CrayFrsh Dissection 0 7 .0 5.16 DISSECTIONOF THE CRAYFISH PhylumArthropoda Name PartnerName Hour ClassCrustacea INTRODUCTION: Crayfish(or "crawdads"or crawfishasthey aresometimescalled) arefreshwatercrustaceans that arevery similarto lobsters.You can readilyfind thesein freshwaterpondsandstreamsin muchof the United States.Watchfor their chimneylike mud moundsin the shallowwaters.If you try to catchthem,you will soondiscovertheir amazingability to makea hastyretreat-backwards! Give two altemate"local" namesfor the cravfish: The crayfishis an extraordinaryexampleof the arthropod characteristic ofjointed legs.The crayfishhastwentypairsof appendages that havebeenmodifiedfor specificfunctions.In this investigationyou will locateandexamine the main externalstructuresandrespiratorysystemof the crayfish. Namethephylumto which the crayfishbelongs: Statethe majorcharacteristic of membersof this phylum: How manypairsof appendages doesthe crayfishhive? The groupof organismsto which the crayfishbelongsis the largestof theplant andanimalphyla.Indeed,of the millions of known speciesof animals,three-fourthsarearthropods.In additionto crayfish,this group containsmillipedes,centipedes, spiders,scorpions,horseshoe crabs,insects,anda little known animal calledPeripatuswhich is considered to be the "missinglink" betweenthe annelids(segmented worms)and the arthropods. The crayfishis a cannibalisticscavenger that lives on the muddybottomsof streamsandponds.It emerges at night to feedon deadanddecayingmatter,insectlarvae,andworms. Tell whatportionof all knownspeciesof animalsarearthropods: To what class doesthe crayfish belong? belongto the phylumArthropoda: What doesthephrase"cannibalisticscavenger"mean? Name six other "common classes"that Hereis a sunmaryof the phylumArthropoda.Useyour pencilto circlethe subphylum(mostbiologistscall it a class)to whichthecrayfishbelongs..... 5u ffi h0ft6sndc cf'tib6 centipede rrniltipede rnot all hsect ordor rhown &cnocquitoet As an arthropod,the crayfishhasa body protectedby a hardexoskeleton madeof chitin.Periodicallv,the crayfishsheds,or molts,its outerskeletonandgrowsa new one.After molting,the crayfishtakesin large amountsof waterto increaseits body sizebeforethe new skeletonhardens.The crayfishbodyhasfive pairs ofjointed legsandtwo segments, a fusedcephalothorax, andajointed abdomen.The carapace,apart of the exoskeleton, coversthe cephalothorax. Crayfishbreatheby meansof gills. Tubularstructures,calledgreen glands,removeexcesswaterandwastesfrom theblood.The "brain" of the crayfishconsistsof a pair of gangliaconnectedto a ventralnervecord. What is an exoskeleton? of in the crustacean? Whatis the exoskeleton made When a crayfish shedshis exoskeleton,the processis called Describehow the cravfishincreasesin sizeaftera molt: Name the organscrayfish use for breathing:. Tell what greenglands do: z co\o* \ I '. : Qo^g\"-\. o.-\l \\ "*.\" @FSONAE G@NfiPARIS@N B@DYF@RNflS. GRUSTAGEAN I I , vFA^ls^' SHR[NfiP- LOBSTER* (HOMARUS) (PENAEUS) GARAPAGEO HEAD' TH@RAX. AtsD@nnENo .( Crayfish are grouped in the phylum Arthropoda, which also includes such animals as insectsand spiders. Arthropods are chancterizedby having jointed appendagesand segmentedbodies. In crayfish and other higher arthropodseach appendagehas a specific function. Crayfish, which are aquatic,use their appendages for swimming, walking, food-getting, reproduction, biting, touching, and tasting. What doesaquaticmean? terrestrial? Line a dissectingpanwith newsprintandplacea crayfishin thepanwith its dorsal(back)sideup. Feelthe hardexoskeleton. It is madeof a substance calledchitin. Body Segments:The crayfish'sbody is dividedinto two majorregions:the abdomenandthe cephalothorax, which includesthe headandthorax(chest).The cephalothorax is coveredby a pieceof exoskeletoncalled the carapace. Note the curvedcervicalgroovethat marksthe division betweenthe headandthorax.The pointedanteriorendof the carapace is therostrum.Beneathit arethe stalkedcompoundeyes. The segmented abdomenendsin a segmentcalledthe telson.Unlike the cephalothorax, the abdomencanbe flexed. Namethe two partsof the cephalothorax: What do humanshavein placeof the cervicalgroove? What canthe crayfishdo with the abdomenthat it cannotdo with the cephalothorax? How manysegmentsdoesthe abdomenhave? On the diagram of the dorsal surfacebelow, label the cephalothorax,abdomen,carapace,cervical groove, rostrum, eyes,and telson. Tag each of the following on your specimen: dorsal surface,cephalothorax,abdomen,carapace,cervical groove, telson Verified I Appendages:Turn the crayfishoverto exposeits ventralside.Note the manypairedappendages. Crayfish havethe ability to regenerate lost bodyparts,soyou may find an appendage that hasonly partiallyregrown. Protrudingfrom the headaretwo long antennae.Two shorterbranchedantennulesare locatedbetweenthe antennae. The crayfishusesthesestructuresfor taste,touch,andsmell. Locatethe mouthopening.Surroundingthe moutharejaggedjaws calledmandibles,usedfor biting and chewing.Posteriorto the mandiblesaretwo pairsof maxillaeandthreepairsof leg-likemaxillipeds;these structuresareusedto hold food.Usea handlensto examinethesemouthparts.If you havetroubleidentiffing them,referto the diagramsbelow. Tag each of the following: venfral surface,antennae, antennules.mouth V E N T R A LV I E W OF HEAD Verified Third Usethe diagramsbelowandthe descriptionaboveto locatethe variousappendages that surroundthe mouth. Working from the mouth"out" locatethe mandibles,maxilla,andmaxillipeds. MANDIBLE ORJAV Fcding appcndrg* FIRSTMAXILLA SECOND MAXILLA FINST MAXILLIPED ofa THIID MAXILUPED Tag each of the following: Maxilliped, maxilla, mandible Verified s The four pairs of appendageson the thorax are the walking legs. The large, pincer-like appendagesare the ctryllpg4{lppching legs"), which the crayfish usesfor defenseand capturing prey. AIJI)OMEN FIRST ANTENNA COMPOUNI) ROSTRUM SECOND ANTENNA FEEDING APPENDAGES External featuresofa WALKINGLEGS SWIMMERETS (PLEOPODS) On the abdomen,notethe smallappendages calledswimmerets. Theseareusedin swimmingand reproduction.In a femalecrayfishthe first pair of swimmeretsaresmall.In a malethe first two pairs,which transferspermto the female,arelargerandfoldedforward. short ant€ilrae maxillipeds female genital openfu€ walking leg eeminal receptacle first swllnEoret (ue€din copulation) ammerel MALE (b) What is the sexof your crayfish? 6 Observethe abdominalregionandits divisioninto six segments. Thejointed appendages, called swimmerets,on the first five segmentsalsoaid in respirationby movingwateroverthe gills. Grabthe edge of the carapace on onesideor the otherof the crayfishandlife it gently....thegills arelocatedunderthe carapace.The carapaceis actuallynot "glued-down"to mostof the cephalothorax At the posteriorend,on eachsideof the telson,aremodifiedswimmeretscalleduropods.Theuropodsand telson form a tail fin that is usedto propel the crayfishbackwardthroughthe water. On the diagramof the ventralsurfacebelow,labelthe antennae, antennules, chelipeds,walking legs, swimmerets,anduropods. Tag eachof the following: walking legs,cheliped,swimmerets, uropod,gills. Verified 1 Baseduponyour observations andreadingto this point, complete-the "fi.rnction"columnin the tablebelow. Then,carefullyremoveonesampleof eachappendage (usescissorsandcut closeto thebody) andplaceit in the samplecolumn. DO NOT TAPE THEM DOWN. Only ONE partnerwill needto havethe sample appendages in place.... Appendage Chan Body Soction Appcndago Caphalothorax Antennules (1 pair) Function AntennEe {l pair) Eyes {compound, 1 pair) Mandibles (1 pair) Maxillae (2 pairs) Maxillipeds (3 pairsl Chelipeds (1 pairl Walking Legs (4 pairsl Abdomen Swimmerete (5 paira) Uropods Telson Completed I Internal Anatomy Dissection Placeyour crayfishdorsalsideup in a dissectingpan.Note:Whencuttingwith the scissors,be sureto raise the exoskeleton first andto useonly thepoint of the scissors.Do not penetrateinto thebody of your crayfish,becausethe very delicateinternalorgansareeasilydamaged. Using a pair of forceps,raisehe posteriordorsaledgeof the carapace. Usingthe scissors,carefullycut the carapace forwardon eachsideof the dorsalmidline,from the posterior edgeofthe carapace to the eyes. Removethe entirecarapace from the dorsalandlateralsurfaces.The interiorof the crayfishbody should now be exposed. I. Lift CARAPACE. ANTENNULE Cut throughmusclesat the baseof a leg andgill. Carefullyremovea leg with its attachedgill intact. Place the leglgill in a watchglass. Completed The large,featherystructuresyou seearethe gills. Theseremoveoxygenfrom the waterasit flows up and underthe carapace. Describethe structureof the eills. The walking leg playsan importantrole in therespiratorysystem.Move oneor morelegsbackandforth. What do thewalking legsdo for therespiratorysystem? 3 To exposeseveralimportant organsand blood vessels,remove a long, narrow section of the dorsal abdominal exoskeletonas shown in the figure below. ANTERIORDORSALAORTA B e g i nc u t t i n ga n d f o l l o wd i r e c t i o n s of arrows. ABDOMINAL AORTA DICESTIVE GLAND CONADS INTESTINE MUSCLES Completed Attemptto locatethe heartandthe two blood vesselsleavingtheheart,the abdominalaortaandthe anterior dorsalaorta.Sincethereareno veinsin crayfish,the blood flows from the dorsalblood vesselsto capillaries andtheninto tissuespacescalledsinuseswhich functionasveins. /0 HEART OVARY Figure 29-5 Intemal featuresof a crayfish. 19. Pericardialcavity 21.0vary 22. Sternalartery 23. Intestine 17.Cardiac stomach 16. Gerebralganglia 1 8 . G a s t r i cm i l l 25. Venfial thoracic artery 29,'Esophagus | 27. Oviduct 28. Pyloric stomach 26, Liver It CirculatorySystem Locatethe heartwithin thepericardialsinus,or cavity,at theposterioredgeof the cephalothorax. With the handlens,observethethreepairsof ostia,or smallopenings,throughwhich blood enterstheheart. Note: Observeasmanyarteriesasyou canwithout damagingthe intemalorgans. On the diagrambelow,labelthe heart,pericardialsinus,ostia,dorsalartery,sternalartery,andventral arterv. ReproductiveSystem Locatethe gonad,eithertestisor ovary,beneathandslightlyanteriorto the heart.In the female,the ovary with eggsappearsasa largepink or orangemass.On eachsideof the ovary,try to find the straightoviduct extendingdownwardto the baseof the secondwalkingleg. Thenlocatethe oviductopeningsat thebaseof theselegs.Thewhite testisof the maleoccupiesthe samepositionasthe ovarydoesin the female.On each sideof the testis,try to find the coiledspennductsextendingdownwardto the baseof the lastwalkingleg. Thenlocatethe spermductopeningsat the baseof theselegs.Note: Thepair of oviductsandspermducts may be difficult to observein somepreservedcrayfish. Mating takesplacein autumn.Spermpassfrom a male'stestesthroughthe ductsto the outside.Usingthe modifiedswimmerets, the maletransfershis spermto the female'sseminalreceptacle, wherethe spermare storedoverthe winter.The eggsarenot fertilizeduntil the femalelaysthemin April. IL Traceover (drawin) andlabelthe testis/ovaryandthe oviduct/sperm duct in the diagrambelow. (Fromthe paragraphabove,you learnedtheseorgansandductsarein the samelocation(s)in the maleandfemale. Onedrawingwith the duellabelswill takecareof the labeling.) DigestiveandExcretorySystems Carefullyremovesomeof the muscletissuein the anteriorpart of the cephalothorax.Locatethe stomach,a large,thin-walled,two-chambered sacthat is just abovethe Mouth andesophagus. Identiff the large,yellowish-green digestiveglandson eithersideof the stomachandpart of the intestine. Ductsconnecttheseglandsto the stomach. Using a probe,separate the digestiveglandsfrom the stomachto observewherethe stomachjoins the intestine.Follow the intestinealongthe lengthof the abdomento the anus.The anusis locatedon the ventralsurfaceof the telson. Locatethepairedexcretoryorgans,or greenglands.Eachpair is anteriorto the stomachat the baseof the antennabeneatheacheye. Find the excretorypore,or opening,at the baseofthe antennae on the ventral surface. Labelthe stomach,mouth,esophagus, digestivegland,intestine,anus,greengland,andexcretoryporeon the diagrambelow. r3 NervousSystem Placethe crayfishwith the ventralsideup. Usingscissors,carefullyremovethe soft tissuefrom the ventral areaof the abdomen. Completed Locatethe slender,white ventralneryecordthat lies alongthe centralmidline of the crayfish.Note:Begin tracingthenervecordin the abdomen.Thethin platesof shellthat partly coverthe nervecordin the cephalothorax makethe cord difficult to find in this area.Locateoneor moresegmental gangliaon the nervecord. Find the brainjust abovethe esophagus. Carefullycut awaytherostrumandanyremaining carapace. Betweenthe eyestalksis the brain,a smallwhite mass.Note the nervestravelingfrom the brainto the eyesandantennae. Labelthe ventralnervecord,ganglia,andbrainon the diagrambelow. Each of the crayfish's compound eyes is madeup of long visual rods. The outer surfaceof eachrod is called a facet. Light is focusedthrough each facet onto the retina, producing aftuzy but wide-ranging image. Remove an eye by clipping it at its baseand examine it with the dissectingmicroscope.Note the numerousfacetsin the eye. Because the eyes are on movable stalks, the crayfish has a very wide field of view. How might this be an advantage? Draw a view of what you seeunder the stereoscopein the field of view circle to the right. Leave the eye in place on the stageso you instructor can verity it. Verified The senseof touchis probablymoreimportantin the crayfishthan vision.Touchreceptorsarelocatedin specialized hairson thebody as*'ell asin someappendages. Magnification r1 GRAYFilSHgE}ffiERNALSTRUGTURE. tuilg/.\tn\ tflt_=lA\u/A R@STRUNfi' r-=\Z[FR^ E LI EVV ANTENNULEO /sJtN|l t_BtNtN4\e TH@RAX, flst o Znd , 3rd MAXILEIPED^ 5 SW[nflftfiERETSo 6n-,lTen nrilrera\ UR@F@D* \rtruLSI-SULJ"LSV)L TELS@N. 4 WALKINGLEGS" rvri;E G@NOP@RE* FEMA,LEGON@P@RE. IS GRA\rFISHg ilNTERNAtSTRUGTURE. DIGESTruVE SVSTENfiNfi@UTH. ES@PHAGUSO ST@NfiAGH, INTESTINE' DIGESTIVE GLAND. ANUS' GIRGULATORV SVSTEMHEART, PERIGARDilAL SINUS; ARTERV' SINUS" AFFERENT GANALEFFERENT GANALO BRANGHI@GARDIAG VESSEL' RESPIRAT@RV SVSTENfi* J@[NTGILL. FO@TG[LL* EXGRET@RV SVSTENfiSVSTENfl* GREENGLAND,IP@RE,' REPR@DUGMVE OVARV' @V[DUGT' F@RE'' NON.CHITINOUS CONNECTIVE IIJDUtr ARTERY STERNAL A GILL CHAMBER PROTOPODITE B \ L STERNUM LHUJJ SECTION THROUGH THOHAX t6