March 5, 2010 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL UBPR for Management Required Disclosures The following information is for informational purposes only and was prepared from sources believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed as to accuracy and is not a complete summary or statement of all available data. The views or opinions expressed in this material are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Janney Montgomery Scott LLC. Janney Montgomery Scott LLC is a broker-dealer registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and member NYSE, FINRA, and SIPC. 2 Speaker Credentials: Roger G. Powell Experience Investment Banking Janney Montgomery Scott (2008 - ) Banks / Thrifts Mortgage Cos Credit Card Cos Commercial Fin Alex. Brown & Sons (1990-2000) Asset Based Premium Fin Academic B.A. Economics 1971 Davidson College, Davidson, NC Certificate, Advanced Management Program 1978 North Carolina School of Banking, Chapel Hill, NC Investment Research Alex. Brown & Sons (1983-1990) Banks / Thrifts Mortgage Cos Credit Card Cos Asset Managers The Powell Group (1972-1976) Corporate Development / Strategic Planning Deutsche Bank AG (2000-2007) United Carolina Bancshares (1976 – 1982) 3 Goal: Critical themes for strategy and tactics in 2010 Competition Capital Control / Externals and Internals Importance of UBPR Users and motives Construction of UBPR Comparison to GAAP and MIS Current regulator emphasis UBPR = Uniform Bank Performance Report 4 In the beginning…. Fra Luca Bartolomeo de Pacioli (1446/7–1517) Giovanni di Averardo detto Bicci, de’ Founder of the Medici Bank 1397 Medici (1360-1429) Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni et proportionalita 1494 Mediateca di Palazzo Medici Riccardi Galleria Nazionale di Capodimonte (Naples) 5 The UBPR is: An analytical tool Created for Bank supervisory; Examination; and Management purposes Used as an aid in evaluating the adequacy of earnings, liquidity, capital, asset and liability management, and growth management …a common point of financial analysis between regulator and banker… Source: A User’s Guide for the Uniform Bank Performance Report, December 2008 6 Users and Motives… User Regulators Board and Management Source Format Company Call Reports UBPR Supplemental Ledgers and reports GAAP / SEC General Ledger and analysis MIS Ledgers GAAP / SEC UBPR Motive Frequency Guarantor / Safety, soundness and compliance Constant Fiduciary / ‘Prudent Man’ / Shareholder Value Constant Incentives Operations Company GAAP / SEC - Equity Analysts UBPR - Debt Regulators Investors Debt – Cash flow and repayment Equity – Earnings and franchise value Company GAAP/ SEC Confidence - Depositor Analysts UBPR Strategic vendor - Borrower Regulators Public Frequent Occasional 7 FFIEC Website 8 FFIEC Website 9 UBPR Construction Sources: Regulatory reports Custom Peer Groups may be constructed Changes in 2008: added detail on construction and other risky lending categories ‘Trimmed Averages’ eliminate outliers Tax Equivalent Adjustment mechanism Sub S adjustment mechanism Source: A User’s Guide for the Uniform Bank Performance Report, December 2008 10 UBPR Construction Modules Net Income = Non-interest income + Net-interest income + [Interest Income – Interest Expense] Credit expense – Non-interest expense – Tax expense Source: A User’s Guide for the Uniform Bank Performance Report, December 2008 11 UBPR Construction / Net Income Net income (to average assets) Net interest income (TE) (to average assets) Fiduciary activities (income) (if available) Noninterest income (to average assets) Deposit service charges Net from trading fees & comms (if available) Foreign exchange trading (if available) Other noninterest income Average assets per employee - $MM Noninterest expense (to average assets) Personnel expense (to average assets) Provision for loan & lease losses (to average assets) Occupancy expense (to average assets) Realized G/L held-to-maturity sec Other operating expense (to average assets) Average personnel expense per equiv employee - $MM Premises, fixed assets (to average assets) Average assets per domestic office Realized G/L available-for-sale sec Net extraordinary items (to average assets) Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Applicable inc tax (TE) (to average assets) 12 UBPR Construction / Net Interest Income Real estate loans (yield on) Interest income (TE) (to avg earning assets) Total loans & leases (TE) (yield on) Loans to individuals (yield on) Other interest income Interest income (TE) (to average assets) Commercial & industrial loans (yield on) Agricultural loans (yield on) US Treasury & agency securities (yield on) Investment securities (TE) (yield on) Interest-bearing bank balances (yield on) Federal funds sold & repos (yield on) Average earning assets (to average assets) Mortgage backed securities (yield on) All other securities (yield on) Net loans & leases (to average assets) Securities (AFS + HTM) (to average assets) Interest-bearing bank balances (to average assets) Federal funds sold & resold (to average assets) Interest expense (to average assets) Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Trading account assets (to average assets) I.O. strips and other equity securities (to average assets) 13 UBPR Construction / Interest Expense Transaction accounts (cost of) Total interest–bearing deposits (cost of) Other savings & deposits (cost of) Time deps over $100MM (cost of) Interest expense (to avg earning assets) All other time deposits (cost of) Foreign office deposits (cost of) Federal funds purchase & repos (cost of) Other borrowings (cost of) Interest-bearing transaction accounts (to average assets) Subord notes & debentures (cost of) Interest-bearing non transaction accounts (to average assets) Federal funds & repos (to average assets) Interest-bearing funds (to average assets) Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Foreign office deposits (to average assets) Other borrowings (to average assets) Subord rates & debentures (to average assets) 14 Peer Groups Group # Asset Size Branches Market 1 $3 billion< NA NA 2 $1B<$3B NA NA 3 $0.3B<$1B NA NA 4 $0.1B<$0.3B 3 or more Metropolitan 5 Non-metropolitan 6 2 or fewer 7 8 Non-metropolitan $0.05B<$0.1B 3 or more 9 2 or fewer 11 <$0.05B 2 or more Metropolitan Non-metropolitan 14 1 15 Specialty Groups Metropolitan Non-metropolitan 13 De-novo Metropolitan Non-metropolitan 10 12 Metropolitan Metropolitan Non-metropolitan <0.75B Grouped by year of formation for five years FDIC Savings Banks, Credit card banks (<$1B, $1<$5B, $5B<), Bankers Banks, Fiduciary Banks (<$0.1B, $0.1<$0.5B, $0.5<$1.0B, $1<$10B, $10<$100B, $100B<) Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council 15 Critical Issues Capital Asset Quality Management Earnings Liquidity Sensitivity to Market Risk 16 Case: NASDAQ:FSBK Total Assets $830 mm Tang Common Equity $ 82 mm 5-Year Avg ROAA 1.52% 5-Year Avg ROAE 17.24% Market Capitalization ~$100 mn Special Skills: Direct FreddieMac originator; packages own loans into securities for portfolio. Residential construction lending. HQ: Washington, NC (Beaufort Co.) Major Competitors: BB&T Royal Bank of Canada Wells Fargo Source: Company; SNL Securities LLC 17 Summary - 01 CERT # 31084 CHARTER # 0 DIST/RSSD: 05 / 883874 COUNTY: 9/30/2009 9/30/2008 878,976 5,717 1,200 N/A PG 3 BANK 913,895 9,338 1,189 N/A PG 3 PCT 6.79 2.59 4.2 1.01 2.59 0.42 2.2 0.01 2.22 1.36 1.62 6.02 2.45 3.58 0.79 2.86 0.39 1.15 -0.03 1.04 0.74 0.92 92 60 83 71 37 66 88 72 89 79 84 AVERAGE ASSETS ($000) NET INCOME ($000) NUMBER OF BANKS IN PEER GROUP EARNINGS AND PROFITABILITY PERCENT OF AVERAGE ASSETS: INTEREST INCOME (TE) - INTEREST EXPENSE NET INTEREST INCOME (TE) + NONINTEREST INCOME - NONINTEREST EXPENSE - PROVISION: LOAN&LEASE LOSSES = PRETAX OPERATING INCOME (TE) + REALIZED GAINS/LOSSES SEC = PRETAX NET OPERATING INC (TE) NET OPERATING INCOME ADJUSTED NET OPERATING INCOME NET INC ATTRIB TO MIN INTS NET INCOME ADJUSTED SUB S NET INCOME MARGIN ANALYSIS: AVG EARNING ASSETS TO AVG ASSETS AVG INT-BEARING FUNDS TO AVG AST INT INC (TE) TO AVG EARN ASSETS INT EXPENSE TO AVG EARN ASSETS NET INT INC-TE TO AVG EARN ASSET FIRST SOUTH BANK SUMMARY RATIOS BANK 5.74 1.94 3.8 0.98 2.83 0.68 1.27 0.14 1.41 0.87 0.96 0 N/A 5.17 1.75 3.42 0.75 2.92 0.9 0.41 0.04 0.44 0.31 0.6 PCT 86 63 71 71 48 52 71 83 75 68 61 98 N/A 0.87 0.26 0.31 68 95.18 78.83 6.03 2.04 3.99 93.63 81.72 5.53 1.87 3.67 68 29 82 60 66 N/A N/A 1.36 0.67 0.74 79 95.2 78.78 7.13 2.72 4.41 93.88 80.64 6.43 2.61 3.83 67 35 90 57 80 Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 18 Summary – 01 CERT # 31084 CHARTER # 0 DIST/RSSD: 05 / 883874 COUNTY: FIRST SOUTH BANK SUMMARY RATIOS 9/30/2009 LOAN & LEASE ANALYSIS NET LOSS TO AVERAGE TOTAL LN&LS EARNINGS COVERAGE OF NET LOSS(X) LN&LS ALLOWANCE TO NET LOSSES(X) LN&LS ALLOW TO LN&LS NOT HFS LN&LS ALLOWANCE TO TOTAL LN&LS NON-CUR LN&LS TO GROSS LN&LS 9/30/2008 0.69 3.34 2.4 1.79 1.77 1.98 0.85 6.52 4.32 1.71 1.7 3.07 55 53 47 64 64 42 0.19 16.04 7.55 1.49 1.48 1.86 0.34 18.17 9.72 1.3 1.3 1.7 48 65 60 72 73 63 LIQUIDITY NET NON CORE FUND DEPENDENCE NET LOANS & LEASES TO ASSETS 31.91 79.97 26.65 69.26 64 83 31.53 84.73 30.25 72.37 55 88 CAPITALIZATION TIER ONE LEVERAGE CAPITAL CASH DIVIDENDS TO NET INCOME RETAIN EARNS TO AVG TOTAL EQUITY RESTR+NONAC+RE ACQ TO EQCAP+ALLL 9.33 102.2 -0.2 34.11 8.79 28.8 -0.31 30.11 66 91 37 67 9.05 62.66 5.42 26.45 8.93 37.66 2.56 14.86 59 73 60 79 -3.71 -0.61 -9.12 631.39 25.77 6.2 5.39 1.98 216.2 7.52 12 25 12 85 74 -2.16 0.06 -1.45 511.87 3.24 9.08 6.04 10.37 11.71 20.6 11 22 13 95 34 GROWTH RATES ASSETS TIER ONE CAPITAL NET LOANS & LEASES SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS SHORT TERM NON CORE FUNDING Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 19 Capital – 11 RISK-BASED CAPITAL TIER ONE RBC TO RISK-WGT ASSETS TOTAL RBC TO RISK-WEIGHT ASSETS TIER ONE LEVERAGE CAPITAL OTHER CAPITAL RATIO: DEF TAX ASSET TO T1 CAP BANK 11.94 13.2 9.33 PEER 3 11.88 13.13 8.79 PCT 58 58 66 0.85 2.24 50 Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 20 Capital – 11 CAPITAL RATIOS PERCENT OF BANK EQUITY: NET LOANS & LEASES (X) SUBORD NOTES & DEBENTURES LONG TERM DEBT COM RE & RELATED VENTURES PERCENT OF AVERAGE BANK EQUITY: NET INCOME DIVIDENDS RETAINED EARNINGS OTHER CAPITAL RATIOS: DIVIDENDS TO NET OPER INCOME BANK EQUITY CAPITAL TO ASSETS BANK EQ CAP + MIN INT TO ASSETS GROWTH RATES: TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL EQUITY GROWTH LESS ASST GROWTH INTANG ASSETS % BANK EQUITY MORTGAGE SERVICING RIGHTS GOODWILL PURCH CREDIT CARD RELATION ALL OTHER INTANGIBLES TOTAL INTANGIBLES BANK PG 3 PCT 7.94 0 0 518.22 7.5 0.02 0.02 357.4 56 94 94 79 8.85 9.05 -0.2 2.97 2.59 -0.31 67 89 37 102.2 10.08 10.08 42.51 9.45 9.46 88 66 66 0.25 3.96 8.33 1.2 23 57 1.45 4.91 0 N/A 0.17 6.53 0.12 2.73 92 75 97 68 73 0.46 3.87 Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 21 Asset Quality – 07A LOAN MIX, % AVERAGE GROSS LN&LS CONTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT 1-4 FAMILY CONSTRUCTION OTHER CONST & LAND DEVEL 1 - 4 FAMILY RESIDENTIAL HOME EQUITY LOANS OTHER REAL ESTATE LOANS FARMLAND MULTIFAMILY NON-FARM NON-RESIDENTIAL OWNER OCCUPIED NFARM NRESID OTHER NONFARM NONRESIDENTIAL TOTAL REAL ESTATE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION LOANS AGRICULTURAL LOANS COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL LOANS LOANS TO INDIVIDUALS CREDIT CARD LOANS MUNICIPAL LOANS FOREIGN OFFICE LOANS & LEASES ALL OTHER LOANS LEASE FINANCING RECEIVABLES SUPPLEMENTAL: LOANS TO FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS LOANS TO FINANCE COMML REAL EST MEMORANDUM (% OF AVG TOT LOANS): LOAN & LEASE COMMITMENTS OFFICER, SHAREHOLDER LOANS OFFICER, SHAREH LOANS TO ASSETS Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR BANK 36.87 11.16 25.72 27.02 3.65 28.66 0.46 2.78 25.42 5.45 19.97 92.55 0 0.11 4.45 1.31 0 0 0 N/A 0 1.58 0 N/A 0 14.42 0.14 0.11 PG 3 13.27 3.29 9.52 23.58 3.47 37.36 2.56 2.51 30.61 15.17 14.72 77.55 PCT 96 94 94 63 54 22 40 63 33 9 74 91 0 1.45 13.48 3.69 0.07 0.5 0.3 0.05 93 48 9 28 68 40 99 13 95 0.16 99 68 14.97 1.62 1.12 50 15 17 22 Asset Quality – 07B LOAN & LSE % TOTAL CAPITAL CONTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT 1-4 FAMILY CONSTRUCTION OTHER CONST & LAND DEVEL 1 - 4 FAMILY RESIDENTIAL HOME EQUITY LOANS OTHER REAL ESTATE LOANS FARMLAND MULTIFAMILY NON-FARM NON-RESIDENTIAL OWNER OCCUPIED NFARM NRESID OTHER NONFARM NONRESIDENTIAL TOTAL REAL ESTATE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION LOANS AGRICULTURAL LOANS COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL LOANS LOANS TO INDIVIDUALS CREDIT CARD LOANS MUNICIPAL LOANS FOREIGN OFFICE LOANS & LEASES ALL OTHER LOANS LEASE FINANCING RECEIVABLES SUPPLEMENTAL: LOANS TO FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS LOANS TO FINANCE COMM REAL EST BANK 278.76 70.66 208.1 216.22 28.5 230.99 3.77 19.36 207.86 42.68 165.18 725.97 0 N/A 0.99 31.68 9.61 0 0 0 N/A 0 12.26 0 N/A 0 PG 3 92.11 20.17 67.99 174.7 26.62 284.53 18.86 19.6 232.75 115.03 113.3 569.53 PCT 95 92 94 67 55 32 41 59 43 11 76 80 2.09 0.37 95 50 11 28 69 41 99 14 95 1.03 99 70 10.47 97.01 25.31 0.48 3.5 NONOWNER OCC COMML RE % TOT CAP TOTAL COMML REAL ESTATE % TOT CAP 463.3 505.98 239 359.56 91 79 CONSTRUCTION & DEVEL % TOT LNS NONOWNER OCC COMML RE % TOT LNS TOTAL COMML REAL ESTATE % TOT LNS 35.72 59.36 64.83 12.34 32.21 48.8 96 92 81 Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 23 Asset Quality: Noncurrent Rate on Real Estate and Construction Development Loans 20.0% 18.0% …When the cycle turns against him, the best construction lender will see 10% of his construction portfolio non-performing; the worst will see 100%. 16.0% 14.0% 12.0% Source: Robert Morris Associates training program 1976 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Nationwide 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Q3 Maryland Source: FDIC US Bank Statistics 24 Asset Quality – 07 LOAN & LSE % TOTAL CAPITAL CONTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT 1-4 FAMILY CONSTRUCTION OTHER CONST & LAND DEVEL 1 - 4 FAMILY RESIDENTIAL HOME EQUITY LOANS OTHER REAL ESTATE LOANS FARMLAND MULTIFAMILY NON-FARM NON-RESIDENTIAL OWNER OCCUPIED NFARM NRESID OTHER NONFARM NONRESIDENTIAL TOTAL REAL ESTATE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION LOANS AGRICULTURAL LOANS COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL LOANS LOANS TO INDIVIDUALS CREDIT CARD LOANS MUNICIPAL LOANS FOREIGN OFFICE LOANS & LEASES ALL OTHER LOANS LEASE FINANCING RECEIVABLES SUPPLEMENTAL: LOANS TO FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS LOANS TO FINANCE COMM REAL EST BANK 278.76 70.66 208.1 216.22 28.5 230.99 3.77 19.36 207.86 42.68 165.18 725.97 0 N/A 0.99 31.68 9.61 0 0 0 N/A 0 12.26 0 N/A 0 PG 3 92.11 20.17 67.99 174.7 26.62 284.53 18.86 19.6 232.75 115.03 113.3 569.53 PCT 95 92 94 67 55 32 41 59 43 11 76 80 2.09 0.37 95 50 11 28 69 41 99 14 95 1.03 99 70 10.47 97.01 25.31 0.48 3.5 NONOWNER OCC COMML RE % TOT CAP TOTAL COMML REAL ESTATE % TOT CAP 463.3 505.98 239 359.56 91 79 CONSTRUCTION & DEVEL % TOT LNS NONOWNER OCC COMML RE % TOT LNS TOTAL COMML REAL ESTATE % TOT LNS 35.72 59.36 64.83 12.34 32.21 48.8 96 92 81 Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 25 Asset Mix / Construction Lending Construction Loans as a % of Total Loans 45 40 % of Total Loans 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2006 FSBK 2007 Peer Group 3 2008 Source: UBPR 9/30/2009 26 Asset Quality – 08 % OF NON-CURR LN&LS BY LN TYPE BANK PG 3 PCT REAL ESTATE LNS-90+ DAYS P/D -NONACCRUAL -TOTAL -30-89 DAYS P/D 0.34 1.75 2.1 0.74 0.18 3.16 3.45 1.38 77 37 40 38 CONST & LAND DEV-90+ DAYS P/D -NONACCRUAL -TOTAL -30-89 DAYS P/D 0.73 1.64 2.37 0.43 0.16 7.94 8.38 1.71 87 32 34 47 1-4 FAM CONS & L DEV-90+ DAYS -NONACCRUAL -TOTAL -30-89 DAYS P/D 0 1.53 1.53 1.49 0.07 6.74 7.16 1.42 88 51 50 70 OTHER CONST & LAND DEV-90+ DAYS -NONACCRUAL -TOTAL -30-89 DAYS P/D 0.97 1.68 2.65 0.07 N/A 8.01 N/A 1.46 0.43 SINGLE & MULTI MTG-90+ DAYS P/D -NONACCRUAL -TOTAL -30-89 DAYS P/D 0.2 2.03 2.24 0.8 0.15 1.78 2.03 1.3 71 64 64 41 NON-FARM/RESI MTG-90+ DAYS P/D -NONACCRUAL -TOTAL -30-89 DAYS P/D 0 1.61 1.61 1.1 0.09 1.8 2.02 0.93 71 55 52 66 OWN OCC NFARM NONRE-90+ DAYS P/D -NONACCRUAL -TOTAL -30-89 DAYS P/D 0 0 0 0.27 0.07 1.6 1.78 0.84 80 28 25 45 OTH NONFARM NONRES-90+ DAYS P/D -NONACCRUAL -TOTAL -30-89 DAYS P/D 0 2.03 2.03 1.31 0.05 1.61 1.84 0.79 83 68 65 75 39 41 46 Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 27 Management – 03 Trend analysis in every category CERT # 31084 CHARTER # 0 DIST/RSSD: 05 / 883874 COUNTY: FIRST SOUTH BANK WASHINGTON, NC NONINTEREST INCOME AND EXPENSES ($000) AND YIELDS 9/30/2009 PERCENT OF AVERAGE ASSETS PERSONNEL EXPENSE OCCUPANCY EXPENSE OTHER OPER EXP(INCL INTANGIBLES) TOTAL OVERHEAD EXPENSE OVERHEAD LESS NONINT INC OTHER INCOME & EXPENSE RATIOS: BANK 1.63 0.29 0.91 2.83 1.85 PG 3 1.46 0.38 1.05 2.92 2.11 9/30/2008 BANK 1.53 0.29 0.76 2.59 1.57 PG 3 1.54 0.4 0.89 2.86 2.01 12/31/2008 BANK 1.52 0.29 0.79 2.6 1.63 PG 3 1.53 0.4 0.93 2.91 2.05 12/31/2007 BANK 1.54 0.29 0.64 2.47 1.47 PG 3 1.57 0.4 0.87 2.85 1.98 PAGE 03 1/20/2010 14:28 12/31/2006 BANK 1.54 0.27 0.63 2.44 1.51 PG 3 1.57 0.4 0.85 2.84 1.96 Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 28 Earnings – 01 AVERAGE ASSETS ($000) NET INCOME ($000) NUMBER OF BANKS IN PEER GROUP EARNINGS AND PROFITABILITY PERCENT OF AVERAGE ASSETS: INTEREST INCOME (TE) - INTEREST EXPENSE NET INTEREST INCOME (TE) + NONINTEREST INCOME - NONINTEREST EXPENSE - PROVISION: LOAN&LEASE LOSSES = PRETAX OPERATING INCOME (TE) + REALIZED GAINS/LOSSES SEC = PRETAX NET OPERATING INC (TE) NET OPERATING INCOME ADJUSTED NET OPERATING INCOME NET INC ATTRIB TO MIN INTS NET INCOME ADJUSTED SUB S NET INCOME MARGIN ANALYSIS: AVG EARNING ASSETS TO AVG ASSETS AVG INT-BEARING FUNDS TO AVG AST INT INC (TE) TO AVG EARN ASSETS INT EXPENSE TO AVG EARN ASSETS NET INT INC-TE TO AVG EARN ASSET BANK 5.74 1.94 3.8 0.98 2.83 0.68 1.27 0.14 1.41 0.87 0.96 0 N/A 878,976 5,717 1,200 PG 3 5.17 1.75 3.42 0.75 2.92 0.9 0.41 0.04 0.44 0.31 0.6 PCT 86 63 71 71 48 52 71 83 75 68 61 98 0.87 0.26 0.31 68 95.18 78.83 6.03 2.04 3.99 93.63 81.72 5.53 1.87 3.67 68 29 82 60 66 Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 29 Earnings – 01 AVERAGE ASSETS ($000) NET INCOME ($000) NUMBER OF BANKS IN PEER GROUP LOAN & LEASE ANALYSIS NET LOSS TO AVERAGE TOTAL LN&LS EARNINGS COVERAGE OF NET LOSS(X) LN&LS ALLOWANCE TO NET LOSSES(X) LN&LS ALLOW TO LN&LS NOT HFS LN&LS ALLOWANCE TO TOTAL LN&LS NON-CUR LN&LS TO GROSS LN&LS BANK 0.69 3.34 2.4 1.79 1.77 1.98 878,976 5,717 1,200 PG 3 0.85 6.52 4.32 1.71 1.7 3.07 PCT 55 53 47 64 64 42 LIQUIDITY NET NON CORE FUND DEPENDENCE NET LOANS & LEASES TO ASSETS 31.91 79.97 26.65 69.26 64 83 CAPITALIZATION TIER ONE LEVERAGE CAPITAL CASH DIVIDENDS TO NET INCOME RETAIN EARNS TO AVG TOTAL EQUITY RESTR+NONAC+RE ACQ TO EQCAP+ALLL 9.33 102.2 -0.2 34.11 8.79 28.8 -0.31 30.11 66 91 37 67 -3.71 -0.61 -9.12 631.39 25.77 6.2 5.39 1.98 216.2 7.52 12 25 12 85 74 GROWTH RATES ASSETS TIER ONE CAPITAL NET LOANS & LEASES SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS SHORT TERM NON CORE FUNDING Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 30 Earnings – Annualized Quarter – 12 PERCENT OF AVERAGE ASSETS: INTEREST INCOME (TE) - INTEREST EXPENSE NET INTEREST INCOME (TE) + NONINTEREST INCOME - NON-INTEREST EXPENSE - PROVISION: LOAN&LEASE LOSSES PRETAX OPERATING INCOME (TE) + REALIZED GAINS/LOSSES SECS PRETAX NET OPERATING INC (TE) NET OPERATING INCOME ADJUSTED NET OPERATING INCOME NET INC ATTRIB TO MIN INTS NET INCOME ADJUSTED SUB S NET INCOME MARGIN ANALYSIS: INT INC (TE) TO AVG EARN ASSETS INT EXPENSE TO AVG EARN ASSETS NET INT INC-TE TO AVG EARN ASST LOAN & LEASE ANALYSIS NET LOSS TO AVERAGE TOTAL LN&LS EARNINGS COVERAGE OF NET LOSS(X) LN&LS ALLOWANCE TO NET LOSSES(X) BANK 5.71 1.77 3.95 0.97 2.99 0.58 1.35 0 1.35 0.82 1.09 0 N/A 0.82 0.82 PG 3 5.1 1.63 3.48 0.74 2.9 1.03 0.36 0.04 0.37 0.27 0.56 0.23 0.27 PCT 87 60 74 71 57 46 72 62 70 63 64 98 66 63 5.98 1.85 4.13 5.47 1.74 3.73 80 57 69 0.38 6.24 4.6 1.02 7.13 4.82 40 67 67 Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 31 Liquidity – 10 PERCENT OF TOTAL ASSETS SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS MARKETABLE EQUITY SEC (MES) CORE DEPOSITS S T NON CORE FUNDING BANK 2.92 0.05 56.09 28.67 PG 3 5.5 0.03 64.34 20.09 PCT 35 81 18 81 LIQUIDITY RATIOS NET S T NONCORE FUND DEPENDENCE NET NON CORE FUND DEPENDENCE BROKERED DEPOSITS TO DEPOSITS BROKER DEP MAT &lt 1YR TO BKR DEPS SHORT TRM INV TO S T NCORE FUND SHORT TERM ASSET TO S T LIABS NET S T LIAB TO ASSETS NET LOANS & LEASES TO DEPOSITS NET LN&LS TO CORE DEPOSITS NET LN&LS & SBLC TO ASSETS 27.94 31.91 0.13 0 10.18 59.65 21.78 95.38 142.59 80.12 16.32 26.65 5.73 69.38 31.58 81.69 7.46 84.8 109.13 69.8 84 64 32 2 25 31 85 76 90 82 Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 32 Sensitivity to Market Risk – 09 LONG ASSETS INSTS W/ OPTIONS MORTGAGE LOANS & PASS THRUS LOANS & SECURITIES OVER 15 YRS LOANS & SECURITIES 5-15 YRS BANK 26.46 10.29 5.09 PG 3 16.68 2.88 3.31 PCT 82 90 74 OTHER LOANS AND SECURITIES LOANS & SECURITIES OVER 15 YRS LOANS & SECURITIES 5-15 YRS TOTAL LOANS & SECURITIES OVR 15 64.33 0.39 7.3 10.68 65.34 1.98 9.02 5.58 44 25 43 80 OVERALL RISK INDICATORS AVAILABLE FOR SALE HELD TO MATURITY OFF BALANCE SHEET 10.69 0.07 11.95 15.32 1.01 11.92 36 62 55 0 0 0.02 0.24 73 69 CONTRACTUAL MAT/REPRICE DATA LOANS/SECURITIES OVER 3 YEARS LIABILITIES OVER 3 YEARS NET 3 YEAR POSITION 38.59 0.12 38.47 35.89 3.13 32.24 56 10 66 LOANS/SECURITIES OVER 1 YEAR LIABILITIES OVER 1 YEAR NET OVER 1 YEAR POSITION 59.84 5.31 54.53 54.83 11.81 42.32 64 22 78 NON-MATURITY DEPOSITS NON-MATURITY DEPS % LONG ASSETS NET OVER 3 YEAR POSITION 29.13 75.49 9.46 41.61 129.86 -5.59 15 16 80 UNREALIZED APPN/DEPN UNREAL APP/DEP % TIER ONE CAP Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 33 Custom Peer Group AVERAGE ASSETS NUMBER OF BANKS IN TABULATION EARNINGS AND PROFITABILITY PERCENT OF AVERAGE ASSETS: INTEREST INCOME (TE) - INTEREST EXPENSE NET INTEREST INCOME (TE) + NONINTEREST INCOME - NON-INTEREST EXPENSE - PROVISION: LOAN&LEASE LOSSES = PRETAX OPERATING INCOME (TE) + SECURITIES GAINS (LOSSES) = PRETAX NET OPERATING INC (TE) NET OPERATING INCOME ADJUSTED NET OPERATING INCOME NET INC ATTRIB TO MIN INTS NET INCOME ADJUSTED SUB S NET INCOME 9/30/2009 878,976 19 BANK PEER PCT 5.74 1.94 3.8 0.98 2.83 0.68 1.27 0.14 1.41 0.87 0.96 0 5 1.9 3.1 0.69 2.7 1.05 0.03 0.09 0.12 0.08 0.43 0 0.08 0.08 95 50 90 70 65 30 95 65 95 95 85 95 0.87 95 Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 34 Comparison Regulators rely on UBPR / CDR Most investors, borrowers and investment banks Subscribe to SNL Financial Review Company SEC reporting documents Construct ‘relevant’ comparison groups Rely on GAAP 35 The OCC’s “Canary Report” – Red Flags / Capital Ratios below “well capitalized” or those required by order or agreement Capital growth rate is less than total asset growth rate Ratios significantly different from peer ratios Declining capital levels or ratios Dividend payout ratio is significantly higher than peer ratios Concentration in nontraditional activities Significant growth in off-balance-sheet activities , Source: Detecting Red Flags In Board Reports A Guide for Directors Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D.C. October 2003 36 Red Flags / Asset Quality Significant increase in loans to total assets ratio Significant increase in loans to equity ratio Significant change in portfolio mix Significant upward or downward trend in the percent of the ALLL to total loans and leases High growth rates in total loans or within individual categories of loans Significant increase in loan yields , Source: Detecting Red Flags In Board Reports A Guide for Directors Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D.C. October 2003 37 Red Flags / Asset Quality Loan yields significantly higher than peer group Downward trends in risk ratings among pass credits and/or increases in special mention or classified assets Significant volume of retail loans that have been extended, deferred, renewed, or rewritten Increasing levels of past-due and nonperforming loans as a percent of loans Significant changes in the ALLL Significant increases in ALLL provisions Stable or declining ALLL at the same time net loan losses trend upward , Source: Detecting Red Flags In Board Reports A Guide for Directors Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D.C. October 2003 38 Red Flags / Asset Quality Annual net charge-offs that exceed the balance in the ALLL ALLL averages and percentages significantly different from the peer group’s Increasing levels of other real estate owned Loans identified by internal and external loan review that are not included in problem loan lists provided by management Any significant changes in the above relative to historical performance, planned performance, or peer performance , Source: Detecting Red Flags In Board Reports A Guide for Directors Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D.C. October 2003 39 Red Flags / Earnings Significant increases or decreases in noninterest income Significantly higher or lower average personnel expenses than peer banks Significant variances in the ROAA, ROE, or NIM from prior periods and as compared with peer group Significant variances from budgeted amounts on income or expense items and balance sheet accounts , Source: Detecting Red Flags In Board Reports A Guide for Directors Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D.C. October 2003 40 Red Flags / Liquidity Significant increases in reliance on wholesale funding Significant increases in large certificates of deposit, brokered deposits, or deposits with interest rates higher than the market Significant increases in borrowings Significant increases in dependence on funding sources other than core deposits Declines in levels of core deposits Significant decreases in short-term investments , Source: Detecting Red Flags In Board Reports A Guide for Directors Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D.C. October 2003 41 Red Flags / Market Risk Capital falling below the level established by the board to support interest rate risk Significant increases or decreases in the percent of long-term assets to total assets Significant decrease in the percent of nonmaturity funding sources to long-term assets High or increasing percent of asset depreciation to tier 1 capital , Source: Detecting Red Flags In Board Reports A Guide for Directors Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D.C. October 2003 42 Red Flags / Growth Management Inconsistent with the bank’s budget or strategic plan Unaccompanied by an increasing level of and sophistication in risk management controls Results in: Significantly greater than that of peer banks, even if projected in the bank’s budget or strategic plan a higher risk profile than forecast Declining capital levels or ratios that result from asset growth Reliance on unstable or short-term funding sources to support growth Based on Introduction of new products or activities with little or no expertise or inadequate risk management controls Generated largely by brokered or agent transactions , Source: Detecting Red Flags In Board Reports A Guide for Directors Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D.C. October 2003 43 Maryland State Average – All Insured Banks SUM M ARY INFORM ATION FOR BANKS IN STATE OF M ARYLAND STAVG AVERAGE FOR ALL INSURED COMMERCIAL BANKS IN STATE BANKS WITH ASSETS - $MILL 9/30/2009 9/30/2009 9/30/2008 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 12/31/2006 0-25 25-100 100+ INTEREST INCOME (TE) 5.14 5.91 5.84 6.74 6.34 NA ## 5.23 - INTEREST EXPENSE 1.80 2.31 2.28 2.79 2.32 NA ## 1.85 NET INTEREST INCOME (TE) 3.32 3.57 3.53 3.92 4.04 NA ## 3.40 +NONINTEREST INCOME 0.54 0.58 0.56 0.60 0.70 NA ## 0.51 - NON-INTEREST EXPENSE 3.08 3.20 3.25 3.37 3.15 NA ## 2.99 - PROVISION: LOAN&LEASE LOSSES 0.90 0.44 0.59 0.20 0.09 NA ## 0.91 = PRETAX OPERATING INCOME (TE) -0.25 0.55 0.30 1.01 1.57 NA ## -0.04 +SECURITIES GAINS (LOSSES) 0.03 -0.02 -0.02 0.00 0.00 NA ## 0.03 = PRETAX NET OPERATING INC (TE) -0.24 0.49 0.24 0.99 1.56 NA ## -0.02 NET OPERATING INCOME -0.22 0.33 0.13 0.64 1.00 NA ## -0.01 ADJUSTED NET OPERATING INCOME 0.17 0.47 0.41 0.77 1.05 NA ## 0.29 NET INC ATTRIB TO MIN INTS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ## ## N/A NET INCOME ADJUSTED SUB S -0.23 0.31 0.12 0.65 0.97 NA ## -0.02 NET INCOME -0.22 0.33 0.13 0.64 1.00 NA ## -0.01 EARNINGS AND PROFITABILITY PERCENT OF AVERAGE ASSETS: Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 44 Maryland State Average – All Insured Banks SUM M ARY INFORM ATION FOR BANKS IN STATE OF M ARYLAND STAVG AVERAGE FOR ALL INSURED COMMERCIAL BANKS IN STATE BANKS WITH ASSETS - $MILL 9/30/2009 9/30/2009 9/30/2008 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 12/31/2006 0-25 25-100 100+ AVG EARNINGS ASSETS TO AVG ASSETS 93.94 94.04 94.29 94.23 94.13 NA ## 94.22 AVG INT-BEARING FUNDS TO AVG AST 78.35 76.46 76.28 76.03 75.70 NA ## 79.14 INT INC (TE) TO AVG EARN ASSETS 5.48 6.32 6.24 7.20 6.81 NA ## 5.56 INT EXPENSE TO AVG EARN ASSETS 1.92 2.45 2.41 2.95 2.46 NA ## 1.96 NET INT INC-TE TO AVG EARN ASSET 3.57 3.85 3.80 4.21 4.33 NA ## 3.60 NET LOSS TO AVERAGE TOTAL LN&LS 0.67 0.34 0.41 0.12 0.04 NA ## 0.72 EARNINGS COVERAGE OF NET LOSS(X) 4.74 21.05 10.81 53.05 113.90 NA ## 4.79 LN&LS ALLOW TO LN&LS NOT HFS 1.51 1.11 1.28 1.06 1.07 NA ## 1.48 LN&LS ALLOWANCE TO NET LOSSES(X) 4.44 10.88 5.92 30.73 44.43 NA ## 4.49 LN&LS ALLOWANCE TO TOTAL LN&LS 1.51 1.10 1.27 1.06 1.06 NA ## 1.47 MARGIN ANALYSIS: LOAN & LEASE ANALYSIS: Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 45 Maryland State Average – All Insured Banks SUM M ARY INFORM ATION FOR BANKS IN STATE OF M ARYLAND STAVG AVERAGE FOR ALL INSURED COMMERCIAL BANKS IN STATE BANKS WITH ASSETS - $MILL 9/30/2009 9/30/2009 9/30/2008 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 12/31/2006 0-25 25-100 100+ NET NON CORE FUNDING DEPENDENCE 28.03 27.59 29.47 23.97 18.03 NA ## 28.37 NET LOANS & LEASES TO ASSETS 74.25 76.28 76.52 75.17 70.98 NA ## 75.30 TIER ONE LEVERAGE CAPITAL 9.79 10.24 10.09 10.36 10.26 NA ## 9.33 CASH DIVIDENDS TO NET INCOME 27.04 58.05 42.79 40.42 29.33 NA ## 26.56 RETAIN EARNS TO AVG TOTAL EQUITY -3.91 -1.21 -2.39 1.92 5.80 NA ## -2.82 ASSETS 10.84 10.80 11.17 7.85 11.99 NA ## 9.59 TIER ONE CAPITAL 8.41 5.47 5.97 4.05 9.50 NA ## 7.88 NET LOANS & LEASES 6.94 14.53 13.63 12.68 12.99 NA ## 5.91 SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS 108.87 54.71 30.58 0.86 34.32 NA ## 116.93 SHORT TERM NON CORE FUNDING 28.39 23.50 25.03 22.26 72.95 NA ## 22.11 TOTAL LN&LS-90+DAYS PAST DUE 0.34 0.27 0.37 0.15 0.05 NA ## 0.37 - NONACCRUAL 2.67 1.31 1.65 0.65 0.34 NA ## 2.74 - TOTAL 3.16 1.64 2.07 0.84 0.43 NA ## 3.27 LIQUIDITY: CAPITALIZATION GROWTH RATES: NON-CURRENT LOANS & LEASES: 23,252 31,665 28,132 29,725 44,148 0 435 22,817 2,340 2,945 2,760 2,941 4,827 0 124 2,215 NET INCOME ($ MILLIONS) -60 72 -76 213 538 0 -20 -40 NUMBER OF BANKS IN TABULATION 50 55 53 55 65 0 5 45 TOTAL ASSETS ($MILLIONS) EQUITY CAPITAL ($MILLIONS) Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 46 Maryland State Average – All Insured Banks SUM M ARY INFORM ATION FOR BANKS IN STATE OF M ARYLAND STAVG AVERAGE FOR ALL INSURED COMMERCIAL BANKS IN STATE BANKS WITH ASSETS - $MILL 9/30/2009 9/30/2009 9/30/2008 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 12/31/2006 0-25 25-100 100+ TOTAL ASSETS ($MILLIONS) 23,252 31,665 28,132 29,725 44,148 0 435 22,817 EQUITY CAPITAL ($MILLIONS) 2,340 2,945 2,760 2,941 4,827 0 124 2,215 NET INCOME ($ MILLIONS) -60 72 -76 213 538 0 -20 -40 NUMBER OF BANKS IN TABULATION 50 55 53 55 65 0 5 45 Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 47 Summary All Insured Banks in Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina MD VA NC MD VA NC 9/ 30/ 2009 9/ 30/ 209 9/ 30/ 2009 9/ 30/ 2009 9/ 30/ 209 9/ 30/ 2009 NET NON CORE FUNDING DEPENDENCE 28.03 25.43 34.60 NET LOANS & LEASES TO ASSETS 74.25 72.22 72.27 EARNINGS AND P ROFITABILITY LIQUIDITY: PERCENT OF AVERAGE ASSETS: INTEREST INCOME (TE) 5.14 5.33 4.87 - INTEREST EXPENSE 1.80 1.92 1.85 NET INTEREST INCOME (TE) 3.32 3.40 3.02 CAPITALIZATION +NONINTEREST INCOME 0.54 0.62 0.64 TIER ONE LEVERAGE CAPITAL - NON-INTEREST EXPENSE 3.08 3.33 3.23 CASH DIVIDENDS TO NET INCOME - PROVISION: LOAN&LEASE LOSSES 0.90 0.70 1.05 RETAIN EARNS TO AVG TOTAL EQUITY = PRETAX OPERATING INCOME (TE) -0.25 0.05 -0.61 +SECURITIES GAINS (LOSSES) 0.03 0.03 0.04 = PRETAX NET OPERATING INC (TE) -0.24 0.05 -0.57 NET OPERATING INCOME -0.22 -0.01 -0.58 0.17 0.35 -0.17 NET INC ATTRIB TO MIN INTS N/A N/A N/A NET INCOME ADJUSTED SUB S -0.23 0.00 -0.58 NET INCOME -0.22 0.00 -0.58 ADJUSTED NET OPERATING INCOME M ARGIN ANALYSIS: AVG EARNINGS ASSETS TO AVG ASSETS 93.94 93.61 93.39 AVG INT-BEARING FUNDS TO AVG AST 78.35 78.11 81.17 INT INC (TE) TO AVG EARN ASSETS 5.48 5.71 5.25 INT EXPENSE TO AVG EARN ASSETS 1.92 2.06 1.99 NET INT INC-TE TO AVG EARN ASSET 3.57 3.65 3.23 9.79 10.09 9.99 27.04 19.66 7.87 -3.91 -1.20 -4.89 16.92 GROWTH RATES: 10.84 12.75 TIER ONE CAPITAL 8.41 6.71 6.36 NET LOANS & LEASES 6.94 9.79 14.10 108.87 124.41 90.03 28.39 17.84 11.88 TOTAL LN&LS-90+DAYS PAST DUE 0.34 0.25 0.09 - NONACCRUAL 2.67 1.71 2.06 - TOTAL 3.16 2.15 2.23 TOTAL ASSETS ($MILLIONS) 23,252 353,783 2,223,522 EQUITY CAPITAL ($MILLIONS) 2,340 45,731 254,023 -60 139 7,371 50 103 76 ASSETS SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS SHORT TERM NON CORE FUNDING NON-CURRENT LOANS & LEASES: NET INCOME ($ MILLIONS) NUMBER OF BANKS IN TABULATION LOAN & LEASE ANALYSIS: NET LOSS TO AVERAGE TOTAL LN&LS 0.67 0.45 0.83 EARNINGS COVERAGE OF NET LOSS(X) 4.74 6.55 2.39 1.51 1.56 1.81 4.44 7.51 3.99 1.51 1.55 1.79 LN&LS ALLOW TO LN&LS NOT HFS LN&LS ALLOWANCE TO NET LOSSES(X) LN&LS ALLOWANCE TO TOTAL LN&LS Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; UBPR 48 Themes for 2010 and beyond…. Competitive position Capital For growth For stability Control External Internal 49 Janney Montgomery Scott Contact Information JMS Contact Cliff Booth, Head of FIG Practice Telephone 410-583-5992 Email Location Baltimore / Philadelphia Ed Losty, Head of Bank Practice 757-564-9737 / 215-665-4491 Virginia / Philadelphia Roger Powell, Managing Director 410-583-5993 / 215-665-6687 Baltimore / Philadelphia Jay Junior, Managing Director 215-665-4497 Philadelphia 50 Where do they get this stuff? Off the Charts Banks Out of the Woods? Maybe Not By FLOYD NORRIS Published: February 26, 2010 MORE than $1 in every $10 that American banks have outstanding in loans is lent to a troubled borrower, a ratio far higher than… 51