US Constitution Compromises Worksheet

“Large” states supported....
The Virginia Plan
• creation of a ___________
national government
• _____ “branches” of
• legislative branch consists of
_____ “houses”
“Small” states supported....
The New Jersey Plan
• _____ “branches” of
• legislative branch consists of
_____ “house”
• each state has _____vote,
regardless of population
• seats in both houses based on
The Great Compromise
• legislative branch consists of _____ “houses”
• lower house known as _____________________________________
- members elected directly by _________________ vote
- number of representatives from each state based on
• upper house called the __________________
- each state has ___________ Senators
Define the term compromise: ___________________________________________________________
What part(s) of the Great Compromise was/were written to please the supporters of the
Virginia Plan?
What part(s) of the Great Compromise was/were written to please the supporters of the New
Jersey Plan?