
Dip into
To manage and conserve the natural and cultural resources of Texas
and to provide hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation opportunities
for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.
Dip Into Texas Waters - Library Version
“Dip Into Texas Waters- Library Version” is a selection of activities from the “Dip Into
Texas Waters Trunk.” “The Dip Into Texas Waters Trunk” includes a variety of fun,
hands-on activities and resources, field investigation tools, and equipment to help
informal and formal educators teach about water. A variety of activities are suitable for
both indoor use and outdoor explorations. Trunk activities and resources cover water
basics, understanding the function and role of water in Texas aquatic ecosystems, and
learning about water conservation and stewardship.
To learn more about the “Dip Into Texas Water Trunk” and other educational loaner
trunks available from Texas Parks and Wildlife sites and partner institutions across the
state, visit our website, http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/learning/resources/trunks/ .
The Dingell-Johnson Act (Federal Aid to Sport Fish Restoration) provides funds for fisheries management and
aquatic education activities from the excise taxes you pay on motorboat fuels and fishing tackle and accessories.
This “user pays/user benefits” system is the greatest conservation success story in the world and provides much
needed habitat and management of our water resources. Coupled with this federal funding, Texas Parks and
Wildlife Department’s Mission and Philosophy provide the foundation for strong aquatic education in Texas.
Aquatic Education • 4200 Smith School Road • Austin, Texas 78744
1-800-792-1112 • www.tpwd.state.tx.us
TPWD receives federal assistance from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other federal agencies. TPWD is therefore subject to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Title IX of the
Education Amendments of 1972, in addition to state anti-discrimination laws. TPWD will comply with state and federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on race,
color, national origin, age, sex or disability. If you believe that you have been discriminated against in any TPWD program, activity or event, you may contact the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Federal Assistance, 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Mail Stop: MBSP-4020, Arlington, VA 22203, Attention: Civil Rights Coordinator
for Public Access.
Table of Contents
Drop by Drop .............................................................................. 1
Water Strider ............................................................................... 2
How Wet is Our Planet? ............................................................. 3
Water Wonders ........................................................................... 5
Watershed Talk ......................................................................... 18
Water Words ............................................................................. 20
Every River Has A Story .......................................................... 33
Fish Prints ................................................................................. 36
Getting Out of a Bind ............................................................... 39
Texas Freshwater Habitats Coloring Page ............................... 40
Water Cycle Crossword Puzzle ................................................ 41
TPWD Additional Resources ................................................... 44
Water-Related Activities and Sites on the Web ....................... 47
Children’s Reading List ............................................................ 48
Adult’s Reading List ................................................................. 50
Map: Texas River Basins, Major Bays and Streams ................ 52
Map: Major Aquifers of Texas ................................................. 53
Map: Precipitation in Texas ...................................................... 54
A Word About Texas Waters
Perhaps no other natural resource in Texas has been more coveted, more haggled-over, more
central to who we are and who we’ll be, than water. Water is critical to all life. The health of
habitat and wildlife is integrally tied to human health and well-being, yet we often fail to plan for
their water needs.
We ask for your assistance in educating our communities about water. Little will have more
impact on the future of our natural resources than our collective knowledge and wise decisionmaking about Texas’ water resources. Thank you for helping educate others about these vital
How to Use This Packet
This activity packet has been designed so that libraries may use the activities individually or to
supplement existing programs and curriculum. The activities are easy-to-use and require little
preparation or specialized equipment. Background information is included to increase
See TPWD Additional Resources in the appendix of this packet for ideas on how to bring more
TPWD programs into your library. Also, visit our website for more activity ideas and resources.
How many drops of water fit on a penny? Experiment to see how many you can fit!
1. First, clean the penny with a paper towel. Don’t use soap!
2. Place the penny heads-up on a paper towel on flat, level surface.
3. Make an educated guess (hypothesis) about how many drops of water will fit on the head
of a penny. Write down your prediction.
4. Fill the pipette or water dropper with water and carefully drop water onto the penny,
counting each drop. Continue to place drops of water on the penny and counting until no
more water will fit and the water spills over.
5. How many drops of water did your penny hold? How close was your prediction? What
did the water on your penny look like?
6. Remove the water, dry your penny and place it on the table.
7. This time, add one drop of liquid detergent to your penny before you start adding water
drops. How many drops of water fit on your penny now?
8. Explain what the liquid detergent did to the water.
9. Clean up your area and dry the penny.
How does it work?
One of the unique properties of water is that water molecules (H 2 O) are strongly attracted to
each other and stick together, creating what we call, surface tension. This allows leaves to float
on water, water striders to walk on water, and water to rise against gravity up the stem of a
Surface tension is affected by the temperature of water. As the water temperature increases, the
surface tension decreases. Surface tension is also reduced by surfactants, a compound in
detergents. Surfactant molecules have the ability to combine both with oil and grease in dirt,
and water, freeing the dirt from an object. Now you know why using soap is so effective in
cleaning your hands and washing your clothes!
Water Strider
Photo by John Davis, TPWD Wildlife Diversity Program
Water striders seem to defy gravity as they skate or sit on the surface of calm
water. The magic of walking on water can be attributed to water’s strong surface
tension and the insect’s specialized body design.
The insects’ long legs distribute their weight over a large area while the ends of
their legs are covered in non-wettable hairs that do not break the water’s surface
Water striders vary in size from 3-18 mm (less than ¾ inches). They find and eat
other insects by feeling the vibrations of water ripples produced by the prey. Birds
and fish feed on water striders. Although they look unusual, they are not harmful to
How does the water striders ability to walk on water relate to the
amount of drops of water that you can put on a penny?
How Wet Is Our Planet
To describe the amount and distribution of water in the earth's oceans, rivers, lakes, groundwater, ice
caps, and atmosphere.
The earth is also known as the "water planet," as approximately 70 percent of its surface is water. Water is
found in rivers, ponds, lakes, oceans, ice caps, clouds, and as groundwater. All these forms of water are
part of a dynamic and interrelated flow called the hydrologic cycle, in which each part of the cycle shares
a portion of the total amount of water on the planet. Many people think water is a limitless resource, yet
simple calculations demonstrate the fact that the amount of water on our planet is in fact limited. It is
known that the earth has the same amount of water now as it did when it was first created, therefore, the
amount of water available to humans and wildlife depends largely on how its quality is maintained. Every
person has the responsibility to conserve water, use it wisely, and protect its quality.
20 minutes
Age Range
3th grade through adult
Materials Needed
Large map of the world or 12" diameter globe (preferably one which depicts clouds)
Five-gallon container (aquarium or bucket)
Three clear containers (cups or jars). Label one "freshwater," the second "groundwater," and
the third "rivers and lakes"
Eye dropper
Blue food coloring (optional: use a few drops to tint water for improved visibility)
1. Fill the empty bucket or aquarium with five gallons of water, and ask the students to imagine
that this is all the water on Earth including the water that is contained in the atmosphere,
glaciers, ice caps, lakes, rivers, oceans and streams.
2. Next, have a volunteer take out 25 tablespoons of water from the bucket and place it in the
large, clear jar labeled “freshwater.” This represents all the freshwater on Earth (water
contained in the atmosphere, icecaps, rivers, ponds, lakes, and groundwater). Now all the
water in the bucket/aquarium represents all the salt water on Earth. Ask the students what the
difference between salt and fresh water is (saltwater is not drinkable, fresh water is).
3. Next, have another volunteer take out 8 tablespoons from the freshwater supply and place it in
the measuring cup labeled “groundwater.” This represents all the groundwater on Earth.
Discuss that groundwater is water that is located under ground in the cracks and spaces
between sand and gravel. Ask them if they have ever dug a hole in their back yard to discover
water in the sand, tell them that this is groundwater.
4. Finally, have a third volunteer take out one tenth of a tablespoon (or about 25 drops with an
eye dropper) and pour it in a small glass labeled “rivers and lakes.” This water represents all
the water in rivers and lakes on Earth. Now we have removed the water contained in
groundwater, rivers and lakes from the world’s “freshwater” container, the “freshwater”
container now represents all the water contained in the atmosphere (clouds, rain, snow) and
all the water on the planet that is frozen (polar ice caps and glaciers). Ask the students if it
easy to make a trip to Antarctica to chip away a chunk of ice, then melt it in order to get a
drink. Ask if it is easy to collect a cloud or wait for it to rain in order to get a drink. Ask the
students to compare the amount of drinkable water (the “groundwater” and “rivers and lakes”
container) to the amount of undrinkable water (the bucket/aquarium of salt water and the
“freshwater” container).
* This activity can also be set up an exhibit or learning station.
We have all have a responsibility to protect water in all its forms on Earth. Of immediate concern is the
protection of our drinking water sources. The amount of freshwater on Earth represents a small percentage
of the total water available. The freshwater in groundwater, rivers, and lakes is our primary source of
drinking water. Half of the citizens in the United States depend on groundwater as their source of drinking
water; the remainder relies on surface water as their drinking water source. You may have been surprised
to learn that groundwater and surface water make up such a small percentage of the Earth’s total water
supply. It becomes very apparent then how important it is to protect these water sources since they are
available in a limited quantity and since our existence depends on them.
Activity Source
The Groundwater Foundation: http://www.groundwater.org/kc/activity6.html
Adapted from "Making Discoveries," published by The Groundwater Foundation. View Catalog.
Water Wonders
The water cycle Is the system by which Earth*$ fixed amount of water is collected,
purified, and distributed from the environment to living things and back to the
environment. Through a game and an experiment, this activity will introduce students..
to the various steps of the water cycle and will help them mate connections between |j
the water cycle and all living things.
Grades 4-8
Science, Language Arts,
Social Studies
• In biological systems, energy
flows and materials continually cycle in predictable and
measurable patterns. (3.1)
* Conservation technology
enables humans to maintain
and extend the productivity
of vital resources. (3.7)
m Populations of organisms exhibit variations in size and structure as a result of their adaptation to their habitats. (4.1)
Organizing Information,
Predicting, Comparing and
Contrasting, Inferring
Diffeientiated Instruction
Nonlinguistic Representations, Prior
Knowledge, Paired/Cooperative
Learning, Key Vocabulary, Higher
Order Thinking, Oral/Reading/
Writing Skills
Part A: station sections cut
from student page, copies of
student page "Water Cycle
Score Card," seven dice label for
each of seven stations watch or
Part B: two long planter boxes
filled with soil, several small
plants, bricks or scrap wood
(optional), watering can with
spray head or coffee can with
nail holes poked in the bottom
Time Considerations
Preparation: 30 minutes (Part A)
several hours (Part B)
Activity: 50 minutes (Part A)
50 minutes (Part B)
Related Activities
Rain Reasons, Soil Stories,
Air Plants, Every Drop Counts
Students will describe the various components
of the water cycle and the path a water molecule might take on its way through this cycle.
Students will explain how the water cycle is
important to living things.
Students will describe how plants affect the
movement of water in a watershed.
• Use the following criteria to assess students'
water molecule stories in Part A:
• Includes all stops of their water molecule's
journey, in chronological order.
• Includes details about the journey, explaining
accurately how and why the water molecule
went where it did.
The movement of water is greatly influenced by the contour of land and geoWater covers 71 percent of Earth. It constigraphic features such as mountains, valtutes 50-70 percent of the weight of all
leys, and hills. A watershed is the area of
plants and animals, including humans.
land that guides water through small
Water consists of two parts hydrogen to
streams toward a major stream or river.
one part oxygen. It can exist in liquid,
Water's movement in the watershed, in
vapor, or solid (ice) forms. Its unique physi- turn, creates contours of the land by erocal properties enable life to exist on Earth. sion and sedimentation.
Those properties include water's ability to
remain liquid in a wide range of normal
In addition to clouds, oceans, rivers, and
Earth temperatures and its ability to disland, living organisms are part of the
solve and transport other substances.
water cycle. All living things need water
to live because it is essential to their bodWater is constantly moving. In general, it
ily functions. Plants and animals take in
evaporates from oceans into the atmoswater and return it to the atmosphere as
phere (air), condenses into clouds, falls as
vapor (breathing, transpiring) or to the
rain or snow, and eventually returns to
soil as liquid (excreting).
oceans through a drainage system of
streams and rivers. This movement is
Forests greatly affect watersheds. When
called the water cycle. Energy from the
rain falls on the forest, it drips down
sun, which allows evaporation, and gravity through the forest canopy to the forest
are the driving forces that power the cycle. floor. Trees, other plants, and layers of
plant litter absorb rainwater, reducing
In the coldest regions of Earth, water is
erosion and runoff. Tree roots also help to
stored for a long time as ice and hardhold soil in place so that it doesn't wash
packed snow. But even ice and snow are in away. But, when rain falls on bare ground,
motion; glaciers slowly melt as they move the full force of raindrops can wash soil
inch by inch. Icebergs break away from gla- into streams, making them muddy.
ciers and float in the ocean, slowly melting as they move toward the equator.
Project Learning Tree • PieK- 8 Activity Guide
© American Forest Foundation
« Conveys the importance and cyclical nature of
the water cycle.
Give students the following scenario to write
about individually or in groups: Imagine that
two pieces of land are exactly alike, except one
area is bare and the other is covered by a forest. Now imagine a stream running through
each piece of land. What are the differences in
the way the stream might move through each
area? How would the water quality of the
stream differ in each area? What physical
changes might take place in each area?
<|. Provide students with a blank graphic of
A the water cycle and a list of key vocabulary (evaporation, precipitation, etc.). Have students cut out the words and glue them on the
graphic to identify each step of the process.
Forests also help improve water quality
by filtering out impurities that could be
potentially harmful in streams or
groundwater. Through the process of
transpiration, water that is absorbed by
tree roots is released as vapor through
the leaves, impurities (many of which
are good for a tree) remain in the tree.
Although the gradual wearing down
and erosion of soil is a natural process,
without proper management human
activities such as clearing vegetation
for development, logging, dam building, farming, and draining wetlands
will increase the rate of erosion in
watersheds and can reduce water
quality. By the same token, reforestation, certain types of farming and
landscaping, and restoring wetlands
can reverse those trends.
For Part A, photocopy page 192 and cut
the stations apart. Also copy student
page 193 for each student. Using paper
and marking pens, make a large label
for each of seven stations: Cloud,
Glacier, Stream, Groundwater, Ocean,
Plant, and Animal. Use those labels to
set up seven stations around the
room. At each station, put a die and
the station section designated for that
fj; Draw or cut out pictures from
magazines to accompany
each label.
approximate dimensions.) At one
end of each box cut a v-shaped
notch about 1.5" (3.8 cm) deep, and
fit it with a spout of stiff paper so
water is directed into a container
(see diagram on page 191). Put a
piece of sod (cut from a pasture,
field, fence row, or lawn) in one box,
and place bare soil (preferably from
the same location) in the other. Set
both boxes on a table so the spouts
extend over the edge; place boards
under the opposite ends to give
both boxes the same slope. Place
jars on stools underneath the
PART A—Go to the Head
of the Cloud
A i. Ask students whether they
^ have heard of the water cycle
before. Divide the class into pairs.
Ask pairs to write down words that
describe what they know about the
water cycle. Then ask them to write
their own description of the water
cycle. Ask volunteers to share their
description with the whole class.
2. Share with your students the data
showing the Earth's water distribution from the chart on the next page.
Then make a drawing on the board
of the water cycle as shown below.
Make sure that students understand
the terms evaporation, groundwater,
transpiration, etc. (see "Glossary").
Use the following questions to focus
their attention:
• If every living thing needs so much
water, why isn't it used up?
Where does the water go when a
puddle dries up?
• Why don't oceans and lakes dry up
like puddles do?
m Where does rain come from?
Do you think water always follows
the same path as shown in the
water cycle?
§> Explain that the water cycle is really
a simplified model for looking at the
"journey" of a water molecule. So students may learn more about the different paths water might take, invite
them to play a game in which they
each will be a water molecule. Have
Water Cycle
For Part B, on or near the school
grounds, find two sloped sites with
about the same angle of slope: one
should have little or no vegetation
on the soil (a roadway cutbank, or
steep bare slope, works well), and
one should be covered with plants
(grass, shrubs, or trees).
Alternatively, you can build two
stream table boxes about 16" long x
12" wide x 4" deep (40.6 cm x 30.5
cm x 10.2 cm). Make them watertight by lining with plastic material
or aluminum foil. (You may use
planter boxes, cake pans, or aluminum foil roasting pans with the
Water Wonders
© American Forest Foundation
Water source
Water volume, in
cubic miles
Percent of
total water
Icecaps, Glaciers
Ground water
Fresh -water lakes
Inland seas
Soil moisture
Total water volume
4. Divide students into seven approximately equal groups, and have each
group begin at one of the stations.
§. Have students roll the die and read
the statement at their station corresponding to the number on the die.
On their water cycle score card, they
should write their current station
stop, what happens to them, and their
destination. When you call out "cycle,"
students should go to the next station
as directed on the paper.
6. Repeat Step 5 about 10 times or until
most students have cycled through the
Cloud station a couple of times.
Jl. 7. Review sequencing transition
^ words like "next," "after,"
"before," "while," "during," etc.
Provide students with a blank
sequence graphic organizer and
have them fill in sequence terms
and water cycle terms.
'B,, Ask students to write a brief story
from a water molecule's point of view
that describes the journey they just
took through the water cycle. For example, a student whose journey was
Glacier;-:Stream :-:-Ocean*Cloud;;:-Stream ;-:-A
nimal*Cloudx-Glacier#-Ocean might
start a story, "I was a lonely water molecule frozen in a glacier on top of a
mountain. When the spring came and
the ice thawed, I melted into a stream.
Down the mountain the stream roared
going over large boulders. After the
long journey I reached the ocean." (Visit
www.plt.org and click on "curriculum"
for a sample story.)
9» On the board, write the names of
the seven stations. Beginning with
Cloud, ask students to share all the different ways they got to Cloud. (For
example, they evaporated from the
ocean and transpired from the plant.)
On the board, show each response by
drawing arrows to Cloud. Repeat with
the other stations.
A 1O. Discuss the following
« Even though individual molecules
took different paths, was anything
similar about the journeys they took?
m In the game, which stations seemed
to be visited by the most water molecules, regardless of their particular
journey? What can we infer from this?
• Can you think of other parts of the
Project Learning Tree • PreK-8 Activity Guide
© American Forest. Foundation
Source: Nace, U.S. Geological Survey, "Earth's Water Distribution," 1967.
<http://ga.usgs.gov/edu/waterdistribution.html>, accessed 8/18/05.
them use the score card on student
page 193 to record the path they followed in the game. Later, they will
compare score cards.
water cycle that were not included
in the game? (lakes, reservoirs,
rivers, wells, puddles) Where might
they be included in the cycle?
The water cycle is usually shown like
this (point to sketch from Step 2). Do
you think this is a useful way to
show the cycle, even if the sketch
doesn't include all the paths water
might take?
What makes water move through
the cycle? (sun, gravity, physical
properties of water) What would
happen if the sun's energy were
blocked from Earth?
What might happen if all of Earth's
water stayed in the oceans? In
the clouds?
How is the water cycle important to
plants and animals? (It moves water
to them; it makes water available at
different times.)
1. Ask students, "Have you ever wished
water didn't act the way it does? For
example, you might have wished that
it didn't rain on a day when your family was going to the zoo, that a puddle
didn't evaporate because you enjoyed
stomping in it, or that snow didn't
melt because you wanted to ski."
Discuss these questions:
m Is there anything people can do to
control or alter the water cycle?
(build dams, cover reservoirs, seed
clouds, make snow)
* Do you think plants have any effect
on the water cycle?
2. Explain to students that the class
will conduct an experiment to find
one way that plants might affect the
water cycle and protect soil from erosion. Take them to the sloped sites you
identified in Getting Ready, or use two
stream tables. Describe the experiment to students (see Step 3). Then
have them predict whether there will
be any difference in what occurs on
the two slopes.
3. Fill the watering can or coffee can
with water. Help students hold the can
at the same height so they can pour or
sprinkle water at the same rate over
the same point of each slope. Have
students look for the following:
m The plants' effect on the water's speed
• The amount of run-off on each slope
• The appearance of the run-off water
• The water's effect on the contour
(shape of the surface) of each slope
••!., As you lead class members in a discussion about what they observed, ask
questions such as these:
What happened to the water on the
bare slope? What do you think will be
the water's next stop in the water
cycle? (probably a stream)
• What happened to the water on the
planted slope? What do you think will
be the water's next stop in the water
cycle? (plants, groundwater, or stream)
i In what ways do plants affect the
movement of both water and sediment (soil carried in water) through
the water cycle? (They slow down
the water so more of it can soak into
the ground and plants rather than
running off into streams. They hold
soil with their roots so it doesn't
wash away.)
a What effect did the two slopes have
on the quality of the water? How did
the change occur? (Water on the bare
slope might have been muddier.)
• How are forests important for
maintaining the balance of water
in a watershed?
Build a terrarium to observe the
water cycle in action. (See Appendix
15 for instructions.) Put a small cup
filled with water (to simulate a pond)
in the center, and surround it with a
2" (s-cm) layer of soil. Place small potted plants (like ferns or house plants)
in the soil. Then moisten the soil and
plants lightly using a spray bottle.
Cover the container tightly with plastic wrap and place the terrarium in
indirect sunlight. What do your students observe happening as time
passes? What causes the changes?
(Plants should thrive. Moisture
should condense on the underside of
the plastic and the side of the container. The water level in the pond
may rise if water drips into it.)
If possible, build a second terrarium
to the same specifications. Cover the
second terrarium with aluminum foil
and as time passes, have students
observe what is happening.
Comparing the two experiments,
what role does the sun's energy seem
to have in the water cycle?
Stream Tables
Hooper, Meredith. The Drop in my Drink The
Story of Water on Our Planet. Viking
Childrens Books. 1998. Helpful in
understanding the importance of water to
the formation of and continuation of life on
Earth, and the need to protect this vital
resource, all the while stimulating the
imagination with a fantastic voyage
through time. Grades 3-7. ISBN: 0711211825.
Johnston,Tom. Water, Water/Gareth Stevens
Publishing. 1988. Demonstrates the many
uses of water, where it comes from, how it is
wasted, and why it is vital to the survival of
living things. Grades 3-6. ISBN: 1555324O7X.
Mckinney, Barbara Shaw and Michael S.
Maydak. A Drop Around the World. Dawn
Publications. 1998. Presents the water cycle
through the journey of a raindrop around
the world, in sky, on land, underground, and
in the sea, in its liquid, solid, and vapor
forms, as it supports life everywhere. Grades
2-6. ISBN: 1883220726. If
Wick, Walter. A Drop of Water: A Book of Science
and Wonder. Scholastic. 1997. Photographs of
water in various states and stages of
movement. These pictures present water
drops; soap bubbles; water condensing and
evaporating; snowflakes, frost, and dew; and
water as a prism. Grades 1-5. ISBN:
Williams, Terry Tempest. The Secret Language
of Snow. Sierra Club/Patheon. 1984.
Examines over a dozen different types of
snow and snowy conditions through the
vocabulary of the Inuit people of Alaska.
Discusses the physical properties and
formation of snow and how it affects plants,
animals, and people of the Arctic. Grades 2-7.
ISBN: 039486574X.
Yolen, Jane. Water Music: Poems for Children.
Boyds Mil! Press. 1995. The pictures illustrate
water in all its forms, and the poems are
Yolen's responses. From dewdrops to
raindrops, from a trickling stream to
Niagara Falls, from a froth of soap bubbles
to a puddle to a lake, from icicles to steamwater is music. Grades 3-7. ISBN: 1563973367.
Available @ http://shop.plt.org
Water Wonders
© American Forest Foundation
Student Page
fro to the Head of the Cloud
- Groundwater
Station • - Cloud
1. You move slowly underground and eventually flow
into an ocean. Go to Ocean.
2. You move slowly downward and become part of an
aquifer. Stay at Groundwater.
3. You move slowly underground between grains of sediment and eventually flow downward into a wetland
and from there into a stream. Go to Stream.
4. You move slowly underground between grains of sediment and eventually flow downward into a wetland
and from there into a stream. Go to Stream.
5. A plant takes you in through its roots. Go to Plant.
6. You are pumped out of the ground from a well to
irrigate a farm. Go to Plant.
You fall as rain onto an ocean. Go to Ocean.
You fall as rain onto an ocean. Go to Ocean.
You fall as rain onto a stream. Go to Stream.
You fall as snow onto a Glacier. Go to Glacier.
You fall as snow onto the ground. Go to Groundwater.
You fall as rain onto a parking lot. Go to Stream.
Station £& - Glacier
You evaporate into the air. Go to Cloud.
You stay frozen in ice. Stay at Glacier.
You stay frozen in ice. Stay at Glacier.
You melt and become part of a stream. Go to Stream.
You melt and become part of a stream. Go to Stream.
You break off from the glacier and fall into the
ocean. Goto Ocean.
Station ^J - Ocean
1. You are one of countless water molecules in an
ocean and you stay there. Stay at Ocean.
2. You are one of countless water molecules in an
ocean and you stay there. Stay at Ocean.
3. You are one of countless water molecules in an
ocean and you stay there. Stay at Ocean.
4. You evaporate into the air. Go to Cloud.
5. You evaporate into the air. Go to Cloud.
6. You evaporate into the air. Go to Cloud.
Station *1* - Stream
1. You evaporate into the air. Go to Cloud.
2. You evaporate into the air. Go to Cloud.
3. An animal comes to the stream and licks you up. Go
to animal.
4. You continue rolling downhill and become part of
an ocean. Go to Ocean.
5. You continue rolling downhill and become part of
an ocean. Go to Ocean.
6. A human drinks from the stream. Go to Animal.
Project learning Tree • PreK-8 Activity Guide
© American Forest Foundation
Station \J -Animal
1. After using you to process food, the animal urinates
and you end up in the ground. Go to Groundwater.
2. After using you to process food, the animal urinates
and you end up in the ground. Go to Groundwater.
3. You are exhaled from an animal's lungs into the air
as vapor. Go to Cloud.
4* You are exhaled from an animal's lungs into the airs
as vapor. Go to Cloud.
5. A person uses you for brushing his or her teeth and
you end up going through a sewage treatment
plant and then put into a stream. Go to Stream.
6. After using you to quench their thirst, a person urinates and you end up going through a sewage treatment plant and then put into a stream. Go to Stream.
Station f
- Plant
1. The plant transpires you through its leaves and you
evaporate into the air. Go to Cloud.
2. The plant transpires you through its leaves and you
evaporate into the air. Go to Cloud.
3. The plant transpires you through its leaves and you
evaporate into the air. Go to Cloud.
4. The plant uses you to grow. Stay at Plant.
5. The plant stores you in its edible fruit. Go to Animal.
6. The plant stores you in its edible leaves. Go to Animal.
Activity 44 • Water Wonders
Student Page
Water Cycle Score Card
Student's Name
Station Stop
What Happens
Fall as rain
Describe your entire journey on the back of the score card.
Activity 44* Water Wonders
Project Learning Tree • PreK-8 Activity Guide
© American Forest Foundation
What is a Watershed?
A watershed is all the land that drains into one common water body.
To demonstrate, have four-six people stand side by side, holding hands, with every other set of
hands raised above their heads to simulate mountains, and the other set of hands simulates
valleys. Explain that from one mountain top down the valley and up the other mountain top
represents a watershed.
How big is a watershed?
It depends… a watershed can be small (the watershed of a creek) or large (the watershed
of a major river)
What watershed or river basin are we in today?
What are the different ways water can enter this aquatic ecosystem?
(Inputs—precipitation, overland flow, springs, smaller streams flowing into the
river/creek; Outputs—evaporation, infiltration to ground, stream flow downstream)
1. above (atmosphere: precipitation and evaporation)
2. below (groundwater)
3. laterally (terrestrial overland flow, aquatic flow from smaller streams )
4. longitudinally (upstream & downstream)
What impacts can the terrestrial landscape (watershed) have on a stream?
o Surrounding land use—rain falling on the soil can soak in, whereas rain falling on a
parking lot will runoff into the nearby stream increasing the streams flow.
o Erosion due to lack of vegetation-- A lack of plants along stream bank may lead to
erosion and excess sediment in the stream
o Canopy cover provides shade and helps keep water temperature low vs no canopy cover
which may lead to higher water temperatures. The canopy also drops leaves and debris
into the stream, providing shelter and food for animals such as macroinvertebrates and
o point source and non-point source pollution from nearby landscapes (ie.,
What is Point source pollution?
Source pollution is “pollution with an address” ; sources of pollution that have specific
points of discharge such as a waste-water treatment output pipe or industrial waste
What is Non-point source pollution?
Non-point source pollution comes from a variety of sources such as general runoff of
sediments, fertilizer, pesticides, and other materials from rural and urban areas, including
golf courses; agriculture lands, livestock, commercial and residential areas.
1. Everything we do on land affects a nearby waterway which eventually flows to the
2. Everyone lives downstream from somebody else (so practice the Golden Rule)
Biologists determine the health of a river or stream by checking the physical and biological
What are the physical properties of a stream?
What does the doctor do when you go in for a checkup? (she/he checks your temperature,
Temperature, pH, turbidity, conductivity, TDS, Dissolved Oxygen--These things only give
us a “snap-shot” in time
What are the biological properties of a stream?
Biology is the study of living things. So the biological properties include the different
types of fish, macroinvertebrates and other aquatic animal and plant life.
Marcroinvertebrates are animals without backbones that are large enough to be seen
without the aid of a hand lens or microscope. Macroinverbrates include insects, mites,
claims, snails, worms, crustaceans and isopods. Surveying the living macroinvertebrates
in a stream gives us a look at long-term trends and condition of the stream’s health. Some
macroinvertebrates are very sensitive to changes in water. By looking at different types
of macroinvertebrates we find, we can determine the health of a pond, stream or river
over time.
Using word and definition cards, participants increase their hydrology vocabulary
Audience: Most appropriate for middle school students - adult
Time Frame: 10 – 20 minutes
Activity One:
Copy and cut “Water Words” cards
Activity Two:
Copy and cut “Water Words” cards
Dry Erase board and markers OR flip charts and markers
Students will be able to:
1. match vocabulary terms and definitions
2. illustrate vocabulary terms
“Water Words” cards (cut and separated)
Activity 1: Mix and Match
Distribute equal number of words and matching definitions to participants. Have participants find their
“match”. After all matches have been made, each pair shares their word and definition with the group. Or
layout words and definitions on a table and have participants match the pairs.
Activity 2: Pictionary
Played like the game Pictionary. Select one person to be the timer and scorekeeper. Make a group
decision about how much time will be allowed for each team to draw and guess the word (typically 3-5
minutes.) Divide participants into equal numbered teams (number and size of teams at your discretion.)
Using the water word cards or definitions (for younger participants you may need to use both the word
and definition together), team members take turns drawing a picture to illustrate the chosen word for their
team to guess. The “artist” may not use any verbal clues. Take time to discuss each word and definition
with the group as the game is played.
Scoring options for older participants: Higher points can be assigned if only the word OR definition card
is used. If both word and definition are used, assign lower score points.
Water Words Icebreaker Key
The amount of water that covers 1 acre of land to the depth of 1
An underground layer of porous rock, sand, or other material that
allows the movement of water between layers of non-porous rock or
A site where the sea and river meet.
Evapotranspiration: The process of transferring moisture from the earth to the
atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration from plants.
Water that has accumulated in the ground, completely filling and
saturating all pores and spaces in rock and/or soil. It is the reservoir
for springs and wells and is replenished by infiltration of surface
Hydrologic cycle: The circulation of water from the sea, through the atmosphere, to the
land (via overland flow, evaporation or transpiration) and then back
to the sea.
Impervious cover: Any land that does not allow water to penetrate into the soil, (e.g.
roadways, rooftops, buildings, patios, compacted soils).
The vertical movement of water that seeps into the soil or porous
rock to recharge groundwater supplies.
Non-point source
Sources of pollution such as general runoff of sediments, fertilizer,
pesticides, and other materials from farms and urban areas as
opposed to specific points of discharge such as factories.
Pervious cover:
Any surface that allows water to penetrate below the surface.
Recharge zone:
With reference to groundwater, the area over which infiltration and
resupply of a given aquifer occurs.
The land along edges of a stream, river or waterbody that provides
habitat and serves as a buffer between the uplands and water.
Surface water:
Lakes, rivers, streams and ponds.
The region of land that drains into one common water body.
Transition of land between terrestrial and fresh or saltwater aquatic
systems that may be wet for all or part of the year.
The vertical movement of
water that seeps into the
soil or porous rock to
recharge groundwater
Transition of land between
terrestrial and fresh or
saltwater aquatic systems,
that may be wet for all or
part of the year.
Lakes, rivers,
streams and ponds
The circulation of water from
the sea, through the
atmosphere, to the land
(via overland flow, evaporation
or transpiration)
and then back to the sea
A site where the sea
and river meet
The land along edges of a
stream, river or water-body
that provides habitat and
serves as a buffer between
the uplands and water
The amount of water that
covers 1 acre of land to
the depth of 1 foot
The region of land that
drains into
one common water body
Sources of pollution such as general
runoff of sediments, fertilizer,
pesticides, and other materials from
farms and urban areas as opposed to
specific points of discharge such as
An underground layer of porous
rock, sand, or other material that
allows the movement of water
between layers of non-porous rock
or clay
Water that has accumulated in the
ground, completely filling and
saturating all pores and spaces in
rock and/or soil. It is the reservoir
for springs and wells and is
replenished by infiltration of
surface water
With reference to groundwater,
the area over which infiltration
and resupply of a given
aquifer occurs
Any land use that does not allow
water to penetrate into the soil
(e.g. roadways, rooftops, buildings,
patios, compacted soils)
Any surface that allows water to
penetrate below the surface
The process of transferring
moisture from the earth to the
atmosphere by evaporation and
transpiration from plants
Summary: Students explore their watershed using maps and additional
resources. Using the information about the river and its watershed, students
write an autobiography or poem from the river’s perspective.
Audience: Most appropriate for ages 10+ (or grades 4+)
Time Frame: 60 minutes
o (Optional) Water Stories DVD: Save Water for Wildlife Segment
(DVD can be ordered free of charge by contacting
education@tpwd.state.tx.us or 512-389-8183.)
o River Fact Information (find information about your river at Handbook of
Texas Online http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online *)
o River Basin Map (in packet)
o Precipitation Map (in packet)
o Texas Map
Background for Group Leaders:
Rivers are not isolated bands of water running through the landscape. They are
complex systems that sit within a watershed. If you look at a map of your entire
watershed, you may find a variety of topography, vegetative cover and land
uses. All of these types of land cover and land uses affect how a watershed
functions and how floods behave.
A river is always changing. As a river flows down its watershed it cuts through
and dissolves the landscape. Along its course the river constantly picks up,
carries and deposits rocks and sediments 1. The underlying geology of Texas
combined with the vegetative type and precipitation rate also affects the shape,
path and size of the river channel. Texas precipitation rates increase from the
west, where El Paso typically receives 8 inches of annual rainfall, to the east,
where Orange may receive as much as 59 inches of rain annually. All of these
processes cause the shape and path of the river channel to be in a constant state
of change.
Deschu, Nancy and Anne Walker. 2007. Living With the River: A Guide to Understanding Western Washington Rivers and Protecting Yourself
from Floods. Shorelines and Environmental Assistance Program, Washington Department of Ecology, Olympia. Publication 07- 06-016
Rivers often define political boundaries such as country, state, city and county
lines. The Red River divides the states of Texas and Oklahoma and the Rio
Grande divides the United States and Mexico. What happens to these
boundaries when a river changes it course over time?
In Texas we have 15 major rivers, which eventually flow into the Gulf of
Mexico forming 7 major bay systems (see Rivers of Texas Map).
In all, Texas has approximately 200,000 miles of creeks, streams & rivers. If
you were to look at a map of Texas from 200 years ago you would see ribbons
of BLUE (representing rivers), but no large circles of BLUE because Texas
only has one natural lake, Caddo Lake. Today Texas has 212 major reservoirs
(man-made lakes consisting of at least 5,000 acre feet.) Most of these were
created in the 1950’s when dams were built on the rivers to provide water
supplies during the “drought of record.” Dams are also built to generate
electricity and to control flooding for local communities. The O. H. Ivie
Reservoir located on the Concho River is the most recent major reservoir built,
it was completed in 1990. Currently 26 new reservoirs are recommended by the
2012 State Water Plan (Texas Water Development Board).
Small creeks and streams (tributaries) combine to form larger streams called
rivers. Rivers flow downhill, and in Texas, since our elevation is generally
higher in the west and lower as you move east or southeast, most rivers flow
generally from west to east and eventually into the Gulf of Mexico. The areas
on each side of the river, the riparian zones, are critical to the health of a river.
The grass, plants and trees that grow in the riparian zone provide food, space
and shelter for wildlife and also serve as a buffer zone, filtering the water,
absorbing some water and decreasing the amount and speed of runoff, thus
decreasing the possibility of flood and erosion of the stream bank.
Throughout time rivers have played an important role in the lives of all who
live in Texas. Many communities were established near rivers because they
provided water for homes and farms, food for people, and transportation.
Before major roads and highways were created, people used rivers to travel
from one territory to the next. Sometimes the rivers helped to serve as a barrier
from enemies.
In Texas, our drinking water comes from a well (groundwater) or from a lake or
river* (surface water). Some people collect and store rainwater from the roofs
of buildings. (For more information about groundwater and aquifers, visit the
Encyclopedia of Earth website, www.eoearth.org/article/Aquifers_of_Texas
As humans, we are supremely aware of our own dependence on enough clean
water, but the story doesn’t stop there. People use local water resources for
drinking, bathing, cooking, cleaning and playing (recreation).
But how could we humans survive without all the plants and animals living in
Texas that also depend on water for survival? What happens to them when
water is scarce? How would the loss of our plants and animals impact our
1. Introduce the topic of water resources by viewing the “Save Water for
Wildlife” DVD available from TPWD (8 min, 21 sec) (Optional)
2. Ask participants if they know the source of their drinking water at home.
Does their water come from a well or from a pipe supplied by their city or
housing development? Follow up questions:
Well: Where does the water in the well come from? ( An aquifer )
City: Where does the city get the water? (An aquifer (groundwater); a
river or reservoir (surface water))?
3. Ask group if they know the name of the river basin in which they live. Share
some of the information about this river from the Handbook of Texas Online
4. Using the background information and maps, lead a discussion about water
in Texas and its major rivers.
5. Using the information about the river and its watershed, have students write
an autobiography or poem from the river’s perspective. What changes has the
river seen in its lifetime? Are the people different? The animals? What happens
to the river during times of drought? Floods? What events have shaped the
river through time?
* Handbook of Texas Online
The Handbook of Texas Online is a multidisciplinary encyclopedia of Texas history,
geography, and culture sponsored by the Texas State Historical Association. An easy-to- use
searchable data base makes it easy to find information and interesting facts about local rivers
and the history that surrounds them. For example, regarding the Colorado River, the
Handbook of Texas states “The name Colorado, Spanish for “red,” is evidently a misnomer,
for the water of the stream is clear and always has been….most authorities agree, however,
that the name Colorado was fist applied by Alonso De Leonin 1690, not to the present stream
but to the Brazos, and there is evidence to support the theory that the names of the two
streams were interchanged…” To learn more, go to
Fish Prints
Using paint and rubber fish, students will create a print of the fish on a piece of paper.
Students will then identify the parts of the fish.
Audience: all ages
Time: 15-30 minutes
Rubber fish
Blank paper, white bandana or t-shirt for each person
Various colors of tempera paint
Paint containers or trays
Foam paint brushes
Butcher paper or newspaper
Plastic scrub brush
Old towels
Large tub or bucket with rinse water
Rope and clothes pins (to hang and dry prints)
Use the following information about fish body parts to help students understand basic fish biology.
Fins – for balance and movement
Caudal (tail) fin used for propulsion, forward movement
Dorsal fin provides balance and maneuverability
Anal fin provides balance and maneuverability
Pectoral fin allows fish to remain stationary, stay in one place; also used
for diving and surfacing
Pelvic fin used for maintaining balance and position
Gills – let the fish “breathe” underwater. Water enters through the mouth and passes over the gills. As
the water passes over the gills, oxygen is captured. Damage to gills is usually fatal.
Lateral Lines – only occur in fish. The lines help fish feel vibrations and locate nearby movement.
Fish ears - located on the head below the skin, allow fish to hear far-away sounds.
Scales – protect the fish. Scales grow larger as the fish gets older. As a result, scales are used to
determine the age of fish.
Fish slime – not a true body part. The slime is a mucous coating which helps to prevent infection and
disease. It also reduces friction with the water allowing the fish to move more easily through the
water. To protect the fish slime, always wet hands before handling a fish.
1. Cover work area with butcher paper or newspaper to protect from spills.
2. Distribute containers with paint, plastic fish, paper and foam brushes.
3. Demonstrate to the class by applying a thin coat of paint to one side of the rubber fish.
Multiple colors can be used on one fish, but don’t allow students to mix a color from one
container into another.
NOTE: You may have to experiment with the right application of paint to make the print clear. Too
much paint can smudge the print. Too little paint will make the features of the fish unclear.
4. Lay a sheet of paper on the painted side and gently rub the entire fish.
5. Pull the paper up and lay it aside to dry. When dry, label the various body parts of the fish.
Instruct students to use the same procedure to create a fish print of their own.
7. After students have finished painting their fish and are letting the paint dry, discuss the
main body parts of the fish and how they function.
8. Use the plastic scrub brush and bucket to clean the fish and foam brushes after painting.
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Surf Your Gulf
Humans are special. We have hands
and fingers, and the ability to use them
to get out of a simple bind. If we were
entangled in fishing line, we could
probably free ourselves. How? (Cut
line: untie it.)
But what about a seal, dolphin, or
duck? Let's see what might happen.
Use a
volunteer to
Put a rubber
around the
back of his
or her hand,
catching the
thumb and
little finger.
Have the
child try to
remove the rubber band without using
the other hand or teeth or rubbing it
against something. Hand out rubber
bands for everyone to try. Tell each
child to pretend his or her hand and arm is a goose entangled in plastic. For example, the hand is
its head, the fingers its beak and the forearm its neck. Cup elbow with free hand. Place rubber
band around "beak" or "neck." Allow children only 30 seconds to free themselves. No helpers! Is
everyone successful in untangling themselves? Many animals don't get free and can starve,
strangle or suffocate.
Let's Talk About It
What plastics or other materials could the rubber band represent in a natural
setting? (Fishing line, plastic six-pack rings, plastic bags, packing straps.)
How could an animal get into a situation in which fishing line, plastic bags,
strapping bands, six-pack rings or net would entangle it? (By swimming into
plastic accidentally; by trying to eat a plastic bag or the food inside it. A bird
might eat bait on fishing line, then become entangled or take the line back to
a nestful of vulnerable babies.)
1. Draw a red circle around the predators (name them if you can).
2. Draw a green circle around the fish’s prey (food).
3. Color items in the water that provide shelter for fish (anglers call that “structure”).
4. Besides providing shelter, plants also provide
__________ in the water for the fish to breathe.
5. Have fun coloring the rest of the picture!
PWD LF K0700-639C (9/06)
Water Cycle Crossword
From The Groundwater Foundation. Learn more at www.groundwater.org.
1. Layers of soil, sand and rocks that store groundwater.
5. To contaminate, to become unclean.
7. Water that is found underground in the cracks and spaces in the soil, sand and rocks.
9. Groundwater leaves the ground and enters a lake or stream in a _______ area.
10. An example of precipitation.
12. A pipe in the ground that is used to remove water from an aquifer.
13. Water on the earth’s surface which moves into a lake or stream without absorbing into the soil.
2. The largest use for groundwater is ________.
3. The stage of the water cycle when water changes from a liquid to a vapor.
4. Clouds are an example of this.
6. A long period of dry weather could cause a _________.
8. Part of the water cycle when water soaks into the soil.
11. The movement of water underground is called groundwater _________.
Water Cycle Crossword
From The Groundwater Foundation. Learn more at www.groundwater.org.
1. aquifer
5. pollute
7. groundwater
9. discharge
10. rain
12. well
13. runoff
2. irrigation
3. evaporation
4. condensation
5. drought
8. recharge
11. flow
Dip Into Texas Waters - Library Version
Additional TPWD Resources
Put Some “Wild” in Your Library!
Texas Parks and Wildlife Programs
TPWD has a number of outreach and education programs that may be suitable to include in your library
offerings. You can host a TPWD workshop or training at your library for your community. Or, take a class
yourself and incorporate the new information into your library programs.
Texas State of Water Video Screening
Help educate your community about water resources in Texas by hosting a screening of the Texas State of
Water documentaries. This series of five, one-hour documentaries can be shown alone or in a series. Titles
include: The State of Flowing Water, The State of Springs, Finding a Balance, The State of the Gulf: America’s
Sea and The State of Water. A Texas the State of Water Video Screening Toolkit is available on the web at
www.texasthestateofwater.org/screening. The Toolkit contains everything that you need to host a video
screening including a preparation checklist, discussion questions, media release, flyers and more. DVDs can be
ordered free of charge by contacting education@tpwd.state.tx.us or 512-389-8183. For more information visit:
Water Stories DVD
This compilation of short, TPWD videos explores the various dynamics of water issues across the state. These
videos are also suitable for public screenings. Titles include: Save Water for Wildlife, The Cost of Water,
Dealing with Drought, Last of the Bayous, The Desert Oasis, and many others. The DVD can be ordered free of
charge by contacting education@tpwd.state.tx.us or 512-389-8183.
Project WILD
Learn how to teach ecology, wildlife management, and environmental concept through this national awardwinning training and curriculum for educators. Activities are adaptable for all levels, aligned with the TEKS,
and integrated with core subject curricula. Training workshops includes comprehensive, teacher-tested activity
guide. Program includes Project WILD, Project WILD Aquatic, Science and Civics, and Growing Up WILD for
early childhood. Workshops qualify for SBEC credit. For more information visit
Angler Education
Teach kids how to fish by participating in a free four to six-hour Angler Education Instructor course. This
hands-on course will teach you how to set up a fishing class for kids and how to access equipment you will need
to teach the life-long sport of fishing. You will also be able to reward your students with free fish identification
cards and achievement pins. As a certified Angler Education Instructor, you will become part of a growing team
that teaches Junior Angler, Master Angler, Basic Flyfishing or Intermediate Flyfishing. For more information
visit http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/learning/angler_education/teachfish.phtml
Texas Nature Trackers
This “citizen-scientist” monitoring effort is designed to involve volunteers of all ages and interested levels in
gather scientific data on species of concern in Texas. Through Texas Nature Tracker projects, Texans learn how
to gather data about various species found on public lands or on their own property. The aim of these projects is
to ensure that Texas species will be here for future generations to know and enjoy. Current Texas Nature
Tracker projects include Texas Amphibian Watch, Texas Horned Lizard Watch, Texas Monarch Watch and
more. To learn more, go to http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/learning/texas_nature_trackers/
Texas Master Naturalist Program
Adult volunteers interested in natural resource management and outreach receive in-depth training in wildlife
and natural resource management taught by recognized experts in the field and customized to focus on the
native ecosystems near their communities. In return, volunteers provide their community with service in the
form of educational activities, projects, or demonstrations. Master Naturalists might be available in your area to
help with library programs or projects like constructing a butterfly garden at your site. Check the website for
local chapters in your area or start a chapter of your own! This program is sponsored by Texas Parks and
Wildlife Department and the Texas Cooperative Extension. To learn more, go to
Boater Ed
This program provides all the necessary information to make your boating experience safe and fun. Certification
is available through an instructor/student environment or on the web. This certification meets the state’s
legislative requirement for certain boaters. To learn more, go to
Hunter Ed
Certified instructors teach hunting and firearm safety, rules and regulations, ethics and responsibilities, wildlife
conservation, modern and primitive sporting arms, survival and first aid. Field and live-firing exercises are,
many times, included as part of the courses. This course meets mandatory hunter education requirements with
certification upon successful completion of the course. To learn more, go to
Educational Loaner Trunks
Educational loaner trunks providing both hands-on activities and study materials about Texas’ valuable
ecosystems, plants and animals are available to libraries and educators. Trunks include the larger “Dip Into
Texas Waters” trunk which has more materials and equipment than listed in this “Library Version.” Other
trunks include: Texas Wetlands Discovery Trunk, Wild in the City, Bat Trunk, and more. To learn more, go to
Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazines
Occasionally, past issues of TPWD magazines are available to those who can use them for educational
purposes. Each box holds about 70 magazines of the same issue. You may come to TPWD and pick them up for
free or the boxes may be shipped to you for the cost of shipping. Checks, Visa and Mastercard are accepted for
the shipping cost. Shipping cost is typically $5 or $6 a box. We currently have the July 2002 State of Water
issue available. Supplies are limited and are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please contact Ana Kirk at
ana.kirk@tpwd.state.tx.us or 512-389-8724 to check on availability, price, and to arrange pick-up or delivery.
Suggested Online Resources
Texas Parks and Wildlife website http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/
Your one-stop shop for information about natural and cultural resources of Texas! Find the latest news about
TPWD happenings, state parks, find your local biologists, and much more.
“Texas The State of Water” website www.texasthestateofwater.org includes:
• The Gulf of Mexico: America’s Sea documentary and transcript
• State of Water Symposium key water leaders look back over the last ten years and discuss the state of
Texas water issues
• Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine’s 10 years of water issues
• The Drought Survival Kit
• Audio stories on water issues
• Volunteer opportunities
Search “Texas Parks and Wildlife” for other TPWD videos related to the water, aquatic habitats, water
issues and activities.
“Texas The State of Water” Educational Resources CD
PowerPoint presentations, primers on water issues and activity ideas on CD, available at no charge. To order a
copy, email education@tpwd.state.tx.us and coming soon to the TPWD website
Water-Related Activities and Sites on the Web
Pass the Jug
In this activity students investigate various ways to make a jug of water last among all members
of the community. In this role-playing game students run out of water and must determine how
to allocate this finite resource.
Texas Water Development Board
This website has a series of great interactive games explaining and illustrating various topics of
Texas water including: Who Uses Water in Texas?, Surface Water and Groundwater Module,
Power of Many, Using Water Wisely, and The Water Planner Game.
The Groundwater Foundation
Educator and student section of this website is rich in background information, activities, games
and puzzles. Check out Aquifer in a Cup, Awesome Aquifer, and Edible Earth Parfaits for some
great, easy-to-use activities to provide greater understanding of aquifers.
Environmental Protection Agency Water Pages for Kids
Website includes activities, art projects, and experiments to help children understand water.
This NASA activity is designed to illustrate the difficult tasks that astronauts do to insure an
ample clean water supply while in space. However, it also relevant to life on earth, as water
providers must perform a similar task to supply clean water to us.
How To SMILE (Science and Math Informal Learning Educators)
SMILE is an online collection of math and science activities available free of charge.
SMILE's learning activities, tools, and services are designed especially for those who teach
school-aged children in non-classroom settings (like libraries and museums). SMILE is
dedicated to bringing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) activities developed
by informal science organizations around the country to the wider informal educator
community. The searchable data base makes it easy to find the activities that fit you needs based
on topic, age-level, and duration.
Books About Water for Children
Picture Books
Base, Graeme. The Water Hole. (2001)
Water dwindles as more animals visit a watering hole introducing the numbers from one to ten. PreK – grade 2.
Caduto, Michael. Riparia’s River. (2011)
Friends find their favorite swimming hole filled with green slime. A mysterious naturalist named Riparia helps the
children understand why the water became polluted. Together they figure out what they can do to clean the river they
all love. Grade 3 and up.
Harper, Joel. All the Way to the Ocean. (2006)
This book is a delightful read that teaches the young how they can participate in keeping our oceans and their
inhabitants clean and blue-green. Grade 3 and up.
Locker, Thomas. Water Dance. (1997)
Water speaks of its existence in such forms as storm clouds, mist, rainbows, and rivers. Included is factual information
on the water cycle. Grade 1 and up.
Locker, Thomas. Where the River Begins. (1984)
Two young boys and their grandfather go on a camping trip to find the source of the river that flows by their home.
PreK and up.
Lyons, George Ella and Katherine Tillotson. All the Water in the World. (2011)
Infectious beat and eye-catching illustrations introduce young children to the water cycle. PreK – grade 2.
Morrison, Gordon. A Drop of Water. (2006)
Morrison has captured a single moment in time, revealing the course and influence of water, and inviting readers to
pause and consider the world around them in this beautiful and lyrical appreciation of nature and the resource that
makes it all possible—a drop of water. K – grade 3.
Sanders, Scott Russell. Crawdad Creek. (2002)
Two children find fossils, salamanders, dragonflies, frogs, deer tracks, and many other "treasures" when they visit the
creek near their home. K – grade 8.
Williams, Vera. Three Days on a River in a Red Canoe. (1984)
Follow the red canoe as it journeys down river carrying the family on a camping tour. PreK and up.
Van Zandt, Steve. River Song: With the Banana Slug String Band. (2007)
This book/CD combo takes the reader from the trickle of snowmelt to the roar of the ocean. River Song celebrates rivers
as a fascinating, ever-changing source of life and joy. Grade 1 and up.
Compiled with assistance from the Central Texas Library Systems, Inc.
Cherry, Lynne. A River Ran Wild: An Environmental History. (2004)
Learn how the modern-day descendants of the Nashua Indians and European settlers were able to combat pollution and restore the
beauty of the Nashua River in Massachusetts. Grades 1 - 4.
Collier, Michael. Over the Rivers. (2008)
Exciting photographs and clear text enhance the understanding of fundamental geological processes created by water. Grades 5-12.
Dunphy, Madeleine. Here is the Wetland. (2007)
This book uses a cumulative approach to describe the wetland ecology of a freshwater marsh, the most common type of wetland in
North America. PreK to grade 4.
Frost, Helen. We Need Water. (2006)
This book outlines some of the reasons that water is necessary for life, from growing plants, cooking food, and washing things to
staying cool. PreK and up.
Hollyer, Beatrice. Our World of Water. (2009)
This book follows the daily lives of children in Peru, Mauritania, the United States, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Tajikistan, and explores
what water means to them. PreK and up.
Hooper, Meredith. The Drop in My Drink: The Story of Water on Our Planet. (1998)
This book describes the water cycle, the relationship between water and living things and between water and erosion. K and up.
Kerley, Barbara. A Cool Drink of Water. (2002)
This book depicts people around the world collecting, chilling, and drinking water. Grade 5 and up.
McKinney, Barbara. A Drop Around the World. (1998)
Go around the world following a drop of water--whether as steam or snow, inside a plant or animal, or underground.
Grade K and up.
Nelson, Sara. Let’s Save Water. (2006)
Text and photographs describe why it's important to save water, and provides simple ways that children can save water.
Grade 3 and up.
Overbeck Bix, Cynthia. Water, Water Everywhere (Reading Rainbow Book).(1995)
This simple book examines all of the forms of water on earth. Photographs are interspersed with descriptions of what water is and
why it is important. K – grade 2.
Parker, Steve. Eyewitness Pond & River (DK Eyewitness Books). (2011)
A photo essay about plants and animals found in fresh water, examine the living conditions and survival mechanisms of creatures
dwelling at the edge of the water, on its surface, or under the mud. Grade 3 and up.
Sayre, April Pulley. Trout Are Made of Trees. (2008)
Leaves and bacteria, insects and fish, bears and people, too--we're all part of one big circle of growing and eating and living.
PreK – grade 2.
Sidman, Joyce. Song of the Water Boatman and Other Pond Poems. (2005)
This award winning book (Caldecott Honor Book, BCCB Blue Ribbon Nonfiction Book Award) is a blend of whimsy, science, poetry,
and hand-colored woodcuts, inviting the reader to take a closer look at our hidden ponds and wetlands.
K and up.
Strauss, Rochelle. One Well: The Story of Water on Earth. (2007)
All water is connected. Every raindrop, lake, underground river and glacier is part of a single global well. Grade 3 and up.
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Books About Water for Adults
Kelton, Elmer. The Time It Never Rained. (2008)
This book was inspired by actual events, when the longest and most severe drought in living memory pressed ranchers
and farmers to the outer limits of courage and endurance.
Swan, Alison. Fresh Water: Women Writing on the Great Lakes. (2006)
This is a collection of nonfiction works by women writers. These works focus on the Midwest: living with the five
interconnected freshwater seas that we know as the Great Lakes. Contributing to this collection are renowned poets,
essayists, and fiction writers, all of whom write about their own creative streams of consciousness, the fresh waters of
the Great Lakes, and the region's many rivers.
Maclean, Norman. A River Runs Through It. (1976)
An American classic short story about fly-fishing and life.
de Villiers, Marq. Water: The Fate of Our Most Precious Resource. (2001)
Marq de Villiers provides an eye-opening account of how we are using, misusing, and abusing our planet's most vital
resource. Encompassing ecological, historical, and cultural perspectives, de Villiers reports from hot spots as diverse as
China, Las Vegas, and the Middle East, where swelling populations and unchecked development have stressed fresh
water supplies nearly beyond remedy.
Dennis, Jerry and Glenn Wolff. The Bird in the Waterfall: A Natural History of Oceans, Rivers, and Lakes. (1996)
This book explores the mysteries of the world's oceans, rivers, and lakes, in a nature study that addresses such topics as
the sources of hot springs and geysers, marine animal migration, and waterfalls.
Estaville, Lawrence E. and Richard A. Earl. Texas Water Atlas. (2008)
This book provides the first comprehensive reference for water-related topics in Texas including vital information on
Texas' climate, surface and groundwater, water uses and hazards, water quantity and quality, recreation, future supply
projections, and the environmental management of its water resources.
Fishman, Charles. The Big Thirst: The Secret Life and Turbulent Future of Water. (2011)
An examination of the passing of the golden age of water and the shocking facts about how water scarcity will soon be a
major factor in our lives.
Greene, Jeffrey. Water from Stone: The Story of Selah, Bamberger Ranch Preserve (Louise Lindsey Merrick Natural
Environment Series). (2008)
Greene tells two integrally related stories: the evolution of one man’s business sense, applying profit incentives to land
restoration and nature conservancy; and the creation of a Texas Hill Country preserve where he effectively
demonstrates his own principles.
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Glennon, Robert. Unquenchable: America’s Water Crisis and What to Do About It. (2010)
Robert Glennon captures the irony—and tragedy—of America’s water crisis in a book that is both frightening and
wickedly comical. From manufactured snow for tourists in Atlanta to trillions of gallons of water flushed down the toilet
each year, Unquenchable reveals the heady extravagances and everyday inefficiencies that are sucking the nation dry.
Graves, John. Goodbye to a River. (reprint 2002, originally 1960)
In the 1950s, a series of dams was proposed along the Brazos River in north-central Texas. This project meant much
change for the stream, countryside, and people whose rugged ancestors had eked out an existence there. Graves
decided to visit that stretch of the river, which he had known intimately as a youth. This book is Graves account of his
farewell canoe voyage. Nearly half a century after its initial publication, Goodbye to a River is a true American classic, a
vivid narrative about an exciting journey and a powerful tribute to a vanishing way of life and its ever-changing natural
Graves, John. Texas Rivers. (2002)
Graves weaves history, geography, and culture into a vibrant portrait of a land and its people. Through photographs of
rare beauty, Wyman Meinzer reveals the rivers as few will ever see them in person.
Huser. Verne. Rivers of Texas by Verne Huser. (2004)
Huser explores the majesty and background of Texas' waterways. He explains that the quality and quantity of river water
affects nearly everything in Texas and profoundly conditions people's daily lives.
Outwater, Alice. Water: A Natural History. (1997)
An environmental engineer turned ecology writer relates the history of our waterways and her own growing
understanding of why our waterways continue to be polluted—and what needs to be done to save this essential natural
Postel, Sandra and Brian Richter. Rivers for Life: Managing Water for People and Nature. (2003)
Rivers for Life presents a global perspective on the challenges of managing water for people and nature, with a concise
yet comprehensive overview of the relevant science, policy, and management issues. It presents exciting and
inspirational information for anyone concerned with water policy, planning and management, river conservation,
freshwater biodiversity, or related topics.
Reisner, Marc. Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water. (1986)
A timely history of the struggle to discover and control water in the American West, this book is a tale of rivers diverted
and damned, political corruption and intrigue, billion-dollar battles over water rights, and economic and ecological
Sansom, Andrew. Water in Texas, An Introduction. (2008)
To help Texans manage their water resources today and plan for future needs, one of Texas's top water experts has
compiled this authoritative overview of water issues in Texas. Water in Texas covers all the major themes in water
management and conservation.
Stanley, James. Hill Country Landowner's Guide. (2009)
Stanley provides practical advice and information for understanding and handling a variety of problems both new and
established landowners in the Texas Hill Country confronts including restoration, riparian areas and brush control.
Compiled with assistance from the Central Texas Library Systems, Inc.
Major Aquifers of Texas
Pecos Valley
Gulf Coast
Carrizo - Wilcox (outcrop)
Carrizo - Wilcox (subcrop)
Hueco - Mesilla Bolson
Edwards - Trinity Plateau (outcrop)
Edwards - Trinity Plateau (subcrop)
Edwards BFZ (outcrop)
Edwards BFZ (subcrop)
Trinity (outcrop)
Trinity (subcrop)
NOTE: Chronology by Geologic age.
OUTCROP (portion of a water-bearing rock unit exposed at the land surface)
SUBCROP (portion of a water-bearing rock unit existing below other rock units)
This map was generated by the Texas Water Development Board
using GIS (Geographic Information System) software.
No claims are made to the accuracy or completeness of the
information shown herein nor to its suitability for a particular use.
The scale and location of all mapped data are approximate.
Map updated December 2006 by Mark Hayes, GISP