UNIT UNDERSTANDING: PLAYING THE PIANO / KEYBOARD SUBJECT/GRADE/YEAR: MUSIC/6TH/2012-13 STAGE 1 – DESIRED RESULTS (STANDARD) POWER STANDARD (S): What CCSS/ISBE/National Standard(s) TRANSFER GOAL: Applies the Power Standard to a “novel” real world situation. T will this unit address? R NSM 2:Performing on instruments, alone and with A others, a varied repertoire of music N NSM 4:Composing and arranging music within specified S guidelines F NSM 5: Reading and notating music E R M E A N I N G A C Q U I S I T I O N A statement of what students should be able to do with the standard knowledge in other contexts. Students will be able to independently use their learning on a long-term basis to… • Play a new song on the piano keyboard without assistance. NSM 7: Evaluating music and musical performances. ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDINGS: What specific understandings can be predicted from the Power Standard(s)? ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What thought provoking questions would foster inquiry, understanding, and transfer of learning? Students will understand that… Playing an instrument is a creative and worthwhile endeavor, although not always easy. To become a skilled performer requires persistence. In order to engage in a musical performance, you must be both a performer and listener with the ability to react. The combination of rhythm, melody, and harmony are limited only by one’s imagination. To what extent does participation in an instrumental ensemble impact the performance of the ensemble? When does playing an instrument move from mere repetition or imitation to creative and artful performance? How conscious and deliberate is the process of creating good music? How essential is written music to the process of composition? KNOWLEDGE: What should students know as a result of this unit? What can be studied? (Theory/Concepts/Mental Coordination) Students will know… Basic styles of piano Music vocabulary How to recognize the instrument in performance How to go about “practicing” the instrument SKILLS: What should students be able to do as a result of this unit? What can be practiced? (Application of Theory/Concepts/Physical Coordination) Students will be able to… Read and create musical notation Perform a piece on the piano / keyboard How to critique objectively How to compose a piece of music STAGE 2 –EVIDENCE (ASSESSMENT) SUMMATIVE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (S): Is each standard and transfer goal being assessed? An authentic assessment(s) designed to show how students demonstrate their understanding of essential questions and transfer goals when applied to a new, varied, or realistic situation. Should be written in the GRASPS format and reflect the UbD “Six Facets of Understanding.” Each student will be able to . . . Choose and Perform a self-created piece on the piano Critique their own performance according to the given rubric ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: What criteria will be used in each assessment to evaluate attainment of each desired result? What are the qualities by which learning is judged? Think rubric components!!! (Content, Process, Product, knowledge, skill) Constructively aligned assessment criteria begin with a noun that complements the verb in the assessment tasks objective. If the objective is for students to "explain how concepts in the subject interrelate" one of the criteria might be "Clarity of explanation". That is, the criterion describes the quality in the assessment task that will be judged as an assessment. Other commonly used quality words used in criteria include: Accuracy, Currency, Depth, Impact, Legibility, Originality, Succinctness, and Relevance. Note accuracy Note value accuracy Expression Stage presence Rhythm Overall performance FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE: What daily evidence has been collected to determine goal attainment? Tests, quizzes, discussions, homework, exit slips, graphic organizers, note-taking, etc… Efficient use of practice time Self recording and reflection OTHER FACTORS IMPACTING DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT individualized learning for each student pacing according to ability level performance piece chosen by ability level STAGE 3 – LEARNING PLAN (ACTIVITY) PRE-ASSESSMENT: What will be done to determine students’ background knowledge, skill level, and possible misconceptions? (K-W-L) How will students be grouped? What opportunities for differentiation will take place? • Exit slip asking: Have you had experience playing a musical instrument? If so, what instrument and for how did / have you played? ALIGNED LEARNING ACTIVITIES: What will be done each day to foster student success at transfer, meaning, and acquisition? How will critical thinking, problem solving, and systems thinking be incorporated? Consider the “Gradual Release of Responsibility Model” and “WHERETO” format when developing daily experiences linked to Stages 1 and 2. DATE(S) “WE WILL…” OBJECTIVE: How are action verbs used to link content to the Power Standard for each learning experience? PROCEDURES: PROGRESS MONITORING: What is the daily lesson plan process? What is the step-by-step path of learning? How are learning activities prioritized and sequenced in an engaging and time sensitive manner? How are learning experiences differentiated or modified to meet assessed learning needs? How are the daily products connected to Summative Performance Tasks? • introduction of musical symbols • work in twos or threes with flashcards • recognize symbols in examples of music How is progress toward transfer, meaning, and acquisition regularly monitored? What are the misunderstandings? How will students receive relevant feedback? • teacher feedback, peer feedback Week 1 We will acquire knowledge of musical symbols Week 2 We will demonstrate proper rhythm, note values & time signatures • daily examples of rhythm • student samples of written work • performance of rhythms • teacher feedback, written feedback (worksheets, tests) Week 3 We will apply rhythms, note names & note values properly when practicing piano music • daily note name examples • music exercises • written feedback for each student (worksheets, tests) Week 4 We will use skills acquired to rehearse selected pieces and to begin composing a simple melody • choose piece from rubric for performance • compose simple 4 measure melody • individual rehearsal • teacher feedback • peer feedback Week 5 We will use skills acquired to perform chosen pieces at various skill levels • performance of chosen piece • perform simple melody • evaluation of other students • written assessment • verbal and /or written peer feedback