First Oturcl1 Pulpit "SATURDAY'S CHILD •.• " Text: " ... We must work the works of Him who sent me, while it is day; night comes, when no one can work." --John 9:4 FJRST PRi:SBYTi:RJAN CHVRCH 401 SOUTHEAST FIFTEENTH AVENUE FORT LAUDERDALE. FLORIDA 33301 September 5, 1993 RICHARD M. CROMIE, Minister .~ °.Fort Copyright Richard M. Cromie Lauderdale, Florida, 1993 "Saturday's Child ••• " I suppose all of you have heard the little poem, which was routinely repeated at our house when we were growing up, having to do with the days of the week, and the life circumstances which supposedly come for those born on that day. It goes like this: "Monday's child is fair of face, Tuesday's child is full of grace. Wednesday's child is full of woe, Thursday's child has far to go. Friday's child is loving and giving, Saturday's child works hard for his living. But the child that is born on the Sabbath day is good, and wise, and fair, and gay." When my mother came to the Sabbath Day, the day on which she was born, she would slow down, smile, and emphasize with patience and glee: "But the child that is born on the Sabbath Day ••• is good ••• and wise ••• and fair ••• and gay." I do not know if you know which was the day of your birth. It might be worth a try to find out. There is a formula, one that I could still work out if I had enough time: as I recall, you take the year, the day, add a mathematical number for the month, figure in leap year, divide by 7, and out comes the day. If you like this sort of· thing, the assigned numbers for the month is B-9-9-6-9-4-6-2-5-03-5, January to December. If that is too much trouble just assign yourself a day: if your life is full of woe, you were probably born on 1 Wednesday. If you feel you are loving and giving, pick Friday. It is largely useless information to be sure, but it touches on that whole field of astrology, fortune tellers, psychic advisors, palm readers, tarot cards, even bio-rhythms, which have fascinated people for centuries, and still today, regarding the clues our time or day of birth can give. It is hard to believe that it could .•make a difference what sign you were born under, or what month, or what day of the week, but people swear by it. For example, people often tell me "You sure are an Aries" ••• That means I am confident even bossy, depending on who is speaking, when. You can live without knowing these things, or course, but it is fun, sometimes. My horoscope for last Thursday, for example, advised me "To try a new love relationship ••• 11 Hmmm ••• exciting, but that was September 2, 1993, our Thirty-fourth Wedding Anniversary. Needless to say, I did not take the advice. ' 1 ' r 1 , I do not mean to offend those of you whor are believers. Anything that works for you is, fine by me ••• well ••• almost anything. I' sometimes feel that some Christian people knowr their horoscopes better than. they know the: Bible. Except for "Dear Abby", the most widely read article in the newspaper is the, Daily Horoscope. I took to reading them· myself some time ago with the encouragement ofr some family and friends who are fascinated byl them. I also like to read my Chinese fortune cookie. But back to our theme, such as it was., (Now ••• be patient, you cannot get this sort of1 2 thing in most churches .•• ) I myself was born on a Thursday. I am not sure that I like that too much. The poem goes: "Thursday's child has far to go." Not that it is wrong. I do have far to go. I know that. It is just that I do not want other people knowing it, too. The older I get, the more I am aware of the things I have never settled. I keep postponing decisions to correct my faults and foibles. You learn some things as you grow older, that is for sure, but it does not get any easier, because the same person travels along. Most of the problems and weaknesses I had thirty years ago, I still do. "Thursday's child has far to go." **** Saturday's Child works hard for his living. There are a large number of people for whom it is true. In the depression generation there were people who worked day and night, the same through World War II. For some of you listening life is hard, I know. I think of single people in low paying jobs, who work an extra shift, and often the weekend, too, just to pay expenses. I know working mothers, rearing children alone, who have the equivalent of five jobs. The one they get paid for at the store or office, the others of homemaker, cook, chauffeur, psychologist, etc. Life is hard for some people. I think of them today. Once in a while I watch laborers, roofers, gardeners, construction people out in the hot Florida sun all day long. That is hard work. I think of policemen on the night shift, firemen, emergency room personnel, 3 those who answer the calls to 911. Not only hard work, but dangerous. I know shopkeepers and small entrepreneurs who keep their businesses open 12-16 hours a day, six, seven days a week. I know a cleaning woman who works two shifts six days, and she has four small children at home with their grandmother. We could go on all day, but you know what I mean. So fill in around the edges. I pray God to take care of al~·the Saturday children in the world - that He will make the end result worth it for you, and those you love. **** "Saturday's Child ••• " I sometimes think the world is divided equally between those who work too hard and those who hardly work at all. Not too many people live in the center. Shift your emphasis ••• the first group I want to talk to are those of you listening who are wedded to your work, whose job is all that seems to matter: Success in the office, the next promotion, or obviously, an increase in salary. It amazes me. Some people who have all the money they need and more, prefer their work to their own families, even to their own pleasures. There are those whose whole meaning in life is the job they happen to have. One psychologist noted the problem thirty years ago. A workaholic is one who has a disease of finding his soul not through his life, but through his job. Work can be addictive too. Look further ahead: I am often there when life rounds its final corner. I often 4 listen in to those who are saying goodbye, who, trusting their pastor, reflect out loud on all that happened, and all that did not. I have never met anyone in those final days or hours who wished he had spent more time at the office. Other regrets are plentiful, like, "I wish I had spent more time with my children;" like, "I wish I had learned to appreciate my wife;" like, "I wish I had saved more;" like, "I wish I had spent more time on my faith." "I should have gone fishing more, or taken more vacations. " Whatever ••• "Where is the life I have lost in the living?" It is on the symbolic time card at the office. "Saturday's Child works hard for his living." Work becomes religion. Let him who has ears hear what the pastor says. Relax, take some time to smell the flowers. Take some time with your family if you are lucky enough to have one. Serve and love your Church and the children of the world, and, for God's sake, your own self . Do not bury yourself in your work. It is not worth it. That way, too, you can gain the whole world, but you can lose your own soul. "IF I HAD MY LIFE TO LIVE OVER" "If I had my life to live over, I'd dare to make more mistakes. I would relax, I would limber up. I would be sillier than I have been this trip. I would take fewer things seriously. I would tak-e more chances. I would climb more mountains and swim more rivers. I would eat more ice cream. I would have fewer imaginary troubles. I'm one of those people who live sensibly and sanely hour after hour, day after day. Oh, I've had my 5 moments, and if I had to do it over again, I'd have more of them. In fact, I'd try to have just moments, instead of living so many years ahead of each day. If I had to do it again, I would travel lighter than I have. If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would go to more dances. I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I would pick more daisies. If I could start my years over again, I would have more fun." (Nadine starr) **** Some are workaholics. At the opposite end are those who do not work at all. The Bible is very hard on people who will not work. It is not too popular with the "dogooders" of our modern times, but II Thessalonians 3: 10 says clearly: "If anyone will not work, neither let him eat." If a person is not willing to work, then let him starve. That's brutal. It runs counter to our concern for feeding the hungry. Thessalonians does not mean it as literally as it sounds, but we often miss the point completely. Some people are hungry and homeless out of the misfortunes of the earth ••• but others are lazy. Some do not save their time, health, or money. We need to distinguish between the two. The hungry are not automatically heroes. I like the proposed reforms in the welfare system that are coming from a Democratic President, Bill Clinton. He and his kind are often accused of being soft on the poor and hungry. But more clearly than 6 Republican Presidents of late, Clinton has been proposing that welfare, food stamps, and public assistance be related to the willingness of the recipient to go out and get a job. That is so elementary, isn't it? I mean, an honest day's labor of any kind is blessed of God. Being so lazy you will not accept employment, or being so fussy you will not accept menial tasks is a curse. Taking a free ride is serious business in the Scripture. There were contrasting views back in Bible times regarding manual labor. In the Greek society, work was left to slaves and mechanics. The perfect man with Aristotle could never stoop to soil his hands, You hired or told somebody to do your work. Maybe that is why the ancient Greeks were such great philosophers sitting around talking and reading all the time. I do not know. I do know some husbands who seem to feel that way. They prefer to relax and think and talk, while their wives wait on them hand and foot. Oh dear ... In the Bible, it is just the opposite. There is a divine command regarding labor from which no one is exempt. Idle folk are bitterly denounced. "Six days shall thou labor and do all thy work," is a prelude to the command to rest on the Sabbath Day. But, it is equally a command. The prescribed rest is to follow honest labo;r·. **** Now and then I ponder the presence of the God Incarnate in Jesus Christ. Think about 7 it. If you were God and decided to come to earth in the form of a person, who would you choose to be? Most of us would probably choose to come down as a King, some way in which we could have power to change the world. But Philippians says He took on the form of a servant. (Are you listening?) He chose to be born into a working class family. For most of His lifetime He worked as a carpenter in a small family shop in Nazareth. Jesus dignified our commitm~nt to the common tasks and labor. Never look down on a person who is working. By the.way, back in New Testament times Rabbis and Priests also had to learn a trade. There was no reqular salary for professional religious people. They had to support themselves and their families, and add religious services as a privilege. St. Paul was a tent maker, dignified, honest labor. He later agreed to receive help so that he could devote full time to the Gospel, but he had his trade . . . . I probably should not have told you that. Budget negotiations for next year's salaries are coming up soon. Since I do not have a good trade to fall back on, we would be done for if the Church reverted to the New Testament policy. If I could not be a Minister, I think I would open up a candy store or a bakery. I do not know. The whole point is that honest labor is honored and dignified in the Bible. "Saturday's Child works hard for his living." However menial it happens to be, never underestimate the worth of another 8 regarding his or her work. They may not be doing the job the way you could, or think they should. We often are so critical of the job others are trying to do. I find myself guilty of that now and then, and I feel embarrassed every time I realize it. I want to share the idea with you just in case you are ever guilty of the same. Unskilled laborers, for the most part, are people who are out of work or out other jobs. It looks so easy to cut the grass and trim the hedges and plant the flowers. But, Cromie's First .Law says that everything is more complicated.than it looks. It takes time to learn a job. Each child is a child of God. Never look down on anyone, and you will not have to look up to anyone either. My father used to hire himself out to do odd jobs. He always had two regular jobs. He worked in the mill, and he worked part-time as a church janitor. But, in addition, he painted and cleaned. When I approach our Church custodians or anyone else doing menial kinds of labor, I often think about my dad. Those of us who are skilled, or think we are by what we can do, can be guilty of looking down on others, and what they are trying to do. When I see a young woman at the bank or restaurant or whatever, attempting a new job, especially if I get .. annoyed with her inefficiency, I try to think that she could be my daughter. I can be critical. I am a perfectionist, people tell me. But, I try to remember the dignity of all kinds of labor. 9 **** Then, of course, on this Labor Day weekend we should not forget the unemployed those who want to work and cannot find a job. I pray for them and their families. It is devastating to a person not to be able to find employment, or not to be able to find a job that is worthy of his skills, and which will help bring meaning to his life. It all comes crashing down. .. The Ninth chapter of John is one of my favorite chapters .o.f the Gospel. It is a fascinating story of a widely known miracle. It says. "As He (Jesus) passed ·by He saw a inan who had been blind from his birth. 11 The disciples reflected the general tone of the day, asking him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" Jesus said neither "· •• but that the works of God might be manifest in him." You see, that is essential in understanding the passage. Whatever life situation we are in, however unfair life can become, the powerful love of God can transform it. It is for us to find and channel God's love rather than complain about where we are. In verse four Jesus said, "We must work the work of Him who sent me, while it is day; for night comes, when no one can work." A certain period of time is given to each one of us. Sometimes it is long, oh, so long. Sometimes though it lingers on when life is no longer useful or enjoyable. Sometimes it is short. Mostly it is in between. We are here to enjoy the beauty of the earth, that is for 10 sure, but also to do the work of God, and we had better be about doing it "while it is day, for night comes and no one can work." Jesus healed the man on the spot. The passersby objected: "He is a lazy no good beggar. There never was any gumption in his whole family." But, the man answered in one of the most beautiful and decisive verses in the Bible. He said, "What are you talking about? I am looking at you. Once I was blind, now I can see. The light of the world is Jesus." I do not know what happened to him next, but you can be sure the usefulness of his life doing the works of the Lord was a large part of it. The man's life was transformed. Christ can transform your life, too, and mine. Today I think of that transformation, especially in the lives of those who are unemployed. I pray also for those who are unhappy in their work, who need a transformation of soul and psyche, to accommodate the feelings they have now, to tolerate the boss or fellow employees or working conditions. It could be they need another job. It could also be they need a transformation of their attitude. I pray for those young people, many corning out of college just now, who need employment, who at the opening moments of their productive lives,. ·need a zest and new enthusiasm. Many companies are cutting back all around the nation. Perhaps it is necessary. Sometimes not. But there should be jobs enough for all who want them. 11 Finally, I pray for all of God's children everywhere who as this new autumn season approaches will have the energy and skill and take the time and devotion to do the work of Him who sent us here: to be beacons to the lost, to declare good news to the discouraged, and to bring moral and spiritual victory to the world, to know and share the love of Jesus Christ. For now and·evermore. Amen. **** (We are grateful to Susan swanson for the preparation of this sermon for publication.) 12