EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Guidelines for Curriculum-Wide Success Plan Using Assessment Technologies Institute, ATI TEAS TEST 1. TEAS tests are used as part of the criteria for admission to the College of Nursing. These tests will also assist the faculty to identify students who may need additional support. 2. Students who score less than program mean in reading comprehension and/or the cumulative score will be required to add NRSE 3300 Promoting Academic Success to their schedules in the first semester in the College of Nursing. 3. Students who score less than the program mean in math will be required to successfully complete NRSE 3005 Dosage and Calculations prior to enrolling in NRSE 3031 Foundations of Nursing Practicum. SKILLS MODULE USE 1. Students will use ATI skills modules in every semester of the nursing curriculum. 2. Students are responsible for submitting ATI Skill Module documentation to course faculty as assigned. The CON requires post-test verification of 90% or higher. Students may take the post-test as many times as needed to achieve the minimum 90% score. Students may also be required to submit notes taken while viewing videos. 3. Failure to submit this documentation according to course guidelines may result in dismissal from the corresponding didactic or clinical class session. Dismissal for lack of preparation is an unexcused absence. ATI CONTENT MASTERY ASSEMENTS 1. Students will take a proctored Content Mastery Assessment in the following courses: Content Mastery Assessment Semester Associated Course st Fundamentals 1 Sem Junior NRSE 3030 (Foundations) Nursing Care of Children 2nd Sem Junior NRSE 3080 (Peds) Maternal Newborn 2nd Sem Junior NRSE 3070 (OB) Mental Health 2nd Sem Junior NRSE 3090 (MH) Community 1st Sem Senior NRSE 4110 (Comm 1) Nutrition 1st Sem Senior NRSE 4050 (Older Adult) Week (4-6) st Adult Medical-Surgical 1 Sem Senior NRSE 4040 (Adult) Leadership 2nd Sem Senior NRSE 4060 (Transition) Pharmacology 2nd Sem Senior NRSE 4120 (1st 6 weeks) RN Comprehensive Predictor 2nd Sem Senior NRSE 4061 (Week 8-10) Approved UP Curriculum Committee 8/08/2014 Approved UP Faculty 08/15/2014 Approved CON Faculty Council 11/17/2014 EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS 2. Students entering in Fall 2014 or students matriculating into the new curriculum after Fall of 2014 will take proctored Content Mastery Assessments in the following courses: Content Mastery Assessment Fundamentals Nutrition Community Mental Health Maternal Newborn Nursing Care of Children Adult Medical-Surgical Leadership Pharmacology Semester 1st Sem Junior 1st Sem Junior 2nd Sem Junior 2nd Sem Junior 1st Sem Senior 1st Sem Senior 1st Sem Senior 2nd Sem Senior 2nd Sem Senior RN Comprehensive Predictor 2nd Sem Senior Associated Course NRSE 3500 PC Care1 NRSE 3010 Pharm NRSE 3510 Populations NRSE 3090 Mental Health NRSE 4570 OB NRSE 4580 (Peds) NRSE 4550 Adult 2 NRSE 4620 (Leadership) NRSE 4610 Adult 3 (1st 6 weeks) NRSE 4621 (Week 8-10) 3. Testing in these courses will occur in the last 3 weeks before final exam week, in order to allow time for remediation and re-testing except for Pharmacology, Nutrition, and the RN Comprehensive Predictor. 4. Prior to proctored testing, students will be required to submit documentation verifying completion of the non-proctored practice exam(s) with scores of greater than or equal to 90%. Students may take the practice test as many times as needed to achieve the minimum 90% score. Students will have a 4 hour lock-out between attempts. 5. Students who complete the course specific proctored Content Mastery Test and have an overall course grade greater than or equal to 75% at the conclusion of the semester will receive additional percentage points toward their final course grade according to the following rubric: Level Reached on first administration Level 3 Level 2 Level 1(Retake required) Below Level 1 (Retake required) Content Mastery Assessment Test Points Rubric % For Level Retake Score Maximum Total on first % added if Level 2 % administration or > 3% NA 3% 2% NA 2% 0% 1% 1% 0% 1% Approved UP Curriculum Committee 8/08/2014 Approved UP Faculty 08/15/2014 Approved CON Faculty Council 11/17/2014 1% EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS 6. Remediation Process a. All students must create a focused review within ATI. Students should spend 520 minutes per topic missed on the CMA. Students should use ATI Active Learning templates or (write or audio record) 3 concepts about each topic missed. Faculty will review time spent in the ATI Focused review and the written or recorded notes. Students who are unable to work within the ATI Focused Review should keep a time log for review sessions. b. Students are encouraged to meet with course faculty to review learning needs and identify appropriate resources. c. Students who score less than a level 2 must complete a second practice assessment at 90% or higher to re-test and meet with course faculty before the retake CMA to show proof of adequate remediation. d. Students who score less than a Level 2 on the ATI CMA in the second semester must meet with the remediation coordinator during the third semester. Students who do not achieve a Level 2 or higher on two out of three of the 3rd semester re-take CMAs must enroll in NRSE 3302 Enhancing Achievement Strategies in Nursing (1 credit) during the 4th semester. Students who do not achieve a Level 2 or higher on two out of three CMA re-takes in the 4th semester must register for and complete NRSE 3302 Enhancing Achievement Strategies in Nursing (1 credit) during the 5th semester. Comprehensive Predictor Assessment (Exit Exam) 1. A proctored Comprehensive Predictor Assessment will be given to students completing their final semester of nursing school. This assessment will be administered approximately 8-10 weeks into the semester. 2. The proctored Comprehensive Predictor Assessment will be used to guide study prior to NCLEX-RN. All students must create a focused review within ATI. Students should spend 5-20 minutes per topic missed on the CMA. Students should use ATI Active Learning templates or (write or audio record) 3 concepts about each topic missed. Faculty will review time spent in the ATI Focused review and the written or recorded notes. Students, who are unable to work within the ATI Focused Review, should keep a time log for review sessions. 3. Prior to proctored testing, students will be required to submit documentation verifying completion of the non-proctored practice exam(s) with scores of greater than or equal to 90%. Students may take the practice test as many times as needed to achieve the minimum 90% score. Students will have a 4 hour lock-out between attempts. 4. Students who complete the proctored Comprehensive Predictor Assessment and have an overall course average greater than or equal to 75% at the conclusion of the semester will receive additional percentage points toward their final grade according to the following rubric: Approved UP Curriculum Committee 8/08/2014 Approved UP Faculty 08/15/2014 Approved CON Faculty Council 11/17/2014 EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Predicted Probability of NCLEX Success Pts. For Level on first administration 95% or greater 90-94% < 90% 3% 2% 0% Retake Pts: Students that were below 94% (predictability) on first administration but achieved above 94% or higher on re-take (no retake required) (no retake required) 1% Maximum Total Pts. 3% 2% 1% 5. All students should complete a Focused Review built from the exit exam results. 6. Students scoring below 90% on the first administration of the Comprehensive Predictor Assessment will be required to participate in a remediation plan and re-take the exam in the last 4 weeks of the semester. 7. Students scoring below 90% on the first administration of the Comprehensive Predictor Assessment must meet with designated faculty to discuss remediation plans. The designated faculty member will clear the student for re-testing. 8. Faculty will review time spent in the ATI Focused review and the written or recorded notes. Students, who are unable to work within the ATI Focused Review, should keep a time log for review sessions. 9. Prior to proctored testing, students will be required to submit documentation verifying completion of the non-proctored practice exam(s) with scores of greater than or equal to 90%. 10. Students scoring below 90% on the Comprehensive Predictor Assessment re-take will be advised by the Remediation Coordinator. It is the responsibility of the student to follow-through with this remediation. The NCLEX Application may be held until student has demonstrated adequate remediation. 11. The predicted probability of success percentage scores may change slightly as the exam is re-normed by ATI and this information will be communicated to students on D2L. Approved UP Curriculum Committee 8/08/2014 Approved UP Faculty 08/15/2014 Approved CON Faculty Council 11/17/2014