Dear ICAE Parent:

Indus Center for Academic Excellence
5225 Cameron Drive,
Troy, Michigan 48098
(248) 641-9815, Fax: (248) 641-3789
Cell: (248) 210-6292
Application for ICAE Scholar Recognition Program (Due May 17, 2015)
Check each of the following you are eligible for – refer to eligibility criteria on attached sheets
(You will automatically be considered for the Class & Grade Awards):
We must receive the completed application by the due date for any award considerations.
ICAE Scholar (Only for Seniors)
Todi Senior Scholar (Grades 9 –11)
Todi Junior Scholar (Grades 6-8)
Todi Elementary Scholar (Grades 2-5)
Scholars Giving Back (Only for Seniors)
Name :
Mailing Address :
Email Address :
Home School :
Phone Number :
Grade :
Name 2 home school teachers who will be willing to provide character references:
Name and address of a peer or colleague who will be willing to provide a recommendation:
Name of Peer :
Email :
Address :
ICAE Classes Attended in last three years (Fill in the class names for each term):
Please type a short essay below (50-100 words) on either one or both of the following themes:
• How has ICAE helped in achieving academic excellence?
What improvements to the ICAE program will further promote academic excellence?
Attach a list of honors and awards you have received in the last 3 years
(Please indicate stature of each award/recognition i.e. regional, state, national or international)
Students who wish to be eligible for the Scholars Giving Back Award must fill out the attached application
supplement, and attach letters of admission from the selected institutions.
Indus Center for Academic Excellence
5225 Cameron Drive,
Troy, Michigan 48098
(248) 641-9815, Fax: (248) 641-3789
Cell: (248) 210-6292
Application for ICAE Scholars Giving Back Award (Due May 17, 2015)
Name :
Mailing Address :
Email Address :
Home School :
Volunteer Organization 1:
Name of Organization :
Address :
Name of Volunteer Coordinator :
Dates of Volunteering (First Day to Last Day) :
Description of Volunteer Activity :
Volunteer Organization 2:
Name of Organization :
Address :
Name of Volunteer Coordinator :
Dates of Volunteering (First Day to Last Day) :
Description of Volunteer Activity :
Phone Number :
Grade :
Contact :
Hours per Week :
Contact :
Hours per Week :
Please write an Essay (100 – 150 words) on how your volunteer experience has made a difference in
your life and how you have changed the lives of the people you’ve helped
Indus Center for Academic Excellence
5225 Cameron Drive,
Troy, Michigan 48098
(248) 641-9815, Fax: (248) 641-3789
Cell: (248) 210-6292
List of Eligible Academic Activities
(Indicate your score, rank, etc.)
Elementary School Activities
MOEMS (Math Olympiad for Elementary & Middle Students)
Mock Math Counts
Michigan Math League, Continental Math League
AMC8 (American Math Competition of Grade 8 or below)
AMC10 (American Math Competition of Grade 10 or below)
Gauss-7 (Canadian Math Competition for Grade 7)
Pascal (Canadian Math Competition for Grade 9)
Purple Comet Math Meet
Fryer (Canadian Math Competition for Grade 9)
MATS (Midwest Academic Talent Search: SAT, ACT, or Explore)
Mock Math Counts
Science Olympiads or Science Fair
Other Academic Achievements
Indus Center for Academic Excellence
5225 Cameron Drive,
Troy, Michigan 48098
(248) 641-9815, Fax: (248) 641-3789
Cell: (248) 210-6292
Middle School Activities
MOEMS (Math Olympiad for Elementary & Middle Students)
Mock Math Counts
Math Counts:
DCDS Invitational
Michigan Math Prize Competition:
Michigan Math League, Continental Math League
AMC8 (American Math Competition of Grade 8 or below)
AMC10 or AMC12 (American Math Competition for High School)
Lawrence Tech Math Competition
Purple Comet Math Meet
Gauss-7 or Gauss 8 (Canadian Math Competition for Grade 7 or 8)
Pascal (Canadian Math Competition for Grade 9)
Fryer (Canadian Math Contest for Grade 9)
Euclid (Canadian Math Contest for Grade 12)
COMC (Canadian Open Math Challenge)
MATS (Midwest Academic Talent Search: SAT, ACT, or Explore)
Science Olympiads or Science Fair
Other Academic Achievements
Indus Center for Academic Excellence
5225 Cameron Drive,
Troy, Michigan 48098
(248) 641-9815, Fax: (248) 641-3789
Cell: (248) 210-6292
High School Activities
Michigan Math Prize Competition:
Michigan Math League
Lawrence Tech Math Competition
Tournament of Towns
AMC10 or AMC12 (American Math Competition for High School)
Purple Comet Math Meet
Pascal/Cayley/Fermat (Canadian Math Competitions)
Fryer/Galois/Hypatia (Canadian Math Competitions)
Euclid (Canadian Math Contest for Grade 12)
COMC (Canadian Open Math Challenge)
ACT Scores
English :
Math :
Science :
Reading :
Math :
Writing :
SAT I Scores
Reading :
Math :
Writing :
SAT II Scores (list each exam taken)
AP Scores (list each exam taken) :
Science Olympiads:
Computer Olympiad
Science Fairs
Other Academic Achievements
Indus Center for Academic Excellence
5225 Cameron Drive,
Troy, Michigan 48098
(248) 641-9815, Fax: (248) 641-3789
Cell: (248) 210-6292
Additional Activities for Seniors
College you will be attending
Colleges Admissions Received :
Scholarships Received :
National Merit
You can include your College Activity List
Planned Major
Award Name :
Indus Center for Academic Excellence
5225 Cameron Drive,
Troy, Michigan 48098
(248) 641-9815, Fax: (248) 641-3789
Cell: (248) 210-6292
List of ICAE Awards
The following is the list of all the awards that may be handed out at the Annual Awards Ceremony.
Scholarship Awards (Total of 5 Awards)
ICAE Scholar ($1000)
Todi Senior Scholar ($400)
Todi Junior Scholar ($200)
Todi Elementary Scholar ($100)
Scholars Giving Back ($100 each)
Class Awards (Total of 27 Awards)
Math levels IA1, IA2, IA3, IAB1, IAB2, IB1, IB2, & II (one each)
Math levels IIA1-Sat, IIA1-Sun, IIA2-Sat, IIA2-Sun, IIAB1-Sat, IIAB1-Sun, IIAB2-Sat (one each)
Math Levels IIAB2-Sun, IIAB3-Sat, IIAB3-Sun, IIB1-Sat, IIB1-Sun, IIB2-Sat, IIB2-Sun (one each)
Math levels III-Sat, III-Sun, IIIA/IIIAB, IIIB & IV (one each)
Writing, Physics
Grade Awards (Total of 22 Awards)
Outstanding Male/Female Students in Grades 2, 3, 4, and 5
Outstanding Male/Female Students in Grades 6, 7, and 8
Outstanding Male/Female Students in Grade 9, 10,11, &12
Same application form will be used for all of the awards. All applicants will first be considered for the
appropriate Scholarship award, then for the class award, and finally for the grade award. The
Scholarship committee may decide not to give one or more of the awards in any given year.
Indus Center for Academic Excellence
5225 Cameron Drive,
Troy, Michigan 48098
(248) 641-9815, Fax: (248) 641-3789
Cell: (248) 210-6292
Eligibility Criteria for ICAE Scholar Recognition Program
Only ICAE students, registered any time during the current academic year, may apply for one of the ICAE
scholarship awards. In addition, the following criteria must be complied with for specific scholarships, as
ICAE Scholarship Program: ICAE Scholar
Home school status: graduating senior
Minimum recognition: national level
(Applicants should also submit their college application material. They should
also indicate the names of the colleges they were accepted into, the college they
plan to attend, the major they plan to pursue, any scholarships they have
received, and any other pertinent information.)
ICAE Scholarship Program: Todi Senior Scholar
Home School status: continuing high school student
Minimum recognition: state level
ICAE Scholarship Program: Todi Junior Scholar
Home School status: continuing middle school student
Minimum recognition: state level
ICAE Scholarship Program: Todi Elementary Scholar
Home School status: continuing elementary school student
Minimum recognition: state level
In addition to meeting the eligibility criteria mentioned above, each applicant is required to complete all
parts of the application form). Please write your name on the upper right corner of each separate
Indus Center for Academic Excellence
5225 Cameron Drive,
Troy, Michigan 48098
(248) 641-9815, Fax: (248) 641-3789
Cell: (248) 210-6292
Scholars Giving Back Award
This award program is designed to recognize students who have demonstrated commitment to their
communities as reflected in their volunteer activities as well as academic excellence demonstrated by
admission into one (or more) of the following top level schools :
Caltech, MIT, Stanford
Big Ten Colleges
Ivy League Colleges - Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton and Yale
Eligibility Criteria:
This award is only offered to graduating seniors.
To be eligible, these students must fill out the primary award application as well as a brief supplementary
application that reflects their volunteer involvement.
They must also submit copies of their acceptance letters from one (or more) of the above-named schools.
Students will automatically be eligible for the awards corresponding to each of the above schools as long
as they submit a copy of their acceptance letter, however they can only win one award.
Award Selection:
Awards will be selected based on the student’s level of community service as determined by :
1) Duration of Involvement (how many years the student has been volunteering with a particular
organization). Greater weight will be given to those students who have been with one
organization for multiple years, versus short commitments to several groups.
2) Intensity of Involvement (number of hours per week or month) – greater weight will be given to
those who have spent more time volunteering
3) Impact of Community Service – as described by the essay portion of the application
4) In the case of closely matched applications, the decision will be based on the student’s ICAE
academic performance
Indus Center for Academic Excellence
5225 Cameron Drive,
Troy, Michigan 48098
(248) 641-9815, Fax: (248) 641-3789
Cell: (248) 210-6292
Application Evaluation Criteria
1. Applicants will be awarded points for each of the eligible academic activities as following:
Regional level Activity
Maximum of 5 points
(e.g. – Chapter Mathcounts, DCDS Invitational, LTU Contest, Regional Science Olympiads)
State Level Activity
Maximum of 10 points
(e.g. – State Mathcounts, MMPC I & II, MTS, State Science Olympiads, MML)
National Level Activity
Maximum of 20 points
(e.g. – National Mathcounts, AMC>10 & 12, AIME, USAMO, USPho, AMC>8, National
Science Olympiad, Canadian Math Contests, Mandelbrot, MOEMS)
International Level Activity
Maximum of 40 points
(e.g. – IMO, International Science Olympiads)
2. Additional bonus points for an activity will be awarded for placing high (i.e. top 3, gold pin/medal,
3. ICAE teacher recommendation will be based on the following point scale:
Class Performance
Maximum of 20 points
Effort etc.
Maximum of 20 points
4. The ICAE teachers will be asked to award the points to the applicants on the above two categories in
their recommendation forms.
5. The sustained performance will be judged on the following basis:
All activity points for the current year.
One half of the total of the activity points for the previous year
One fourth of the total of the activity points for the year before previous year
6. The home school and pier recommendations may be evaluated only to ensure that the contestant is
of character consistent with ICAE objectives.
7. A committee will summarize the essays subsequent to the Awards Ceremony to identify the strengths
of the ICAE programs and to develop a set of recommendations for further improvement.
8. Non-academic activities will be used only to differentiate the applicants with closely matching
academic records.