Academic Assembly Governance Plan

The name of the assembly shall be the Academic Assembly of the College Board, herein
referred to as the Assembly.
The Membership of the Assembly shall consist of all delegates of members of the College Board
named to the Assembly.
The Assembly shall function as a forum for the consideration of issues and actions related to
providing educational opportunities for all students. The Assembly shall advance educational
excellence for all students through the articulation and elaboration of academic standards and
standards for the delivery of curriculum and instruction, horizontally across the disciplines and
vertically across the educational continuum. It will provide a forum for addressing issues
related to curriculum, articulation, assessment, the governance structure of schools, and
sustained professional development. It will provide advice on programs and services
supporting universal access to high standards of learning.
A. Voting. All Assembly delegates of members of the College Board whose dues are paid are
eligible to vote at meetings of the Assembly or by mail ballot. The chief executive officer of
a member organization may designate a substitute to vote at a meeting in the absence of
the regular delegate. No person shall represent more than one member or cast more than
one vote.
B. Elections.
1. The Assembly shall participate in the governance of the College Board by electing
members of the Board of Trustees in accordance with Article X of the Bylaws of the
College Board and Article VI of this governance plan.
2. The Assembly shall elect a chair and chair-elect, each to serve a two-year term.
Incoming officers shall be installed at the Annual Meeting of the Assembly and shall
assume their responsibilities following that meeting. The chair shall preside at the
Annual Meeting of the Assembly and meetings of the Council. The chair, unless
elected a Trustee of the College Board under IV.B.1. above, shall sit with the Board of
Trustees as a member with voice, but without vote. If the chair is elected under IV.B.1.
above, the chair-elect shall so serve. The vice chair shall carry out the duties of the
chair in the absence of the chair.
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3. The Assembly shall elect members of the Assembly Council as provided in Articles V
and VI of this governance plan.
4. All elections of persons shall take place by a vote of the delegates by mail ballot. The
nominee receiving the largest number of votes for each slot, whether or not they
constitute a majority of the votes cast for all nominees to fill the position, shall be
C. Meetings.
1. The Assembly shall meet annually in conjunction with the National Forum of the
College Board.
2. Notice of the Annual Meeting, including a preliminary agenda and the text of any
amendments or resolutions proposed by the Assembly Council, the Board of Trustees,
or a member delegate must be mailed to the membership a least two (2) weeks prior to
the meeting. To be included in the call to the meeting, a resolution proposed by a
member delegate must be submitted to the Secretary of the Corporation at least eight
(8) weeks prior to the meeting. This requirement does not preclude a member from
bringing new business to the floor at a meeting.
3. The delegates present and entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum.
4. Resolutions may be approved by a majority vote of the meeting unless otherwise
provided in this governance plan.
5. Individuals who are not delegates of members and who are registered for the National
Forum may attend the Annual Meeting of the Assembly and may be accorded the
privilege of voice without vote by the chair with the consent of the delegates present.
6. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the
Annual Meeting of the Assembly in all cases to which they are applicable, unless
otherwise provided in this governance plan.
A. The Assembly Council shall manage the affairs of the Assembly and shall advise the Board
of Trustees and president of the College Board on matters of concern to the Assembly. It
1. Plan the Annual Meeting and Forum activities for the Assembly;
2. Establish procedures for nominations and elections in accordance with this governance
3. Transmit recommendations and resolutions of the Assembly to the president, the Board
of Trustees, and the Annual Meetings of the Members of the College Board;
4. Provide advice on matters relating to College Board programs and services; and
5. Sponsor the undertaking and dissemination of appropriate research.
B. The Council shall be composed of 25 members, as follows:
1. The chair, chair-elect, and past-chair of the Assembly, ex officio
2. Four elected by the members of the Academic Assembly;
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3. One elected by the Academic Assembly delegates to each of the regional assemblies
for a total of six;
4. The seven chairs of the academic advisory committees appointed by the chair of the
College Board;
5. Three appointed by the chair of the College Board; and
6. Two students appointed by the chair of the College Board.
C. Elected and appointed members of the Council shall serve three-year, nonrenewable terms.
If a vacancy occurs before the expiration of a term of an elected member, the Council, on
recommendation of the chair, may designate a person to serve until a successor can be
elected by the members of the Assembly. A successor shall be elected for the unexpired
term of the predecessor. Persons serving less than a three-year term are eligible for
D. A majority of the members of the Council shall constitute a quorum.
A. A nominating committee shall be appointed by the chair from among current Council
members. The nominating committee shall prepare slates of persons to be elected by the
assembly as follows:
1. Chair and chair-elect of the Assembly;
2. Members of the Council; and
3. Assembly-elected members of the Board of Trustees of the College Board.
B. A Program Planning Committee appointed by the chair of the Assembly shall concern itself
with the planning and development of Forum activities.
C. A Committee on Relations with Disciplinary Organizations appointed by the chair of the
Assembly shall provide for representation of, and liaison with, disciplinary organizations.
D. The chair may create and appoint members to committees as necessary with the approval
of the Council.
This governance plan may be amended by a majority vote at any Annual Meeting of the
Assembly, provided the text of the amendment has been included in the Call to the Meeting.
Any amendment becomes effective only upon approval of the Board of Trustees of the College
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