University of Central Florida Student Government Association Student Government Scholarship Committee Student Government Association Black & Gold Conference Room (SU 215A) December 3rd, 2012 12:00 PM MEETING MINUTES I. Call to Order- 12:06 PM II. Roll Call & Verification of QuorumPRESENT ABSENT Chair Young Vice Chair Belinsky SSAO Representative Constantino OSFA Representative Baptiste President Whatley Speaker King Student-at-Large Wojkiewicz Senator Atencio Senator Lopez III. Approval of the Minutesa. M/Approve (General Consent) IV. Approval of the Agendaa. V. M/Approve (General Consent) Announcements from the Chaira. Today we will be deciding on the Relay for Life Scholarship, reviewing the SGA scholarships, as well as voting on the dates for the scholarships. VI. Announcements from Committee Members- None VII. Announcements from Non-Committee Membersa. Michael Davis i. Exec. Board selects winners of Knight-Thon scholarships ii. Several scholarships offered, i.e.: Best team captain, moral, top fund raiser iii. Scholarship allotments range from $150-200 VIII. Old Businessa. Spring Relay for Life Scholarship Proposal i. Move to table until next meeting (General Consent) IX. New BusinessThis meeting is held in compliance with the Government in the Sunshine Act. Funded by the Activity & Service Fee through the Student Government Association. Scholarship Chair Young 407-823-6343 University of Central Florida Student Government Association Student Government Scholarship Committee Student Government Association a. SGA Scholarship Review i. Fall and Spring 2013 Campus Involvement Scholarship 1. Must be a full time student 2. Have a minimum Cumulative UCF Institution GPA of 2.75 3. Must have involvement in a minimum of two different campus activities 4. Must attach two letters of verification from Faculty/Staff advisors of involvement in campus activities on official letterhead 5. Must provide resume of campus and community service activities 6. 15 awards of $250 dollar allotments will be granted in the fall, and then another 15 awards of $250 in the spring ii. Spring 2013 Regional Student Achievers Scholarship 1. Must be enrolled in at least six hours including three hours or more at a regional UCF campus 2. Must have a minimum UCF GPA of 2.75 3. Must attach two letters of recommendation on official letterhead 4. Must provide resume of campus and community service activities 5. Must attach an essay detailing involvement on campus and/or in the community 6. 20 awards, $500 each iii. Spring 2013 Senior Level Intern Education Scholarship 1. Must be enrolled or completed a senior level internship within the academic year 2. Must have a minimum UCF cumulative GPA of 3.0 3. Must attach one letter of good standing on official letterhead from internship coordinator or teacher iv. 4. Must provide resume of campus and community service activities 5. Must attach an essay stating goals within the teaching field 6. Four awards, $2,000 each Spring 2013 Junior Level Intern Education Scholarship 1. Same requirements as Senior Level Intern Scholarship, except must be enrolled or completed a junior level internship within the academic year 2. v. Three awards, $1500 each Spring 2013 Graduate Student Involvement Scholarship 1. Must be a graduate or professional student at UCF This meeting is held in compliance with the Government in the Sunshine Act. Funded by the Activity & Service Fee through the Student Government Association. Scholarship Chair Young 407-823-6343 University of Central Florida Student Government Association Student Government Scholarship Committee Student Government Association 2. Must have active membership or leadership position in registered organizations on campus 3. vi. vii. viii. Five awards, $500 each Spring 2013 Graduate Student Achievers Scholarship 1. Must be currently enrolled in a graduate or professional program at UCF 2. Must have a minimum UCF GPA of 3.2 3. Must have completed nine hours of graduate or professional work at UCF 4. Must attach two letters of recommendation on official letterhead 5. Must attach an essay detailing plans for the future 6. Five awards, $500 each 2012-2013 Transfer Involvement Scholarship- Fall 2012 1. Must be a full time, degree seeking student 2. Must have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA 3. Must have active membership in registered student organizations at UCF 4. Must have transferred to UCF during fall or summer 2012 5. Two awards, $250 each 2012-2013 Transfer Involvement Scholarship-Spring 2013 1. Same requirements as Fall Transfer Involvement Scholarship, except must have transferred to UCF during the spring 2. ix. Two awards, $250 each Fall 2013 College of Medicine Graduate Student Scholarship 1. Must be enrolled and in good standing with the College of Medicine 2. Must attach two letters of recommendation on official letterhead 3. Must provide resume of campus and community service activities 4. Must include an essay detailing goals for after medical school and how the UCF College of Medicine is preparation for those goals x. 5. Three awards, $3000 each 6. Not currently funding scholarship for Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Creative School Scholarship 1. Must be enrolled in a minimum six hours of undergraduate, or three hours of graduate 2. Must have minimum cumulative 2.0 UCF GPA 3. Must currently have a student enrolled in the UCF Creative School 4. Must demonstrate financial needs per FAFSA This meeting is held in compliance with the Government in the Sunshine Act. Funded by the Activity & Service Fee through the Student Government Association. Scholarship Chair Young 407-823-6343 University of Central Florida Student Government Association Student Government Scholarship Committee Student Government Association xi. 5. Must provide verification of costs from Creative School on UCF letterhead 6. Two awards, $750 each Fall 2013 Patriot Scholarship 1. Must have a cumulative UCF GPA of 2.5 2. Must be a Veteran, currently enlisted, or member of armed services ROTC for at least two years 3. Must attach two letters of recommendation on official letterhead 4. Must provide references and contact information for service activities 5. Must provide proof of veteran, active, or ROTC status 6. Must attach two letters of verification from Faculty/Staff advisors of 7. Must provide resume of campus and community service activities 8. One award, $1,000 involvement in campus activities xii. Fall 2013 Rosa Parks Community Service Scholarship 1. Must be enrolled in a minimum of six hours undergraduate or three hours graduate 2. Must have a minimum UCF GPA of 2.75 3. Must have completed a minimum of 50 hours of community service in the last year xiii. 4. Must attach a letter of reference from a community service organization 5. Must attach essay detailing what was learned from community service 6. Five awards, $500 each Fall 2013 Rosen Scholarship 1. Must be enrolled in a minimum of six hours undergraduate or three hours graduate xiv. 2. Must have a minimum cumulative UCF GPA of 3.0 3. Must demonstrate campus or community involvement 4. Must have taken at least 60 undergraduate or 15 graduate credit hours at UCF 5. Must attach one letter of recommendation on official letterhead 6. Must provide resume of campus and community service activities 7. Must attach essay detailing goals within hospitality 8. Three awards, $500 each Fall 2013 Single Parent Scholarship 1. Must be enrolled in a minimum six hours undergraduate or three hours graduate This meeting is held in compliance with the Government in the Sunshine Act. Funded by the Activity & Service Fee through the Student Government Association. Scholarship Chair Young 407-823-6343 University of Central Florida Student Government Association Student Government Scholarship Committee Student Government Association xv. xvi. 2. Must have a minimum UCF GPA of 2.0 for undergraduate or 3.0 for graduates 3. Must be a single parent with custody of minor children 4. Must demonstrate financial needs per FAFSA 5. Must attach a letter of recommendation from UCF faculty on official letterhead 6. Must attach essay detailing why deserving of the award 7. Two awards, $1,000 each Fall 2013 Tutor Scholarship 1. Must be a full time undergraduate or graduate student 2. Must have a minimum cumulative UCF GPA of 3.0 3. Must have been an official UCF tutor for an on campus office or department 4. Must provide letter of verification on UCF letterhead 5. Must include resume 6. Must have completed 30 undergraduate or 12 graduate credit hours at UCF 7. Must attach an essay detailing experience as a tutor 8. Five awards, $250 each Fall 2013 Walter Komanski Scholarship 1. Must be a full time undergraduate or graduate student 2. Must have a cumulative UCF GPA of 3.0 3. Must hold an executive board position in a registered organization or agency at UCF 4. Must attach two letters of recommendation of official letterhead 5. Must include a resume of campus and/or community activities 6. Must provide references for service activities 7. Must attach an essay relating to leadership experience on campus at UCF or in community 8. xvii. Three awards, $1,000 each Fall 2013 Extreme Leadership Award 1. Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student 2. Must have a cumulative UCF GPA of 3.0 3. Must have completed 60 undergraduate or 15 graduate credit hours at UCF 4. Must demonstrate at least two leadership roles held at UCF or in community 5. Must provide two letters of verification on official letterhead 6. Must attach a resume of campus activities as well as on and off campus service activities This meeting is held in compliance with the Government in the Sunshine Act. Funded by the Activity & Service Fee through the Student Government Association. Scholarship Chair Young 407-823-6343 University of Central Florida Student Government Association Student Government Scholarship Committee Student Government Association xviii. b. 7. Must provide references and contact information for service activities 8. Must attach an essay relating to extreme campus involvement at UCF 9. Three awards, $750 each Move to approve reviewed SGA Scholarships; (6-0-0) Vote on Spring Scholarship Release Date and Application Deadlines i. Spring Scholarship Release date 1. Tuesday, January 8th, 2013 2. Move to approve new Spring Scholarship Release Date; (6-0-0) ii. Application Deadlines X. 1. Friday, February 22nd, 2013 2. Move to approve new Spring Scholarship Application Deadline; (6-0-0) Member Discussiona. Next meeting date: TBA XI. Miscellaneous Business- None XII. Final Roll Call- PRESENT ABSENT Chair Young Vice Chair Belinsky SSAO Representative Constantino OSFA Representative Baptiste President Whatley Speaker King Student-at-Large Wojkiewicz Senator Atencio Senator Lopez (12:26) XIII. Adjournment- 1:26 PM This meeting is held in compliance with the Government in the Sunshine Act. Funded by the Activity & Service Fee through the Student Government Association. Scholarship Chair Young 407-823-6343