ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 307 (SECTIONS B1 AND B2) Summer 2011 NOTE: This lecture and the recitations associated with it are ONLY for students enrolled in B1 and B2 sections of Chemistry 307. Students enrolled in the B3 and B4 sections MUST attend the lecture that meets MTWThF 1:40pm and the recitation associated with that course. The courses are taught by different instructors, have different schedules, different exams and will be graded separately. Lecturer: Dr. G. Govindarajoo, (Dr. Rajoo) Office hours: MW 11:20am-12:45pm MSLC 309 (3rd floor ARC building) General: Text Book: "Organic Chemistry" by LG Wade 7th edition (required), and accompanying Study Guide (optional) and molecular models (optional). The Rutgers Bookstore and NJ Books are selling the textbook package (ISBN: 055874799X) which is selling at a very competitive price, much cheaper than the individual components. Although included in the package, WE ARE NOT USING CLICKERS OR ONLINE HOMEWORK. Molecular models may be used but not shared during exams. Copies of the exam from Summer 2010 (modified) which will be used in reviews are available on the Sakai website under resources and the MSLC reserve desk. Exams: There are two midterm exams: June 13 and June 27. The exams will consist of 14-15 multiple choice questions and 5-6 questions requiring written answers such as diagrams, short written explanations, mechanisms, nomenclature or short calculations. These exams will each be worth a maximum of 80 points; partial credit will be given for some written responses. The final exam (ALL MULTIPLE CHOICE) will be given on July 7th (9am-11:30am); this exam is worth a maximum of 160 points. Five quizzes will be given throughout the term in the recitation sections. The dates for the quizzes are June 6th, June 8th, June 15th, June 21st, and June 29th. Quizzes will consist of 4-5 questions requiring written answers worth a total of 16 points for each quiz; partial credit will be given for some responses. The final grade will be determined directly from the total points accumulated from exams and quizzes out of a possible 400 points. If you have a valid conflict with this exam or quiz schedule you must give written notification no later than June 2nd - the excuse of that absence is subject to approval. You MUST bring some form of photo ID to all exams and quizzes. No calculators are allowed during exams. NOTE: If you end up falling ill on the day of the exam, you have to make the decision if you take the exam or not. If you decide not to take it, get a doctor’s or dean’s note to excuse you for that absence. If you do decide to take the exam eventhough you are ill, be prepared to accept the consequences of the score you earn if you end up with a low score. We cannot disregard the score after the fact just because you took the exam while you were ill. Everyone wants extra vacation time. Unfortunately, we need every day of the summer session for the lectures and exams. We will not grant early finals for any reason that we wouldn’t accept for any other exam. “Family trips,” and prepaid airline tickets are not excuses that will be accepted. If you have a trip that forces you to be away before the session ends, drop the course today. Missed Exam: All exams must be taken at the scheduled times. If you fail to take an examination or quiz for any reason, you must provide a letter of excuse from your Dean of Students or a doctor (for a medical excuse) within 3 days of the absence, or you will receive a score of 0 (zero) in that particular quiz or exam. Homework: This is a very demanding course! In order to do well, you must keep up with the material by studying the text and lecture notes and by doing the homework problems listed in the syllabus. When doing problems, use the study guide only as a last resort. If you had to use the study guide to solve a problem, go back to that problem in a couple of days and try to solve it on your own. Use the recitation section to enhance your level of understanding. There will be some homework problems posted on the course website that you are highly encouraged to work on. The answers for these problems will be discussed in recitation section. Some exam questions will be directly derived from homework problems and recitation topics. The homework is not collected. Reviews: Reviews will be held after lecture on Thursdays. The material reviewed will be from material covered during that week. We will be using the Summer 2010 exams (modified) to review the material. The Summer 2010 exams are available at the reserve desk at the MSLC and on the course website. Website: We will be using sakai (URL: as a classroom management system. You should check this site regularly. If you check it now, you will find a number of documents posted. You will need a NetID to login so make sure that you have one for the site. If you are registered in the course and a Rutgers Student, you will automatically be a “member” of the online class. Under Resources on sakai, you will find copies of the Summer 2010 exams (modified), additional questions for you to work on based on a current chapter you are studying, keys for the exams you take etc. Under gradebook is where you will find your quiz scores, exam scores and eventually your final grade. You can also find the syllabus and basic information at Under the Undergrad tab, click on Summer 2011 courses. Click on the link for Chem 307. Students with Disabilities: If you have a disability, you are urged to speak to the course lecturer by 6/2/11 to make the necessary arrangements to support a successful learning experience. Also, you must arrange for the course lecturer to receive a letter from your College's Disability Concerns Coordinator (at Disability Services (732-932-2848 or verifying that you have a disability. Religious holidays: Students have to contact Dr. Govindarajoo about potential absences due to religious holidays by 6/2/11 in case the religious holidays coincide with days that quizzes and exams are administered. Valid documentation (a letter from a religious leader) MUST be provided for these potential absences. Chemistry 307 Course Schedule Summer 2011 Date Chapter, Sections Problems 5/31 Chap. 1: 1-11, Chap. 2: 1-7, 9-14 Chap. 2/ Chap. 3: 1-9, Chap. 2:8, Chap. 3:10-16 Chap. 3 1: 25-32, 34, 36-38, 40, 41 2: 27-30, 36-38, 40, 42-44 2: 32-35, 3: 33-38, 39a-d, 40-48 6/1 6/2 6/6 6/7 6/8 6/9 6/13 6/14 6/15 Chap. 4: 1-13, Chap. 1: 12-14 1: 42-43, 46-49, 4: 35-44, 46-48, 50, 55-56 Chap. 4: 14-16 Quiz in Recitation (Chap 1-3) Chap. 4/Chap. 5: 1-13, 15 5: 25a-l, k-x, 26i-p, 27, 30d-h, 31d-j, 32-34 36, 38, 39ab Chap. 5 Quiz in Recitation (Chap 3-5 (6/7 lecture)) Chap. 6: 1-21 6: 41-46a-e, 47, 53, 56, 58, 60, 63, 65, 69, 73 6/16 EXAM 1: (Chap. 1-5) Chap. 6 Chap. 12: 1-11, Ch.13:1-14 12: 12, 14-16, 13: 33-37, 39-45, 49-51, 53 Quiz in Recitation (Chap 5-6) Ch. 13 6/20 Chap. 7: 1-11/ Chap. 8: 1-17 6/21 Chap. 8 Quiz in Recitation (Chap 12-13) Chap. 9: 1-10 9: 26, 27abhj, 27a-f, 30, 33a-l, 34a-j, 35 Chap 10: 1-12 10: 30-34, 38-41, 44 6/22 6/23 6/27 6/28 6/29 7: 31, 32, 34, 37, 39, 42, 43, 45ac, 46, 54, 55 8: 46, 47a-q, 48a-h, 49a-i, 50a-m, 54bc, 55ab, 58abd, 61, 64 6/30 EXAM 2 (Chap 6-9, 12, 13) Chap. 10/ 11: 1-14 11: 39-45, 48, 53, 56 Chap. 11 Quiz in Recitation (Chap 9-10) Chap. 14: 1-15 14: 29-34, 38 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 HOLIDAY Chap. 14 / REVIEW REVIEW FINAL EXAM COMPREHENSIVE (9AM-11:30AM) NOTE: This schedule is subject to change. Any alteration in the schedule or the course content will be announced in lecture.