Elizabeth A. Brady


Elizabeth A. Brady

1139 S 1450 E Provo, UT 84606 ebrady@byu.edu 208.559.4084


Master of Fine Arts

Brigham Young University; Provo, Utah

• Emphasis in Creative Nonfiction

Bachelor of Science in English

Brigham Young University-Idaho ; Rexburg, Idaho

• Emphasis in Creative Writing, clusters in Psychology and Humanities

April 2015

April 2011


• Received full-tuition academic scholarship, BYU-Idaho

• Published nonfiction essay, “( W )hole”, Outlet

• Accepted Golden Key International Honour Society invitational membership




• Completed Online Instructor Certification, BYU-Idaho

• Received offer for Online Adjunct Instructor for English 106, BYU-Idaho

• Awarded as a finalist for the Ed M. and Minnie Rowe Teaching Award

• Published nonfiction essay, “Deep”, Inscape





• Completed YAC Ashtanga Yoga Instructor Certification, Yoga Underground

• Published “Review of Eric Freeze’s Hemingway on a Bike ”, Brevity



• Forthcoming publication of scholarly work, “Language Lessons: Gender-Based

Material Signifiers of Social Intent in Better Off Dead”, A Woman’s Experience 2015

• Forthcoming publication of nonfiction essay, “( W )hole”, A Woman’s Experience

• Forthcoming publication of nonfiction essay, “Deep”, Santa Clara Review



Conferences and Presentations

• Presented “Reaction,” Brigham Young University English Symposium

• Attended Association of Writers and Writing Programs, Boston

• Attended BYU Writing Teachers’ Conference

• Presented at BYU College of Humanities 3MT (3-Minute Thesis)

• Presented by invitation for BYU Creative Writing Community

• Attended Association of Writers and Writing Programs, Seattle

• Presented “On Blushing,” Brigham Young University English Symposium

• Presented “On Blushing,” Brigham Young University English Reading Series

Pedagogical Coursework

• English 610: Composition Pedagogy

• English 611R: Teaching Advanced Composition

• English 611R: Teaching Advanced Composition

Academic Community Involvement

• Participated in Graduate Student Society Council

• Participated in Writing Program Administrators external review of BYU

• Chaired BYU Symposium panel

• Participated in AP-Concurrent Enrollment study

• Participated in Style Academy focus group

• Judged Writing 150 Contest

March 2013

March 2013

June 2013

2014 & 2015

February 2014

March 2014

March 2014

April 2014

Fall 2012

Winter 2013

Fall 2013

Fall 2013

February 2013

March 2013

April 2013

December 2013

2014 & 2015

• Contributed in Writing 150 rubrics alteration focus group

• Participated in FYW Assessment Study

Winter 2014

April 2014

Creative Community Involvement

• Workshopped with visiting writer Dinty W. Moore

• Introduced ERS visiting author, Anthony Doerr

• Workshopped with visiting writer Amy Leach

• Introduced ERS student author, Madison Bowman

• Introduced ERS visiting author, Liz Stephens

• Led children’s story writing workshop at Dream Press Dreamathon

• Introduced ERS author, Patrick Madden

• Workshopped with visiting writer Elena Passarello

September 2013

February 2013

March 2013

December 2013

January 2014

May 2014

September 2014

November 2014

Teaching Experience

First-Year Writing Instructor, BYU University Writing Program

Writing 150: Writing and Rhetoric

Fall 2012-present

• Research both course material and outside sources that augment lessons in order to master subject

• Prepare lesson materials that effectively utilize class time and enforce daily and course learning

outcomes through multiple modes of learning

• Teach tenets of course in an engaging manner that informs of, models, and enforces the objectives

• Evaluate student writing as to how it fulfills the directives of the assignment and provide constructive

criticism in written responses and conferences that enables students to enhance their skills

Advanced Writing Intern, BYU English Department

Course Co-Taught: English 311H: Honors Advanced Writing About the Arts and Humanities

• Collaborate weekly with full-time faculty mentor to plan lessons and divide work load

Winter 2013

• Teach full lessons and mini-lessons throughout the semester, sharing responsibility in the classroom

• Evaluate and grade half of the students’ essays, assignments, and tests

• Conference individually with half of the students regarding possible writing improvements

Advanced Writing Instructor, BYU English Department

English 311: Advanced Writing About the Arts and Humanities

Spring 2013-present

• Construct a syllabus and schedule according to personal teaching style and philosophy

• Prepare and teach lesson materials that effectively teach advanced writing processes and skills

• Evaluate and grade 25 student essays, assignments, and tests

• Conference individually with students to provide feedback and direction for writing improvement

Program Assistant, BYU University Writing Program 2013-2014

• Collaborate in planning and presenting a week-long seminar on teaching for new graduate instructors

• Plan and present teacher training in small and large weekly instructor meetings

• Observe, evaluate, and offer instructive feedback to other graduate instructors

• Supervise and mentor a small group of first- and second-year graduate instructors

English 218 Mentorship, BYU English Department

Course Co-Taught: English 218: Introduction to Creative Writing

Fall 2013

• Collaborated with full-time faculty mentor and co-intern to plan lessons and divide work load

• Determined course texts, assignments, and syllabus in collaboration with mentor and co-intern

• Taught full lessons throughout the semester, sharing responsibility in the classroom

• Evaluated student creative works in multiple genres

English 218 Instructor, BYU English Department

English 218: Introduction to Creative Writing

Winter 2014-present

• Determine course materials and construct a syllabus and schedule according to personal creative

writing philosophy

• Create and teach lesson materials and assignments that illustrate creative writing craft and processes

• Evaluate student creative works in multiple genres: poetry, fiction, and nonfiction

• Conference individually with students to provide feedback and direction for writing improvement

English 495 Mentorship, BYU English Department Fall 2014

English 495: The Senior Course, The Contemporary Memoir

• Research cases, strategies, and outcomes of creative writing implementation in literature classes

• Collaborate with full-time faculty mentor to plan lessons and divide work load

• Develop and implement creative writing exercises that enhance the texts and student experience

• Evaluate student critical writing for depth of insight and quality of writing

University 292 Teaching Assistant, BYU Honors Program

UNIV 292: Unexpected Connections (African Culture & Physical Science)

Fall 2014

• Collaborate weekly with full-time faculty mentors and peer TAs to plan and evaluate course outcomes

• Evaluate and offer feedback on written assignments and other assessments of learning

• Conference individually with students regarding science concepts and writing process

• Participate in class discussions to facilitate learning in small groups

Professional Experience

Private Yoga Instructor

Yoga Lemon; Provo, UT

July ’14-present

• Create and implement yoga sequences tailored to accommodate individual needs of each client

• Adjust physical posture of clients both verbally and physically to ensure proper alignment and safety

• Create a safe emotional environment for clients to thrive and improve their practice

• Teach yogic philosophy, strategies, and benefits verbally and through physical practice

Translation Coordinator

Scentsy, Inc.; Meridian, ID

June ‘11-Aug ‘12

• Amassed a working knowledge of all company information in order to manage content and aid

strategic planning of outgoing communication and publications for international markets

• Edited and revised company publications intended for international markets to ensure consistency

in company voice, clarity, and accuracy, as well as quality, grammar, and mechanics

• Crafted official communications and news articles intended for international markets regarding

company promotions and policies; crafted official blog articles and various marketing materials

• Managed the content of multiple company international market websites and online or print resources

to ensure a positive and accurate Scentsy experience across countries, continents, and cultures


Elizabeth Brady Photography

July ‘09-present

• Conceptualize business plan and execute necessary actions to function efficiently

• Collaborate with a web designer to achieve a professional, functional, and visually appealing website

• Manage scheduling, finances, advertising, and customer service of the business

• Communicate with each client before, during, and after photo shoot regarding individual requirements

and expectations while assuring the client has a positive photography session and total experience

Enrollment Specialist Jan ‘08-April ‘11

BYU-Idaho Admissions Office; Rexburg, ID

• Reviewed student application materials and determined admission status

• Trained new employees on admission policies and procedures and supervise improvement

• Communicated with students the requirements of academic programs, acceptance status, and

academic options

• Crafted or revised multiple varieties of office documents for accuracy, clarity, and audience appeal

Imaging Specialist Aug ‘07-Jan ‘08

Idaho Office of the Attorney General ; Boise, ID

• Reorganized position duties to maximize productivity in position and office as a whole

• Streamlined efficiency by aiding implementation of electronic billing procedures

• Catalogued highly classified documents and information within multiple computer programs

• Performed beyond regular duties by assisting numerous Deputy Attorney Generals with

various specified projects
