PA Facts and History GR1 - bms-geo6

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Name: __________________________ Date: ________ Class: _____
Pennsylvania Facts (Use a search engine to look these up)
Facts and Symbols
State bird: ____________
Area: ____________square miles
____________ (Bonasa umbellus)
Population: (2014) ____________
State flower: ____________
Capital: ____________________
____________ (kalmia latifolia)
Largest city: ________________
State tree: ____________
Date of Statehood: ___________
____________ (tsuga canadensis)
(second state to ratify the
State Dog: ____________
____________ (a.k.a. Boarhound)
Highest point: ____ __________
State Fish: ____________
in ________________ County at
____________ (salvelinus
3,213 feet above sea level
Lowest point: _____ ________ at
State Animal: ____________
the Delaware River
____________ ____________
Nickname: the __________ State
(Odocoileus virginianus)
Motto: ____________________,
State Insect: ____________
___________________, ______
(Lampyridae – also called the
Lightning Bug)
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Exploration and Early Settlement
In the early 1600s the
Swedish _____________ was
_________, _________, and
short-lived as the Dutch, operating
_________ disputed the right to
from their _____________ in
the region of Pennsylvania.
New _____________, succeeded
______________ were confined
in gaining control of the Middle
to the _________ River vicinity,
Atlantic region in ___________.
where fur trading with the Native
Americans was carried on.
In turn the Dutch were
overpowered by the
The original _____________
_____________ forces
settlement was established on
of Col. Richard Nicolls, acting for
_____________ Island (1643) in
the Duke of _________ (later
the _____________ River by
King James II), and in 1664 the
Johan Printz, governor of New
__________ took over the
___________, and was followed in
_____________ area. The Duke
the succeeding years by the
of York remained in control until
neighboring colony of
______, when, in payment of a
royal debt, ___________
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________ was granted
instructed _____________ to
_____________ rights to almost
plot the City of Brotherly Love
the whole of what is now
(________________), which was
Pennsylvania, and, in addition,
laid out a few miles north of the
leased the three Lower Counties
_____________ of the Delaware
(now called _____________).
and the ___________________
Penn's Colony
A devout ____________ who had
Penn carefully constructed a
suffered for his beliefs, Penn
________________, known as
viewed his colony as a Holy
the Frame of Government, that
_____________, designed to
gave Pennsylvania the most
grant ___________ to the
_____________ government in
persecuted under conditions of
the colonies.
_____________ and freedom.
Religious _____________ was
In 1681 he sent William
_____________ to all who
_____________ as his deputy to
believed in God, a
establish a government at
_____________ penal code was
_____________ and sent
adopted, and the emancipation of
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___________ was encouraged.
However, under the
After Penn's death in 1718
_________________ system
_____________ rights were held
that it established, the popular
by his ___________.
assembly was left in an
_____________ position in
By this time, Pennsylvania had
relation to the executive branch
developed into a _____________
controlled by the
and growing _____________,
enriched by the continuous
In 1682 Penn arrived at Uppland
_____________ of numerous
(renamed Chester). Shortly
different peoples. The
thereafter he met with the chiefs
_____________, English, and
of the _____________ (Lenni
_____________ were
Lenape) native tribes and a famous
concentrated in _____________
_____________ was signed that
and the eastern _____________,
promoted long-lasting
where they acquired great
_____________ between the
_____________ and
Native Americans and the
_____________ power through
foreign trade and where they
achieved a political
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_____________, which they held
their _____________ and to a
until the time of the American
considerable extent their
Philadelphia had by then become
______________________, and
the _____________ city in the
nation, a leader in the
_____________ and the
The _____________
(Pennsylvania Dutch)—largely of
the _____________ religious
sects of _____________
(including Amish),
_____________, and Reformed —
settled in the _____________
areas of _____________
Pennsylvania, where they retained
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Western Settlement and Native
_____________ natural
American Resistance
After 1718 the __________ _____________ began colonizing
In the west, _____________ was
in the _____________ Valley and
hindered by a growing
gradually pushed the
_____________ among the
_____________ toward Western
Native Americans. Penn's
Pennsylvania. Their rugged
_________ lacked both the good
_____________ and the
sense and the __________ values
_____________ of their frontier
that prompted Penn's fair and
_____________ made them
_____________ treatment.
rebellious against the
Resentful of ________________
_____________ order.
on their lands and of the land
_____________ made by the
Throughout the province,
Albany Congress (1754), the
_______________ was the chief
Native Americans allied
occupation, although
themselves with the
_____________ was spurred by
___________, who were then
abundant water power and
fortifying _____________ in the
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Ohio valley (see French and Indian
assembly during the crisis aroused
bitter _________________ and
intensified efforts to
The frontier ________________
_____________ proprietary rule.
were severely _____________
until, after several
The struggle between
_____________, the French
____________________ and
abandoned (1758) Fort
anti-proprietary parties was soon
________________ to British
overshadowed, however, by the
and American forces under Gen.
_____________ to British
John Forbes.
imperial policies that culminated in
the American _______________.
The power of the Native
Americans was not
The American Revolution and a
_____________ broken until the
New Nation
____________________ of the
Important Pennsylvanians of both
uprising of 1763 (see Pontiac's
_____________ political parties
_____________). The inept
emerged as _____________ of
defenses provided by the
the _____________ movement—
Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Rush,
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Joseph Reed, Thomas Mifflin,
_____________ the heroic
John Dickinson, Robert Morris, and
endurance of Washington's troops
Haym Salomon.
in the __________ of 1777–78,
making the site a shrine of
In 1776 a provincial
_____________ dominated by
radical _____________ created
In the _____________ period,
the _____________________ of
Pennsylvania's role as the
Pennsylvania under one of the most
geographical _____________ of
_____________ of the new state
the new nation was
_____________ by its resolution
of _____________ disputes that
The state was _____________ by
had persisted throughout the
British troops, and notable
_____________ period:
______________ were fought in
agreement was reached with
1777 on the _____________ (see
_____________ in 1784 by
Battle of Brandywine) and at
acceptance of the __________ -
_____________. Philadelphia was
___________ line; with
_____________ by the British,
_____________ and New York in
while Valley Forge
1786; with the United States and
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the _____________ Confederacy
Bank of the United States (1791)
in 1789; and with _____________
and the U.S. _________ (1792).
in 1799 after bitter dissension in
the _____________ Valley.
In 1790 it was also the site of a
_____________ that replaced
Philadelphia, host to the First and
the radical state _____________
Second _____________
of 1776 with a more
Congresses (1774, 1775–81) and
_____________________ one
scene of the signing of the
patterned after the
Declaration of ______________,
_____________ Constitution,
was for many years the nation's
while retaining such liberal
leading city. It was the site of the
_____________ as the act (1780)
_________________ Convention
providing for the gradual
of 1787, served as the
_____________ of slavery.
_____________ of the new
Philadelphia was not, however,
federal _____________ from
_____________ of the state as a
1790 to 1800, and became a
financial center through the
_____________ of the First
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From the Whiskey Rebellion to
assured the _____________ of
the Civil War
Pittsburgh and Erie as
Opposition to federal
_____________ centers.
__________________ in rural
Pennsylvania led to
The _____________ and social
_____________ in the
development of Western
_____________ Rebellion of
Pennsylvania also _____________
1794 and the Fries Rebellion of
programs of internal
1798 (see Fries, John), while anti-
_____________. The
_____________ sentiment
_____________ era, initiated by
forced _____________ of the
the incorporation of the Lancaster
state capital to Lancaster in 1799,
_____________ in 1792, was
then to _____________ in 1812.
followed by an extensive canalbuilding program in the 1820s and
Western _____________ in state
30s and, after the
affairs increased as the rapid
_____________ of steam power,
_____________ of settlers into
by an era of extensive
the Ohio country created new
_____________ construction.
markets, _____________ the
growth of new industries, and
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Adequate provisions for free
within the party over its
public _____________,
_____________ to slavery and
championed by Gov. George Wolf
the desire for a high
and Thaddeus _____________,
_____________ tariff to protect
emerged in the Free School Act of
the state's growing
1834, which was _____________
_____________ led to a
in 1849 by legislation making
Republican victory in 1860 and
attendance by those of school age
began Pennsylvania's long
_____________. Much of the
affiliation with the
early education was
_________________ Party.
________________, and many
Because of Pennsylvania's
schools remained church-
_____________ near the South,
it was the scene of several
_____________ in the Civil War,
In political life the
notably the ________________
_________________ party was
campaign of 1863.
generally dominant, and in 1857
Pennsylvania gave the nation a
Democratic _____________ in
James Buchanan. However, a split
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The Rise of Industry and the
from the Lehigh valley and the
Labor Movement
_____________ area and the
With the close of the war came
native Pennsylvania ________.
the rapid _____________ of the
Later the iron ore was
state as a mighty
_____________ in massive
_____________ commonwealth.
amounts across the Great Lakes.
Supported by high
_____________ tariffs, the
Under the _____________ of
industries found favorable
such men as Andrew Carnegie,
_____________ and a constant
Henry Frick, Charles Schwab, and
supply of _____________ labor.
J. Pierpont Morgan (1837–1913;
see under Morgan, family)
The first oil well was dug at
numerous _____________ were
_____________ in 1859, and a
merged into vast _____________
number of fortunes, particularly
with state and national
that of the _____________
family, was founded on
_____________. But it was steel
In the face of this increasing
that became the basic
_____________ of power, labor
_____________, using iron ore
struggled to achieve
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___________ working conditions,
promoted _____________ in
_____________ wages, and
many new areas and somewhat
shorter hours. The campaign
we_____________ akened the
brought _____________ during
strength of the American
the fight between mine owners and
Federation of Labor (AFL). By 1941
the radical Molly _____________
the CIO had succeeded in
and reached a climax in the strike
_____________ the steel
at _____________ (see
industry, while the United Mine
Homestead strike) in 1892.
Workers had acquired increasing
_____________ among the
The miners, under the
workers in the coal fields.
_____________ of John Mitchell
and aided by the _____________
Government Reform and Economic
of Theodore Roosevelt, achieved a
qualified _____________ in the
The powerful and
_____________ strike of 1902,
_____________ political machine
but the great steel strike of 1919
that had been built by Simon
was broken. During the 1930s the
Cameron continued into the 20th
Congress of _____________
century under the
Organizations (CIO) successfully
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_____________ of such bosses
population has grown slowly since
as Boies Penrose.
the 1940s, when it was the
___________ largest state in the
Gifford Pinchot, a
union; it was the sixth most
_____________ Republican and a
_____________ state after the
vigorous "dry," was
2000 census. After losing
_____________ for two terms
hundreds of thousands of
(1923–27, 1931–35) and did much
_____________ jobs in the
to repair government through a
1980s, the state's economy
new _____________ code, an
experienced a notable shift to the
improved _____________
_____________ sector.
system, and pioneer work in
Some of Pennsylvania's
_____________ did grow,
In 1979 the state suffered a near-
however, and in recent years such
_____________ as an accident at
high-tech industries as
the Three Mile Island
_____________ and
_____________ facility near
_____________ have flourished,
Harrisburg resulted in a partial
largely in the suburbs of
_____________. Pennsylvania's
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
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