Issue 18/2013 6 th December 2013
Dear Members of the Academy Community
This newsletter is being written the day following our inaugural Celebration of Excellence Evening . Today we have received numerous positive comments about the evening so it will certainly be an annual event.
Photographs taken on the night can be ordered via the link found on the College Website – News and Events.
Congratulations to the students who were acknowledged at the evening last night. They can be truly proud of their efforts and I know teachers and parents alike share their pride.
During my speech I spoke of excellence:
I trust that students will continue to aspire to excellence in
Last week we had our final College Assembly for students in Years 7 —11. At the Assembly student achievement was acknowledged as follows:
ADF Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award 2012 and Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program.
The students’ names are published later in the newsletter.
We also acknowledged student achievement in
Mathematics, Visual Arts, Music and IT and a number of IRC awards were also presented.
The Students of the Term were also recognized and their profiles are later in the Newsletter.
At the Assembly, too, the 2014 Senior Student Leadership Team were formally introduced to the College
Community and we look forward to the leadership of these students.
Best wishes are extended to Mr Ian Craig, Mr Joe Natoli, Mrs Phyllis De Fazio, Ms Claudia Civinini, Mr
Lachlan Connolly, Mrs Angela Nicholson, who are leaving the College at the end of 2013.
I take this opportunity to thank all the Staff at the Academy for their dedication and commitment this year and I also thank the students who are leaving the College and wish them well for the future.
Thank you to the members of the College Advisory Council and the Parents’ Association for all their efforts this year. I have greatly valued their personal support and their support of and interest in all that happens here.
The Academian will be distributed to students at the beginning of the 2014 school year.
Academy of Mary Immaculate
A Ministry of Mercy Education Limited. ABN 69 154 531 870
88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy
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The teaching staff finish on Friday, December 13 th and the College office closes on Thursday, December 19th at 11.00am.
When the song of angels is stilled
When the star in the sky has gone
When the kings and princes are home
When the shepherds are back with their flocks
Then the work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost
To heal the broken
To feed the hungry
To release the prisoner
To rebuild the nations
To bring peace among people
To make music in the heart
A beautiful reflection and one that reminds us that the Christmas message can only be lived through a commitment to action, a commitment to making the world a better place.
And to quote our 2013 College theme for the last time ths year
If not us, who? If not now, when?
I wish you a very happy Christmas, a safe and relaxing holiday and every blessing for 2014.
Sr Mary Moloney rsm
Academy of Mary Immaculate
A Ministry of Mercy Education Limited. ABN 69 154 531 870
88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy
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Last week the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and Other
Non-Government Organisations released its final report and recommendations.
It is source of much sorrow and regret for everyone in Catholic education that children were abused in
Victorian schools.
For this reason I elected to appear before the inquiry – to make sure that our child protection practices stand up to the most rigorous scrutiny and to help the parliament identify ways to strengthen child protection legislation to protect our most vulnerable.
I am pleased to advise that in its report, the inquiry noted Catholic educatio n’s effort and commitment to mandatory reporting and child protection legislation, and our comprehensive professional development and staff training initiatives.
The report also noted the need for Catholic education to undertake further work to ensure greater consistency with Victorian education department procedures.
While child protection laws apply to all schools equally, we will also proactively engage with the
Australian Government’s Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse to ensure our experience can help inform and strengthen legislation into the future.
It is not surprising that our efforts in relation to child protection were recognised. We take the unprecedented growth in Catholic school enrolments in the last five years as a measure of your continuing trust in our schools. Catholic schools have no greater responsibility than to honour the tremendous trust you place in them to provide a safe environment for your children.
Stephen Elder
The College Office will be open between 8.15am and 4.30pm each day until Thursday, December 19 th when the Office will close at 11.00am. The Office will reopen on Thursday, January 16 th .
Each student has received a copy of the 2014 Resource List. When completed the Resource List must be returned to the Student Office or Landmark School Supplies Store, 94 McEwan road Heidelberg West 3081
(ph.: 1300 658 641) by Tuesday, December 10 th . Alternatively, parents may order their books online by logging into the Landmark website, via Booklists at the bottom of the Academy Home Page.
After December 10 th Resource Lists will need to be forwarded directly to Landmark School Supplies. The collection date for the Books will be Friday, January 17 th from midday to 3.00pm at the College.
Students in Years 7 and 12 will commence on Friday, January 31 st at 8.35am and will conclude the day at
1.00pm whereas students in Years 8, 9, 10 & 11 will commence on Monday, February 3 rd at 8.35am and will be dismissed at 3.15pm.
In this the final article for 2013, I wish to thank the members of the Student Support Team – Ms Jarni, Ms
Cowin, Mr David Molino (Term 1), Mr Graham (Terms 2 to 4), Mrs Hocking (Terms 1, 2 & 4), Mrs Dimattina
(Term 3), Mr Andritsos; Mrs Christine Manopoulos-Tzikas and Ms Giovina Costantini (Student Counsellor), for their professionalism in taking up the challenges inherent in their role, for the time and energy that each of them has given to the staff and students and for the genuine concern that they show for the wellbeing of each of the young women in their care.
Academy of Mary Immaculate
A Ministry of Mercy Education Limited. ABN 69 154 531 870
88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy
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In 2014, there will be a number of changes to the Student Support Team. Ms Jarni will be leaving the team and commencing in her new role as Head of Staff Learning, Ms Cowin, and Ms Dimattina, will move into their new roles as Year 7 and 11 Coordinators respectively, Mr Andritsos will be concentrating solely on Year 12 and we will welcome Mr Michael Molony to the College as Year 8 Coordinator.
I wish the young women of the Academy and their families a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a very safe holiday.
God Bless.
Deputy Principal
Father Peter Varengo has joined us twice in a week to help us bring the Academic year to a close by celebrating Mass. Our Year 11 students concluded their year and Year 12 orientation program last Friday with a Mass and assembly. The Academy staff and Year 7-10 students gathered in the Dillon Room on Tuesday to farewell 2013 and welcome the Advent season by celebrating Mass and singing Christmas carols. I wish to acknowledge Ms Slocombe and all staff and students who provided the music for both of these events.
Imogen Gandolfo Yr 11, Ambra Soci Yr 10 and I are attending the Australian Catholic Youth Festival
(Thursday 5 th to Saturday 7 th December.) Held at ACU and Festival Hall, it is the first of what is hoped to be many national youth festivals over coming years. The program for the three days is extensive and it will be impossible for us to see everything! However we are looking forward to seeing as many of the, guest speakers, performers and workshops as we can.
As we finish this year I wish to extend my thanks to the students who have been helping establish the AIM
(Alive In Mercy) group. We began as the ‘liturgy group’ but realised the focus of the work we do and activities we are a part of involves more than just liturgy. There are ideas being floated for next year which we hope to bring to the college community.
Whilst there is still some work to be done here at the College there is no doubt we are starting to anticipate
Christmas and the summer holidays. Like most, I am looking forward to the time to rest, to be with family and friends and to enjoy the Christmas season.
Wishing you all days of peace amongst what can be a busy time,
Ms Karen Fogarty, Director of Faith and Mission
The LOTE department is beginning preparations for our biennial trip to Japan which includes a one week visit to our sister school, Kyoto Nishiyama High School, located in the beautiful city of Kyoto. Although exact departure and return dates are still to be confirmed, the trip will commence in the second week of the Term 3 holidays and will return at the end of week 1 of Term 4. As it is a Language and Culture Study tour, all 2014
Year 10 and 11 students are invited to apply; however, preference will be given to those students currently studying Japanese. If you have any questions regarding the study tour, please do not hesitate to contact
Academy of Mary Immaculate
A Ministry of Mercy Education Limited. ABN 69 154 531 870
88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy
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either Mrs Jodie Muller or Ms Karen Fogarty at the College. Expressions of interest will be called for in early
February 2014 and an information night will be held late February/ early March.
Mrs Jodie Muller, Head of LOTE
Today was one of the best and the most enjoyable lessons of Japanese this semester!
The experience of making Japanese food and the taste of both dishes were amazing.
Both Japanese classes in Year 8 made yakisoba and okonomiyaki, which was so much fun! Yakisoba is a noodle dish that consists of carrots, bacon, onion and cabbage and okonomiyaki is a savoury pancake dish.
We were really hyped up for this day, and the timing of our cooking and eating time was spot on. Although we had a hard time deciding which dishes to make, we were all still willing to cook whatever we chose. We were given a recipe in Japanese for both dishes the lesson before we cooked and used our knowledge of Japanese to work out what ingredients we needed and how to cook both dishes.
We are so thankful that Mrs Muller took the effort and time to organise a day for us to do this, and would also like to thank Mrs. Rowe, Mrs. Atkins and Mrs. Novembre for allowing us to use the Food Technology area.
Stefeny Cheng 8S
Academy of Mary Immaculate
A Ministry of Mercy Education Limited. ABN 69 154 531 870
88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy
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Evelyn Lewis, Giannina Sacchetta, Annabelle Lim, Daniella Tawil, Daisy Caruana, Ambra Soci and Geena
Reyes have been hard at work since the beginning of term completing the latest jigsaw in the MRC. It took them only 3 weeks to put the 1000 piece jigsaw together.
On the 26 th November a number of RAGE members attended the
Inky Awards at the State Library of Victoria. Arriving early we were able to spend some time viewing the TAC installation, Ungiven
Gifts . This was to remind people to take care on the roads over the
Christmas period and highlighted the 210 mothers, fathers, children and young people who will not be here this Christmas.
We then attended a workshop with Simmone Howell, author of Girl
Defective , who explained to the girls that she often uses maps to help her create a sense of place when writing a novel. She asked the girls to draw a map of a place they have visited or of an area of significance to them and then write a story around that place.
Following this session it was time for morning tea where the girls were treated to a milk shake and mini ice-cream. After then listening to the three young judges talk about their experiences as judges it was time for the awards to be announced.
The Silver Inky, which is awarded to the most popular international author, this year went to Maggie Stiefvater for her book, The
Raven Boys while the Gold Inky went to Australian author, Barry
Jonsberg, for his book, My Life as an Alphabet . Barry was present at the awards and spoke briefly to the audience about his book.
Reading for pleasure improves performance
A recent article in The Age highlighted the importance of reading for pleasure. According to a report published by the London Institute of Education “children who read for pleasure are likely to perform significantly better in the classroom than their peers who rarely read.”
Dr Alice Sullivan stated “that strong reading ability will enable children to absorb and understand new information and affect their attainment in all subjects.”
As we approach the long summer vacation it may be pertinent to remember these findings and encourage our students to read while they have plenty of spare time. Students at the Academy may borrow books for the holiday period and also have access to ebooks via the link on the College intranet.
If you would like further information about the above report or on how to download ebooks from the intranet please do not hesitate to contact me either by ringing the College or sending an email to
Wishing you a safe and happy holiday,
Ms Heather McPhee, Head of McAuley Resource Centre
Academy of Mary Immaculate
A Ministry of Mercy Education Limited. ABN 69 154 531 870
88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy
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The Annual Visual Arts Exhibition opened on Tuesday 12 th November and for the rest of that week, it stood as a proud assertion of the strength and vitality of our Arts program at Academy. Approximately 500 artworks spanning a broad range of art forms and media were on display. It was a fairly equal split between two dimensional and three dimensional work this year.
Our Art Academy members played a key role in the success of the evening. They worked well with the Visual
Art Staff to help curate the display and ensure that every artwork was correctly labelled. The exhibition was opened by Art Academy compares, Tess Moody and Tamika Chikulin and they were ably assisted by our fashion parade hosts, Aesha Abenir and Heidi Bulla. The fashion parades were particularly popular with the crowd who really appreciated seeing the garments that the students had designed and made being modelled live.
There were many stunning works, but some, in particular, caught the judges’ eyes and they were singled out for special praise. The list of Honourable mentions and Year Level Award winners were as follows:
Year 7
Honourable mentions go to Vanessa Violo 7 Green for her ceramic pinchpot owl and Witney Luu 7 Silver for her collaged lino print of a Bird of Paradise.
The YR 7 AWARD for artistic excellence was won by Anna Lam of 7 Silver for her collaged lino print of an owl.
Year 8
Honourable mentions go to Charlotte Mitchell of 8 Green for her ceramic vase complete with enwrapped snake and Bianca Montagner of 8 Green for her ceramic monster jug.
The YR 8 AWARD for artistic excellence was won by Angelica Hamence-Davies of 8 Blue for her colour reduction lino print of the Day of the Dead theme.
Year 9
Honourable mentions go to Nicole Makenene 9 Red for her mono tone aquatint etching of a bridge and
Achol Manyiel of 9 Blue for her coloured aquatin etching of a mermaid in an interior.
The YR 9 AWARD for artistic excellence was won by Ruby Sinclair 9 Red for her Silk paper bag inspired by a tiger theme.
Year 10
Honourable mentions go to Chanel Gasparin of 10 Silver for her photographic album cover and Natalie
Nguyen of 10 Red for her logo design stationery.
The YR 10 AWARD for artistic excellence was won by Taylah Walker of 10 Green for her Photographic
Album cover.
Year 11
Honourable mentions go to Erin Rose Donohoe of 11 Silver for her charcoal on paper portraits in Year 11
Art and to Simarni Haveaux of 11 Red for her promotional material produced in Visual Communication &
YR 11 AWARD for artistic excellence was won by Hanna Zhou of 11 Silver for her Australian flower inspired dress in Studio Art.
Year 12
Honourable mentions go to Celeste Hayeke of 12 Silver for her folio of art works and Monica Do of 12
Green for her capes made in Studio Art.
The YR 12 AWARD for artistic excellence was won by Tina Tran of 12 Green for her folio of logo designs and packaging for her line of Yetti Lane ice creams in Visual Communication & Design .
Principal’s choice Award
An Honourable mention to Madeline McCurry of 9 Blue for her Aquatint etching. This work was also selected to represent Academy at the 2014 Annual Catholic Education Office exhibition.
The winner of this year’s P rincipal’s choice award was Cindy Liang of 9 Blue for her aquatint etching of a mythological figure in an architectural setting.
Academy of Mary Immaculate
A Ministry of Mercy Education Limited. ABN 69 154 531 870
88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy
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The SISTER BERNADINE CARR AWARD was introduced in 2005, with the intention of establishing a permanent collection of art work that would inspire and model excellence in the visual arts. Artwork from previous winners of this award can be seen hanging in the Murray room. Sister Bernadine Carr, who passed away in 1967, was an outstanding artist and teacher here at the Academy and a number of her works adorn the walls of our convent. This year’s winner of the Sister Bernadine Carr Award is Rebecca Costa of 12
Silver for her group of three figures sculpted in clay. The group is drip glazed in black, red and blue. Their postures have been abstracted to represent Rebecca’s theme this year, which explored the effects of depression on the human condition. It was selected unanimously by the Visual Art Staff for the level of technical excellence demonstrated in its execution.
The final award of the carnival was of course the People’s Choice Award, where you, the public, got to decide.
It was fiercely contested, with Monica Do of Year 12 Studio Art, Tiana Farrugia of 9 Red and Erin Rose
Donohoe of Year 11 Art all polling strongly, but it was Monica Do and her two amazing capes made in Studio
Arts that took the People’s Choice award for 2013
It was a wonderful week long celebration of our College’s artistic talent. I thank all of the people responsible for ensuring it success. The Visual Art ’s Staff, Ms. Gretta Harvey, Mr. Kevin Foley, Ms. Lorelle Evans, Ms.
Catherine Glenister, Mr. Steve Gray, the students of the Art Academy, Mr. Gatt, Mr. Fern, Mr, Bonavia, Ms.
Salvo and to all of the parents and friends who came along to see the exhibition.
I look forward to seeing what our students produce next year.
Mr. Martin McInerney, Head of Visual Arts
Academy of Mary Immaculate
A Ministry of Mercy Education Limited. ABN 69 154 531 870
88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy
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Erika Quinn Year 7 Blue
Erika has been described by her teachers as being a great ‘all rounder’. She is always patient and kind. She demonstrates good problem solving abilities and is a great role model for others. In home-room her friends describe her as welcoming and friendly. She is very organised and is able to juggle all of her many responsibilities both at school and outside of school. This year she has been involved in indoor cricket, softball and cross country. In addition to this, School Sport
Victoria has selected her for the state squad for cricket. She is also a member of Junior band, regularly attending with her trombone for lunch time practice. She comes cheerfully and always encourages others. Despite all of these commitments she is able to focus on her school work, completing all Sacs and homework on time and producing quality work. She always tries her best in everything she does and does not give up when things are tough. At school she is always willing to help out and does so without being asked. Recently she volunteered to be one of the fashion models at the Year 7 Information Night. This Year
7 is a worthy recipient of the Student of the Term who lives the Mercy values of respect, hospitality, compassion, justice, service and courage every day.
Olivia Do Year 8 Silver
Olivia is one who truly shows what it means to ‘Be Mercy’ every day. She is never afraid to help others, she is compassionate and kind and always has a smile on her face. A positive influence in the homeroom, this student knows when a helping hand is needed and can always be counted on by her peers and teachers alike. She wears her uniform with pride and always treats herself, her peers, her teachers and her environment with the upmost respect - a wonderful attribute. As well as being thoughtful and caring, year she has achieved outstanding results across all subjects
– a testament to her hard work and dedication to her studies.
Tess Devine- Hercus Year 9 Blue
Throughout 2013 this Tess has proven herself to be a mature and focused Year 9 student. She has worked harmoniously with both her teachers and classmates and has actively striven to fulfil her potential in the classroom. Tess has developed a very good rapport with her teachers, borne of mutual respect. In the classroom she is a consistently helpful and positive presence, always willing to assist her fellow students with their school work when they are experiencing difficulty.
Her results across all her subjects are consistently very high and she seeks to do her best in many aspects of her school life. She has been an active member of the Academy, involved in many and varied co-curricular activities. In sport she has been involved in volleyball, basketball, netball, swimming and athletics. In music she is a member of the concert band and jazz ensemble. To extend herself academically, she is a member of the Rage book club and the debating team. She has developed a social conscience and a willingness to assist others which is evident with her involvement in the
Justice group and her attendance at the Seeds of Justice camp. She is a worthy recipient because of her distinctively positive approach and commendable achievements throughout the term and year.
Georgia Hill Year 10 Silver
Georgia is a very kind and considerate young lady. She works well with both staff and students and is always mature and helpful. She acts responsibly in her role as Class Captain and also participates in the Justice group and the College Debating team. She recently represented the
College on the Italy/France Trip where she proved to be a very organised and respectful young lady who worked well with others. She puts 100% effort into everything she does.
Gabrielle Cafra Year 11 Blue
Gabrielle has made an immediate impact in a short space of time. She has adapted to a new environment with a minimum degree of difficulty and has established excellent relations with her peers and staff. She is a motivated and talented student with a strong desire to succeed academically and maintains a professional and measured disposition. She has completed a Unit
3 and 4 subject this year and still managed to represent the school in Netball and AFL football.
There is no doubt that she has been an asset to the culture of the Academy.
Georgie Filip Year 12 Sanja Vukoman Year 10
Year 10 Heidi Bula Year 10 Niharika Gupta
Academy of Mary Immaculate
A Ministry of Mercy Education Limited. ABN 69 154 531 870
88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy
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T ERM 1:
College Office Opens ..................................................... Thursday, 16 th January
stralia Day Holiday .................................................... Monday, 2 7 th January
Staff Preparation and Professional Learning Days ........ Tuesday, 2 8 th January to Thursday, 3 0 th January
Years 7
......................... Friday, 3 1 st Janu ary (1.00pm finish)
All Students commence classes .................................... Monday, 3 rd February
School Photos ................................................................ Wednesday, 1 1 th February
Opening College Year Eucharist .................................... T ues day, 1 8 th February
House Swimming Carnival……… .................................... Wednes day, 19 th February (Students finish at 1.10pm)
Professional Learning Afternoon for Staff .................... Wednesday, 19 th February
Labour Day Holiday ....................................................... Monday, 1 0 th March
House Athletics Carnival ............................................... Tuesda y, 1 st April
Years 7 to 12 students finish classes - Term 1 ............... Thurs day, 3 rd April
Staff Spirituality Day ..................................................... Friday, 4 th April (no classes)
Term 1 Holidays .......................................................... Mon day 7 th April to
.......................................................... Mon day, 21 st April (inclusive)
Years 7 to 12 students commence classes .................... Tuesd ay, 22 nd April
ANZAC Day Public Holiday............................................. Fri day, 25 th April
Professional Learning Afternoons for Staff ................... Thursday, 1 st May (students finish at 1.10pm)
Parent/Teacher Interviews ........................................... Wednesday, 7 th May (afternoon/evening) &
...................................................................................... Mon day, 12 th May (afternoon/evening)
Queen’s Birthday Holiday ............................................. Monday, 9 th June
Correction & Report Writing Day .................................. Fri day, 1 3 th June (no classes)
Professional Learning Afternoon for Staff .................... Tuesday, 24 th June (students finish at 1.10pm)
Years 7 to 12 students finish classes - Term 2 ............... Thursday, 2 6 th June
Professional Learning Day .................................... Friday, 2 7 th June (no classes)
Term 2 Holidays…………………………… .............................. Monday, 30 th June to
...................................................................................... Friday, 1 1 th July (inclusive )
T ERM 3: Years 7 to 12 students commence classes .................... Monday, 1 4 th July
Staff Professional Learning Day .................................... T ues day, 2 9 th July (no classes)
Parent/Teacher Interviews ........................................... Thursd ay, 14 th August (afternoon/evening) &
...................................................................................... Wednesday, 2 0 th August (afternoon/evening)
Mid Term Break............................................................. Friday, 15 th
Professional Learning Afternoon for Staff .................... Monday, 25 th August
Mercy Day ..................................................................... Friday, 1 2 th September
Years 7 to 12 students finish classes - Term 3 ............... Friday, 19 th September
Term 3 Holidays………………………… ................................. Monday, 2 2 nd September to
...................................................................................... Friday, 3 rd October (inclusive)
T ERM 4: Years 7 to 12 students commence classes .................... Monday, 6 th October
Mid Term Break............................................................. Monday, 3 rd November
Melbourne Cup Day holiday ......................................... Tuesday, 4 th November
Correction & Report Writing Day .................................. Friday, 2 1 st November (no classes)
Celebration of Excellence Evening ............................... Wednesday, 3 rd December (7pm)
Years 7 to 10 students finish classes - Term 4 ............... Thursday, 4 th December (1pm)
Semester 2 Report Writing,
Report Collection and
2014 Course Consultation and
Friday, 5 th to Friday 1 2 th December
Course Preparation
Last Day Teaching Staff ................................................. Friday, 1 2 th December
College Office Closes ..................................................... Thursday, 1 8 th December
Academy of Mary Immaculate
A Ministry of Mercy Education Limited. ABN 69 154 531 870
88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy
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Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Sophie Ryan, Anastasia Xourafis, Hannah Do, Larissa Curtin
Jade Mattiuzzo, Angela D’Souza, Grace Pucci, Camille Tran
Sienna Montalto, Mia Murone, Sofia Torres Da Silva, Achol Manyiel
Jessica Dingle, Stephanie Garofolo, Saraswati Langley, Amelia Murphy
Indira Natoli, Tess Davies, Betty La Kate Mclaughlin
Year 7
Year 8
Year 11
Michelle Francis
Bianca Montagner
Alessia Castello
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Taylah Comeadow
Lily Dyson
Caitlin Kuzman
Year 10
Year 11
Yolanne Carvalho
Madeleine Rush
Rosemaree Scarpino Year 10
Monica Posse Year 12
Tess Davies Year 11
Matilda Elliot Year 10
Grace Corrigan Year 9
Year 7 Nominees
Alexandra Bitsikas, Karina Finlayson, Michelle Francis, Georgie Grech, Elizabeth Heaton, Jennifer Krikis,
Kelly Long, Whitney Luu, Steffanie Mutter, Alyssa Ng, Jayde Razlog, Linnea Shields, Vanessa Violo
Departmental Winners:
Religious Education
Health Sciences
Alexandra Bitsikas
Jennifer Krikis
Alexandra Bitsikas
Performing Arts
Visual Arts
The Year 7 DUX
Karina Finlayson
Kelly Long
Alyssa Ng
Alyssa Ng
Alyssa Ng
Jayde Razlog
Vanessa Violo
Alyssa Ng
Academy of Mary Immaculate
A Ministry of Mercy Education Limited. ABN 69 154 531 870
88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy
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Year 8 Nominees
Aisha Buckle, Leyla Boztas, Tracey Bui, Alyssa Cary, Selina Chau, Cherida Chan, Stefeny Cheng, Jasmine
Dooley, Thea Doyle, Angela D'Souza, Lily Dyson, Angelica Hamence-Davies, Sunday Lennon, Sienna
McCormack, Charlotte Mitchell, Bianca Montagner, Grace Pucci, Eva Shi, Charlotte Smith, Mattea Spielrein,
Camille Tran, Sophie Wright
Departmental Winners
Religious Education
Health Sciences
Aisha Buckle
Angelica Hamence-Davies
Charlotte Smith
Camille Tran
Bianca Montagner
Aisha Buckle
Performing Arts
Visual Arts
Bianca Montagner
Bianca Montagner
Camille Tran
Stefeny Cheng
Year 8 DUX Aisha Buckle
Year 9 Nominees
Leah Alysandratos, Alivia Cozzi, Tess Devine-Hercus, Rachel Dupre, Eva Franklin, Genevieve Fryer, Bridget
Healey, Megan Kolbe, Jenny Lee, Katie Lewis, Yani Ly Madeline McCurry, Jemima Middis, My Nguyen,
Louise Possee, Phung Quang, Ruby Sinclair, Lucia Soriani, Lucy Wallace
Departmental winners:
Religious Education
Health Sciences
Leah Alysandratos
Tess Devine-Hercus
Tess Devine-Hercus
Performing Arts
Visual Arts
Ruby Sinclair
Eva Franklyn
Genevieve Fryer
Tess Devine-Hercus
Louise Possee
Jemima Middis
Madeline McCurry
Year 9 DUX Genevieve Fryer
Year 10 Nominees
Aesha Abenir, Aimee Altermatt, Romanie Barca, Tamika Chikulin, Jessica Donoghue, Georgie Filip, Niharika
Gupta, Kemely Haveaux, Saskia Keating, Annabelle Lim, Yuan Liu, Alexandria McGilvray, Sienna Montalti,
Tess Moody, Catherine Nguyen, Chelsea Nguyen, Michaela Petronio, Pia Quiriconi, Ambra Soci, Divinya
Vadivelu, Taylah Walker
Departmental Winners:
Religious Education
Health Sciences
Performing Arts
Visual Arts
Year 10 Dux
Tess Moody
Taylah Walker
Tamika Chikulin
Georgie Filip
Pia Quiriconi
Niharika Gupta
Alexandria McGilvray
Tamika Chikulin
Aimee Altermatt
Aesha Abenir
Tamika Chikulin
Academy of Mary Immaculate
A Ministry of Mercy Education Limited. ABN 69 154 531 870
88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy
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Year 11 Nominees
Kimmie Berhanu, Khoa Bui, Gabrielle Cafra, Yan Ru Chen, Lauren Crawford, Tess Davies, Ai Tam Do, Ruby
Fleming, Jessica Giurdanella, Betty La, Mariana Lauretta, Emma Lightfoot, Alexis Melchor, Sae McCurry,
Brianna McLaughlin, Brigette Maher, Clare Martin, Indira Natoli, Elise Panagopoulos, Lauren Romano,
Simone Wisniewski, Hannah Zhou
Departmental winners:
Religious Education
Health Sciences
Clare Martin
Emma Lightfoot
Tess Davies
Lauren Romano
Emma Lightfoot
Clare Martin
Performing Arts
Visual Arts
Year 11 Dux
Indira Natoli
Mariana Lauretta
Lauren Crawford (Year 10 student)
Simone Wisniewski
Emma Lightfoot
Academy of Mary Immaculate
A Ministry of Mercy Education Limited. ABN 69 154 531 870
88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy
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Blind Impressions
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National Supply
Winthrop Australia
National Supply
Catholic Development Fund
Mrs Susan Danckert
Mrs Susan Danckert
The Catering Company
National Supply
The Catering Company
Blind Impressions
Wombat Plumbing Pty Ltd
Winthrop Australia
Catholic Development Fund
Ms Elaine Canty
Winthrop Australia
Timetabling Solutions
Brighten Services Pty Ltd
Brighten Services Pty Ltd
Catholic Development Fund
Peter Casamento Photography
Fuji Xerox Australia Pty Ltd
Sisters of Mercy
Peter Casamento Photography
Peter Casamento Photography
Sisters of Mercy
Zart Art
Business Management
English Language
Food Technology
Health & Human Development
History- Revolutions
Legal Studies
Mathematical Methods
Mathematics - Further
Mathematics – Specialist
Music Performance
Physical Education
Religion & Society
Studio Art
Studio Art
Texts and Traditions
Visual Communication & Design
Landmark School Supplies Pty Ltd
Landmark School Supplies Pty Ltd
Landmark School Supplies Pty Ltd
Landmark School Supplies Pty Ltd
Monica Possee
Clara Toperosa
Monica Do
Melissa Traeger
Wendy Huynh
Tina Tran
Mariana Lauretta
Lauren Romano
Monica Voong
Nicole Tigani
Fae O’Toole
Sanja Vukoman
Ai Tam Do
Aisling Acton
Clara Toperosa
Fae O’Toole
Laura Gaglioti
Sae McCurry
Vanessa Manfrin
Emily Chan
Monica Voong
Clare Martin
Monica Voong
Stephanie Crowe
Emily Rienks
Rong Li
Kimmie Berhanu
Denise Chau
Monica Do
Alana D’Alberto
Emily Chan
Tina Tran
Academy of Mary Immaculate
A Ministry of Mercy Education Limited. ABN 69 154 531 870
88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy
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Where: Yarra Community Youth Centre, 156 Napier Street Fitzroy
Date: Thursday 12 December
Time: 4pm - 8pm
The Napier Street Block Party is an initiative of Yarra’s Bean Bag Productions, a group of local young people dedicated to planning and staging live music and cultural events in Yarra. To find out more, visit the Bean Bag Production webpage .
This is a fully supervised drug, smoke and alcohol free event and is proudly supported by the State
Government funded youth music and arts program, FReeZA.
Duncan, Darebin City Council
or 8470 8001.
Funding Update
Many of you may have seen the news over the last week and been concerned about the future of funding for our school.
The Australian Government announced on Monday 2 December that it would reverse its earlier position and fully fund its commitment to all schools over the next four years.
With the federal debate on funding now resolved, all Catholic schools are looking forward to the government and the opposition working together to engage in real policy reform to improve school performance in the interests of all students.
As always, it is your interest in this matter that helps inform government on the need for fair funding for
Catholic schools.
Academy of Mary Immaculate
A Ministry of Mercy Education Limited. ABN 69 154 531 870
88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy
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