Name Life Has a History

Name ____________________________ Life Has a History 1. How many different species of living things exist on earth today? __________________
2. The majority of these species (animal groups) are ____________________________. 3. The diversity of life we have today is a result of ________________________. 4. Evolution is simply defined as _________________ __________ _________________. 5. How old is Earth predicted to be? _____________________ 6. Below, sketch out a timeline for the major events of Earth's history: 7. One of the best sources of evidence that shows us these events took place are ____________. 8. Each branch on a cladogram ​
represents a group of organisms that share special characteristics inherited from a _____________________ _____________________. 9. The more recently two organisms shared a common ancestor, the more __________________ _________________________ they are. 10. What other lines of evidence do scientists use to determine evolutionary relationships between organisms? (List 3) 11. ________________________ is essential for evolution. 12. How do the finches on the Galapagos Islands vary? __________________________________ 13. How did the Galapagos Islands drought of 1976 affect the population of ​
Geospiza fortis finches? Explain why the drought had this effect. 14. Other than natural selection, what are two other mechanisms of evolution? 15. Paleontologists estimate that of all the species that have ever existed, ________% are extinct. 16. Though all things are related through a common ancestry, life continues to change, resulting in the __________________________ we see today. Geologic Time 1. What is the difference between ​
relative ​
order and ​
absolute ​
order? 2. ______________________ time is ordered in rocks through the rock layers. 3. Older rocks are are on the (bottom/top) layers, and (older/newer) ones are on the top layers. 4. The idea described in #3 is called the Law of ________________________________, and it gives us the (relative/actual) age of fossils. 5. _________________________ dating allows us to find accurate ages for particular rock layers by using the chemical composition of rocks. 6. The Geologic Time Scale is a (vertical/ horizontal) timeline that represents the history of Earth. 7. Why is the Geologic time scale broken up into several periods time? 8. The largest divisions of the Geologic Time scale are called (eras/ eons). The first period of time that could support life (single­celled organisms) was called ________________________. 9. Which era contained the dinosaurs? _______________________________ 10. Which period of the Geologic time scale are we in right now? ________________________ 11. Take the quiz at the end. What was your score? _____________ Getting Into the Fossil Record 1. Trace ​
fossils include ____________________________________________________. 2. Most fossils are formed when organisms or their traces are buried by __________________. 3. Organisms that get buried (quickly/slowly) are more likely to be preserved. 4. What ​
biotic and abiotic ​
factors can break down organisms before they become buried? 5. Other than being buried in sediment, what are other ways an organism can be fossilized? 6. (Hard/soft) body parts are more easily fossilized. 7. Why is the fossil record incomplete? 8. What are some ways that a formed fossil can be destroyed? 