November 19, 2013 Edition - Christian Recreation Center

Christian Recreation Center
3450—36th Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
Christian Rec Center
2013 has been a year of many changes at the Christian Rec Center. We have experienced changes in
leadership, in the board and in the facility. The long awaited playground is now complete and ready for
use, the ball fields continue to improve and the golf course gradually rounded into wonderful shape. Ideal
summer weather and the investment in new equipment made a significant impact on these great conditions. We are blessed. As we prepare for next year, We will continue to improve and repair items that are
important to the operation and maintenance of the grounds as well as make some facility improvements.
While some of our improvements require financial support, there are also many opportunities for in-kind
support from individuals and businesses. In addition there are always projects for volunteers! In fact looking back over the years, we may not exist today without the generous and faithful support of businesses
and individual volunteers. So do you have a few hours or days to help out, or do you have something you
can offer from your business? Here are some of our needs:
2013 League Champions
Regular Season
Fast Pitch ........ Ideal Park
.............. Friendship
MSP1 .............. Westview
MSP2 .............. St. Luke’s
WSP................ Church of the Servant
Fast Pitch:
Gold................ Friendship
Silver .............. CRC Independent
55+ 1............... Old Yellers
55+ 2............... Bruce’s Boys
MSP1 .............. Providence A
MSP2 .............. Heritage Rookies
MSP3 .............. LaGrave B
MFP .............. East Leonard
.............. Lakeside
.............. Neland
.............. Providence/Ada Bible
40+.................. Oakbrook
MSP1 .............. CRC Boys
.............. First CRC
MSP2 .............. Harvest OPC
WSP................ Cornerstone
Men’s Slow Pitch:
Mon Red......... Westview*
Mon Blue ........ Caledonia A
Tue Orange .... Providence A
Tue Green ...... LaGrave B*
Wed Gold ....... Fellowship CRC
Wed Silver ...... Second Byron CRC
Wed Bronze ... Lee Street CRC
55+ ................. Bruce’s Boys*
Women’s SP ....... Church of the Servant
Coed ................... Church of the Servant
Fall Ball.............. Kenosis
*Tie-breaker used to determine champion
Upgrade our sprinkling control system to meet current requirements
Repair and upgrade our irrigation pump system
Renovate our miniature golf course
Install new digital ballasts in over 60 light fixtures to help reduce electrical costs
Install drainage tile in multiple locations on the golf course
Replace shingles on the concession stand mansard and the picnic shelter
Contact Us
Repair the ice cream maker—a job many would agree is critical to complete over the winter
Remove numerous dead trees and stumps
if you have questions or comments.
Want to help? Call us! We have a place for you! If you can’t volunteer but want to help financially, we
have enclosed an envelope for that purpose. Questions? Please call us and we would be happy to answer your questions. Let’s make 2014 The Year of the Volunteer. Come and join our oldest and most
loyal volunteer, Mr. Dave Tuuk—he always has a list of items that need attention and he can always use
your help! At the young age of 87, Dave wouldn’t mind using your youth and strength. It seems he has
miles to go and much to do before he sleeps……………………….
3450—36th St. SE
Golf Desk
(616) 942-1330 Ext. 10
(616) 942-7540
In This Issue
Visit us on the web
DVH Memorial Playground (Pg. 2)
Financial Snapshot (Pg. 3)
How You Can Help Re-Create (Pg. 3)
2013 Softball Champs (Pg. 4)
MSP1 .............. Fellowship CRC
MSP2 .............. Lee Street CRC
Coed ............... Church of the Servant
WSP................ Lakeside
Coed ............... Faith Reformed
The Rec Center offers you a unique sports facility with a Christian, family atmosphere.
“He is like the light at sunrise on a cloudless morning;
like the brightness after rain that brings grass upon the earth.” 2 Samuel 23:4
Reflections from the Desk of Executive
Director, Al Vander Hart (Pg. 1)
DVH Memorial Playground
Committed family and friends dedicated time and effort over the last three years in order to complete a new
playground in honor of Doug Vander Hart. What began
as a tragic loss in 2009 inspired a gift that will bring joy
to children and families for years to come. For so many,
the Christian Recreation Center is a place of fun and
camaraderie for people of all ages. The fellowship of
church members, competition through athletics and
conversations among the generations were all vital to
Doug’s development into manhood, a man with a loving,
gentle spirit and a passion for kids. That is not to say
that he wasn’t competitive on the softball field and perhaps even a bit feisty at times when a call didn’t go his
way. But we will always remember his love for his
nephews and nieces and other children who may have
at one time or another received a “Doug hug”.
So many provided support for giving the children that
visit the Rec Center a new, safe and fun place to play!
Over 350 golfers, dozens of local businesses which provided sponsorship and prizes and many more family
and friends supported financially the effort to raise
enough money to build this playground. Other key local
businesses stepped forward with significant gifts in kind:
AMDG Architecture, URS and Rockford Construction as
well as some who preferred to remain anonymous.
And, finally, six volunteers worked all day on Sept. 12th
and another 58 volunteers gathered on Friday, Sept.
13th to form the installation crew for Sinclair Recreation.
Amazingly, by the end of the day, we had completed
installation of the playground. To each and everyone
who contributed something to realize this goal — our
deepest gratitude!
We know that there are many places you can go to
play softball or to play golf, to hold a picnic or to have a
graduation party — but we are hopeful that when you
consider where you are going you will remember that
we are a facility that values our Christian heritage. We
are not open on Sunday and we don’t permit alcohol on
the premises. Why? Because we want to maintain a
family atmosphere that reflects the values we try and
teach our children as they grow up and we are hopeful
that by doing so we can have an impact on all those individuals that we invite to our facility - those who attend
a church and those who do not. We have a unique facility that others value as well. We are no longer a facility that is just “Christian Reformed” but now we are a
part of the larger church, more inclusive, more sharing—yet steadfast in our values. Please come, enjoy
and support this wonderful place!
Financial Snapshot
Playground for the younger kids!
Shade Structure & Golf Hut!
There are several reasons why the
adjacent charts are not reflective of
our current operating position. First
we have cut salaries by over $22,000
going into next year. At the same
time we were able to improve the golf
course and ball fields while cutting
overall labor costs. We are working
on plans to save on electric and heating costs by installing new energy
efficient furnaces in the clubhouse
and we are in the process of installing digital ballasts and bulbs in
over 60 fixtures throughout the complex.
On the income side in April & May
the income was opposite in each
month due to the change in dues
structure, In July and August the
disparity is due to the fact that we did
not have a golf tournament for the
playground because the money was
fully raised in 2012. In fact, general
golf course revenue was up in both
June & July of 2013. The amount in
those months appears off due to revenue raised for the playground of
$39,000 in July and almost $48,000 in
August of 2012.
Investing in Re-Creation
Playground for the older kids!
Swing Area
When God created the world and saw that it was
good, he also must have known that he would do it
all over again after we messed it up. But not quite
yet. We live in the time between creations. During
that time, whatever we do, we must do for the glory
of God.
Comparison 2012 / 2013
But re-creation is not free. It comes with a price.
Many of our members donate time and money to the
Rec Center every year. Without those gifts the CRC
could not survive, let alone thrive. Every year the
CRC starts with a $60,000 bill for property tax and
insurance. City recreation programs do not shoulder
those costs. The Rec Center does not receive tax
money and it also does not receive ministry shares.
That $60,000 must come from us, the members.
The CRC continues to serve the Christian comThat sounds good, but what does it mean in the
munity because you believe in the value of social
context of the Christian Recreation Center?
and physical recreation in a deliberately Christian
The CRC was created in 1950 as a recreation environment. Each of us has many memories that
and social center for the Christian Reformed com- we cherish from our time at the Christian Rec Cenmunity in the Grand Rapids area. Since then our ter: finally driving the green on hole 13, (it’s the one
tent has expanded to serve many denominations up the hill you can’t see); enjoying that high school
and thousands of Christian friends who support our graduation party at the clubhouse; walking alongside
mission. Families have been central to the CRC our child’s first very serious game of miniature golf;
from the start. This is evidenced most recently by and cheering our team’s first run of the summer.
the re-creation of the children’s play area that will
With your support, we plan to keep the memories
greet our children every time they come in from the
for many years at the Rec Center. Join us in
parking lot. It also is evidenced by our purchase
them. Please send your donation to the
over the last two years of equipment to re-create our
Center today. Thank you!
golf and softball grounds.