The Corporation of the County of Bruce Homes Committee Agenda

The Corporation of the County of Bruce
Homes Committee
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Council Chambers
County Administration Centre, Walkerton
1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest
2. Action Items
A. Office Furniture - Brucelea (attached)
B. Business Case for the New Communications System for Gateway
Haven (attached)
Business Case Report dated February 6, 2014 (attached for
additional reference material)
3. Information Items
A. Brucelea Haven Administrator’s Report (attached)
B. Gateway Haven Administrator’s Report (attached)
4. Next Meeting
October 1, 2015
5. Adjournment
The Corporation of the County of Bruce
Committee Report
Warden Mitch Twolan
Members of the Homes Committee
Eleanor MacEwen, Administrator
Brucelea Haven
September 10, 2015
Office Furniture
That the purchase of 7 office meeting chairs for Brucelea Haven, be
approved; and,
That the cost of $911 plus taxes for the seven chairs be paid for
through the Capital Reserve Furniture Account.
Recently, the administration staff changed offices. These changes resulted
in increased access to meeting spaces in the home by adding a meeting
space to each of the manager’s offices. It also resulted in a permanent
office space for the Human Resource (HR) Generalist who provides HR
corporate services to the home bi-weekly. And finally, it separated the
Administrator’s office and provides a more direct and private access to the
Administrator for staff, residents and guests to the home.
Some furniture from within the home and from the office surplus supply at
the corporate office was used.
With the addition of meeting spaces in the offices, there are a number of
chairs required to complete the plan. In total seven chairs in the amount of
$911 plus taxes are recommended for purchase. The expense of the chairs
can be paid for from the capital reserve furniture account.
Financial/Staffing/Legal/IT Considerations
There are no staffing, legal or IT considerations associated with this report.
This project will be paid for from the capital reserve furniture account and as
a result is a related financial consideration.
Interdepartmental Consultation
This report is submitted with no interdepartmental consultation.
Link to Strategic Goals and Elements
Goal # 6 – Explore alternate options to improve efficiency and
service – and in this case, the reorganization of the administrative offices
provides organization and an increased access to meeting rooms and will
improve efficiency with organizing staff meetings. In addition, having the
HR generalist located centrally for staff access will improve the human
resource services to the home.
Approved by:
Kelley Coulter, Chief Administrative Officer
The Corporation of the County of Bruce
Committee Report
Warden Mitch Twolan
Members of the Homes Committee
Charles Young, Administrator
Gateway Haven
September 10, 2015
Business Case for the New Communications System for
Gateway Haven
That the purchase of the new communication system for Gateway
Haven with the vendor being selected by tender, be approved; and,
That the high watermark estimate of $275,000 expenditure be
financed as follows:
Transfer from Gateway Haven Reserves – Equipment interest $4,607
Shelving unspent 2009 - $6,000
Gateway Operating - $1,059
Balance in Eby Donation Reserve - $415
Phone / Cabling - $20,400
Miscellaneous interest - $325;
And the balance to be financed from Internal Financing with a
repayment over ten years; and
That an Information Report be provided to Committee summarizing
the results of the tender and the final financing requirements.
In 2014, it was determined that an entirely new digital communications
system was needed to be installed in Gateway Haven. A report was
presented to the Homes Committee on February 6, 2014 outlining a
Business Case. That report authorized the IT Director to move forward with
the new communications system for Gateway Haven and work together with
the CAO, Treasurer and Administrator of Gateway Haven to select a vendor
and recommend a source of funding.
Since that time the Interim IT Director and IT support staff have
collaborated with Gateway Haven management to review the original
recommendation and offer alternative solutions.
The February 6, 2014 report identified the following:
“In 2011 the Panasonic phone system became obsolete and in 2012 the
system at Gateway was replaced with a NEC digital phone system. The
installation was not a smooth one. Because the nurse call system and the
Spectralink wireless system were analog the selected vendor experienced
issues bridging the 3 systems.
Simply put, the telephone system is the heart of Gateway’s operations. The
Spectralink phones are obsolete, new ones cannot be purchased. Current
phones that are damaged or not functioning must be sent away for repair.
When these phones are unavailable or the nurse call and alarm system is
down due to the systems not communicating properly; staff on the unit
cannot communicate with each other and residents safety is compromised
necessitating staff to increase room checks etc. This further poses a risk of
injury to the residents which could result in fines from MOHLTC.”
The original business case also illustrated the failings of the system and the
impact it has on residents and staff. It’s difficult to reflect on the hard cost
benefits of replacing the system when the root of the problem is level of
service and care of residents. As described, there are staffing implications
by continuing to use the failing systems but it is difficult to translate them
into dollars.
In performing our due diligence, we took the opportunity to review the
solution in operation at another long term care home in Southwestern
Ontario and we were very impressed with the results causing us to alter our
original planned solution. The new solution is much more cost effective and
adds significant improvements to the original design improving staff
effectiveness and resident safety. Details are as follows:
The improvements to the solution include a significant reduction in the
number of hand held phones in use, which is an expensive portion of the
design, and the part that faces the greatest wear and tear causing
replacement and repair costs.
The reduction in the phones is accompanied by use of message boards
strategically placed throughout the building to allow for immediate
detailed information on any and all alerts. This improves speed of detailed
information to respondents and access to information to the rest of the
staff in the affected area.
We also changed the basic phone sets at the nurse desks and reception to
increase the number of staff to allow for video viewing of people wanting
access to the building. These new phone sets make use of existing wiring
and add the ability for staff to remotely provide access to the front
entrance after hours. This is a significant improvement to the existing
process and improves the time to provide authorized admittance to the
building when the doors are locked at night. This re-design also reduces
the significant rewiring costs in the previous estimate.
Finally, there is the inclusion of a mobile monitoring system for residents
that wander to unauthorized areas or try to leave the building
unaccompanied or when they should not. This is a significant safety
addition for residents who are prone to wander.
Funding Options
The high watermark estimated cost of $275,000 for the system is not
included in the 2015 budget. Actual costs will be determined upon issuing of
the tender. It is recommended that a number various unused reserves for
Gateway Haven be applied to the cost of this purchase and that the
remainder be financed internally through the Working Capital Reserve with
annual payments of approximately $25,000 over the next ten years.
This cost will be included in the Gateway Haven Budget and will be reflected
as an increase to the Gateway Haven Budget for the remaining years.
Financial/Staffing/Legal/IT Considerations
The current NEC System will be fully depreciated at the end of 2015. The
Spectralink Wireless System can be reallocated to Brucelea Haven to be
used as spares and backup for their system. The Spectralink and Nurse Call
System are fully depreciated.
The IT staff will be instrumental in the implementation of this purchase and
the Purchasing Division will coordinate the tender based on the specifications
The Finance Division will assist in the internal financing arrangements
Interdepartmental Consultation
This report has been co-written with the Clerk-Treasurer and the Interim IT
Link to County of Bruce Strategic Goals and Elements
Goal #1 Develop and implement tactics for improved communication
This project will provide and improve effective communications within
Gateway Haven and with our partners, family members and the public as
well as well as supports our Bruce County Strategic Values in providing a
safe, clean and healthy community.
Goal # 2 Leverage technology - Through the installation of fiber optics
capabilities and current communications systems , Gateway Haven will be
more efficient and accessible to the public and with those who directly we
Approved by:
Kelley Coulter, Chief Administrative Officer
The Corporation of the County of Bruce
Committee Report
Warden John Close
Members of the Homes Committee
Charles Young, Administrator
Gateway Haven
February 6, 2014
Business Case for the New Communications System for
Gateway Haven
That the IT Director be authorized to move forward with the New
communications System for Gateway Haven and work together with
the CAO, the Treasurer and Administration of Gateway Haven to
select a vendor and recommended source of funding; and,
That a report be provided to Committee with a recommendation for
the vendor and financing.
It has been determined that an entirely new digital communications system
needs to be installed in Gateway Haven.
When Gateway Haven and Brucelea Haven were constructed, the IT
Department recommended CAT 5 cabling be used throughout the two
facilities for network and voice communications. In an effort to reduce costs,
CAT 5 was used for data communications ONLY.CAT 3 cabling (basic phone
cable) was utilized for voice and nurse call systems, which is the root of the
exiting limitations now faced at Gateway Haven.
In 2011 the Panasonic phone system became obsolete and in 2012 the
system at Gateway was replaced with a NEC digital phone system. The
installation was not a smooth one .Because the nurse call system and the
Spectralink wireless system were analog the selected vendor experienced
issues bridging the 3 systems. (Ref. Attached Business Case pg. 1-3)
Simply put, the telephone system is the heart of Gateway’s operations. The
Spectralink phones are obsolete, new ones cannot be purchased. Current
phones that are damaged or not functioning must be sent away for repair.
When these phones are unavailable or the nurse call and alarm system is
down due to the systems not communicating properly; staff on the unit
cannot communicate with each other and residents safety is compromised
necessitating staff to increase room checks etc. This further poses a risk of
injury to the residents which could result in fines from MOHLTC.
With the information gathered by staff in IT and Gateway Haven, it was
determined that a new digital system was required to replace the 3 systems.
In order to facilitate the installation of the digital equipment, the facility
must be re-cabled with CAT 6 cable and the current CAT 3 cable removed. (
Ref.Attached Business Case pgs. 3 ,4)
Financial/Staffing/Legal/IT Considerations
A detailed cost benefit analysis accompanies this report -Ref.Attached
Business Case pg. 5 . To replace the 3 systems with new digital systems the
cost breakdown is as follows:
Replace CAT3 cabling with CAT6 and fibre optic
Replace NEC phone system & Spectralink
Internal IT Labour 2 staff @ 70 hours @$45.00
Replace Original Nurse Call System
** staff cost of $6,300 is in 2014 labour operating plan.
The cost to install the original system in 2003 was $250,000.
Benefits to this Project :
Reduced annual repairs - 60% of annual $5,100
Reduced OT & Staff productivity2 shifts wkX$480
Cost avoidance of liability exposure
Total Benefit Value
$50,000 is in the 2014 Budget relative to this project .
The NEC phone system that was installed in 2012 can be purchased by the
Social Housing who have included $20,000 in their 2014 budget for this
purpose. The remaining phones will be retained by the IT Department as
spares. The NEC system has a depreciated value of $13,186. The
Spectralink wireless system can be re-allocated to Brucelea Haven to be
used as spares and backup for their system, the Spectralink and nursecall
system are fully depreciated.
Funding Options
The cost of the NEC phone system, Spectralink and the Nurse Call System
are not included in the 2014 budget. The estimated cost totals $$157,000
which can be offset by the $20,000 Social Housing budget for the purchase
of the used phone system. The remaining $137,000, which may vary
depending on tender results, will require financing by one of two options:
1. Invite the vendors who tender on the project to include financing costs
for a period of 3 - 5 years
2. Internally finance the purchase through the Working Capital Reserve
with annual payments of approximately $45,000 over the next 3
years. This cost would be included in the Gateway Haven budget and
reflects a 2.9% increase to the Gateway Haven budget. The
repayment period could be adjusted annually based on budget
deliberations but no greater than 5 years.
The report attached illustrates the failings of the system and the impact it
has on residents and staff. It’s difficult to reflect on the hard cost benefits of
replacing the system, when the root of the problem is level of service and
care of residents. As described there are staffing implications by continuing
to use the failing systems at this point it’s difficult to translate them in to
Link to County of Bruce Strategic Goals and Elements
Goal #1 Develop and implement tactics for improved communication
This project will provide and improve effective communications within
Gateway Haven and with our partners ; family members and the public as
well as well as supports our Bruce County Strategic Values in providing a
safe, clean and healthy community.
Goal # 2 Leverage technology Through the installation of fiber optics
capabilities and current communications systems , Gateway Haven will be
more efficient and accessible to the public and with those who directly we
Respectfully submitted,
Charles Young
Business Case
Digital Communications System
Executive Summary
Business Case - Gateway Haven New Digital Communications System
It has been determined that an entirely new digital communications system needs
to be installed in Gateway Haven. A number of processes have been impacted by
the aging analog systems and the recently installed digital phone system. In 2012,
a new NEC ‘digital’ phone system was installed which brought to light a number of
issues with the aging wireless phone system and nurse call system.
An RFP was released in early 2013 to source a vendor to install a digital wireless
phone system to integrate with the NEC phone system. During that RFP process,
numerous issues were identified due to the age of the systems and the cost
containment decisions made during the construction of the facility. During
discussions with vendors, it was determined that in order to install the appropriate
system to meet the current and future needs of the facility, a complete turnkey end
to end digital system is required.
When Gateway Haven and Brucelea Haven were constructed, the IT Department
was given the chance to provide input on the technical requirements for network
and voice communications. IT recommended that CAT 5 cabling be used
throughout the facilities to allow for future growth from a technology standpoint. In
an effort to reduce costs, CAT 5 cabling was utilized for data communications ONLY.
CAT 3 cabling (basic phone cable) was utilized for voice and nurse call systems,
which is the root of the existing limitations. Figure 1 illustrates the relationship
between the 3 systems and figure 2 illustrates the physical cable plant in the
Figure 1
Figure 2
Since construction in 2002, a technology shift for nurse call systems and telephone
systems has occurred. The shift was the move from analog systems to digital. In
2002, digital systems were considerably more money than the then standard
analog systems. It was determined at that time to go with the standard analog
nurse call system and bridge it to an entry level Panasonic phone system and
Spectralink wireless phone system, both analog systems.
Initially the system worked well. There were some vendor issues with the nurse call
system but all-in-all the system worked. However, at Gateway Haven, with the
shift in MOHLTC reporting, operational requirements steadily grew and the
combined systems could not keep up with the growth. In 2011, it was determined
that the Panasonic phone system had become obsolete and could not be upgraded
any further. In 2012, the system was replaced with a NEC digital phone system.
The installation was not a smooth one, mostly due to the fact that / in part because
the nurse call system and the Spectralink wireless system were analog and the
selected vendor experienced issues bridging the 3 systems. They were unable to
seamlessly integrate the digital NEC system with the 2 analog systems, and were
instead required to implement some inefficient and cumbersome workarounds.
Figure 3 illustrates the relationship between the 3 systems.
Figure 3
Since installation of the NEC phone system, there have been a number of issues
with the systems failing or becoming unresponsive. This has severely impacted the
operations of the facility and poses significant risk to the wellbeing of the residents
and the staff who care for them.
Simply put, the telephone system is the heart of Gateway’s operations. The
Spectralink phones are obsolete, new ones cannot be purchased. Current phones
that are damaged or not functioning must be sent away for repair. On average,
Gateway is spending over $5,100 annually for the repair of these obsolete phones.
When these phones are unavailable, the staff that bathe /care for residents do not
have a phone to carry and they cannot contact other PSWs on the floor for
assistance with transfers and bathing. This poses a risk of injury to the residents
and could result in fines from MOHLTC.
When the nurse call system is not working, residents cannot call the staff for
assistance. Bed alarms are also not working which increases the risk of falls and
injuries to our residents. Staff must then increase their monitoring to every 30
minutes from every 60 minutes, which impacts the normal routines. Under the
model of care, staffing levels do not permit this kind of monitoring, resulting in
other tasks not being completed or overtime being incurred. Often staff is unable
to take their breaks so they can properly / continue to monitor the residents for
safety and care needs (or “as they are continually monitoring the residents….).
Over the period of an 8 hour shift, the increase in manual monitoring costs the
Corporation an additional $480 per shift.
Gateway Haven’s mission as published on the website is “To
provide an optimal level of care, programming, and service,
based on the individual identified needs, to the residents
residing in Gateway Haven.” With the failing communications
system, we are unable to provide that optimal level of care in
an efficient and safe manner.
Proposed Solution
A review of the 3 systems combined (nurse call, Spectralink, and phone system)
determined that a new integrated digital solution was required. As previously
described, by replacing the aging analog systems with new digital systems, there is
significantly less opportunity for failure of the three systems to communicate with
each other. In order for the facility to operate at the level that is required, these 3
systems must seamlessly work together.
Figure 4 illustrates the proposed solution.
Figure 4
With the information gathered by staff in IT and Gateway Haven, it was determined
that a new digital system was required to replace the 3 systems. By replacing the
3 systems, new digital systems can be installed which will restore and, in some
cases, improve the level of care to the residents. It will also improve the reporting
capabilities to MOHLTC. In order to facilitate the installation of the digital
equipment, the facility must be re-cabled with CAT 6 cable and the current CAT 3
cable removed. Figure 5 illustrates the
proposed physical cable plant.
Figure 5
Cost Benefit Analysis
This report so far illustrates the failings of the system and the impact on residents
and staff. However it’s difficult to accurately reflect the hard cost benefits of
replacing the system. Upgrading the system is necessary to improve the level of
service and care of residents but these factors are difficult to quantify with dollars.
As described, there are also staffing implications by continuing to use the failing
systems, which, at this point are also difficult to translate into dollars.
The cost breakdown to replace the 3 systems with new digital systems is as follows:
Replace CAT3 cabling with CAT6 and fibre optic
Replace NEC phone system & Spectralink
Internal IT labour 2 staff @ 70 hours @$45.00
Replace Original Nurse Call System
** staff cost of $6,300 is in 2014 labour operating plan.
The cost to install the original system in 2003 was $250,000.
Operationally, the Corporation can save approximately 60% of the annual $5,100 of
repair bill which is $3,060 savings. The savings incurred with overtime and
productivity losses caused by the downtime are expected to be for 2 shifts per week
at $480/per shift or $24,960. The annual quantifiable savings are $28,020.00. The
cost avoidance of the liability exposure, MOHLTC financial penalties and risk of
damage to the reputation of Bruce County and Gateway Haven can conservatively
be valued at $100,000.
Reduced annual repairs
Reduced OT & Staff productivity
Cost avoidance of liability exposure
Total Benefit Value
The IT Department has already included the $50,000 for the cabling in the 2014
capital budget. The NEC phone system that was installed in 2012 can be purchased
by Social Housing and the remaining phones can be purchased by the IT
Department as spares. Currently the NEC system has a depreciated value of
$13,186. The Spectralink wireless system can be re-allocated to Brucelea Haven to
be used as spares and backup for their system. The Spectralink and nurse call
system are fully depreciated.
Moving Forward
Due to the complexity of the system combined with the care of the residents and
the need to minimize the interruptions to their lives, this project must be completed
in phases. The first phase will be the cabling of the facility. This must also be
completed in phases upgrading one unit at a time with the residents in that unit
being moved to another location in the facility.
After the cabling has been completed, the nurse call system and the associated
alarms must be installed. This system must be bridged to the existing nurse call
system so there is zero downtime or loss in service. This again will have to be
completed one unit at a time.
The third and final phase will be the phone system. Just like the nurse call system,
the phone system will be bridged to the current system to minimize interruptions in
service. The IT Department anticipates this installation to happen over a 4 month
The implementation of an upgraded digital system is required for Gateway Haven to
provide the necessary level of care for its residents and ensure the safety of its
employees. Without it, the Corporation opens itself up to the risk of fines from the
MOHLTC as well as diminished reputation. With Committee approval, the IT
Director would like to move forward with this project and work with the CAO, the
Treasurer and the Administration of Gateway to select a vendor and identify a
source to fund this project.
Presented By: Graeme Barrie – IT Director
January 28, 2014
The Corporation of the County of Bruce
Committee Report
Warden Mitch Twolan and
Members of the Homes Committee
Eleanor MacEwen, Administrator
Brucelea Haven
September 10, 2015
Administrator’s Report
The Brucelea Haven Administrator’s Report dated September 10, 2015 is for
Year To Date
Actual Days
Potential Days
Monthly Occupancy
WAIT LIST FOR ADMISSION The current wait list for Brucelea is 41
RESIDENT UPDATE: Over the summer, the residents have taken great
pleasuring from being outdoors on the balconies and in the parks. Several
outdoor events including the annual resident/staff/family summer party were
held. The entertainment provided by “On Q” a local barbershop quartet was
enjoyed by all.
DONATIONS RECEIVED: Since the submission of the last Homes Committee
report, Brucelea Haven has received a total of $535 in memorial donations
from five residents. From that total, $460 is deposited into the Resident
Recreation account and $75 added to general donations. A donation in the
amount of $675 was received from CFOS through the Owen Sound Sun Times
Christmas Broadcast. We continue to be grateful for this annual donation and
this is deposited into the general occasion.
Resident Quality Inspection (RQI) – The MOH arrived unannounced on July
13th, to implement the annual RQI at Brucelea Haven. The seven day
inspection included interviews with forty residents, discussions with staff,
resident council members and a number of family members.
At this time, the public report has not been received. The home has been
issued a copy of the outcomes which is called the Licensee Copy. Through that
report, the home has been advised of one order being issued. The order is in
relation to infection control and a written compliance plan is due for
submission by September 3rd, 2015 and the home is expected to have the
plan implemented and be in compliance by October 30, 2015.
A copy of the public report and a copy of the compliance plan for the issued
order will be submitted with the next home committee report.
Financial/Staffing/Legal/IT Considerations
Financial considerations for this report are related to the donations received.
There are no staffing, legal or IT considerations associated with this report.
Interdepartmental Consultation
Interdepartmental consultation has not occurred in relation to this committee
Link to Strategic Goals and Elements
Goal 6 – Explore alternate options to improve efficiency and service and for
this report, the response to the recommendations made in the Resident
Quality Inspection (RQI)
Approved by:
Kelley Coulter, Chief Administrative Officer
The Corporation of the County of Bruce
Gateway Haven
Warden Mitch Twolan
Members of the Homes Committee
Charles Young, Administrator Gateway Haven
September 10, 2015
Administrator’s Report
The Gateway Haven Administrator’s Report dated September 10, 2015 is for
Seniors Month at Gateway Haven. August was designated as Seniors
Month for all our residents and visitors at Gateway Haven. Throughout the
month there was special information and activities that emphasized Senior
Living especially in a Long Term Care setting. The public were invited to
come to the Home but there were more seniors off site Activities that started
and included – “Flashback to the Past” event at Story Book Village in Owen
Sound. “Oh to be a kid again” was the focus of the day and the residents
attending enjoyed themselves especially on the rides! The month concludes
on Aug 31st. with Randi and Friends. This ventriloquist has been visiting
GWH for a few years now and was the number one choice of residents to
conclude their month in celebrating seniors.
Ministry of Health Long Term Care Resident Quality Inspection
(RQI). From August 4 – August 14th the MOHLTC conducted its annual
Inspection of Resident Quality Inspection at Gateway Haven. The formal
report from the Ministry is forthcoming but no immediate or alarming
concerns were expressed by the Inspection team. When the pubic report is
received it will be shared with the Committee.
Resident Occupancy Gateway Haven – August 18, 2015
Actual Days
Potential Days
Current # Residents on Waiting List as of Aug. 24, 2015 - 26
Financial/Staffing/Legal/IT Considerations
There are no financial, staffing, legal or IT considerations associated with
this report.
Interdepartmental Consultation
There were no interdepartmental consultation in the preparation of this
Link to Strategic Goals and Elements of County of Bruce 2013-2023
Strategic Plan
Our strategic Values: Our “Community” will be …well connected and
mobile …High quality of life for all residents.
Our Strategic Goals: Find creative ways to engage our public
Approved by:
Kelley Coulter, Chief Administrative Officer