4th September 2015

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Newsletter 4th September 2015
Principals Column
Whakatauki o Tumuaki
Tena koutou katoa
Winning Speech
Two of our children were placed at the Te Uku Inter
School Speech Competition
Ngakau 1st place open overall winner
3rd place in year 5/6 age group
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Congratulations to all on delivering superb speeches
Another busy week with on-going learning around our and really improving your delivery and having fantastic
Literacy based core focus unit “Communication” and of confidence. Well done guy’s !!
course lots of wonderful PE, Art and Drama. The juniors are
enjoying studying the characters in Bad Jelly and
developing their confidence in performance skills. The
middle room are doing self-directed book studies where
they are reviewing and presenting their own chosen book,
script reading and lots of practise using expression and
body language to portray emotions.
Should Dogs Be Allowed in Public Places
Do you like the aromatic smell of dog poo? Or how about the feeling of it being squished between your toes or being stuck to the
bottom of your shoe as you walk across a sports ground? Disgusting!
I do not think that dogs should be allowed in public places because... dog owners are proving themselves not to be responsible
Just last week at my soccer practice a dog ran onto the field and pooed while it's owner was talking to my coach and he didn't even
know that his dog had pooed. If you don't know it's happened, how can you pick it up! How would you feel being the goalkeeper
catching a ball with dog pooh smeared all over it? Dog poo is not only gross and super smelly, if you get it in a cut - it can cause a
serious infection.
Well, the statistics for dog bites in New Zealand are horrific. Did you know that every day in New Zealand there are 27 dog
bites? Imagine how many that is in a week or even a month. Well, in one year, there are just under 10,000 recorded dog bites in New
Zealand. That's approximately 99,000 dog bites over 10 years and that's just the dog bites that have been recorded by medical
centres. Are you and young children safe having dogs running around in public places in Raglan?
It's not only humans that are in danger. A few days ago two roaming dogs in Raglan went onto another person's property and
murdered their pet guinea pigs! Imagine if you were those cute, cuddly, harmless, little guinea pigs.
Now, don't get me wrong....I'm a huge dog lover ...here is a photo of me and my dog Molly.
The seniors are studying characters from movies and
reviewing their characters from “character day”. They are
using the “STEAL” method to describe and investigate.
Molly is fun, cuddly, loyal and playful but she also has a strong boisterous nature with a big turbo charged engine. She is super
friendly and when she is excited there is no way I can control all that energy. If i took her to a public place she would go nuts because
she just loves meeting new people. Without meaning to she could knock over small children. I think it would take a lot of training for
her to be safe to take to public places.
S-Speech; T-Thought; E-effect; on others A-Actions;
A few weeks ago a lady was walking her dog on a footpath when a large pit-bull ran out and attacked her pet, luckily she knew what to
do and she had a big dog that defended himself.
The dog was in its own section but the gate was wide open and the dog was not tied up.
Was this dog owner being responsible?
I can’t believe we are coming to the last 3 weeks of term,
it has just flown. The students are working hard on their
parts in the school production “Bad Jelly the Witch” and
are learning to view their world through new perspectives,
developing skills as creators, presenters, viewers and
listeners. Reminder to purchase your tickets for our
Wednesday evening show (23rd Sept) from the school
office or the Raglan Social Club.
How many people have you seen walking past the sign at the beach saying pick up your dog poo and the plastic bags provided for this
job and then not worrying about their dog’s pooing on the beach.
This all proves my point... dogs- should -not -be allowed- in -public- places.
It's dangerous. It's a health hazard.
And People just don't follow the rules and who's going to make them.
Hey, but don't get me wrong... I'm a huge dog lover.
Our roll is currently at 65 students. In the past 2 weeks we
have welcomed to Waitetuna:
By Ngakau Benseman
Xander and Zarni Kamaria to the Junior Room
Community Coffee Morning
Alexus to the Senior Room.
The Te Uku Hall Committee welcome all Te Uku, Okete, Waitetuna Residents
Some of the best conversations happen over a cuppa. Come and meet together, have time out to sort a hobby project, share a magazine or book, knit for
an hour or two, chat with others, or tell us about a guest speaker we could arrange at some other date.
Junior Soccer Tournament
This was a huge day and our 4 teams did Waitetuna proud.
There sportsmanship and skills were exceptional and the
weather held out for parents to enjoy the competition.
Thank you to Daniel, Lisa ,Lara and Shannon for refereeing
and to all parents for transport.
Starting Thursday 27th August 2015 at 9.45am we will open the hall and welcome locals to share a cuppa (or bring your own from The Roast Office). Hope
to see you there and look forward to hearing suggestions of possibilities for further monthly meetings. (this is not an invitation only’ notice, we have tried
to cover most residents but please talk among neighbours to ensure that coverage has been complete). Enquiries to 8255101
Congratulations to all Senior students for presenting
wonderful persuasive speeches last week. The judges Mike
Moss and Cate Meikle were impressed with the standard
and quality of all the speakers. The following students
represented our school on Wednesday Night at the Te Uku
Interschool speech competition:
7th– 11th
Year 5-6 Ewan and Emma
Year 7-8 Azariah and Connor
Year 5-8 Ngakau
21st -25th
Knowledge a Thon 9th
Home play 10th
Rugby skills 11th
Dress rehearsals
15th/17th at hall
Ripper Rugby-Seniors
Matinee 22nd
Night show 23rd
Term 3 Ends 25th
Have you lost a large white rabbit, if you have
please phone Sharyn 8255391
Waitetuna Super Heros