1 CURRICULUM VITA N. V. DESAI Ph.D., CPA Professor of Economics & President, University Senate Johnson C. Smith University 100 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte NC 28216 Telephone # (704) 378 3596 Email: ndesai@JCSU.edu I. EDUCATION Ph.D. Kurukshetra University, India Major: Financial Economics Dissertation Title: "Investment Behavior of US Life Insurance Companies” CPA NC - CPA ME North Carolina State University Major: Economics Minor: Statistics MA MS University : India Major: Economics Specialization: Econometrics and Mathematical econ BA II. Sardar Patel University: India Major: Economics TEACHING EXPERIENCE Professor of Economics Tenured Department of Business Administration and Economics 2 Started Fall 1969 - present JOHNSON C. SMITH UNIVERSITY Economics Undergraduate Courses Taught: Principles of Economics I and II, Microeconomic Theory, Macroeconomic Theory, Money and Banking, Industrial Organization, Regulation of Businesses, Business Statistics, Mathematical Foundations of Business and Economics, Econometrics, Investment, Business and Economic Research, Senior Paper. Accounting Courses Taught: Undergraduate: Principles of Accounting 1 and II, Intermediate Accounting I, II, and III,. Cost Accounting and Federal Income Tax. Have guided more than 150 undergraduate research projects. PFEIFFER UNIVERSITY Management Graduate Courses: Financial Management III. Institutional Services Performed (Partial Listing) President University Senate: 2014 to 2016 Member : University Senate 2012 Member : Distinguished Research Award Committee 2012 Vice President University Senate 2008 Member: Promotion and Tenure Committee 2006 -2011 Grievance Committee 2007 -2011 O’ Harron Distinguished Award Committee 2008 Par Excellence Teaching Award Committee 2008 President University Senate 2003 - 2005 Chair - Tenure and Promotion Committee (1998-2000) Chair Faculty Evaluation Committee (1999-2000) Did the comparative study of various faculty evaluation instruments to measure the effective teaching. 3 Department Chair ( 1974 1978,1998) and Banking and Finance Program Director (1974 - 1978): Revised the departmental curriculum based upon the survey of alumni, business board, and faculty to meet the intellectual and market challenges. Peer tutoring program was created in accounting Distinguished Lecture series was established on the campus. Many well known economists and business men gave presentations. Established banking and finance education center Established banking and finance advisory board Banking and finance seminar course was developed in cooperation with local banks. The course was taught by local bankers. First Business Honor Society: Tau, Beta and Chi was established under my direction. Department started and successfully completed ACBSP accreditation Proposed the International Business Economics Program to the Univ. Faculty Proposed the Business calculus Course to the Univ Faculty Submitted the assessment plan for economics major for accreditation Division Seminar Head (1970- 1973) Established interdisciplinary seminar taught jointly by the faculty of Division of social sciences. Students and faculty presented their positions on the various facets of the topic. Seminar discussions were led by students and faculty. Liberal Arts Program Co-Director Established a new inter disciplinary Liberal Arts program to attract students from the community. Devised mentoring module for them. Also new curriculum was designed. Liberal Arts seminar was instituted supporting the young and experienced scholars in the areas of critical thinking, problem solving, synthesis and quantitative/ qualitative analysis. 4 Memberships: Faculty Evaluation Committee Tenure Promotion Chairperson University Senate Faculty Salary Committee Membership Faculty Grievance Committee Membership Program Evaluation Committee Membership Division Review Committee World Literature Committee Membership SACs Faculty Committee Faculty Development Committee Faculty Representative of the Board of Trustees: for five years. Worked in the areas of faculty salary compression adjustment, improving student satisfaction. IV. PRIOR EXPERIENCE NOT IN EDUCATION Sr. Accountant III Duke Power Company & Statistical Consultant A. Conducted a national survey to examine the reliability and usefulness of financial forecast for utility industry B. Assisted in data analysis for examination of bar coding as a tool of inventory management C. Estimated the cost and revenue D. Field reports with NCUC, SCUC, and FERC E. Helped in preparation of cost analysis studies F. Assisted in preparation of Five Year Plan 5 G. Conducted study examining the factors correlated to the market price of Duke Power Stock Experienced International Business Machines (IBM) Professional A. Statistical Analysis of Payroll B. Inventory Loss Estimation C. Analysis of Foreign Transactions D. Preparation of Report on Improvement of Internal Control Comptroller Johnson C. Smith University A. Investing university excess cash B. Reorganization of university cash management and recording keeping C. Prepared draw down for all federal programs D. Improved record keeping of federal programs E. Prepared fund reconciliation reports F. Supervised and approved entries into different funds Special Consultant to Phelix (India) Pvt. Ltd. (A) Advising with respect to business financing and strategic planning. Private Practice: (A) Specializing in High Income Brackets (minimum income of $200,000 and above) (B) Expert Witness in the Cases involving loss Estimations (C) Negotiating Tax Resolutions (D) Preparing financial Statements for the corporations, Partnerships and proprietorships. 6 V. VI. Professional Memberships North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants (NCACPA) Member, NC Board of CPA (NCCPA) American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Pi Gamma Mu- Social Science Honor Society Tau Beta Chi - Business Honor Society Delta Mu Delta: Business Honor Society Professional Meetings Attended (Partial Listing) Attended and Presented paper in AI Services 2014 Conference in New Orleans 2013:Three Seminars with Stifel Nicolaus in the areas 2013 of Finance and Economics. 2013: Seminar by N.C. State University Recent 2013 Changes in Tax Laws. Attended and Presented Paper in The Clute Institute 2013 International Conference in Las Vegas. 11th Annual Economic Conference , Charlotte Chamber of Commerce 2012 Salzburg Seminar in Salzburg, Austria 2012 7 2012:Three Seminars with Stifel Nicolaus in the areas 2012 of Finance and Economics. 2012: Seminar by N.C. State University Recent 2012 Changes in Tax Laws. Attended, and presented a paper in a Joint International 2012 conference 2012 organized b Academic Business World International Conference & International Conference on Learning and Administration in Higher Education, Nashville, TN. 2011:Three Seminars with Stifel Nicolaus in the areas 2011 of Finance and Economics. 2011: Seminar by N.C. State University Recent 2011 Changes in Tax Laws. 2010 Seminars with Stifel Nicolaus on Investing for Retirement; 2010 Social Security Update; The Need For Tax rehabilitation; Innovative Portfolios and Enhancing Indexes; Tax Update: New Issues In NC Divorce Laws. 2010 Seminars with Stifel Nicolaus on The World is Open For Business. What is Right With the World? Ten Sure Fire Strategies for Investment Failure; Quarterly Economic Update, Russell Philosophy;The Greatest Unfunded Risk Facing Americans’ Retirement Plans Today; Retirement Plans Solutions for High Net Worth Business Owners; Accounting Issues Regarding Social Security, VA and Long 2010 8 Term Disability; Preparing For Sun set 2010. IRA Mistakes and Opportunities. Roth Conversion. 2010 Think Professional Education. What Could Happen After What 2010 Could May Happen Next. 2010 Income Tax Short Courses, NC State Univ Raleigh NC 2010 2009 Advanced Income Tax Short Course. N.C. State Univ. Raleigh 2009 Gaining Perspective from History and Strategies for recovery, Guide to Markets, Updates on State and Federal Laws as they relate to revocable Trusts and Probate, Financial Issues Surrounding the Aging, Municipal Bond market, Updates: Trusts, Estates Planning , Life Insurance. Wisdom of Great Investors: Identifying Opportunities, Behavioral Investing, North Carolina Divorce Legislation. 2009 Psychological responses to Market Down Turns, Questionable Wisdom of the Crowd, Moving Forward in Challenging Times, Tax Update: Review and Case Study 2009. 2009 2009 Accounting Education Forum 2009 N.C. Accountancy Law: NCA CPA 2008 Income Tax Short Course. N.C. State Univ. Raleigh 2008 Advanced Income Tax Short Course. N.C. State Univ. Raleigh 2008 Tax Update, Capital Market Update, Estate Planning, Generation Skipping transfer Tax, Investing in Uncertain Market: Wachovia 9 Securities. 2008 Guide to tax Research: Doing it smarter, Better and Faster: NCACPA 2008 Income Tax Short Course. N.C. State Univ. Raleigh 2007 Economic Update, The new NC Health Care Directives 2007 Investment Planning for Short Life Expectancies, Estate Planning, 2007 retirement Research Study: A.G. Edwards &Sons NUA, Insurable Interest in NC, Hedge Funds, International 2007 Dividends, Managing Risk in the Distribution Phase, 2007 Tax Update: A.G. Edwards & Sons N.C. Accountancy Law: NCA CPA 2007 Theta Growth Strategy, The Importance of Sequence of Returns 2006 Behavioral Finance, Tax Legislative Update, Charitable Giving, Joint revocable Trusts. A.G. Edwards &Sons. Ethics for NC CPAs. UNC at Charlotte 2006 Income Tax Short Course Charlotte. N.C. State University 2006 IADIS International Conference: e Commerce. Barcelona, Spain 2006 Financial Statement Analysis for Business Improvement and 2006 Fraud Detection: Holt CPE: Accounting Seminars: Greensboro, NC How to Buy and Sell Business: Avoiding Common Mistakes: Holt CPE: Accounting Seminars: Greensboro, NC 2006 10 NCACPA Workshop on Professional Ethics and Conduct 2005 Tax Update, Pulse of Market Investing, Deferred Compensation Plans, 2005 Long Term Care Update, The return of the Dividend, Municipal Bonds In Today’s Market: A.G. Edwards & Sons Income Tax Short Course: N.C. State University, Raleigh NC 2005 The New Roth 401(k), Identity Theft, Social Security, The 2005 Portfolio Process, Protecting IRA Income, History Lesson: A.G. Edwards & Sons. Farm Tax Workshop Statesville: N.C. State University Raleigh 2005 Income Tax: Intermediate Course: NC State Univ. Raleigh, NC 2004 2004, Accounting Education Forum, Raleigh, NC 2004 Selected Tax and Legal Issues for CPAs 2004 Wishhart, Norris, Henninger, & Pittman, PA Charlotte, NC Financial Management: A.G. Edwards & Sons 2004 Charlotte, NC Income Tax: Intermediate Course: NC State Univ. Raleigh, NC 2003 2003, Accounting Education Forum, Raleigh, NC 2003 Selected Tax and Legal Issues for CPAs 2003 Wishhart, Norris, Henninger, & Pittman, PA 11 Charlotte, NC Financial Management: A.G. Edwards & Sons 2003 Charlotte, NC Active Learning for the Economics Class Rooms 2002 Aplia and Wake Forest Univ. Winston Salem, NC Learning Communities with a Focus on Curriculum 2002 Integration: Johnson C. Smith Univ. , Charlotte, NC Income Tax: Short Course: NC State Univ. Raleigh, NC 2002 2002, Accounting Education Forum, High Point, NC 2002 Selected Tax and Legal Issues for CPAs 2001 Wishhart, Norris, Henninger, & Pittman, PA Charlotte, NC Financial Management: A.G. Edwards & Sons 2001 Charlotte, NC ACBSP Conference, Las Vegas 2000 Accounting Educator Forum, NCACPA, Greensboro, NC 2000 AICPA Accounting Educator Conference, Atlanta, GA 2000 Accounting Education Forum, NCACPA, Greensboro, NC 2000 ACBSP Conference, Atlanta,GA 1999 12 AICPA Summer Institute 1999 Accounting Education Forum, NCACPA 1999 1998 Charlotte Accounting Caucus 1998 Accounting Education Forum, NCACPA 1998 Financial Mathematics, New York University 1998 1998 Faculty Summer Seminar, AICPA 1998 Enhancing Economic Literacy: Iowa Electronic Market 1998 Teaching Accounting in Next Century: UNCC - Faculty Workshop 1998 27th Annual NC Accounting Education Colloquium 1997 12th Annual Faculty Workshop: Using computers to enhance student 1997 learning, sponsored by Council of Independent Colleges, Raleigh, NC 1997 Faculty Summer Seminar, AICPA 1997 1997 Accounting Education Forum, NCACPA 1997 Software Update, Charlotte 1997 26th Annual NC Education, Colloquium, East Carolina University 1996 1996 Accounting Education Forum, NCACPA 1996 Accounting Software Update, NCACPA 1996 13 Charlotte Accounting Caucus, NCACPA 1996 25th Annual NC Accounting Education Colloquium 1995 1995 Faculty Summer Seminar, AICPA, San Antonio, TX 1995 1995 NCACPA Accounting Education Forum, Greensboro, NC 1995 Busch Summer Institute: St. Olaf College, Minnesota 1995 24th Annual NC Accounting Education Colloquium 1994 1994 Faculty Summer Seminar, AICPA, Richmond, VA 1994 Individual Tax Update, UNC Charlotte (UNCC) 1994 Bank Financing Made Easier, NCACPA 1993 Innovative Approaches in Accounting Instruction Seminar McGraw Hill Company , UNC Charlotte (UNCC) 1993 23rd Annual NC Accounting Education Colloquium 1993 1993 Faculty Summer Seminar, AICPA 1993 The Midsouth academy of Economics and Finance 1992 1992 Southeast Regional Meeting, American ACU Association 1992 1992 Faculty Summer Seminar, AICPA 1992 14 Total Quality Management, NCACPA 1992 West Asia Marketing Conference, New Delhi , India 1987 VII. Papers Presented and published in Proceedings Sparks, R., Desai, N.V., Thirumurthy, P. (2014). Deconstructing the country’s Liquidity Index: An Examination of Foreign Direct Investment factors. AI Conference Services. Presented in New Orleans, LA. (Jan 10, 2014). Sparks, R., Desai, N.V., Thirumurthy, P. (2013). An Examination of the country’s Liquidity Index to Predict Country’s Foreign Direct Investment. The Clute Institute International Academic Conference, Las Vegas. (Sept. 23-25, 2013) Sparks, R., Desai, N.V., Thirumurthy, P.(2012). Diverging Government Debt in a Converging Business World: An Examination of the Government Liquidity Index :Leveraging the Power of Convergence in Divergent World. Academic Forum Conference, Tampa Fl. ( Dec 17 -22, 2012). Sparks, R., Desai, N.V., Thirumurthy, P.(2012). Is China Becoming the New World Order? A Study on Global Financial Stability and Liquidity of Governments International Conferences Academic Business World-= Learning and Administration, 2012 , Nashville, TN. Desai, N., Ahmed, H., Thirumurthy, P.(2009). An Examination of Effectiveness of Pedagogic Tools in Teaching Business Ethics to Undergraduate Students. ACBSP 2009 Annual Conference, proceedings, San Antonio. Ahmed, H. & Nick Desai (2008). The Challenges and Obstacles for the Undergraduate Degree Program in Economics: ACBSP 2008 New Orleans Annual Survival of the Conference. 15 N. V. Desai (2008). Impact of Sub Prime Mortgage Lending Crisis and its Impact on Indian Economy with special reference to development of underground economy. MTB College, Surat, India. Ahmed, H. & Nick Desai (2008). The Challenges and Obstacles for the Survival of the Undergraduate Degree Program in Economics: ACBSP 2008 Annual Conference. New Orleans Sparks, R., Desai, N.V., Thirumurthy, P., & Kistenburg, C. (2007) ‘ An Analysis of E Commerce Adoption between Developed and Developing Countries: A Holistoic Model”. IADIS International Conference on E Commerce in Algrave Portugal. Ahmed, H. & Desai, N. V. (2007) “ The Challenges and Obstacles for the survival of the Undergraduate Degree program in Economics: The Declining trend and Effective response at Johnson C. Smith University. ACBSP Conference: Southern Region. Sparks, R., Desai, N.V., Thirumurthy, P., & Kistenburg, C. (2006) Measuring E Commerce Satisfaction: A Model of Reward Error and the Emergence of Micro Surveys. IADIS International Conference E Commerce 2006, Barcelona, Spain. Desai, N., Kaushil, S., Zinkhan, F. (1992)The Impact of 1984 Tax Law on Shareholders' Weakening of the Stock Life Insurance Companies The MidSouth Academy of Economics and Finance, Proceedings. Zinkhan, C., Zinkhan, G., Desai, N. Diagnosing Asses Management Customers’ Desires Without Hypnosis: A Pedagogic Exercise. (1995)). The Mid South Academy of Economics and Finance, proceedings. Zinkhan, C., Onwuchekwa, C., Desai, N. A Theoretical and Practical Approach for the Selection of a Macro Economic policy mix in India's five year plan: An Integration Of 16 Marketing Concepts and Agency Framework. (1897). West Asia Proceeding 14:5-10, New Delhi, India. Sparks, R., Desai, N.V., Thirumurthy, P., & Kistenburg, C. (2007) ‘ An Analysis of E Commerce Adoption between Developed and Developing Countries: A Holistoic Model”. IADIS International Conference. E Commerce Proceedings in Portugal. Ellis. A. Desai, N., Rao, J. (1993).The Effectiveness of Computer Aided Instruction of Economics at Three Historically Black Colleges. National Association for African American Studies.Virginia State University. Zinkhan, F., Zinkhan, G., Desai, N.Conceptual Compromise Theory of the Firm: An Integration of Marketing Concept, Financial Concept, and the Agency Framework. (1985). Atlantic Marketing association Conference, Proceedings. VIII. Publications Sparks, R., Desai, N.V., Thirumurthy, P. (2014). An Examination of The Country’s Liquidity Index to Predict a Country’s Foreign Direct Investment. International Business &Economics, 13(2): 359 – 370. (Clute Institute) Desai, N.V., Fox, L., Hampton, S. (2013). Economic Consequences of Land Use Regulations on Jobs, Families, Communities, and Housing Affordability in Mecklenburg County. Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC Sparks, R., Desai, N.V., Thrumurthy, P. (2012). Is China Becoming the New World Creditor? A Study of Global Financial Stability and Liquidity of Governments. International Journal of the Academic Business World. Martin, TN 17 Ahmed, H., Desai, N.V., &Thirumerthy, P (2010). An Examination of Students’ Learning Performance in Traditional Versus on Line courses Using Bloom’s Taxonomy. ACBSP: Annual Edition, 1, 1 -13. Sparks, R., Desai, N.V., Thirumurthy, P., & Kistenburg, C. (2007). Measuring E Commerce Satisfaction: A Model of Reward Error for Internet Surveys. IADIS International Journal on WWW/ Internet5 (1): 159 -163. Collins, T., Elimimian, J., Desai, N., Okajie, F.A. (Winter 2001). Can Our Students Be Confident in Mathematics? A prescriptive Strategy for Mathematics Anxiety reduction Among Students In An Historically Black University. The Researcher, XVII (4), 64 -80. IX. Other Research Activities and Research in Progress Faculty Curriculum Development Grant Approved 1999 Impact of 9/11 on Travel Industry with specific reference to Air line Industry 2002-2003 Problem of Noncompliance with the Federal Income Tax: A Comparative Study between United States and India (with Dr. RD Sharma) 2002 - 2003 Social Security Privatization with respect to African American Community: Sent for publishing. X. Fostering Minority Access to Financial Services (with Robert Wilson) 2002 Completed on the Departmental Accreditation with ACBSP Statistical Advisor to Ph.D. Student: Sadar Patel University 1998-1999 Goal Setting and Academic Achievements (in Progress 2012) Housing Affordability and Regulations (in Progress 2012) Consulting Feliex Enterprises, Baroda, India Bhavana Fashion, Charlotte, NC Grace Fashions, Concord, NC 1998-1999 18 XI. Law office of Pamela A. Hunter, Charlotte, NC Expert Witness: Areas: Personal Injury and Job Loss, Discrimination Cases. Professional Growth Activities UNCF/FAPT Workshop: LC Outcomes Johnson C. Smith Univ (JCSU) XP Workshop - JCSU Teaching Students How to Learn - JCSU Faculty Summer Seminar - AICPA Technology Workshop - JCSU NC Accounting Education Colloquium - NCACPA E Commerce - NCACPA Financial Forecasting - NCACPA Faculty Development Workshop: FrontPage98 XII. Seminars and Training Programs Interdisciplinary Ethics: A Proposed Course Design Fall 1998 Interdisciplinary Studies Program Wayne State University Conducting Research and Publishing in Business and Economics 1996-1997 Fall Semester Teaches Training Institutes Johnson C. Smith University XIII. Professional Presentations and Speeches Integrative Liberal Arts Mentoring and Advising Model: A Sept. 1997 Proposal for Faculty Development Conference: Millennium: Johnson C. Smith University Education for the Next 19 The Impact of Communal Riot on the Economy of Gujarat: Management Association of Gujarat, Ahmadabad, India, summer 2003 XIV Academic Honors: Best Award Winning Paper: AI Conference Services, New Orleans, 2014 Best Award Winning paper: Clute Institute, Las Vegas 2013 Mellon Foundation Fellowship (2012) Salzburg Fellow 2012 (Salzburg Austria) Best Award Winning paper IADIS Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2006 Scholar in Residence, New York University National Science Foundation Scholarship, Vanderbilt University Open Merit Scholar, Government of India Visiting Scientist, North Carolina State University , Raleigh, NC Japanese Peace Foundation Fellowship Salzburg Fellow (Salzburg Austria) Best Articles in Finance, Mid South Academy in Finance and Economics Participant Sloan Foundation Seminars Mary Babcock Scholar XIV. Community Activities Member, Board Naranlala College, India. Member of the Business Board of Livingstone College Reviewer: Senior Exist Essay: West Charlotte High School Charlotte Mecklenburg Motivational Speaker: Achievement via Individual Determination Chair, Audit Committee, Hindu Temple, Charlotte, NC