External Examiner access to Blackboard

oard Learn
n 9.1: Exte
ernal Exam
miner acccess ound Backgro
This guidee is intended
d for Externa
al Examiners for the Univversity of Manchester. It explains how
w External Examinerrs gain access to course u
units within U
UoM’s Blackkboard enviro
onment. If yoou have any questions about how to access specific pieces of contennt within a co
ourse unit on
n Blackboardd, please speak with a School/Prrogramme administratorr. ow External Examiners caan do the following: This guidee explains ho
Compleete IT accoun
nt signup; Access tthe Blackboaard environm
ment; Access individual co
ourse units in
n Blackboardd. IT Account Signup In order tto access anyy UoM IT sysstem, includi ng Blackboard, you will n
need to com plete the IT Signup process. Step 1: To
o begin the ssetup processs, type the ffollowing URL into your b
browser: m.manchesteer.ac.uk http://iam
You will tthen see the following en
ntry screen:
Version 1.9,, October
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New IT A
Account If you havve never had
d a UoM IT acccount, clickk on ‘Activate
e your IT acco
ount’ Step 2: Yo
ou will be asked to enterr your surnam
me, date of b
birth (in the format DD/M
and Universityy ID numberr (which is the 7‐digit num
mber that waas sent to yo
ou by the Teaaching and Learning Support O
Office). Step 3: Affter the system has locatted your acc ount, follow
w the remaining on‐screenn instruction
ns to completee the set up p
process. Once you
u have completed the sett up process you will be ggiven an 8 digit usernam e consisting of letters and numb
bers. This w
will be your username to aaccess all IT services. If you enccounter any problems with IT signup , please conttact IT Servicces on +44 (00)161 306 55
544. Version 1.9,, October
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Already h
have an IT Acccount If you havve already acctivated your UoM IT acccount, but caannot remem
mber your ussername/passsword, you can u
use the Account Recovery option. There aree 3 ways your account ca
an be recove red; ‐
by en
ntering your email address by en
ntering your University details ‐ Last N
Name / Date
e of Birth / University ID N
Number (the
e 7‐digit numb
ber that was sent to you by the Teachhing and Leaarning Suppo
ort Office) ‐ by en
ntering a tokeen provided by IT supporrt or that you have reque
ested using eemail recove
ery After the system has located yourr account, yoou will have tthe opportunity to updatte your password and me. retrieve yyour usernam
If you enccounter any issues retrie
eving your IT account, ple
ease contact IT services oon +44 (0)161 306 5544 If you havve any furtheer queries please email EExternal.Exam
nchester.ac.uuk Version 1.9,, October
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Accessing Blackboard To ensure that you are able to access the tools and features in UoM’s Blackboard environment successfully, it is recommended that you use as current a browser as possible. Blackboard does support Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari. If you would like more specific information about operating system and browser compatibility for Blackboard, please refer to the following Blackboard help article. Step 1: To access the University of Manchester’s Blackboard environment, type the following URL into your browser: http://online.manchester.ac.uk Step 2: You will then be prompted to enter your University of Manchester username and password. You will have received your username and set your password as part of the IT signup process. If you have forgotten these details, please refer to the section above for instructions on how to recover your password and username. You will then land on the Blackboard dashboard page. Accessing Individual Course Units in Blackboard From the main screen, you will see a list of all of the course units to which you have been given access as an External Examiner. Version 1.9, October
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Step 3: Click on the link to the course unit that you would like to enter. You will then land on the entry page for the course. The following is an example of a page: NB: The External Examiner role in Blackboard does have the ability to edit or delete content. In order to avoid making any unintentional changes, we suggest viewing the Blackboard course in ‘Edit Mode’ off. The view mode button is, by default, set to ‘ON’, when you first enter a Blackboard course. By clicking the ‘Edit Mode’ button, it will change the view status to ‘OFF’. Version 1.9, October
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For guidance on accessing assessed activity within individual Blackboard course units (e.g. blogs, wikis, quizzes, online submissions via Turnitin, etc.), please refer to the instructions provided to you by the School. Version 1.9, October
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