Macbeth ACT ONE 1. In Scene 1, where do the witches plan to meet again and why? 2. What news about Macbeth does the bloodstained captain bring to the king in scene 2? 3. What does the king determine to do for Macbeth? 4. What do the witches tell Macbeth and Banquo in Scene 3? 5. What are Lady Macbeth's plans for Duncan when he visits the castle? 6. What story indicates that the witches are malicious? 7. Why does King Duncan decide to make Macbeth Thane of Cawdor? 8. After reading the letter from her husband, Lady Macbeth calls upon the spirits to "Thicken my blood and clog up my veins so I won’t feel remorse." What is she asking? 9. Near the end of Act I, Macbeth expresses doubt about murdering the king. Why? 10. praises Macbeth and expresses a desire to visit Iverness _______________ 11. worries about the consequences of his actions _______________ 12. doubts Macbeth's determination to kill the king _______________ 13. accompanies Macbeth in his encounter with the witches. _______________ 14. tells the King about Macbeth's and Banquo's bravery in battle. _______________ 15. Reacts with concern to Macbeth's new title _______________ 16. Possesses the tragic flaw of ambition _______________ 17. The man Duncan named as Prince of Cumberland _______________ Macbeth ACT TWO 1. The dagger that Macbeth sees in his Scene 1 Soliloquy is really what? 2. In scene 1, Macbeth asks Banquo to “stick” with him. What incentive does he offer? 3. How does Banquo reply? 4. Describe the vision that Macbeth has at the end of Scene 1. 5. What details in his vision foreshadow the action to come? 6. In Scene 2, as Macbeth kills Duncan, what does Lady Macbeth hear? 7. What does Macbeth hear? 8. In scene 2, how does Macbeth respond to Lady Macbeth's suggestion that he go wash the "bloody evidence" from his hands? 9. What reason does Macbeth give for killing Duncan's two guards? 10. In Scene 4, whom does Macduff suspect of Duncan's murder? 11. When Lennox and Macduff arrive at Macbeth's castle in the morning, what does Macduff wonder? 12. Why do Malcolm and Donalbain flee Scotland as soon as the murder becomes known? 13. Why does Banquo want to meet with the other nobles? 14. Frightened that the bloody daggers will reveal who killed the king _______________ 15. Afraid of "daggers in men's smiles" and of being killed _______________ 16. Alarmed about the dreams he might have if he sleeps _______________ 17. Terrified by "strange screams of death" and other disturbances _______________ 18. Decides to go to England _______________ 19. Decides to go to Ireland _______________ 20. Comes to wake the king _______________ Macbeth ACT FOUR 1. What ingredients go into the witches' stew? 2. What symbolic purpose does this vile concoction serve? 3. What has Macbeth come to ask the witches, and how do they answer? 4. Describe each of the three apparitions Macbeth sees when he visits the witches. Apparition 1 Description: ______________________________ Message: _____________________ Apparition 2 Description: ______________________________ Message: _____________________ Apparition 3 Description: ______________________________ Message: _____________________ 5. Which nobleman does Macbeth plan to murder after talking with the witches? 6. How is Macbeth’s plan foiled? 7. At the end of Scene I, what does Macbeth vow? 8. How is his vow carried out in Scene 2? 9. According to the conversation between Malcolm and Macduff in Scene 3, what has happened to Scotland during Macbeth's reign? 10. What faults does Malcolm claim to have? 11. How does Macduff respond to each of Malcolm's three "confessions"? 12. In response to Macbeth's questions, what do the witches do? 13. What does Macbeth decide to do when he hears that no one born of woman will harm him? 14. Urges Macduff to rouse his anger ________________ 15. Said Macbeth will not be vanquished until Birnam Woods marches to Dunsinane ________________ 16. Said no man born of woman will harm Macbeth ________________ 17. Delivered the message to beware of Macduff ________________ 18. Delivered the message that Macbeth killed Macduff's family. ________________ 19. Pretends to be evil to become king ________________ 20. "Something wicked this way comes," refers to ... ________________ 21. Malcolm tests __ 's authority ________________ Macbeth ACT FIVE 1. Why does the gentlewoman in Scene 1 refuse to repeat Lady Macbeth's sleep-talk to the doctor? 2. What is the "damned spot" to which Lady Macbeth refers? 3. What rationale does Macbeth use to convince himself that Macduff and Malcolm are not a threat to him? 4. As Macbeth's anxiety grows, what does he command the doctor do? 5. What does Macbeth's reaction to his wife's death show you about his attitude toward life? 6. For what reason does Macduff declare he must kill Macbeth? 7. What does Macbeth finally realize about the witches and apparitions? 8. Why, according to the doctor, is Lady Macbeth walking in her sleep? 9. In scene 2, what opinion of Macbeth do the Scottish lords now hold? l0. The play ends with the acknowledgement of whom as king ________________ 11. Revealed the murders of Lady Macduff and the king ________________ 12. Reveals that Lady Macbeth has hallucinations ________________ 13. Reveals that Lady Macbeth is dead ________________ 14. Reveals Birnam Woods is approaching the castle ________________ 15. Reveals his supporters will be made Earls ________________