Name FreeFallWorksheet#2 Answerthe followingquestionsusingthe GUESS method.Youmust showall steps. 1. A balloonist dropshiscamerafrom a heightof 145m whilehisballoonis descending at a rateof 5 .0 m/s.Whatvelocitywill the cameraimpactthe ground?Howlongwill it taketo reachthe Vf- =uL2t ) oA ^) Vg = Vi t at ".) *6)14,r-rcr)trE^) . -s'l*tl* -t.oon^lj| (-lf^pr)[p) t{t 6.o*ts\) ground? d= 115"n li . I "*" t =l +[an\ v4l=t)s*1s {*'8---c't'^1s} $\ v6)=-atut'^15 /j*-S1^/g S.or.c=t 2. Findthe velocityof a ballthat isthrown downwardfrom a tall buildingat 9.5 m/s afterfree fallingfor 3.25s. Howfar will the ballhavetraveled? V€=l V; r q'("^'lS a' Q.?*lll t- 3.)Si 4 vf=V;taf v{ = [t.s*4) + $'?^rs)(lx.) vt(v"t'te)t b\ AA= A a : ('5)tq.s't-'rr*i s)(3 )5s) Vf = -\\ r"13 Ad "-8) nn 3. A baseballis droppedfrom the top of Progressive.Field. Howfar doesthe balltravelif it is in free fall for = L.s) Gq.t^1,r11r'ss)) . - --)1 \-, Un /(-r)to r ^ ^)\ O; = 7.5secondst a=l --r'sec 1 a A) -' Q't*lc? Ad'Uif +'fo\) 4. A helicopteris hoveringabovea tiny villagein needof a rescuepack.Thepackis releasedand hitsthe groundwith a velocityof 73.5m/s. Howfar did the packfall? -V€t V;l t lad {f = )t.s r,\ll \ (rr-s^1,\t'tr)tq:tq,')(a) 4=? a= I.Y' lrt fi6).ls.ri'\1.\, -k) La) -D-lt, rvt = A JL'oH1g> 5. A backpackis droppeddownto your friendat a rateof 2.50m/s. lf the backpacktraveled14 m, how fastwasit movingwhenyourfriendcaughtit? rl{t= u;} + laA t); = ) (o'.^19 V{ =-11^1, )Lq,t!rr)tr") t 1 1 A' rl4r= @'so$r!) 'j4t= tb')s-is r(+)rq.'l; ,l( =J q =l.G*l(? v{} = lto' t.,5 6. A cameraisaccidentally droppedfromthe edgeof a balcony. 6.0seclaterit hitsthe ground. Howhighisthe balcony? - L'<\6.t^,,r;1u'or,Ar AA = { b'0 {ec 6J='\)L.". lrrc*\ ?, d= rJ;=o ,.. e.k^fs) nA * U;{ t Yro\} 7. A bagis droppedfrom a scaffold.What is the bagisvelocityafter 2.0s? Howfar hasthe bag faflen? t= ).oroc uf.? e:rl.?,.1cl at, l aa= Di+ 1 rlotl AJ= C.5\h.r*1,r;(a.o*"\? t 'l /f = v; t At Jf = g.rqrr)la.os.c) ' ad=-\l.t, q . /(ao r r ' x1r\ ,\ V4'-\t'u ^13 (ao.*) A water balloonis droppedfrom an apartmentbuildingroof that is 140.0m high.Determine how longit takesto reachthe ground.Determinehow far lt hastraveledeachsecondit is in free fall. Determinelts velocityeachsecondit is in free falt. Graphthe balloon's(d vs.t), (v vs.t) and (a vs.t) for eachsecondit is in free fall. AA*('s)tq.r^*)(ttl --V;+ O + = l u t o.oH h"+2 Aa J *-i.1 t =l - I\rl.o",r= t.5) Ll.?,'.1,)tl - \\0,0"^'Q .l ) tl uri=o 'l€'l --tr ar,s1r\ O $= ts.r*{')tr) @* {Q.rds)1rr) ='lttarrrfi utt O ^ (])r M= [.r)b,t*13]) A *-\1.Lrn tl)l Ad = (.s)(.r.r*1sr),l.n ad = C.$(q,c',.6r)(rle S,iSrru=t "t--5.F"19 d O of=tq.r,/lry$ J =.ll.o*ls ---l?.r{ rn (sJe Ad= t.s)1a.r43r) O'f {s.r*rl)O) c'l)l.S r,r ,^ls @4'tl'r*$g''r) =lfii ntl Dvs.T f \, J J a ) 3 tl 5 T'*e Cq) Vvs.T q C^,rt)