Listening Guides EXAM #2 Listening Guides Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque Title Era Genre Dies Irae Medieval Requiem Mass Composer Anon Musical Form Chant Elements of Music: Melody limited pitch range, smooth, connected melody, male voices Rhythm non-metric, text dictates the rhythm Harmony none Texture monophonic Title Era Genre Sicut cervus Renaissance Sacred Vocal Motet Composer Palestrina Musical Form Sacred Motet Elements of Music: Melody slow moving, smooth connected, overlapping ideas, full vocal range including soprano, alto, tenor, bass (but upper voices are sung by boys)…no female voices Rhythm very slow, long sustained notes…not rhythmic at all. Harmony modal because of layering of voices…still not Major/minor Texture Very polyphonic Title Era Genre As Vesta was from Latmos Hill descending Renaissance Secular Vocal Composer Weelkes Musical Form Madrigal Elements of Music: Melody more disconnected, wider leaps, all voices, small group, use of word painting Rhythm very rhythmic, bouncy Harmony modal Texture polyphonic Title Era Genre Toccata & Fugue in d minor Baroque Instrumental keyboard Composer J. S. Bach Musical Form Fugue Elements of Music: Melody very rhythmic repeated notes, wide pitch range Rhythm same throughout, lots of repetition Harmony Minor tonality with some Major tones used Texture polyphonic Title Era Genre “Spring” from the Four Seasons Baroque Concerto Composer Vivaldi Musical Form Ritornello Elements of Music: Melody Strings & woodwinds, very repetitious, even melodi phrases, somewhat predictable, programmatic, (word painting), use of terrace dynamics Rhythm same ideas repeated several times, even phrases, Harmony Major some use of minor tonalities Texture Homophonic Title Era Genre “Hallelujah” from the Messiah Baroque Vocal Oratorio Composer Handel Musical Form Chorus Elements of Music: Melody full chorus, wide pitch range, all voices present…some predictable ideas Rhythm same rhythms repeated, also overlapping ideas. Harmony Major tonality Texture homophonic & polyphonic Title Era Genre “Every Valley” from the Messiah Baroque Vocal Oratorio Composer Handel Musical Form Aria Elements of Music: Melody intro by orchestra, solo tenor, wide pitch range, alternates ideas with orchestra…some predictable ideas, melismatic vocal technique Rhythm same rhythms repeated, new ideas present Harmony Major tonality Texture homophonic Title Composer Genre “Zion hears the Watchmen Calling” from Cantata No. 140 J. S. Bach Era Baroque Vocal Cantata Musical Form full Chorus Elements of Music: Melody full chorus, smooth, connected full choral pitch range, all voices present…hymn like chorus alternates with orch. Rhythm same rhythms repeated Harmony Major tonality Texture homophonic EXAM #3 Listening Guides Classical Title Inst’l Genre Symphony No. 40, mvt. I Symphony Composer Mozart Musical Form Sonata Allegro 3rd ed. Ch. 16, pg. 116 CD 1 TR 38-42 2nd ed. Ch. 17, Pg. 130 CD 1 TR 36-40 Elements of Music: Melody smooth connected, repetitive ideas developed, even phrases with cadences Rhythm similar repeated rhythms throughout, slower ideas at 2nd theme Harmony minor tonic@ beginning but contrasts with Major Texture homophonic Title Inst’l Genre Trumpet Concerto in Eb Major, III Concerto Composer Haydn Musical Form Rondo 3rd ed. Ch. 17, pg. 122, CD 1 TR 43-45 2nd ed. Ch. 20, pg. 136, Cd 1 TR 41-43 Elements of Music: Melody fast, lively, very rhythmic, repetitive. Melody @ beginning recurs throughout movement Rhythm similar repeated rhythms throughout, technically difficult for soloist, fast tempo Harmony Major tonality Texture very homophonic Title Vocal Genre Don Giovanni, Act II Opera Composer Mozart Musical Form Aria 3rd ed. Ch. 18, pg. 127, CD 1 TR 46-end 2nd ed. Ch. 21, pg. 142, CD 2 TR 1-4 Elements of Music: Melody dark at times, male voices wide pitch range Rhythm somewhat rhythmic, some repetition Harmony minor tonality Texture homophonic Title Inst’l Genre Symphony No. 5 Mvt. I Symphony Composer Beethoven Musical Form Sonata Allegro 3rd ed. Ch. 21, pg. 146, CD 2 TR 1-5 2nd ed. Ch. 23 pg. 155, CD 2 TR 5-9 Elements of Music: Melody aggressive @ beginning, repetitive 4 note motif that Beethoven develops throughout Rhythm rhythmic ideas repeated in sequence and developed Harmony minor tonic@ beginning but contrasts with Major Texture homophonic EXAM #4 Listening Guides Romantic Title Genre Der Erlkonig Art Song Composer Schubert Musical Form Through-Composed 3rd ed. Ch. 22, pg. 162, CD 2 TR 6-8 2nd ed. Ch. 26, pg. 174, CD 2 TR10-12 Elements of Music: Melody suspenseful, no parts repeated in text, dynamics used to better tell story Rhythm aggressive piano part, some rhythms repeated, very rhythmic Harmony minor sets the mood for all characters except the erlkonig whose music is in Major Texture homophonic Title Genre La Campanella Piano work (Etude) Composer Franz Liszt Musical Form Theme & Variations 3rd ed. Ch. 24 pg. 170, CD 2 TR 9-10 2nd ed. Not included in this edition. Elements of Music: Melody simple at beginning them very repetitive w/ the repeated upper note. Rhythm somewhat complex with melody and accompaniment, fast runs at times Harmony use of chromaticism for dramatic effect, very minor… Texture Homophonic Title Genre Symphonie Fantastique, Mvt. V Symphony Composer Berlioz Musical Form ? 3rd ed. Ch. 25, pg. 175, CD 2 TR 11-15 2nd ed. Ch. 28, pg. 189-190 CD 2 TR13-17 Elements of Music: Melody unpredictable, wide pitch range, fuller orchestra with new insts. Instruments used in non traditional ways Rhythm r epetition, some aggressive rhythms, some sections march like, unpredictable Harmony minor tonic@ beginning but contrasts with Major Texture homophonic, some polyphony used Title Genre Duet from La Boheme, Act I Opera Composer Puccini Musical Form Aria 3rd ed. Ch. 26, pg. 187, CD 2 TR 16-17 2nd ed. Ch. 30, pg. 200-201, CD 2 TR 18-19 Elements of Music: Melody smooth connected, wide vocal range, very dramatic Rhythm simple rhythms, delays in resolution and rhythmic ideas add to drama Harmony Major with Chromatic embellishments Texture homophonic Title Genre Symphony No. 4 in E minor, I Symphony Composer Brahms Musical Form Sonata form 3rd ed. Ch. 27, pg. 195, CD 2 TR 18-22 2nd ed. Not included in this edition Elements of Music: Melody smooth, connected , very lyrical, theme in upper strings, manipulates theme throughout the Movement, very romantic… Rhythm simple, repetitive, similar to classical era. Harmony traditional but with the emotional longing of the Romantics, some parts heroic Texture Homophonic Title Genre Farandole, L’Arlesienne Play Composer Bizet Musical Form March like, Dance 3rd ed. Ch. 3, pg. 22, CD 1 TR 4-6 2nd ed. Ch. 3, pg. 21, CD 1 TR 4-6 Elements of Music: Melody orchestra plays theme in minor, aggressive. Varying dynamics Rhythm simple rhythms in melody and accompaniment, quicker rhythmic ideas in B section Harmony minor tonic, then Major…alternates Texture homophonic, some use of counterpoint (canon-like) EXAM #5 Listening Guides 20th Century Title Genre Clare de Lune Suite Composer Debussy Musical Form A B A 3rd ed. Ch. 29, pg. 214, CD 2 TR 23-25 2nd ed. Ch. 33, pg. 226, CD 2 TR 20-22 Elements of Music: Melody smooth connected, very lyrical, wide pitch range on piano, little dynamics at beg. More in B section Rhythm simple in beginning, more complex, busier in B section, returns to simple ideas at end Harmony Major tonality but uses lots of Chromatic ideas to add expression and color Texture homophonic Title Genre Concerto for Orchestra, IV Concerto Composer Bela Bartok Musical Form Rondo Form 3rd ed. Ch. 31, pg. 227, CD 2 TR 26-28 2nd ed. Ch. 35, pg. 239, CD 2 TR 23-25 Elements of Music: Melody short introduction with theme being tossed around solo instruments. Oboe, clarinet/flute, theme then in strings very dark/sad in mood…simple uses Hungarian folk melody Rhythm simple but with some change in the grouping of beats, Harmony very rich, colorful to express the Hungarian character, Texture homophonic Title Genre War Requiem “dies Irae” Requiem Mass Composer Benjamin Britten Musical Form N/A 3rd ed. Ch. 31, pg. 22, CD 2 TR 29-30 2nd ed. Ch. 35, pg. 21, CD 2 TR 26-27 Elements of Music: Melody begins with fanfare calls in brass, then dies irae sung, short accented notes in male voices…then fanfares again, then women sing higher pitch range same singing style as men Rhythm asymmetrical beats (uneven) but does have some repeated patterns Harmony minor tonic, sad/dark colors, dissonant at times Texture homophonic Title Genre The Rite of Spring also known as La Sacre du Printemps Ballet Composer Igor Stravinsky Musical Form N/A 3rd ed. Ch. 32, pg. 22, CD 2 TR 4-6 2nd ed. Ch. 36, pg. 21, CD 2 TR 28-31 Elements of Music: Melody very fragmented, complex with rhythm. not singable, wide pitch range full orchestra Rhythm very complex, irregular grouping of beats, use of fast note passages Harmony Bitonal (having 2 tonics at same time), very colorful Texture homophonic and some polyphonic used Title Genre Poeme Electronique Electronic Music Composer Edgar Varese Musical Form Chance Music 3rd ed. Ch. 34, pg. 254, CD 2 TR 34 2nd ed. Ch. 39, pg. 265, CD 2 TR 32 Elements of Music: Melody all sounds produced electronically, avoids a normal tonic, a collection of odd sounds, unpredictable, not singable Rhythm no set tempo, repetition or organization as we know it. Harmony none Texture polyphonic if any…seems to present one sound after another so not much layering going on Title “Simple Gifts” from Appalachian Spring Genre Ballet Composer Aaron Copland Musical Form Based on a “shaker melody” 3rd ed. Ch. 36, pg. 272, CD 2 TR 35-37 2nd ed. Not on this edition Elements of Music: Melody smooth, connected, repetitive, Rhythm repetitions, simple, some rubato but beat easy to follow Harmony major tonic, easy to hear cadences Texture very homophonic Title Concerto Grosso 1985, I Genre Concerto Grosso Composer Zwilich Musical Form Binary AB AB AB 3rd ed. Ch. 36, pg. 274, CD 2 TR 38-39 2nd ed. Ch. 42, pg. 285, CD 2 TR 38-39 Elements of Music: Melody uses a small orchestra (w/harpsichord) repeated phrases, terraced dynamics Very Baroque sounding, uses a melody from Handel Rhythm lots of unision runs in springs Harmony very baroque like but does include some whole tone lines Texture homophonic Medieval Era Musical Elements Era/Dates MEDIEVAL (MIDDLE AGES) Melody Dictated by text, smooth, limited range (1900-1200) singers began adding a 2nd part to chant-parallel movement (hence the beginnings of polyphonic music or organum Rhythm Non-metric but more movement found in secular wks. Harmony None…later modal (church modes…a different system w/o leading tones…) Texture 450-1450 Monophonic….later polyphony (see melody) Inst’l Genres None til late inera when traveling musicians would play dance like music Vocal Genres Sacred: Chant, Mass, later - Gothic Motet Secular: Gothic Motet Form Dynamics N/A Same medium volume throughout Composers Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) Guillaume de Machaut (1300-1377) John Dunstable (1385-1453) Guillaume Dufay (1400-1474) Leonin, Perotin For Your Information World Events ****************************************************************** Fall of Roman Empire, 100 yrs war begins 1337, Cathedral in Notre Dame-1163, Johann Gutenberg (1400-1468) German inventor movable type Political Leaders Emperor Charlemagne, Eleanor of Aquitane, Genghis Khan (1162-1227) Mongol leader, Joan of Arc (1412-1453) French patriot Cultural Events Dante’s Divine Comedy *1307), Chaucer Canterbury Tales (1386) Renaissance Musical Elements Era/Dates Melody RENAISSANCE 1450-1600 Rhythmic, flowing, use of word painting Rhythm Non-metric, but a little more organized patterns Harmony Modal (church modes) still not organized to today’s harmonies Texture Imitative Polyphony Inst’l Genres Derived from vocal forms: dance music (instruments not specified) Vocal Genres Sacred: Mass, Motet Secular: Madrigal, Chanson Form No organized use Dynamics Same medium volume throughout Composers Josquin Desprez (1450-1521) Giovanni da Palestrina (1525-1594) Thomas Weelkes (1576-1623) Giovanni Gabrieli (1557-1612) William Byrd (1543-1623) Giulio Caccini (1546-1613) FYI ******* ************************************************************************ World Events Christopher Columbus discovers America 1492, Council of Trent 1545-1563 Spanish Armada defeated 1588 Political Leaders Henry VIII King of England 1509 Elizabeth I Queen of England 1558 Martin Luther (1483-1546) German church leader Cultural Gutenberg Bible 1456 Events Michelangelo (1475-1564) Italian Artist Artists/Writers Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Italian Artist William Shakespeare (1564-1616) British playwright & poet Baroque Musical Elements Era/Dates BAROQUE Melody One mood, continuous, wide leaps, chromatic tones for emotional effects, Emotional exuberance Rhythm Single rhythm predominant, steady, energetic pulse, freer in vocal music Harmony Major minor Tonal System Established. W/ brief excursions to other keys); chromatic harmony for expressive effect Texture Polyphonic & Homophonic texture (usu. 1 or the other) except with Handel 1600-1750 Instrumental Sonata, concerto, concerto grosso, sinfonia, suite, Genres instruments specified for the 1st time Vocal Genres Sacred: Oratorio, Lutheran Cantata Secular: Opera, Cantata Form Binary, Ternary… Dynamics Terraced – abrupt use of dynamics Composers J. S. Bach (1685-1750) Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) FYI ************************************************************** World Events Jamestown Settled 1607, Salem witch trials 1692, Mayflower Compact 1620 Political Leaders Louis XIV King of England 1643 Reign of Peter the Great 1682 George F. Handel (1685-1759) Henry Purcell (1659-1695) Louis XV reign begins 1715 Cultural John Milton (1608-1674) British poet Paradise Lost Events Isaac Newton (1642-1727)British scientist… Principles of Math 1687 Artists/Writers John Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels 1726 Classical Musical Elements Era/Dates CLASSICAL 1750-1820 Melody Pleasant, Singable, Balanced, Clarity, Contrasting moods, Emotional balance & restraint Rhythm Regular recurring, use of dance rhythms favored, steady Harmony Major-minor tonic relationship Texture Very homophonic Inst’l Genres Symphony, Concerto, String Quartet, Sonata Vocal Genres Form Opera, Mass, Solo songs, Oratorio Dynamics Use of crescendo & decrescendo (gradual changes in volume) Composers Ludvig van Beethoven (1770-1827) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Sonata Allegro, Theme & Variations, Minuet Trio, Rondo, Ternary Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) Franz Schubert (1797-1828) FYI********* *************************************************************** World Events Franklin discovers electricity (1752), Industrial Revolution (1770), French Revolution (1789), Bill of Rights (1791), Declaration of Independence (1776) Political Leaders Frederick the Great, George Washington Thomas Jefferson, Napoleon Bonaparte Cultural Events Artists/Writers Pompeii rediscovered (1748), Voltaire’s Çandide(1759) Romantic Musical Elements Era/Dates ROMANTIC 1820-1900 Melody Expansive, Singable, Wide pitch range, Expressive Rhythm Diverse/Elasticity, some use of Rubato Harmony Still Major/Minor Tonality but increasing use of Chromaticism (for more expression), more delays in resolution Texture Homophonic, some use of polyphonic later. Instr’l Genres Symphony, (expanded to 5 mvts.), Concerto, String Quartet, Solo Piano Sonata Vocal Genres Opera, Art Songs, Ballet Form Expansion of forms, Programmatic Works Dynamics Wide range of dynamics for greater expression, some abrupt use as well Franz Schubert (1797-1828) Giocomo Puccini (1813-1901) Hector Berlioz (1803-1869) Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) Claude Debussy (1862-1918) Franz Liszt (1811-1886) Frederik Chopin ( 1810-1849) Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) Richard Wagner (1813-1883) Peter Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) Composers FYI******** World Events ******************************************************* Political Leaders Queen Victoria-1837. Lincoln Assass-1865, Wilhelm II, last Kaiser of Germ. crowned-1888, Nicholas II, last czar of Russia, crowned-1894 Cultural Events Artists/Writers Edgar Allen Poe-1809/1849, Herman Melville 1818/1891, Monet 1840/1926, Vincent van Gogh-1853/1890, Leo Tolstoy War & Peace-1865, Pablo Picasso1881/1973, Eiffel tower completd-1889, Mark Twain 1835/1910 Monroe Doctrine-1823, invention of telegraph-1832, CA gold rush-1848, Am Civil War-1861,Telephone invented & internal combustion engine-1876, Spanish/American War-1898 20th Century Musical Elements Era/Dates 20th Century 1900-2000 Melody Expanded far beyond traditional M/m scales flowing qualities, different scales used, musical phrases irregular Rhythm Much more important than in previous eras. Complex, Irregular, frequent changes, unpredictable, polyrhythms, polymeters Harmony Included, polychords, polytonality. Chords sometimes built on 4ths, and other intervals, Highly dissonant at times, some music with no Tonal center Texture More use of counterpoint, often dissonant, expanded through non traditional use of sound production, THE EXTREME EXIST All forms exist: symphony, concerto, solos works, SQ Inst’l Genres Vocal Genres Form Songs, opera, ballet All forms exist, but a renewed interest in older forms developed, esp. those used in Baroque era Dynamics Levels ranged from extreme soft to extreme loud Composers Benjamin Britten Arnold Schoenberg Philip Glass Charles Ives Bela Bartok Steve Reich Igor Stravinsky Anton Webern John Adams Edgar Varese Aaron Copland Samuel Barber Sergei Prokofiev Eric Satie John Cage Ellen Zwilich ************************************************************** FYI******* World Events Wright Bros. Flight-1903, Ford invents Model T car- 1908, WWI –1914-18, Panama Canal opens-1914, Linbergh flight across Atlantic-1927, Stock Market crashes-1929, Spanish Civil War-1936, WWI 1939-45, Korean War-50-53 United Nations found-1945, Berlin Wall falls-1989, Persian Gulf War- 90-91 Political Queen Victoria dies-1901, Edward VII crowned, Lenin dies-1924, Hiutler assumes Leaders power-1933, Kennedy assassinated-1963, Nixon resigns-1974, Reagan prez-1980, Mao Tse tung dies-1976, Brezhnev dies-1982, Gorbachev premier of USSR-1985 Nelson Mandela South African Political leader/Prez, Martin Luther King-US Civil Rights Leader Cultural Frank Llyod Wright (1869-1959) US Architect, Albert Einstein (1879-1955) German Events Scientist, Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Spanish Artist, Georgia O’Keefe (1887-1986) US Artists/Writers Artist