Curriculum Maps Business Law

Malden Public Schools
Curriculum Maps for Business Law
Big Ideas/Concepts
Understanding the origins of our legal system and contemporary
legal processes is essential to the efficient operation of business.
An education in law also facilitates an individual understanding
of one’s rights as well as liability toward others.
10 – 12
Proficiency Indicators (Skills)
Students will understand why our legal system is known as the
English Common Law system and its characteristics
Students will understand the commonalties and differences
between the Common Law and Positive Law systems of law.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of differences
between “law” and “equity”.
National Standards for Business Education Standards
Students will understand the structure of federal and state courts.
Business Law: I, III, V, VII
Students will understand the difference between criminal and civil
law and the role of Constitutional interpretation upon each.
Students will understand the nature of criminal law with
particular emphasis on business related “white collar” crime.
Case Project: Maryland V. Dyson
Instructional Strategies
Mini-lecture and class discussion.
Case analyzes.
Law for Business and Personal Use, SouthWestern Educational Publishing.
Workbook and hypothetical analyzes.
Case brief – Maryland V. Dyson.
Homework review
Law for Business and Personal Use Study
Guide, South-Western Educational
Case Handout
News Articles
Malden Public Schools
Curriculum Maps for Business Law
Big Ideas/Concepts
Contract negotiations are an integral part of commerce and
everyday life. Contract obligations arise through written and
verbal agreement. In certain circumstances they may even be
entered into by silence. Therefore, students should understand
the framework of contract law in order to conduct themselves as
responsible adults.
10 – 12
Proficiency Indicators (Skills)
Students will show a preliminary understanding of civil law by
understanding tort law and the impact of respondiate superior on
Students will understand the meaning of a contract and the
essential elements of a legally valid contract.
Students will understand what is meant by a genuine agreement
and the effect of duress, undue influence, misrepresentation and
fraud on a contract.
National Standards for Business Education Standards
Students will understand what the meaning of quid pro quo and
what constitutes valid consideration.
Business Law: I, II, III, V, VII
Case Project: Henningsen V. Bloomfield Motors, Inc.
Instructional Strategies
Mini-lecture and class discussion.
Case analyzes.
Law for Business and Personal Use, SouthWestern Educational Publishing.
Workbook and hypothetical analyzes.
Case brief – Henningsen V. Bloomfield
Motors, Inc.
Homework review
Law for Business and Personal Use Study
Guide, South-Western Educational
Case Handout
News Articles
Malden Public Schools
Curriculum Maps for Business Law
Big Ideas/Concepts
By third quarter, students will have gained a strong
understanding of contracts, how they are formed and the
associated responsibilities of the contracting parties. Students
will now focus on which type contracts have to be in writing and
when verbal agreements are valid. Students will also examine the
applicable remedies for breach of contract and their legal rights
resulting therefrom. Students will also be introduced to the
contractual obligations of marriage and the legal ramifications of
divorce. Additionally, students will be introduced to property
law, the nature of personal and real property and their rights and
obligations therewith.
10 – 12
Proficiency Indicators (Skills)
Students will recognize when a contract needs to be in writing
and when a verbal contract is valid.
Students will recognize contractual responsibilities and the
various legal and equitable remedies for breach of contract.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of how marriages are
entered into and the nature of contractual marriage
responsibilities; how marriages are legally dissolved, and the
responsibilities of marital partners following dissolution.
National Standards for Business Education Standards
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the differences
between personal and real property together with the inherent
rights and responsibilities with each.
Business Law: I, II, III, V, VIII, IX
Case Project: TBA
Instructional Strategies
Mini-lecture and class discussion.
Case analyzes.
Law for Business and Personal Use, SouthWestern Educational Publishing.
Workbook and hypothetical analyzes.
Case brief – TBA
Homework review
Law for Business and Personal Use Study
Guide, South-Western Educational
Case Handout
News Articles
Malden Public Schools
Curriculum Maps for Business Law
10 – 12
Big Ideas/Concepts
The fourth quarter will focus on the various forms of business
ownership and how they are created, operated and terminated.
The legal nature of each form of business will also be examined
to understand its associated legal liability, the concept of a
“going concern”, and the effect of the owners’ death upon the
business. Students will also gain an understanding of wills, trusts
and estates, and how to plan for the divestment of assets
following death. Students will also explore the meaning of an
agency, their purpose, and how agencies may be created and
used. Students will also examine the legal nature of commercial
paper and its role in financial transactions.
Proficiency Indicators (Skills)
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of
wills and trusts by showing a deductive understanding of how an
estate will be managed and distributed by the probate courts.
National Standards for Business Education Standards
Students will analyze the nature of commercial paper and show
an understanding of the various forms of commercial paper may
be used to facilitate financial transactions.
Business Law: I, III, IV, V, VI, IX, X
Students will explore the various forms of business organizations,
their associated advantages and disadvantages, how they are
formed and operated and the impact of each upon the owners’
financial objectives and estate plan.
Students will show their understanding what an agency is and
how it is created by explaining the role of an agent and how
he/she may carry out the business affairs of the principal.
Case Project: TBA
Instructional Strategies
Mini-lecture and class discussion.
Case analyzes.
Law for Business and Personal Use, SouthWestern Educational Publishing.
Workbook and hypothetical analyzes.
Case brief – TBA
Homework review
Law for Business and Personal Use Study
Guide, South-Western Educational
Case Handout
News Articles