PSYC 101 - General Psychology
CRN# 50527
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SPECIAL NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus except for grading scale. You
will be notified of all changes online by class message and/or email. Instructor Lessany-Abdi
Welcome to PSYC 101 - General Psychology (CRN 50527)
D. Lessany-Abdi, M.S., Instructor of Psychology
Cerro Coso Community College – Kern Community College District
3 Units – A/CSU/UC
Contact Information for:
Instructor Lessany-Abdi
Email: Use Message board on class site/email type in: 50527
Login in at: My class week begins on Saturday and ends on Friday.
College class Schedule - Attendance & completion of weekly assignments is expected
First official day of class: June 9, 2014
Last day of class: August 2, 2014
fyi: This class requires a PROCTORED EXAM. YOU need to secure an approved proctor by
the end of the second week of class through the Cerro Coso Community College Learning
Assistance Center (LAC*) or you will forfeit the opportunity to take the cumulative FINAL EXAM (and
receive a zero for the FINAL in your grade book). Some proctors may charge a fee. All proctors
MUST be approved by the LAC*. You are responsible for contacting and submitting the proper online
forms through the Cerro Coso Community College LAC:
COURSE DESCRIPTION for Psychology 101 General Psychology
This course offers the student an introduction to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes
focusing on exploration of major psychological theories and concepts, methods, and research findings in
psychology. Topics include the biological bases of behavior and mental processes, perceptions,
consciousness, memory, cognition, learning, motivation, emotion, development, intelligence, personality,
social psychology, psychological disorders and therapeutic approaches, and applied psychology. The
American Psychological Association (APA) format is taught and applied to written assignments and
Required Course Texts and Supplies:
Pastorino, E. and Doyle-Portillo, S. (2012). What is Psychology? 3rd edition. Wadsworth, Belmont.
CA (ISBN: 978-1-111-34366-8) . It is your choice to purchase the hard, soft, e-text or a used text.
Below is the link for a 30-day free trial and e-text order options:
Reading - 1 Level Prior to Transfer (Completed READ C056)
and Writing - 2 Level Prior to Transfer (Completed ENGL C070)
Recommended book (optional):
Hacker, D. & Sommers, N. (2012) A Pocket Style Manual, APA Version 6th Edition,
Bedford/St.Martin's (ISBN: 9780312568498)
Below is the link for a free 30 day trial of book and purchase order options
PSYC 101 - General Psychology
CRN# 50527
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SPECIAL NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus except for grading scale. You
will be notified of all changes online by class message and/or email. Instructor Lessany-Abdi
Additional Resources:
The following link to the Owl at Purdue is an excellent resource for a term paper using the APA
format style:
Perrla for APA
This web site will assist you in formatting your term paper properly (30 day free trial).
CREATE to upload your papers to (TBA: class ID and PW in the class site)
You MUST use your college assigned email ONLY for your account. I will
delete accounts made with personal emails, i.e., hotmail, verizon, att, etc..
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate familiarity with the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, research methods, core
empirical findings and historic trends in psychology.
2. Explain (including advantages and disadvantages) and compare major theoretical perspectives of
psychology (e.g. behavioral, cognitive, evolutionary, humanistic, psychodynamic and sociocultural.
3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the following nine general domains: (1) biological
basis of behavior and mental processes, (2) sensation and perception, (3) learning and memory,
(4) cognition and consciousness, (5) individual differences, psychometrics, personality, (6) social
processes (including those related to socio-cultural and international dimensions), (7)
developmental changes in behavior and mental processes that occur across the lifespan, (8)
psychological disorders, and (9) emotion and motivation.
4. Describe and demonstrate an understanding of applied areas of psychology (e.g. clinical,
counseling, forensic, community, organizational, and school health).
5. Demonstrate critical thinking, research skills, and information competence to psychological
topics. Draw the distinction between scientific and non-scientific methods of understanding and
6. Articulate the impact of diversity on psychological research, theory and application, including
(but not limited to) age, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, socio-economic status, disability, and
sexual orientation.
7. Understand and apply psychological principles to personal experiences, social settings, and
organizational environments.
Corrected SLOs/June4,2014/dla
PSYC 101 - General Psychology
CRN# 50527
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SPECIAL NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus except for grading scale. You
will be notified of all changes online by class message and/or email. Instructor Lessany-Abdi
90 – 100%
89 -- 80%
79 – 70%
69 – 60%
59% and below
1000 -- 900 points
899 -- 800
799 -- 700
699 -- 600
599 and below
Assignments & Exams
1. Quiz 14 Study Quizzes (20 points each)
2. Discussion Participation (20 points each)
3. Site Quiz
4. Essay: Plagiarism
(due June 15th)
5. TABR Assignment (due June 22nd)
6. Term Paper (due July 10th)
7. Final Exam is PROCTORED
20 pts. X 14 =
20 pts. X 14 =
Total Points
Optional Extra Credit (up to 30 points)
Optional Embedded Librarian (up to 30 points)
1. Quiz: There are a total of 14 weekly quizzes worth up to 20 points each. For the summer term, these are
doubled-up to keep topics separate, therefore, you will have TWO Quizzes per week. Each quiz must be
completed by the end of the assigned week each by 11:55 p.m. each Friday.
2. Discussion Participation: There are a total of 14 weekly Discussions worth up to 20 points each. For the
summer term, these are doubled-up to keep topics separate, therefore, you will have TWO Discussions per week.
Each Discussion is due that specific week and I do not allow make-ups or provide points for late Discussion posts.
Each Discussion will have a prompt for the topic from the weekly assignments. To earn points you must post
your initial reply between Saturday and Wednesday of each week.
If you post your initial reply after Wednesday night, you will not earn any points. Posting on time allows
you and fellow classmates time to respond to each other until Friday night. You can earn up to 3 points (within
the maximum of 20 points) when meaningful feedback is provided to each other. For example if your initial reply
is awarded 15 points and you respond to 3 other classmates you can earn up to 1 point each. See Discussion
Directions & RUBRIC.
3. Syllabus/Site Quiz is worth 25 points. The syllabus quiz allows you to search and explore the class site.
It is a quick assessment for your readiness for an online class. It will provide a better understanding of the
expectations in this class and allow you to explore a few online resources you will need.
4. The Essay on Plagiarism is worth 30 points and due June 15, 2014 to Submit a one
page essay with two paragraphs from the information provided in the syllabus under ACADEMIC INTEGRITY
POLICY and the link on plagiarism on the class site. Your paragraphs are to include your summary of:
a) what plagiarism is and, b) the consequences of plagiarism. Remember to put your name and date on
the paper and list the resource information at the bottom of your page, then upload it to
Papers without a name will receive zero points. See Plagiarism Essay Directions & RUBRIC.
PSYC 101 - General Psychology
CRN# 50527
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SPECIAL NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus except for grading scale. You
will be notified of all changes online by class message and/or email. Instructor Lessany-Abdi
5. The TABR assignment is worth 85 points and due June 22, 2014 to The TABR is
an acronym I use for the basic outline in an APA formatted Term Paper: Title page, Abstract page, Body
page(s) and References page. The TABR is to have 2- 3 Body page(s). The TABR is to help you write
and practice in the required APA format. Papers submitted without a name will receive zero points. Review
the Example Term Paper in APA format and the APA links on the class site. See TABR Directions &
6. The Term Paper is worth up to 150 points and due July 10, 2014 to It is to be a full
7-9 pages of resources based on your research of psychological academic, peer reviewed research journals,
written in APA format. This assignment requires good to excellent writing skills and will be easier, if
you've completed the Advisory level for Reading and English. See Term Paper Directions and Example
Term Paper in APA format in class. I will accept a late Term Paper until July 14, 2014,
however, there is a 10 point deduction for each day late. I will not accept a Term Paper after July 14th,
and a zero will be assigned in your grade book. Papers without a name will receive zero points.
7. The FINAL is a PROCTORED EXAM and you MUST contact the Cerro Coso Community College
Learning Assistance Center (LAC) for an approved proctor. See the Cerro Coso LAC website for the proctor
list and the required form to submit online to the LAC. If you are out of city, state or stationed overseas
contact the LAC directly to get help with finding an approved proctor. The FINAL is worth 150 points and
is a 2 hour online exam. Arrange with your proctor one of the specific dates to take it: July 28-31, 2014.
IMPORTANT: You are responsible to successfully upload all written assignments/papers to I will not accept written assignments emailed to me, as official submission. If you
have trouble uploading an assignment to, please let me know asap; contact the Learning
Assistance Center (LAC) for help, and/or HELP
The Term Paper is the only assignment I accept late to, however, there is a
10 point deduction for each day it is late. All other papers MUST be submitted by the deadline to earn a
grade. You are responsible to successfully upload all written assignments/papers to
and you MUST use your college assigned email to create the account and submit papers.
1. Optional: Extra Credit written assignment is worth up to 30 points and due June 29, 2014 to
Submit a two page summary and critique of a current journal article on psychology or review a video
with psychological pertinence. Either of these must be from the college LRC/Library databases and include
the url. You must reference and use APA format to include the title page, summarize in two Body pages
and include a Reference page with the resource that includes the url from the LRC (Abstract page not
necessary). Extra Credit will be given only if you actively participate each week in class. This means
you must complete at least 80% of the weekly Discussions & Quizzes AND submit ALL the written
assignments on time. See EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENT document for more details.
2. Optional APA Quizzes & Embedded Librarian: The Embedded or in-class Librarian online is worth 30
points WITH the APA Discussion (all must be completed to earn the 30 points). Our Librarian is only
available during the week(s) the Librarian Forum is open. Our Librarian is a Cerro Coso Community
College faculty welcomed into our class with expertise with the Learning Resource Center/Library. The
in-class Librarian is a valuable resource for you and will provide assistance in your research efforts for your
written assignments. Review the Librarian Directions & RUBRIC in class.
PSYC 101 - General Psychology
CRN# 50527
Page 5 of 10
SPECIAL NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus except for grading scale. You
will be notified of all changes online by class message and/or email. Instructor Lessany-Abdi
ADVICE: Set aside pride, be truthful to yourself and get help early on!
Counseling The college counseling staff provides assistance to each student in planning an
academic program of studies for graduation, for transfer or for personal interest. All students are
encouraged to define educational objectives and plan how to achieve them.
Learning Resource Center/Library. We have LRC's at our Ridgecrest, Bishop, Mammoth, and
Lake Isabella sites, as well as an LRC page on our website available to students through the portal. This
extended library offers a host of print and electronic sources, including hundreds of eBooks covering all
areas of study; subscriptions to a dozen or so electronic databases, which are a wonderful resource for
research. Visit the LRC homepage at
LAC &Tutoring. Together with the LRC's, each campus listed above also has tutoring help
available through a Learning Assistance Center (LAC). Visit the LAC homepage and the tutoring homepage for more
information about the wide-range of learning support services the college offers to students.
Proctoring. Proctoring services are coordinated through the Learning Assistance Centers. This
service is available to any instructor of any online course. Check out the options and protocols at the
proctoring page,; and the form link
ACCESS PROGRAMS. Make an appointment with a college Counselor for more information on:
DSPS eligibility
EOPS eligibility
CARE eligibility
CALWORKs eligibility
Student Education Plan
PSYC 101 - General Psychology
CRN# 50527
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SPECIAL NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus except for grading scale. You
will be notified of all changes online by class message and/or email. Instructor Lessany-Abdi
June 9
June 13
June 18
First official day of class. You must login before, on or by 8PM, June 9th or I
am obligated to DROP YOU
10% Date - Last day to receive a refund and nothing will appear on your
20% Date - No refund, but nothing will appear on your transcripts
July 11th
60% Date - No refund, and a "W" (Withdrawal) will appear on your
July 28-31
Final Exams - NOTE: This course requires a proctor for the FINAL
(from the College Catalogue): Active Participation and Attendance Policies
Regular active participation is expected of all students enrolled in the college. Students not actively
participating may be dropped from the course. A student shall be dropped by the instructor for lack of
active participation prior to the census (20%) date and any time up to the 60% date. A student also shall
be dropped by the instructor anytime up to the 60% date when he or she has been absent from or not
actively participating in class for a total of two consecutive weeks, or the equivalent amount of time for a
short-term class. Students MAY be dropped when non-consecutive absences number the equivalent of two
weeks of the course, or the equivalent amount of time for a short-term class. While it is the responsibility
of instructors to communicate attendance and participation practices and to apply them to all students, it
is the responsibility of the student to be aware of his or her current attendance/participation status.
Students who have been absent or not actively participating in a course should notify the instructor of the
reason. Students are responsible for officially withdrawing from any course or courses in which they no
longer wish to be enrolled.
ACTIVE Class Participation. The summer term is an 8-week FAST PACED class. I expect WEEKLY
ATTENDANCE & ACTIVE PARTICIPATION in order for you to complete & earn points for each
week's assigned text Readings, Articles & Videos, Discussions & Quizzes. It is important you
communicate with me as soon as possible and in a timely manner regarding absences or an emergency,
i.e., message or email me. For most situations, I do not allow make-up work or extended time. If you find
you are having chronic issues during the term, it may be best if you drop the class and return in a
different term when you are able to fulfill the requirements of the course. Make-up options will be at
instructor discretion with a minimum of 5 points automatically deducted.
Disability Accommodation. The college will make reasonable accommodations and/or academic
adjustments to ensure that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in the
college’s courses. Students with disabilities, who are requesting academic accommodations, auxiliary
aides or services, should contact Student Services, Disability Student Programs & Services (DSPS) at
Access Programs at 760-384-6250.
If you are a student with an eligible disability with DSPS and require specific online accommodations you
must submit the appropriate DSPS form, from your assigned DSPS counselor to me and the LAC as soon
PSYC 101 - General Psychology
CRN# 50527
Page 7 of 10
SPECIAL NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus except for grading scale. You
will be notified of all changes online by class message and/or email. Instructor Lessany-Abdi
as possible. If the accommodation is for extended time on an exam, this must be submitted to me and the
LAC immediately to arrange a specific date and time for the proctored FINAL EXAM.
Online Class Conduct: You are in college. You will be treated with respect and mature behavior is
expected. It is imperative respect for each other’s opinions and values is practiced, along with common
courtesy and appropriate online social behavior. Offensive and vulgar responses or posts on the
Forum/Discussion board; online bullying and harassment will cause you to be dropped from this class. If
someone in the class engages in inappropriate online behavior with you, please contact me immediately
or the Department Chair of Social Sciences, a or the Vice President of Student Affairs. Refer to the
Student Conduct Policy in the college catalog.
According to the Cero Coso Community College Student Conduct Policy
Plagiarism is defined as the act of using the ideas or work of another person or person as
if they were one’s own, without giving credit to the source. Such an act is not plagiarism if it is
ascertained that the ideas were arrived at through independent reasoning or logic or where the
thought or idea is common knowledge.
Acknowledgement of an original author or source must be made through appropriate reference,
i.e., quotation marks, footnotes, or commentary. Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to,
the following: the submission of a work, whether in part or in whole, completed by another; failure to
give credit for ideas, statements, facts or conclusions which rightfully belong to another; in written work,
failure to use quotation marks when quoting directly from another, whether it be a paragraph, a sentence,
or even a part thereof; close and lengthy paraphrasing of another’s writing or programming. A student
who is in doubt about the extent of acceptable paraphrasing should consult the instructor.
Students are cautioned that, in conducting their research, they should prepare their notes by (a)
either quoting material exactly (using quotation marks) at the time they take notes from a source; or (b)
departing completely from the language used in the source, putting the material into their own words. In
this way, when the material is used in the paper or project, the student can avoid plagiarism resulting
from verbatim use of notes. Both quoted and paraphrased materials must be given proper citations.
As allowed by District Policy 4F8G, “Every instructor has the responsibility and authority for
dealing with such instances of cheating and plagiarism as may occur in class. An instructor who
determines that a student has cheated or plagiarized has a range of options, which may be as severe as
giving a failing grade for the course. Furthermore, the student may face other penalties as stated in the
college’s Student Conduct Policy. Finally, it must be understood that “a student who knowingly aids in
another student’s cheating, e.g., permitting the other student to copy a paper or examination question, is
as guilty as the other of the offense.” Penalties for plagiarism will include failure on the particular
assignment and may include a failing grade in the course, an official report of academic dishonesty,
suspension, or expulsion.
Student Contact Information . As your instructor I will primarily contact you through the Latest
Messages and the message board on your class site. When necessary I may contact you on your student
ASSIGNED Cerro Coso, Bakersfield or Porterville e-mail. You MUST use your college email to
communicate with me. Check your college e-mail regularly for updates and messages. You are
responsible to check the class site for updates, too.
PSYC 101 - General Psychology
CRN# 50527
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SPECIAL NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus except for grading scale. You
will be notified of all changes online by class message and/or email. Instructor Lessany-Abdi
Early Alerts. Throughout the term I may send Early Alerts when there is inconsistent class participation or
your cumulative course total in your grade book is at or below the grade level of D (69.0%). I have an
obligation to DROP students who do not actively participate in class. I recommend all students, and especially
those students who require a minimum letter grade of C for transfer purposes, i.e,. to a CSU or UC campus; to
maintain very good to excellent points on assignments and consistent active participation in class. Also, if you
receive an Early Alert from me, please contact me so we can try to problem-solve the issues. Each Early Alert
is automatically programmed by the college to be forwarded to the Financial Aid, Counseling and Records &
Admissions offices.
ADVICE: Set aside pride, be truthful to yourself and get help early on. Use your college resources
to become a successful college graduate.
SPECIAL NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus except for grading scale.
You will be notified of all changes through class message and/or email. D.Lessany-Abdi
PSYC 101 - General Psychology
CRN# 50527
Page 9 of 10
SPECIAL NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus except for grading scale. You
will be notified of all changes online by class message and/or email. Instructor Lessany-Abdi
PSYC 101 - General Psychology SPRING 2014
TEXT: Pastorino, E. and Doyle-Portillo, S. (2012). What is Psychology? 3rd edition. Wadsworth,
Belmont. CA (ISBN: 978-1-111-34366-8) Your choice of hard, soft, e-text or used
NOTE: Each weekly Discussion/Disc and Quiz is worth up to 20 points each. This is 56% of your
Week of
Text Chapter & Topics
What is Psychology?
Read: Ch. 1 pp. 2 – 39
How Does Biology Influence Our Behavior?
Read: Ch 2 pp. 40 – 83
Complete assigned Discussions & Quizzes
You MUST login before or by the first day of class by 8PM, June 9th or you will be DROPPED
1) Jun 9:
2) Jun 14:
How Do We Sense and Perceive Our World?
Read Ch. 3 pp. 84 - 132
Consciousness: Wide Awake, In a Daze, or Dreaming? Read Ch 4 pp 132 - 173
Complete assigned Discussions & Quizzes
June15th - Plagiarism Essay due
3) Jun 21:
How Do We Learn?
How Does Memory Function?
Complete assigned Discussions & Quizzes
June 22nd - TABR due
Read Ch. 5 pp. 174 - 217
Read Ch. 6 pp. 218 - 261
Cognition, Language, and Intelligence: How Do We Think? Read Ch. 7 pp. 262 – 303
Motivation and Emotion: What Guides Behavior?
Read Ch. 8 pp. 304 - 345
Complete assigned Discussions & Quizzes
June 27th - Proctor information due to Cerro Coso LAC
June 29th - Extra Credit written assignment due
4) Jun 28:
5) Jul 05:
How Do People Grow, Change, and Develop?
Read Ch 9 pp. 346 - 401
How Do Gender and Sexuality Affect Our Behavior?
Read Ch 10 pp. 402 - 445
Complete assigned Discussions & Quizzes
July 10th - Term Paper due - late paper accepted until July 14th with 10 pts. off each day late
6) July 12
7) July 19
Social Psychology: How Do We Understand and Interact with Others?
Read Ch 11 pp. 446 - 495
What is Personality and How Do We Measure It?
Read Ch 13 pp. 534 – 569
Complete assigned Discussions & Quizzes
What are Psychological Disorders, and How Can We Understand Them? What
Therapies are used to Treat Psychological Problems?
Read Chapters 14 & 15 p. 570 - 651
Health, Stress and Coping: How Can You Create a Health Life?
Read Ch. 12 p. 496 - 533
Complete assigned Discussions & Quizzes
All weekly Quizzes re-opened as study-guide for FINAL during July 19-27th
PSYC 101 - General Psychology
CRN# 50527
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SPECIAL NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus except for grading scale. You
will be notified of all changes online by class message and/or email. Instructor Lessany-Abdi
8) July 28-31 PROCTORED FINAL EXAM date. You will have one opportunity to take the 2
hour online, FINAL. Arrange with your approved proctor a date, time and place between: July 2831st. An approved proctor MUST be secured by June 27th, through the Cerro Coso Community College
LAC, otherwise you may forfeit the opportunity to take the FINAL and will receive a zero in the grade
book for the FINAL. Your proctor may charge a fee and you are responsible for this fee. You must
immediately, notify me and the Cerro Coso LAC, if there is ANY change to your proctor, ASAP.
REMINDER: Students eligible for Disabled Student Program & Services (DSPS), MUST have a
current Cerro Coso Community College DSPS accommodation letter and submit it, ASAP to
arrange for eligible accommodations. If you are a student at any other college, your DSPS
accommodation letter needs to be submitted to me from a Cerro Coso Community College DSPS
Counselor because you are a Cerro Coso Community College student in this class; and this includes our
sister colleges in Kern County of Bakersfield and Porterville Community Colleges.
Due Date
Use ONLY your assigned college email.
Create account
Other emails will be deleted.
Plagiarism Essay
June 15, 2014
Submit to
Proctor for FINAL
June 22, 2014
June 27, 2014
Extra Credit (optional)
June 29, 2014
10 pts. off
for each
day late
July 10, 2014
Submit to
July 14, 2014
Submit to
This is the FINAL DEADLINE and NO papers will
be accepted after this date.
DSPS Accommodation Letter
July 28-31, 2014
Term Paper
LATE Term Paper submission
Submit to
Submit to
from Cerro Coso DSPS Counselor
Arrange date with proctor
updated for SUMMER2014/dla - June2,2014 CORRECTED with SLO/June4,2014/dla
SPECIAL NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus except for grading scale.
You will be notified of all changes online by class message and/or email. Instructor Lessany-Abdi