Eastern Washington University Department of Computer Science

Eastern Washington University
Department of Computer Science
Questionnaire for Prospective Masters in Computer Science Students
I. Personal Information
Mailing Address:
Permanent Address (if different):
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Email :
II. Academic Goal
Term for which you are applying:
Fall ____
Winter ____
Degree being sought:
MS in Computer Science
Computational Systems Option
Software Systems Option
Interest Areas (elaborate as possible):
Artificial Intelligence
Image or Signal Processing
Parallel, Distributed Processing
Software Engineering
Web Related
Spring ____
Year ____
Eastern Washington University - Department of Computer Science
Questionnaire for Prospective Masters in Computer Science Students
Page 2
III. Academic Background
Undergraduate overall grade point average (4 point scale) ____________
GRE results (note: only if available, GRE is NOT required)
GRE general exam
GRE subject exam
GMAT exam (note: only if available, GMAT is NOT required)
TOEFL results (required for students whose native language is not English)
Other exams:
Exam name:
Exam name:
IV. Work Experience (if more space is required, attach additional pages)
Type of work and/or position
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Computer related aspects, if any
Eastern Washington University - Department of Computer Science
Questionnaire for Prospective Masters in Computer Science Students
Page 3
V. Experience with Computer Systems
Types of computers you have used:
Operating systems you have used:
Application software you have used:
Programming and development experience:
VI. Readiness Assessment
Please fill in the following pages carefully. This will help to assess your readiness and aid in correct
placement within the curriculum. Each item will describe an EWU course and content. Insofar as possible,
make a companion entry, which gives corresponding coursework which you have completed from your
Please respond to all, EXCEPT the questions NOT relative to your chosen option
- Computational Systems Option
- Software Systems Option
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Eastern Washington University - Department of Computer Science
Questionnaire for Prospective Masters in Computer Science Students
Page 4
Fundamental Programming:
(See CSCD 210, 211 Programming Principles I, II )
Introduction to the concepts and practices of information representation, computer algorithms, hardware
organization, computer program design and implementation, simple data structures (e.g. multidimensional
arrays and classes), object-oriented programming, exception handling. Students design, implement, test,
and debug computer programs using a current object-oriented programming language such as Java.
If you have had a similar course sequence, fill in the following:
Course Number(s):
*Quarter credits:
Topics from the above list not included in your course:
Topics included in your course, not in the above list:
(*A semester credit equals 1.5 quarter credits)
C Programming & Unix Operating System
(See CSCD 240 C & Unix Programming)
An introduction to the use of the UNIX operating system, and syntax and programming techniques of the C
language in that environment. UNIX topics include interactive shells, common text editors, utility
programs, file system structure, libraries and operating system calls and system programming. C topics
include data types, structures, pointers and pointer arithmetic, arrays, linked lists and function design and
If you have had a similar course, fill in the following:
Course Number(s):
*Quarter credits:
Topics from the above list not included in your course:
Topics included in your course, not in the above list:
(*A semester credit equals 1.5 quarter credits)
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Eastern Washington University - Department of Computer Science
Questionnaire for Prospective Masters in Computer Science Students
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(See CSCD 360 Architecture and Organization II and its prerequisites)
Computer processor design at the levels of the instruction set, the system architecture and logical gates.
Knowledge of Boolean algebra and digital circuits are combined with a viewpoint of computers at the
machine language level. Simulation of systems using a high-level programming language is also covered.
If you have had a similar course, fill in the following:
Course Number(s):
*Quarter credits:
Topics from the above list not included in your course:
Topics included in your course, not in the above list:
(*A semester credit equals 1.5 quarter credits)
Data Structures, Algorithms:
(See CSCD 300320 Data Structures, Algorithms)
Abstract concepts of data structures and implementation in a programming language. Topics include linked
lists, stacks, queues, hashing, recursion, complexity analysis of algorithms, binary search trees and heaps.
Logic, methods of proof, set theory, relations and functions, numerical representations, cardinality,
computability, combinatorics, discrete probability, computational complexity and graph theory.
Algorithmic strategies such as dynamic programming and non-linear data structures such as trees and
If you have had a similar course sequence, fill in the following:
Course Number(s):
*Quarter credits:
Topics from the above list not included in your course:
Topics included in your course, not in the above list:
(*A semester credit equals 1.5 quarter credits)
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Eastern Washington University - Department of Computer Science
Questionnaire for Prospective Masters in Computer Science Students
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(See CSCD 330 Network Programming)
Fundamental concepts, protocol mechanisms, and programming skills for computer networks, including a
technical overview of telecommunication media and fundamental protocols for the Internet such as
ISO/OSI layers, Ethernet, collision detection, and channel allocation. A comprehensive and in-depth study
of working architectures and protocols such as addressing, fragmentation and reassembly, error reporting,
and routing. Programming skills for network specific system development such as client-server computing
and API.
If you have had a similar course sequence, fill in the following:
Course Number(s):
*Quarter credits:
Topics from the above list not included in your course:
Topics included in your course, not in the above list:
(*A semester credit equals 1.5 quarter credits)
Operating Systems:
(See CSCD 340 Operating Systems I)
Major concepts in the design and modeling of operating systems for digital computers, including simulation
techniques, memory management, system protection, I/O management, CPU scheduling, process
management, and file systems. Traditional programming, program analyses and written reports.
If you have had a similar course sequence, fill in the following:
Course Number(s):
*Quarter credits:
Topics from the above list not included in your course:
Topics included in your course, not in the above list:
(*A semester credit equals 1.5 quarter credits)
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Eastern Washington University - Department of Computer Science
Questionnaire for Prospective Masters in Computer Science Students
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(Automata may be deferred and taken as part of the program)
(See CSCD 420 Finite State Automata)
Theory of finite state automata. Regular expressions, non-deterministic and deterministic Finite State
Automata, minimization of Finite State Automata, the pumping lemma, relation to sequential circuits.
If you have had a similar course, fill in the following:
Course Number(s):
*Quarter credits:
Topics from the above list not included in your course:
Topics included in your course, not in the above list:
(*A semester credit equals 1.5 quarter credits)
Database Management Systems:
(See CSCD 425 Database Management Systems)
An in-depth introduction to fundamental concepts associated with the design, implementation, and use of
database systems with particular emphasis on relational and object-oriented database management systems.
Includes database modeling and design techniques, languages and facilities provided by database
management systems, and representative implementations. Use of a commercial DBMS to design, load,
query, maintain and administer a relational database. Traditional programming, program analyses and
written reports.
If you have had a similar course, fill in the following:
Course Number(s):
*Quarter credits:
Topics from the above list not included in your course:
Topics included in your course, not in the above list:
(*A semester credit equals 1.5 quarter credits)
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Eastern Washington University - Department of Computer Science
Questionnaire for Prospective Masters in Computer Science Students
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Calculus CS (See MATH 161, 162, Calculus I, II)
Concept review for functions, absolute value, open and closed intervals, and solutions of inequalities,
Introduction to limit concept, limit of a functions, continuity, derivative, integral, sequence, series and
power series; techniques of differentiating polynomials, rational functions, trigonometric functions,
exponential functions, and composite functions; techniques of integration; application of techniques in
varied situations. Vectors, dot and cross products, vector valued functions, partial derivatives, directional
derivatives, spherical coordinates, multiple integration, and applications of these concepts.
If you have had a similar course sequence, fill in the following:
Course Number(s):
*Quarter credits:
Topics from the above list not included in your course:
Topics included in your course, not in the above list:
(*A semester credit equals 1.5 quarter credits)
Discrete Math
(See MATH 225 Foundations of Mathematics or MATH 301 Discrete Mathematics)
Topics most relevant to Computer Science including set theory, logic, graph theory, basic number theory,
mathematical induction, and recursion.
If you have had a similar course, fill in the following:
Course Number(s):
*Quarter credits:
Topics from the above list not included in your course:
Topics included in your course, not in the above list:
(*A semester credit equals 1.5 quarter credits)
Revised 1/24//08