesin the stressfreld. meltwater.(A) Fora locationneara formercenterof glaciationwhere deformationof theearth's At continentalmarginsthehydro-isostatic the rebound(i) exceedsthe risein sealevel(ii) from ihe addedmeltsurfacedescribesquite complexpatternsbecauseof the geometryof the water,(iii) ¡s the total change.(B)Fora locationnearthe formerice load. The lithosphereactsas a continuouselasticlayeror shelland the but continentalmarþinis draggeddown by the subsidingoceanlithosphere magnitude areof comparable marginwherethetwo contlibutions of oóposites¡gn.(C)Fora locationbeyondthe ice marginwherethe but, becauseof the asymmetryof the load,not by the sameamountas The effectof the waterload crusiåluplitt Ë replacedby subsidencê. therefore,the subsidence in mid-ocean.At the continentalcoastlines, (i). (ii) now is importäntaswéll asthe ice-loadeffect The meltwater At thesametime,someof the will belessthan it wouldbein mid-ocean. (iv). contributionis givenby (ii)and thetotalchangeby mantle material flowing away from the stressedoceanicmantle flows beneaththe continentallithosphere,causingminor uplift of the interior. The net effect of the oceanvólume increaseis a seawardtilting of the under the time-dependentwater load and the concomitant sealevel continental margin which will be seenas a vaúable sea-levelsignal change is referred to as hydro-isostasy.Since the onset of the last acrossthe shelf.ihis éffect is clearly seenfor tectonicallystablecontideglaiiation, sealevelshaverisen on averageby about 120-130m and nents that lie far from former ice sheets,as in the caseof Australia. 2 ;;: :r,:é, 0 1 5 1 0 5 0 ISOSTASY 570 While the ice sheetsare still melting the donrinant sealevel signal here is from the increasein ocean volumè and the glacio- and hydro-isostatic àffects are secondorder. But when melting ceasesthe on-going isostatic effects come into their own. Now sea level appears to be falling at the coastal site as the oceanwaters recedeto fill the still-deepeningocean' In consequence,small sealevel highstan'I are left.behind with peak am-pìitudes åf l-3 m occurring at the time global melting ceased(Figure I28)' Such highstandsa.e co-mon features along many continental margins ãnd maiifest themselvesas relic shorelines or fossil corals above the oresent formation level or habitat. If the coast is deeply indented. sites ät the heads of gulfs, being furthest away from the water load. -experience sreatestupiift while õffshore islands experienceleâst uplift This differãntial rnouetnentprovides a direct meâsure of the viscositl'of the mântle acrossthe continental malgin. Like the glacio-isostaticeffect, the water lo¿d does not only deform the surfaceof tñe eanh, it also resultsin a redistribution of massand a change in sravity and in the shape of equipotential surfaces.The total sea-level cliäges-associatedwith-the hydro-isostasyinclude, therefore,both the crus!ãl radial deflection and the associated geoid change.Also, the glacioand hydro-isosratic effects are closely linlced when^ their cause is the deelaciation of the last ice sheets. Near the edge of the ice sheets, for exãmple.the water is pulled up (Figure I23) and the waterloadis increased above wiiat would résult from a uniform distribution of the meltg'ater over the entire ocean. Here the hydro-isostatic signal is a function of the mamitude of the glacio-isostatið effects. Elsewhere. the broad zone of iruital rebound suirounding a large ice sheet may occu¡ in an oceanic environment. Then, when the ice sheetmelts this swell subsides,increasing the volume of the ocean basin, water is u'ithdrawn from other parts of the ocean, and a further global adjustment of sea level occurs Thus' the treatment of hydro-glãcio isostasy requires a global and consistent formulation that ensurei that thesevarious interactions are included' The hydro-isostatic signal is an on-going one even-when major meltins of the world's ice shèetsceasedabout 6,000-7'000 years ago' Thus seãlevel change today will contain a small but not insignificant component of hydro--isostaticorigin (cf. Figure I28 fo¡ the Austraiian region)' This signil must. of course be superimposed upon -any other changes, includi-ngpossibleglobal warming signals. The resultsindicate that sea levels aiound the Australian margin are slowly falling under the combined glacio-hydro-isostatic response to th-eÌast melting of the larse ice sñeets (with the possible exception of Tasmania where the slaãio-isostaticeffect of Antarctic ice volume changesbecomessignifrõant, canceling out the hydro-isostatic signal such that little overall change now occurs). Similar isostaticeffectswill be present:ìt all coastline, increasing in magnitude as the locality approaches the regions of former glaciation. The i;portance of the sealevel observations far fronr the ice margins is that beiause the glacio-hydro isostatic effects are relatn'ely small (10-15% of the total-signal) ihey provide an estimate of the change-in ìolume of the oceanJwhen corlected for the isostatic effects: the observedsea level, less the isostatic correction yields the ice-equivalent sea level defined above and hence an estimate of the change in ocean volume Atrl¡.Several long records, extending-back to th.eLast Glacial change exist which provide er-idencefor Maximum,'of local sea-l-evel ihe changein ice volume since this time. They-indicate (Fìgure I29) that maximuir ice volumes globally were (50-55)xl0('km'grÈater than today but, they do not indicate necessartlywhere thls extra lce was ,tor.d. To'r.toÍue that issuerecourseto the study of the glacio-isostatic processlrom formerly glaciated regions is necessary' Sedimentand volcanicloading of sedimentoccur along many of the continental Large accumulations a thicknessof 10kn¡ or more The rate maftns reaching,in someinstances. oi aäumulatlotiisusuallyslowand continuous,occun'ingover periodsof of sedinentscomingfrom contiænsof millionsof yearswith the sources havecauseduplift and erosion nentalinteriorsv/heretectonicprocessed to the sea.Examplesincludethe Bay havecarriedthe sediments processes ãi nengut,the northwesternnrargins9f E¡¡9qe, the easternmargin of Ñoi*t Ã*.ti.u, and the Gulf of fuexico. Thick accumulationsof sediof the lithosphereunderthe of the subsidence mentsareþossiblebecause an ocean srowingsédimentload.With the abovemodel of local isostas.v leadto a nraximum sedimentsupply, Ëasinoî depthd" can,with adequate This subsidence'of 4plpr-p.) whðrep. is the densityof sediments' : = ttratttte'bäsinii uitimatelyfilled to sealevel'For do 4 km, p, assumes that canbe : of sediment thickness g maximum cm3the 3'5 Z.Sg P. "-t, ít ätout iO*km.However,in this casethe deepersedimentswill =.4 km, u'hereasthe "ttiin.¿ tt"ui ¡..n depositedin water depthsinitially o1.do of the faunapresérvedin the basinsedimentsusuallyindicharacteristics cate that depositioninvariably occurred-in- relatively shallow waters' but it iio*uty alon'e,therefore,cannotproducethick sedimentsequences that is the resultof other processes: doesact asan amplifierof subsidènce in this casemosfly the thermal contraction of oceanlithosphereas it cools from an iniiially hot layer formed at the oceanridges and then movesawayfrom the heatsource. sedimentloadingcanleadto substantialcoastal On shoritimescales, subsidence.This may occur in conjunction with deglaciation cycles wheresedimentsareerodedfrom the continentsduring the deglaciation stageand deliveredto coastalenvironmentsat somelater stageAn.iuäpt. of suchsubsidenceoccursalong the US coast of the Gulf of M"*iôo, particularlyfor the Mississippidelta.Here,coastalsubsidence o."ur, áitut.t appioaching10mm/yr and are attributedin part to the but.alsoin part to.the deliveredsediments, isostaticresponsèìo.ecently eìtriction of flui¿t from thê sedimentsand the associatedcompaction' Here,asin most isostaticproblems,severalfactorswill contribute to the signal. observed of the crustprovidesanotherexampleof isostasyat Volcanic-loading work. Large volcaãiccomplexesform on the seafloor, and elsewhere' becauseoiupwelling conväctioncurrentsin the mantle that lead to an i"¡.iti* of magmaiîto the crustand ultimatelyonto the surfaceasvolcanos.The manllesourceregionsfor the magmaappearto be longJived^ ;;ã;. th. lithospheremovei overthe earth'ssurfaceunder the forcesof The Hawaiian flate tectonics,á trail of volcanosis left on the surface' ähain providesthe type example.Orher examples.includethe Society Island chainwhosecurrent centerof volcanicactivity liesto the eastof Tahiti. The subsidenceof the lithospherebeneaththe volcano is adeouatelvdescribedbv the regionalisõstaticmodel in which the load is suppoitedby the elásticstreiseswithin the lithosphereand by the buoyof the elastic ancyforcea[ the baseof the layer(Figu¡el22(b.))'.Because oroíerties of the lithosphereimall pèripheralbulges,concentricabout ih.i.nt.t of loading,developand any islandslocatedin this zoneat the time of volcanoãeveiopmentare uplifted by sometens of meters' Án example of this is piovided bv 1tr9 u.pf¡gd atoll that forms l 4 æ 1500 130e 110p t2@ ü"nde.soir island,southeâstof Pitcairn island' This smallisland about 200km from the volcanic island of Pitcairn, appear to have been margin Australian years the around ago Fieure128 Sealevelat 6,000 upiift.a some 20-30 m at the time of Pitcairn's formation, Plihap9 margins the tilting of as a illistratinethe effectof hydro-isostasy Zö0,000y""tt ago. The location of the zone of maximum.peripheral Sealevelsare presentrelativeto presentmeansea of the conitinents. upíft próvidesi-tasut" of the flexuralwavelengthof the lithosphere, rateof change level.Contourintervalsare 1.2 rir.The present-day u'pu.á.n"t.t that characterÞesthe physical responseof the layer to in mm/yrgivenapproximatelyby dividing the contourvaluesby loåding. With time, some relaxation of the loading stressescan be most value for negative resulting the sign, the ihañeine 6 and expectãdto occur within this layer suchthat the isostaticstateevolves alone. from isostasy level in sea a-fall in-dicãting locations ; ;-j1: "J):: !!,.) t|,a:. V..ta:, ä:;-: :i'kt ISOSTASY iltüÌË Bibliography * Lambeck, K., and Johnston, P., 2000. Responseto "What about asthenosphereviscosity?By W Fjeldskaar" GeophysicalJournal International,142:277-281. Lambeck,K., 1988.Geophysical Geodesy:TheslowDeþrmationsof the Earth. New York: Oxford University Press. Lambeck,K., Smither,C., and Ekman, M., 1998.Theseof glacial rebound modelsfor Fenoscandinaviabasedon instrumentedseaand lakelevelrecords.Geophysical Journal,135:375-387. Peltier,WR., 1998.Postglacialvariationsin the levelof the sea:impliReviewsin cationsfor climatedynamicsand solid-earthgeophysics. 36: 603-689. Geophysícs, Watts,4.8.,2001.Isostasyand Flexureof the Lithosphere Cambridge UniversityPress. t ufit + Eo r o ä o ¡I -60 hlf .r+ tf !) -80 ! P # o -tm + Cross-references ChangingSeaLevels CoastalChanges,Gradual CoastalChanges,Rapid CoastalSubsidence Endogenicand ExogenicFactors Eustasy Geodesy GlaciatedCoasts Ingression, Regression, and Transgression Paleocoastlines Sea-Level ChangeDuring the Last Millennium Sea-LevelRise,Effect Submerged Coasts Tidal Datums Uplift Coasts -t20 0q o o e -2o o 4 o q 571 o -40 o o ) ¿Jm o ó Ë -80 ¡i -r00 zci' a F o ò 54 l) lime (x 1,000yr er) Figure129 Sea-levelchangefor the past20,000years.(A)A record of-observedlocal relativeiea-levelchangefrom Barbadosand other Caribbeansites,and (B) isostatically corrãctedsealevelfrom globallyand combinedintoa single a numberof sitesdistributed ice-equivalentsea-levelcurve-.Scalêon the right handsidegivésthe corresponding changein volumeof ice on lañdand groundðd on snailowseailoor. slowly from regional to local isostasyand that the volcanoslowlysubsides.Thus Tahiti, a relativeyoungvolcanicload of about 1-2 million years,may be subsidingat a rateof about0.2mm,/yror less. Theseexamplesof verticalmovementsdriven by sedimentor volcanicIoadingillustratethe interactionthat occurbetweenthe various isostaticcontributionsto sea-level chanse.To estimaterâtesof tectonic uplift or subsidence, heightsof identifia6le coastlines aremeasured with respectto presentsealevel.Thus,the fluctuationsin sealevelof glacioisostaticorigin must be known,but thesefluctuationsareinferredfrom the same observationalevidence.An important researcharea is to developmethodsfor separating out theseehects,throughobservational rmprovements and through improved modeling of the physical processes. Suggested furtherreadingon this subjectmay befoundin thefollowing bibliography. Kurt Lambeck ;:. v.Yx !,:i V.1?.r "'"-Èt lrri ::; =.:P'