SESSION 3 POWER LIKE NO OTHER 28 SESSION 3 © 2014 LifeWay What forms of power really get your attention? QUESTION #1 © 2014 LifeWay #BSFLpower BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 29 THE POINT Jesus has power over all my fears. THE BIBLE MEETS LIFE We can expect bad days, weeks, and even months. They come with living on a fallen earth with fallen humanity as a fallen child of the King. But we’re never to define peace by our circumstances. That’s because we have a far better source for peace—and for courage. In fact, it’s the only true Source. Jesus told us clearly: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). We all face uneasy times. Whether economic, health-related, relational, or financial, these situations often cause us to feel powerless or overwhelmed. But as we’ll see in this study, Jesus has power like no other. And He will use His power on our behalf. To see what I mean, let’s look at an event in Jesus’ ministry where He revealed His power on behalf of His followers. 30 SESSION 3 © 2014 LifeWay WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY? Mark 4:35-41 (NIV) 35 That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” 36 Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. 37 A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. The other side (v. 35)— Refers to the eastern bank of the Sea of Galilee, which at the time was territory belonging to the Gentiles. Sleeping (v. 38)—This is the only instance recorded in the Gospels in which Jesus was specifically identified as being asleep. 38 Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” 39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. 40 He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” 41 They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” © 2014 LifeWay BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 31 THE POINT Jesus has power over all my fears. Mark 4:35-38a On Sundays, I preach two one-hour messages each week. I also typically have meetings with different church leaders. Needless to say, I’m worn out by the time Sunday afternoon comes along. When I get home, I head straight for my favorite chair to rest. Before I know it, I’m asleep. Jesus wasn’t reclining in an easy chair in Mark 4. It was night. It was dark. It was windy. The boat was rocking fiercely in the middle of a savage storm that threatened to sink it. How do you fall asleep during that? Granted, Jesus was surely exhausted after a long day of teaching and ministry, but He did more than just nod off. When Jesus went to sleep on that boat, He did so on purpose. How do I know this? Verse 38 says He was “sleeping on a cushion.” Jesus had grabbed a pillow and moved to the back of the boat. When you’re stretched out and asleep on a pillow, you mean to be that way. But how could Jesus sleep through such a squall when His disciples feared for their lives? Perhaps He wanted to see if they would trust what He said more than the circumstances around them. Jesus had already told them what they were going to do. He said, “Let us go over to the other side.” He planned to reach the far shore safe and sound, and no storm would alter His plan. Jesus’ disciples did what we often do when we listen to a sermon or participate in a Bible study—they heard the message without applying the meaning. They heard the words but missed the promise. When you find yourself in a problem, don’t forget the promise. Remember what Jesus said. He’s right there with you, so trust Him to calm the waves. In what ways do we typically respond to frightening situations? QUESTION 32 SESSION 3 © 2014 LifeWay #2 Mark 4:38b-39 The location of the Sea of Galilee in the Jordan Rift causes tempests to flare up violently with little or no notice. In the deepest dark of night, out in the middle of the sea, the storm surely must have caught the disciples off-guard. The storm tested not only their boating expertise, but also their emotions. Sometimes it doesn’t seem like God is in tune with our situations. When we find ourselves in stormy conditions—health, financial, relational, or job troubles—we may want to say: “Jesus, please wake up! We’re in a mess, and we’re afraid.” How have you learned that God really does care about His people? QUESTION #3 It is precisely in those times when we feel so weak and helpless that Jesus’ power is most visibly strong. God does some of His best work in those moments we don’t think He’s working at all. Sometimes God lets you hit rock bottom so that you will discover He is the Rock at the bottom. Sometimes God allows you to get into a situation only He can fix so that you will see Him fix it. Whatever the case, you can trust His work is motivated by His heart of love for you (see Rom. 8:28). Jesus got up from His slumber and spoke to the sea, “Quiet! Be still!” Two brief commands, and the storm obeyed. The word for “quiet” literally means “hold your peace.” Jesus told the storm to be quiet. To stop its noise. To hush its fuss. Similar to a parent correcting an unruly toddler, Jesus told the sea to settle down—and it did. Thunder and lightning might be chasing each other all around you. The wind may be blowing unexpected and unpleasant circumstances into your life. Nothing looks right. Nothing looks promising. But it’s precisely in those times that Jesus’ power trumps the storm. © 2014 LifeWay How can we reconcile the truth of Jesus’ power with the fact that He doesn’t always calm the storm? QUESTION BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE #4 33 THE POINT Jesus has power over all my fears. Mark 4:40-41 The story is told of a flight that hit some unusual turbulence, tossing the airplane side to side in strong gusts of wind. Lightning hit nearby. No one felt safe—no one except for one small child. He sat preoccupied with his notebook and pen. To look at him, you never would have guessed he was on a plane in the middle of a storm. A passenger nearby asked the young boy, “Aren’t you afraid?” He just looked up from his paper for a moment, smiled, and said: “Nah. My dad is the pilot.” When you know who’s in the cockpit, even turbulence can be okay. Because when life seems out of control, it’s simply out of your control. Knowing who sits at the control panel ought to usher in a heart of peace. Peace means different things to different people, but the peace Jesus offers is like no other. His peace produces internal calm in the midst of external chaos. We experience the peace of Christ when we trade in our fears of the storm for a healthy fear and reverence of Him—when we shift our gaze from the sea to the Savior. Paul told us to respond to God’s peace the same way the storm responded to Jesus that night on the Sea of Galilee. “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts” (Col. 3:15). The Greek word used for “control” means “to umpire.” In baseball, an umpire declares the way things are. Whatever he says should happen is what happens. Likewise, whatever Jesus says about a matter, that’s what it is. It’s settled. So when He says “Take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33), that’s all we need to hear. And we should respond accordingly—with courage. Your world may be falling apart, but you don’t have to fall apart with it. Responding to Jesus’ presence and power in your life allows you to let go of your fear and replace it with peace—His peace. That doesn’t mean you won’t have problems, but it does mean your problems won’t have you. You can rest comfortably on your cushion, because He’s got it under control. In your everyday life, what does it mean to respond to Jesus’ power? QUESTION 34 SESSION 3 © 2014 LifeWay #5 ALL MY FEARS Which of these images connects with your deeper fears? How can you more fully incorporate Jesus into your methods for handling your fears? " He is no fool who g ives what he cannot keep in order to gain what he cannot lose ." —J I M E L L I O T © 2014 LifeWay BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 35 THE POINT Jesus has power over all my fears. LIVE IT OUT In what ways can you let go of your fears as you trust in Jesus’ power? Consider the following suggestions: Write it down. Make a list of the most pressing external problems that give rise to your internal fears. Pray over this list in connection with the truth found in John 16:33. Watch your words. Each day, assess whether your speech is more focused on your problems or on Jesus, who is the solution. Seek to speak more openly about Jesus. Pray together. Consider ways you can encourage others to trust Christ. Look for evidence of people struggling with turmoil and invite them to pray with you for peace. You really don’t know how much faith you have until your faith gets tested. Keep your eyes on Jesus in the midst of life’s storms, ask for His help, and trust Him to get you to the other side. A Father's Call to Fight A Father’s Call to Fight Each year when summer rolls around, my wife and kids honor me on Father’s Day. For me, Father’s Day is not only a day to reflect on the greatest blessings God’s given me — my family — but also a day to reflect on God, the ultimate Father. By Craig Groeschel To continue reading “A Father’s Call to Fight” from ParentLife magazine, visit 36 SESSION 3 © 2014 LifeWay My g roup's prayer requests My thoughts © 2014 LifeWay BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 37